Are peas high in histamine? (2024)

The Low Histamine diet helps reduce symptoms from conditions like Histamine Intolerance (HIT) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).The diet is challenging to follow, as there are very few primary data sources available that accurately detail which ingredients are:

1.) High in histamine and other amines like tyramine
2.) Histamine liberators (ingredients that trigger release of the body's natural histamine)
3.) DAO blockers (ingredients that block DAO, the enzyme that breaks down histamine and other amines)

We've done our best to provide accurate information on the histamine content of peas; however, we suggest working with a dietitian to navigate the diet and understand your individual needs.

Keep in mind that multiple histamine food lists exist. Some of them are based on science, and some of them are based on patient experiences. Use these lists as a starting place for your own personalized list of food triggers. You know your body best!

Check the Fig app for the latest ingredient annotations. Other helpful resources include SIGHI and Histamine Intolerance Awareness UK.

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Are peas high in histamine? (2024)


Are peas high histamine? ›

Most patients with histamine-related issues do not tolerate legumes well. Peas are likely high in histamine or other amines. They may also serve as histamine liberators - in other words, they could release the body's existing histamine.

Is pea protein OK for low histamine diet? ›

Is pea protein high in histamine? Green peas and pea protein are not high in histamine, but they are thought to cause the release of histamine, and should therefore be avoided on a low histamine diet.

Which legumes are low histamine? ›

Lower Histamine Foods
  • Beans – Dried – Soak overnight in water and pressure cook. Freshly cooked (kidney, black, navy, etc.) (pressure cooked is best) – L, O.
  • Garbanzo / Chickpeas – medium oxalate.
  • Lentils (legumes are higher lectin, use in moderation) – soak overnight in water and pressure cook – L, O.

Do peas contain Dao? ›

Here's something you can do that's easy and delicious to help calm down the histamine overreaction: Eat pea sprouts! Also called Pea Shoots or Pea Tendrils, Pea Sprouts contain an enzyme called Diamine Oxidase (DAO) that helps break down histamine in the human body so you can flush it out safely.

Do Sweet Potatoes raise histamine? ›

Sweet potato: Sweet potatoes are always an excellent choice when looking for a histamine intolerance recipe, as they are naturally low in histamine (1).

Can pea protein cause inflammation? ›

Pea protein contains purines, which can affect people who suffer from gout, since purine breaks down into uric acid that forms crystals in the joints and can cause inflammation and pain.

Are chickpeas a low histamine food? ›

Some low histamine foods are high in lectins. This means those lectin foods can make Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance worse. Chickpeas are one of those foods. They aren't that high in histamines, especially if cooked fresh.

Are canned chick peas high in histamine? ›

Canned Chickpea and other legumes (beans, lentils, soy, etc.) are generally histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine. They may also be high in histamine or other amines.

Are frozen green beans high histamine? ›

Green Bean and other legumes (beans, lentils, soy, etc.) are generally histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine. They may also be high in histamine or other amines.

What foods have no histamine? ›

Foods to eat
  • fresh meat and freshly caught fish.
  • non-citrus fruits.
  • eggs.
  • gluten-free grains, such as quinoa and rice.
  • dairy substitutes, such as coconut milk and almond milk.
  • fresh vegetables except tomatoes, avocados, spinach, and eggplant.
  • cooking oils, such as olive oil.

Do blueberries increase histamine? ›

Blueberry is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. However, be especially careful with dried fruits which tend to contain preservatives like sulfur dioxide or sulfites. These can trigger reactions in some patients.

Do carrots trigger histamine? ›

​ Carrot is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Carrot is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Does carrot increase histamine? ›

In the case of carrots, the histamine level was increased 2.5-fold by frying (31±6×103 ppm). The histamine level of laver seaweed was increased about 4-fold by frying (168±39.69×103 ppm). Frying increased the histamine level in carrots and laver seaweed. Histamine level in vegetables.

Do potatoes release histamine? ›

Potatoes do not have a high histamine content and do not increase the body's histamine burden. Therefore, most people with histamine intolerance can eat them safely. You can also eat potatoes with additional food sensitivities, such as gluten sensitivity.

Are peas inflammatory? ›

Anti-inflammatory nutrients in peas have been associated with lowering the risk of inflammatory conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis.

