Apple - Red Delicious - tasting notes, identification, reviews (2024)

  • 19 Jul 2023Jennifer

    Perfectly fine. I like the crispness and how it's not too juicy. If you're lucky, it tastes kind of clean and floral, though most of the time it is overly-sweet and bland. Also browns too easily. The shape and colour of course is fun.

  • 13 Dec 2020ShamoaCOLORADO,United States

    Ah, the iconic Red Delicious apple! I didn't ever pay much attention to Red Delicious until I had spent time tasting other more exotic varieties of apple. My expectations were low returning to the Red Delicious. But I was surprised at how good a perfectly ripe Red Delicious truly is. It's sweet, but not too sweet, juicy, and has delicate floral notes in it's flavour. This dainty floral, rosewater like taste is the highlight of a perfect Red Delicious apple, which usually has shiny smooth dark crimson skin. The thickness and bitterness of the red skin is it's only undesirable trait.

  • 09 Apr 2020TashaNE,United States

    What have they done to my Red Delicious Apples? As a child, I would eat them with cheese and I loved them! Now they are mushy and brown inside. Still have some hint of their good flavour, but they are now consistently of poor quality, and nothing like the apples I loved as a child in the late 80's/90's.

  • 24 Oct 2019KathyFL,United States

    Until recently, my husband loved Red Delicious apples; however, two recent purchases from two different locations, turned out to be rotten from the inside. Would like to know what is going on. Normally the applies are delicious.

  • 02 May 2019AndrewCO,United States

    Until recently I would have agreed with the negative reviews here - they weren't very good.However, I believe that just as with other apples, it all depends on how good a specimen you find.I've been trying all types of apples that I can get at our local stores and comparing them, and decided I might as well try Red Delicious again - it has been many years since I've had bad experiences in the past. To my surprise, the apple I got was in excellent condition, and tasty enough for me to go back and purchase more.The specimens I got were grown in Washington (and I ate them in April in Colorado). They are juicy and sweet, with a fine grain. They are crisp but not dense to bite into. The skin is a little thick and slightly bitter - I'm wondering if that contributes to the potential health benefits found by some studies (try an internet search for the NIH study "Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits", which puts this apple near the top of the varieties they studied).All that being said, I can't claim this to be my favorite apple. It is rather one-dimensional (although I can't think of any other apples that have the same flavor), and for supermarket varieties I've tried lately I might prefer Pink Lady/Cripps Pink, Jazz/Scifresh, and Envy/Scilate - but variety is key and I will add a few of these to the rotation as long as the quality of the fruit available to me stays as high as it is now.

  • 08 Apr 2019YasserSAUDI ARABIA,United States

    I agree with most people here, it tastes like an expired apple.

  • 26 Mar 2019Rob HerbisonMA,United States

    Red Delicious apples tend to have a muddy or stale aftertaste which is probably why they are so highly sought after for cafeterias and corporate catering events.

  • 27 Nov 2018JohnAustralia

    taste like wet sand

  • 21 Jan 2018John A GasbarreMaine,United States

    It's a one-dimensional apple (sweet) that tastes like old snow when it gets a little long in the tooth. Problem is, you have no idea when you buy them just how old they are.

  • 25 Jul 2017Tom AmliePENNSYLVANIA,United States

    There sense from these comments is that there's a lot of variability! I've found that the "pretty" ones - large, red, unblemished, very pronounced conic shape - aren't worth eating and if I get one in a box lunch I usually take one bite just to be sure then throw it away. I've also had some very acceptable ones from WV panhandle/Shenandoah Valley region. Generally more mottled color, smaller, and rounder. They might be from older orchards with older variants?

  • 04 Jun 2017David MaxwellNOVA SCOTIA,Canada

    A few years ago there was a contest, 100 Things To Do With A Red Delicious Apple, (patterned after "100 things..a dead cat"). It *does* have very good use: smear it with Tanglefoot and hang it in your trees as a trap for Apple Maggot. (Just throw the whole thing away afterwards - no laborious cleaning of sticky red spheres)

  • 08 May 2017DuaneWASHINGTON,United States

    To Paul from CA--I doubt there has been an apple more selected and bred for color than the Red Delicious. And we drove that-in test after test, the consumer buys the reddest apple on the grocer's shelf. We're going that way now with the Mac, with the Gala. But the early Red Dels are something much different, I have one tree dating from the 1940's that not only is great tasting and explosively juicy, but also gives a hint of cinnamon to a great applesauce made from nothing but these Red Delicious apples, The original Red Delicious was called the Hawkeye when it was sold to Stark Bros., and it still is a wonderful fruit when you can find it. My Hawkeye is also a great producer. The fruit also parented many great apples, such as the Spokane Beauty, which held the world's apple size record for decades.

  • 25 Apr 2017Paul VincentCALIFORNIA,United States

    This damn apple is the honest reason I spent most of my lifetime not eating apples ever, for any reason. To be honest I want to blame this apple for being the reason Americans don't eat enough fruit, it ruins every single one of our expectations for apples forever and sends us searching for any other snack.I hate these apples because in addition to never having that good of a flavor and getting mushy all the time, and also browning extremely quickly, the skin is just awful. It's tough, and you end up with huge pieces of it that cut up the sides of your tongue. And for what flavor? Eating this apple is a very unpleasant experience, which I can say about absolutely 0 other apple varieties. People, it's never too late, if you're reading this and haven't tried other apples yet, seriously just throw that RD away. I use these apples for one thing only, rabbit food. Unless you're picking it right from the tree this is just truly a terrible apple.

  • 07 Jan 2017RobertMISSISSIPPI,United States

    I don't know what they (farmers) have done to my beautiful Red Delicious apples but for those without a historical reference (around 35 yrs of age and under). Look, they weren't named "DELICIOUS" for nothing. Back in the day one would bite into a RD and sweet juice would flow out the corners of your mouth. Texture was excellent and the skin was tasty and easy to chew.The crap they are marketing as Red Delicious is a very poor sample of what RD once was. The way I distinguish the classical RD from this genetic inferior, so call RD is smell. It's a fruity, mellow sweet smell. Smells like an apple! Some farmer out there is still growing The Red Delicious the old fashion way. Please let us know who you are. PLEASE, PLEASE. THANKS

  • 15 Apr 2016Joe MorrisUnited States

    One word: overrated.

  • 20 Oct 2015AnomalyUnited States

    When I bite into a Red Delicious apple, I imagine the taste is what sawdust and a little sugar mixed together would be.Awful apple. Worst ever.

  • 11 Oct 2015ColbyMASSACHUSETTS,United States

    Never pleased with this apple. Consistently has a mealy taste and frequently is dry like sawdust. Very little appeal in the sweet aspect too, and oftentimes the skin can be somewhat bitter.

  • 28 Aug 2015BaylorUnited States

    Crisp sweet and common which makes them great you can get them almost anywhere.

  • 25 Aug 2015Robert CrandallMICHIGAN,United States

    This was and still is one of my favorite apples. There are a few things to note, however.They are best after the first frost and they have been picked and let set for one week.If you eat them off the tree before the frost they actually have a slight bitter taste. After the frost they are very sweet but too crisp. Let them set for that week and they are mild with a great flavor.I have tried the ones in the Grocery store after reading some of these reviews. They are terrible. I have to believe they have been picked too early for shipping purposes.

  • 08 Mar 2015MariaNY,United States

    Many people have only experienced poor quality red delicious apples from the supermarket. They can be mealy, tough skin, etc. But a really fresh red delicious that was properly grown is a fantastic apple - crisp/snappy, juicy, not too sweet, not too tart. I guess they need the right conditions. I don't think they grow that well in NY, but Washington State grows great ones.

  • 01 Aug 2014ErikFL,United States

    red delicious apples are the reason nobody likes apples in the first place... introduce your kids to the good apples! Fuji! Granny Smith! Jazz! Come on people, red "delicious" apples are anything but.

  • 12 May 2014Tom & Diane DavidsonUTAH,United States

    A tree ripened fresh picked Red D is tough to beat to me. I do think there are many others that store better and are better buys at the grocery store but from your own yard, one mighty fine apple. Durable tree too. Probably better to try and find an older strain if you want to plant though.