Are peas a high allergy food? ›

Legumes are among the most common foods causing allergic reactions in children and adults. Pea, a legume, may commonly induce symptoms of food allergy in sensitised individuals, and IgE antibodies to Pea have been detected in sensitised individuals (4,11,21, 31-34).

Can you be intolerant to peas? ›

Anybody can be allergic to peas. However, because peas are a legume, there is some clinically relevant cross-allergenicity or sensitivity between peas and other legumes like peanuts and lentils. Symptoms include atopic dermatitis, asthma, runny nose, nausea, and diarrhea.

Is cabbage high in histamine? ›

Cabbage is a histamine liberator. In other words, it triggers the release of the body's existing histamine. Watch out for fermented cabbage which is very high histamine.

Is cucumber high in histamine? ›

Cucumber is low in histamine and a refreshing addition to a salad. We've combined it with other low-histamine salad vegetables like radish, celery and anti-histamine onions in our radish and cucumber salad.

Is spinach high in histamine? ›

Spinach is a high-histamine food, which means it naturally has high levels of histamines. Histamine intolerance is difficult to diagnose. Often it requires ruling out food allergies first. If your healthcare provider suspects histamine intolerance, they may recommend a low-histamine diet to see if it helps.

Are peas OK on anti-inflammatory diet? ›

Although many anti-inflammatory diets claim that whole grains and pulses — beans, peas and lentils — increase inflammation, research shows otherwise. Pulses are high in fiber and magnesium, and magnesium has been shown to help reduce inflammation.

Is pea protein hard on the gut? ›

They include: Easily digestible. Pea protein is digested well and therefore easy on your stomach, unlike high-fat meat products.

What are the dangers of pea protein? ›

Pea protein is a rich source of purines, which are substances in both animal and plant foods that the body converts to uric acid. While purines aren't bad in normal amounts, excess doses could make it difficult for your kidneys to get rid of all the uric acid.

Are hard boiled eggs low histamine? ›

Boiled, fried, or poached eggs aren't affected by cooking methods when it comes to histamine content. Eggs are low in histamines, this makes them ideal for the low-histamine diet. Chickpeas, peanuts, and lentils have been found to have low concentrations of histamines and may be safely consumed in a low-histamine diet.

Is brown rice low histamine? ›

Brown Rice is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Brown Rice is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Do onions release histamine? ›

If you're allergic to onions, your immune system will identify onions, and possibly other alliums, as dangerous substances. Your body then takes protective measures, including the release of chemicals like histamine. These chemicals can cause symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to potentially life-threatening.

Are canned peas low histamine? ›

Canned Peas are histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine.

Are vanilla beans high in histamine? ›

Vanilla bean pods are generally well tolerated in small portions on a low histamine diet; however, vanilla is fermented and may cause issues in some especially sensitive patients. Every person has unique dietary triggers.

Is peanut butter high in histamine? ›

​ Peanut butter is low histamine but does act as a histamine liberator; in other words, it triggers the release of the body's natural histamine. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to peanut butter may be different than someone else's.

Do bell peppers have histamine? ›

Bell peppers may contain moderate levels of histamine and/or other amines like tyramine; however, they do not contain capsaicin like spicy peppers do. Capsaicin can irritate the gut, especially in patients with histamine-related issues.

Is olive oil high in histamine? ›

So, olive oil is technically a higher histamine food. In fact, olives are rich in both histamine and a similar molecule called tyramine. But, olive oil is listed as high histamine on some lists. And even low- or even anti- histamine on other lists.

Is fresh tuna high in histamine? ›

Tuna is generally high histamine. The histamine content of fish depends tremendously on freshness and species. Freshly caught or immediately frozen fish are strongly preferred. Avoid canned, smoked, marinated, salted or dried fish.

What is the best natural antihistamine food? ›

Share on Pinterest There are a number of natural antihistamines that may help relieve allergy symptoms. Vitamin C boosts the immune system.
1. Vitamin C
  • bell peppers.
  • broccoli.
  • cantaloupe melon.
  • cauliflower.
  • citrus fruits.
  • kiwifruit.
  • strawberries.
  • tomatoes and tomato juice.

What blocks histamine release? ›

They include Optivar (azelastine HCl), Alocril (nedocromil), Alamast (pemirolast potassium), and Zaditor (ketotifen fumarate).