  • 13 Mar 2014Elio EnidiasCA,United States

    I wanted to leave another review because I just bought three Reds at Safeway, which turned out to be very fresh. And I must say, a very nice eating apple. Very crisp, with light flesh. Easy to bite into. Sweet flavor and a pleasantly bitter skin. I guess I must concede that the Red is not intrinsically bad, but just a victim of mass distribution.

  • 10 Mar 2014Steve LarsonWA,United States

    I grew up with a large red delicious orchard in our backyard. A fresh, ripe red delicious from those trees was wonderful and one of my favorites. But, after a couple of weeks in the cellar or after coming out of CA they were unremarkable to awful. These were ancient full size trees - I am not sure about the trees bred today, but I hope the variety hasn't been ruined.

  • 04 Mar 2014MaryIA,United States

    Red Delicious IS a delicious apple of you get a good one. It is just as crisp and sweet as all the others. Plus, it has what I consider a true apple flavor...not so floral like some fancier varieties. For example, the often praised Honeycrisp I recently tried, literally had a perfume-y flavor. It was juicy, but not very sweet. Maybe I got a bad one, but I thought it was overrated. The Red Delicious seems to get a bad reputation because there are too many bad ones in a batch. Believe it or not, I've found bagged ones at Walmart from Michigan Apples, distributed by Riveridge Produce, and there was not one dud in the two bags I've had so far. Recently, they ran out, so I bought a bag of organic ones from Washington. They weren't nearly as good. I threw most of them out. Therefore, I don't believe organic means you are necessarity going to get a good Red Delicious. Anyhow, I suggest keep trying Red Delicious until you get a crisp sweet juicy one. You won't regret it.

  • 11 Jan 2014Elio EnidiasCA,United States

    Curious after reading the reviews, I decided to buy a couple of organic Reds from Whole Foods. It had been long time since I had eaten one, as like most reviewers, I regard it as an inferior apple. I happened to get two different brands. The larger one just said "Red Delicious USA" and the smaller one said "Daisy Girl". They weren't as bad as I was expecting. The main complaint is blandness. After that is a rather mealy texture. But the apples were good enough to finish eating. I can remember Reds from my youth which were very crispy. Unless I'm imagining things.

  • 23 Feb 2013Frank DellahoundUnited States

    For all those disappointed with the Red D, You are absolutely right. This apple underwent a fairly recent, fairly drastic change in the way it was bred and grown and handled that reduced it to junky mushy fruit it is today. Its reputation was well deserved at one point, however; a good Red Delicious should have a medium thick skin, be moderately crisp, very juicy and should taste like heaven, with strong floral scent and complex, sweet flesh marked by a hint of bitterness from the skin. It is truly one of the best apples you will ever taste.The only luck I have finding them is by buying "organic" Red Ds. I don't know how they are handled or grown that is different, but I bought one by chance and nearly cried when I bit in to it- the real Red Delicious was back! It was half the size of the standard grade Red and didn't have the thickened skin or dried out mealy character. Look local, look organic, look for fruitsellers that really know their stuff and don't give up hope! Stay away from the supermarkets and cafeteria Reds though.

  • 18 Jun 2012r SteeleCALIFORNIA,United States

    I have been an apple freak for a long time, eating between 8 and 15 per day. Over the years I've eaten hundreds of different types and varieties. Of all the apples I've eaten, Red Delicious are my absolute favorite, but they weren't always. I too had many mealy, flavorless ones which drove me away from them until I discovered how to determine by feel, which were perfect and which weren't. Since then I rarely eat any other type and very seldom ever do I make a mistake and select a bad one from the market......and to me, the thick skin is what makes it perfect.....just the right taste and texture to compliment one that's just right for eating - crisp, firm, sweet and juicy. If you've been turned-off by eating one too many crappy ones, try choosing the apples that are firm all the way around with NO soft spots anywhere, look at the stems - choose the ones that look the freshest (2 apples can look identical, yet one will have a very dry wrinkled will be the soft mealy one), I also very seldom take the largest ones, usually the average to slightly smaller are the best eating......and finally - keep them cold in the fridge, they taste better, are more firm and bruises are easier to feel and cut out...really.