What can block histamine? ›

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine, which means it can lower histamine levels and mitigate allergic reactions and symptoms. Consume plenty of Vitamin C rich foods, like tropical fruits, citrus fruits, broccoli and cauliflower, and berries.

Do apples increase histamine? ›

Fruits and vegetables are very important in a histamine-reducing diet, but some contain more histamine than others. Fruits such as apples, bananas, melons, figs, grapefruit, grapes, kiwi, mango and pears contain low levels of histamine and will not contribute to symptoms.

What fruit is a natural antihistamine? ›

Helps Fight Allergies: Red Apples

An apple a day keeps the allergist away. Red produce like apples contains a compound called quercetin. This compound is responsible for the red color and works as a natural antihistamine in your body.

Are apples a low histamine food? ›

​ Apple is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. However, be especially careful with dried fruits which tend to contain preservatives like sulfur dioxide or sulfites. These can trigger reactions in some patients.

Does broccoli increase histamine? ›

​ Broccoli is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Broccoli is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Does avocado increase histamine? ›

High Histamine – Avocado is considered a food with very high levels of histamine. Such foods can intensify the release of histamine in the body, thereby triggering allergy symptoms.

What snacks are low histamine? ›

21 Best Low Histamine Snacks
  • Rice cakes. Rice is a low-histamine food, which means that rice-based snacks are ideal! ...
  • Low-histamine fruits. Fortunately, there are plenty of delicious fruits that you can enjoy on a low-histamine diet. ...
  • Popcorn. ...
  • Tortilla chips. ...
  • Zucchini chips. ...
  • Golden milk. ...
  • Chia pudding. ...
  • Pretzels.
Aug 19, 2022

Is garlic high in histamine? ›

Ginger, basil, chives, oregano, garlic, peppermint, rosemary are all excellent histamine lowering herbs. Avoid or restrict anise, cinnamon, cloves, curry powder, paprika, and nutmeg. These can liberate histamine and cause mast cell reactions.

Is pumpkin high in histamine? ›

Pumpkin is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Pumpkin is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Is cauliflower high in histamine? ›

Cauliflower is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Cauliflower is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Is chicken high in histamine? ›

​ Chicken is low histamine only if it is fresh or frozen. Like all meat and poultry products, chicken is highly perishable and will form histamine rapidly. Avoid ground, marinated, smoked, aged and/or canned chicken.

Are cooked tomatoes high histamine? ›

Mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, avocado and citrus are generally considered rich in histamine.

Does exercise reduce histamine levels? ›

Don't be afraid of exercising

Because histamine release is associated with Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), allowing the muscles to recover almost fully before the next workout can reduce the surge of inflammation and histamine release at the next training session [7].

Are chick peas low histamine? ›

Some low histamine foods are high in lectins. This means those lectin foods can make Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Histamine Intolerance worse. Chickpeas are one of those foods. They aren't that high in histamines, especially if cooked fresh.

Do chickpeas cause histamine? ›

Canned Chickpea and other legumes (beans, lentils, soy, etc.) are generally histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine. They may also be high in histamine or other amines.

Are legumes a high histamine food? ›

High histamine foods include fermented foods, alcohol, aged cheeses, eggplant, avocado, citrus foods, dried fruit, legumes, and processed meats.

Are beans and lentils high in histamine? ›

Lentils are moderately high in histamine. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to red lentils may be different than someone else's. Test your individual tolerance to ingredients carefully and then keep track of them with the Fig app.

Are carrots high in histamine? ›

​ Carrot is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Carrot is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

Are black beans histamine? ›

Canned Black Beans and other legumes (beans, lentils, soy, etc.) are generally histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine. They may also be high in histamine or other amines.

Does Oats increase histamine? ›

​ Oatmeal is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Oatmeal is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

What food blocks histamine? ›

Antihistamine Foods
  • Onion.
  • Garlic.
  • Watercress.
  • Fresh ginger.
  • Fresh turmeric.
  • Fresh peppermint.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Apple.
May 31, 2021

Which beans are high histamine? ›

Black Beans are histamine liberators. In other words, they trigger the release of the body's existing histamine. Every person has unique dietary triggers. Your reaction to black beans may be different than someone else's.

Is brown rice low in histamine? ›

​ Brown Rice is likely suitable for a low histamine diet. Brown Rice is likely low in histamine and other amines and does not trigger release of the body's natural histamine.

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