  • 16 May 2012BillNORTH CAROLINA/DURHAM,United States

    Nice color but lacking in flavor and often mealy, I wouldn't eat a Red Delicious unless it was picked right off the tree. And even then it may not be good.

  • 20 Mar 2012AnnaTASMANIA,Australia

    I too used to dislike Red Delicious until I came to live in a house with an orchard attached. As I learned to know my fruit trees I soon realised that all apples taste like damp cardboard unless they are tree ripened. Red Delicious (the original) when fully ripe has often a "glass" or "water core" at which stage they have their full honey flavour and moisture content. Store bought apples cannot possibly have their full flavour and juice content as they have to be picked too early for a reasonable shelf life. No more damp cardboard for me or my customers!

  • 03 Feb 2012Albany AppleguyUnited States

    Flavor is ok, skin is very thick which detracts from the taste of the apple. It also has a good crunch.

  • 28 Oct 2011John HempelPA,United States

    Perhaps there are some good ones going by the same name, but for my money they're only good for baiting groundhog traps (as long as you didn't pay money for them. At least they have the integrity to identify themselves by their characteristic bumps on the bottom. Maybe there are others with that trait, but RD's are the only ones I know. Once I see that, I walk away.

  • 03 Jul 2011JicSURREY,United Kingdom

    A hugely underrated apple: crisp, sweet, with a interesting hint of bitterness from the skin. Yes, I've had dull, mealy ones too, but I think that is almost always from mishandling and poor storage. It's not a coincidence that Red Delicious is a 'parent' variety of most of the apples that have been overtaking it in popularity lately, or that it was probably the single most popular red apple variety in the world for many years. I think that its recent decline in popularity has actually increased the general quality level of the apples on sale. Ones from Washington state are usually the best.

  • 23 May 2011LauraIL,United States

    Red Delicious was responsible for getting me spanked as a kid. When I was maybe five years old (I'm now 20), my grandmother was trying to get me to eat one, and I literally could not chew the skin. I tried and tried, and I had to spit it out. She thought I was just being contrary and ultimately spanked me for spitting bits of apple all over the table. It wasn't until recently that I found out that I'm not the only one who finds the current Red "Delicious" gross and inedible. Take that, Grandma!

  • 03 Mar 2011Marion RaynerSURREY,United Kingdom

    Reply to Mike, 29th November, re: finding Washington Red Delicious Apples. I'd like to know how your wife got on with the 'Red Chief' Apples, 4015. Waitrose used to sell the Washington Red.Del. apples too, but have now switched to an Italian Red.Del. which doesn't do the job at all. Seems the warehouse where the American apples first arrive had a fire early last year, hence the apples weren't available. Maybe the store has switched because the Italian apple is available. A pity as this had nothing to do with the American supplier. My empathies with your wife Mike. Best wishes - Marion

  • 29 Nov 2010MikeUnited Kingdom

    This is a reply to Marion's question dated 19th November. I have been searching for Red Delicious for ages - my wife needs them for the same reason you do! This morning we visited our local Asda store where we found Red Chief apples with the code number 4015 on the label. According to this very website, Red Chief is a "sport" (whatever that means!) of Red Delicious. According to an earlier contributor 4015 is the correct code. We bought a few to try. Hope this helps.Mike, Lowestoft, UK

  • 20 Nov 2010N. BuckCAMBRIDGESHIRE,United Kingdom

    Marion Rayner - try Empire, Spartan or McIntosh as substitutes for Red Delicious.Also consider Gala, which has both Red and Golden Delicious its ancestry.

  • 19 Nov 2010Marion RaynerSURREY,United Kingdom

    I am desperate to find someone selling Washington Red Delicious apples in the UK, as they are the only natural remedy which can relieve my Oesophagus Reflux problem! Marks & Spencer usually carry them but out of season right now. Can anyone help?Many thanks - Marion

  • 27 Oct 2010JimKS,United States

    50 years ago, the Red Delicious apples available at the grocery store were sweet, crisp, and RIPE! Today, they are almost all metallic tasting, mealy, and GREEN!

  • 13 Aug 2010JesseUnited States

    People eat with their eyes and not their stomachs now days. I have some of the biggest and red-est Red delicious apples we planted about 3 years ago. We drive to Yakima Washington just about ever year to buy the old original Delicious apple from Johnson farms. This is the only place I have found them. I give lots of them away with my nice shinny reds that look good but taste like all reds today and the taste is BAD. After they bite into the old Delicious that I now call the standard Delicious they all say; where did you get those apples? Kevin HauserCALIFORNIA comment below tells of the color and the taste. I am 71 years old and grew up with the old Delicious apple and that is how it got its name as it was Delicious in taste. They don't last as long and the big chain stores wanted to make more money so they started making them red. Does anyone out there know where I can buy an original Delicious tree to plant? Please email me if you do.

  • 12 Aug 2010FrankOHIO,United States

    today i made the mistake of buying the worst tasting apple gown in the usa. the label reads "red del" "usa". the growers should be ashamed to marked this imposter they call an apple. i will never be fooled again.beautiful but not delicious.

  • 07 Aug 2010Zeke7HONOLULU,United States

    Right on, David C. G. of 10 Nov. 2007. The Red Declicious is a piece of beautacious, tasteless [tripe]. Fuji is the road you want to go down.

  • 16 Jul 2010DavidALBERTA,Canada

    Being quite young and not a big apple eater in my early years I have only been eating apples regularly for 6 months now. I just bought some Red Delicious for the first time to try them, but after biting into them I had to look around on the internet to see if the bland taste and thick skin were normal, or if I just got a bad batch. Unfortunately this appears to be normal. It's as shame as they are quite large and inexpensive (and seem to not bruise as much, due to the thick skin im guessing), but it looks like I'll be going back to Jonagold and my other favorites.

  • 10 Dec 2009Kathie SmithKILDARE,Ireland

    My late husband planted an apple tree that produces an apple visually like the one described. However the flesh is pure white, crunchy, juicy and sweet. I would love to know what variety it is. It crops quite late in the season, probably late september/october - I usually have a load to apples for Halloween. Does anyone know what this apple is.

  • 24 Nov 2009KassandraMAUI, HAWAII,United States

    I had no idea that the Red Delicious apple is declining in popularity. In Maui it is still quite popular.(a lot of people like the fuji apple better though...)

  • 17 Nov 2009Carol RoscoeWEST YORKSHIRE,United Kingdom

    I too am having great difficulty in purchasing this apple in England. It had been recommended for gastric reflux and I managed to buy two lots from my local Morrisons a couple of weeks ago but since ,then they have not had any and I have tried many other stores without success. If anyone can help on this I would be very grateful.

  • 16 Nov 2009DaveALEXANDRIA, VA,United States

    The apple the wicked witch gave to Snow White was probably a Red Delicious -- luscious on the outside, evil on the inside. Mealy, flavorless, leathery, messy -- but they look good and ship well, so for a while they had all but supplanted all of the real apples in the stores. Thank God that is changing, at long last.

  • 01 Nov 2009MaryBOSTON,United States

    This apple used to be wonderful when I was a kid about 20 years ago, and now it is RUINED. TI don't know if it is just me, but I remember Red Delicious as being a lighter shade of red and being very juicy with a good crunch-now it is just way, way too sweet and the skin, though beautiful, is like chewing on leather. This was an apple meant to be eaten out of hand but unfortunately it is not fit for that purpose anymore, which basically means you have an apple you can't bake with, can't make into juice, and can't eat out of hand.PS-I have a proposition: Red Delicious was born as a chance seedling. If anybody out there is interested, would it be worth it to see what happens if you plant a Delicious seed and see what happens? (I know, I know, apples do not grow true from seed, but with this variety it might be worth it to start all over again or try to replace this trainwreck.)

  • 21 Sep 2009PozzoukHAMPSHIRE,United Kingdom

    I always thought this apple was pithy and the best part tasteless until i encountered a couple of trees in an old lady's garden on Hayling Island. Unfortunately both she and the trees are now gone but luckily i manage to graft a bud onto a Bramley stock before the bulldozers moved in. Not entirely sure if this is the same variety but it looks and sounds identical to some of the descriptions on here - Yes the skin is tough but i have never encountered such a juicy, crisp, white fleshed apple in my life, gorgeous it is. Luckily this year my small tree produced 5 fruit and there is now enough growth for some more grafting to begin - hey ho.

  • 23 Jul 2009J.HarteBRISTOL,United Kingdom

    ASDA in Bristol have them, I make a point of buying them alongside the other varities I buy. I love these apples!

  • 20 May 2009Naomi C.NEW YORK STATE,United States

    The Red Delicious are crisp, juicy and sweet. However, I think they are being bred with very tough skins for better shipping. And the skins are really thicker than you would want to eat.

  • 30 Apr 2009AngelaNOTTINGHAMSHIRE,United Kingdom

    I remember about 40 years ago my Canadian uncle sent our family a crate of Red Delicious apples as a Christmas present. I can still remember the flavour and that they were indeed delicious! They are still among my favourite apples (next to Worcester Pearmain). I buy a supply every week from my local town market - they always seem to have them available. I also suffer from acid reflux and am pleased to hear about their medicinal properties - a good reason to eat more of them!

  • 25 Apr 2009Rita HLOUGHBOROUGH UK,United Kingdom

    I can't believe people find them hard to locate in the Uk. I am UK based and I eat this variety all the time, they are my favourite apple. I get them from my local Morrisons supermarket but they seem readily available in local green grocers, though I have to say I havent seen them in either Tescos or ASDA. Here they go under the names of either Red Delicious or Washington and have the number 4015 on the label. When they are 'Fresh' they are sweet, crunchy and delcious but leave them too long at they go soft and pulply, if I could I would grow my own as I think they are fabulous.

  • 11 Mar 2009MelvinEXETER, DEVON,UK,United Kingdom

    Red Delicious is recommended for the treatment of Acid Reflux. Is this variety available in the UK, and if so where? If it is not available, what is the nearest British/European equivalent please?

  • 25 Feb 2009Michael W.INDIANA,United States

    When I was young - 40 years ago - the Red Delicious was a good apple. We got them at a local orchard, and they were my favorite apple at the time. However, they didn't have the solid red color or the thick skin. When the growers bred the apple for that, they killed the flavor. I haven't bought a Red Delicious in over a decade because you can no longer get one that tastes like a real Red Delicious should.

  • 24 Nov 2008JulieLANCASTER, PA,United States

    These apples are produced for a society of consumers who shop with their eyes, and not their noses, or taste buds. They're the world's most beautiful apples, and a celebrity of the apple world. However like many beautiful human celebrities they are totally lacking in substance. They are either mealy and flavorless, or have a bitter unripe taste. Their skin is too think and you're liable to hurt your gums biting into one.

  • 13 Nov 2008Kevin HauserCALIFORNIA,United States

    Red Delicious is a sport of its superior parent, Delicious, also called Old Fashioned Delicious, Heritage Delicious, or Hawkeye. As is typical the original Delicious discovered in the late 1800's is not nearly as marketable, as it is not as well colored, being greenish-yellow with red stripes, but is infinately better flavored. I'll give samples in the fall to people who like it but cannot even guess that it is Delicous, as all they've ever had associated with that name were terrible. The difference between the two is so great that I would move to give them their own variety descriptions.

  • 08 Oct 2008Albasemi-Plena@Comcast.NetESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS,United States

    Heinous apple! Its skin is lovely, beyond that it is horrible! To my mind every time I have bitten into one the flavor always seemed "off" to me, with a nasty metallic undertone. The flesh also oxidizes too quickly. By the time you have completed eating your way around the circumference of the apple the flesh where you started is already visibly brown! It is famous as a poor apple for baking (tasteless), and because it browns so quickly it can't be sliced and served on a platter (as one might like to do along with a nice cheese). There are so many reasons to pass this one by!

  • 20 Sep 2008ZiadKALLASSY,United States

    It is the best apple. But this variety needs some special weather conditions to be so. I mean sun, water and relatively freshness. I grow a wide variety of red delicious spurs in mount Lebanon at elevations between 1450 and 1600m above see level and the taste is always GREAT.

  • 17 Jun 2008Sajjad Ahmad RatherSHARETPORA SHOPIAN KASHMIR,India

    The apple which is displayed is as beautiful as in my home garden, i like him much more than any other valuable thing. I like Apple's because i am also a fruit grower and especally Delicious apple's in my garden.

  • 27 May 2008Mathew PeetCAMBRIDGE,United Kingdom

    I always remember this apple from my childhoodwhen it could be bought from a farm shop. Irecently purchased from a super market and thetaste was fantastic. The apple was so juicy andsweet, just as I remember. Unfortunately the appleseemed only to be available once, i can't find itto buy anywhere.

  • 14 Apr 2008GenNORTHAMPTON,United Kingdom

    The red delicious looks really tempting, like a snow white apple. It a shame that its usually so soft and crumbly and sometimes even a bit bitter from the skin.

  • 13 Feb 2008M. ReedCOLLEGE STATION, TX, U.S.,United States

    I once tasted a 'Texas Ugly.' When Red Deliciousis grown in TX rather than Washington, the applesare entirely different--short, fat, andblotchy-multicolor. Without the high light andcool summers of WA, they don't take on thecharacteristic shape and color--but they do manageto have a better texture and flavor than thesupermarket RD. Actually edible!

  • 12 Feb 2008M. ReedCOLLEGE STATION, TX, U.S.,United States

    Our botany class does an apple tasting everysemester. Red Delicious is what the students aremost familiar with, but it always comes in deadlast for taste once we get them to try any othervariety.

  • 19 Nov 2007David C. G.KENTUCKY,United States

    The red Delicious apple used to be very sweet andsmelled so good, I could identify this apple bysmell. They have ruined this good apple. i don'tbuy them now.

  • As an expert in apple varieties, it's clear from the provided information that the Red Delicious apple has undergone both positive and negative transformations over the years. Let's break down the key concepts and information discussed in the article:

    1. Taste and Texture:

      • Early reviews praise the Red Delicious for being sweet, juicy, and having delicate floral notes when perfectly ripe.
      • Negative reviews highlight issues such as mealy texture, a bitter skin, and a decline in flavor compared to the past.
    2. Physical Characteristics:

      • The iconic dark crimson skin and pronounced conic shape are often mentioned.
      • Some reviewers appreciate the visual appeal of the Red Delicious, describing it as beautiful and tempting.
    3. Geographical Variability:

      • The quality of Red Delicious apples appears to vary based on where they are grown, with mentions of specimens from Washington being praised for their taste and quality.
    4. Historical Changes:

      • Older reviews express disappointment with the decline in quality, mentioning issues like mushiness, poor flavor, and a lack of resemblance to the Red Delicious of the past.
    5. Health Benefits:

      • A reference is made to a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggesting potential health benefits associated with Red Delicious apples, although the specifics are not detailed.
    6. Consumer Preferences:

      • Individual preferences vary, with some consumers expressing a dislike for the Red Delicious, while others find satisfaction in finding high-quality specimens.
    7. Culinary Uses:

      • The article touches on the use of Red Delicious apples in culinary applications, with mentions of eating them with cheese, using them in applesauce, and even using them as traps for Apple Maggot.
    8. Market Trends:

      • Consumer preferences have shifted over time, with some reviewers recommending alternative apple varieties such as Pink Lady, Jazz, Envy, Fuji, Granny Smith, and others.
    9. Historical Context:

      • Historical references provide insights into the original qualities of the Red Delicious, including its parentage and its once highly regarded status.
    10. Global Availability:

      • Consumers in different regions express challenges or success in finding Red Delicious apples. Some express difficulty finding them in the UK, while others in the US find them readily available in certain stores.
    11. Medicinal Properties:

      • There is a mention of Red Delicious being recommended for the treatment of acid reflux, leading to a search for the variety in the UK.

    In conclusion, the Red Delicious apple has a complex history with both positive and negative aspects. Its popularity has shifted, and consumers' experiences with the apple seem to depend on factors such as geographical origin, individual taste preferences, and changes in agricultural practices over time.

    Apple - Red Delicious - tasting notes, identification, reviews (2024)
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