Are Smart Watches Safe? Fact vs Fiction - Beat EMF (2024)

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As an EMF Consultant, one of the questions I get asked a lot is:

Are smart watches safe?

So instead of continuing to respond to a lot of emails one at a time, I thought it’d help to write a post about it.

Let’s take a look…

How Does a Smartwatch Work?

In a nutshell, smartwatches are basically small computers that you can wear on your wrist.

They work by syncing with a smartphone and connecting with an Android Operating System or Apple’s iOS. Most of them can connect to the internet and pair with bluetooth-enabled devices.

Smart watches can also be used to access apps, track events and activities, access your media, send and receive messages, and even track your vital signs.

Smartwatch Radiation: What You Need to Know

Smartwatches are definitely tempting to have because of their convenience and style.

I mean, even my 8 year old has asked for one! *umm, no*

But wireless gadgets like these are sources of radio frequency radiation that can have dangerous effects on the body.

Our bodies absorb that radiation, and over a long period of time, it can start having a biological impact.

The scary part about smartwatches, in my humble opinion, is that they’re designed and marketed to be worn all day, every day.

And even when the watches aren’t actively in use, as long as they have bluetooth enabled, they still emit RF radiation.

The proximity of the radiation source and the duration of gadget use – combined – is what alarms me.

Science has proven the obvious – the closer you are to a radiation source, the more hazardous the effects are.

Some smartwatch side effects that have already been reported include mood swings, headaches, and disrupted sleeping patterns.

However, severe effects have been linked to RF, including reproductive issues.

More than that, wearing smartwatches can open up a can of worms in people with pacemakers, as the gadget might interfere with how they function.

If you read the fine print in the owner’s manual for devices like these, you’ll see warnings about possible interference with medical implants.

To me, that’s a blatant admission that the frequencies such gadgets operate on are a little more “impactful” than they’d have us believe.

Other Disadvantages of Smart Watches

1. Privacy Concerns

As mentioned earlier, smartwatches use wireless networks to transmit information to different devices.

This feature is a matter of concern because the safety of transferred data from a smartwatch to a phone may not be as secure. This is especially alarming for people who use smartwatches to pay digitally.

There’s always a possibility for information that’s transmitted wirelessly to be hacked in several different ways.

For one, hackers could get your personal information, especially if it isn’t encrypted, by intercepting the signal then stealing data.

2. Health Issues

Several health issues may arise from exposure to radiation. For instance, a number of individuals have reported experiencing intense headaches and nausea, especially when wearing the smartwatch for a long time.

Another symptom may be issues regarding sleeping patterns and memory gaps.

Other users have complained about their inability to fall asleep and their struggle to establish a new sleeping pattern after wearing the watch for a while.

Memory issues can occur too, especially since tech in general can lead to an overall lack of concentration. But mainly, problems with memory are connected to the lack of sleep.

Proper sleep is so essential to a healthy functioning body, but the blue light emitted by smartphones and watches keeps our brain awake by disrupting our sleep hormone, melatonin.

Other Not-So-Great “Features”

Apart from privacy issues and concerns regarding your health, smartwatches have their limitations.

First of all, the data it gathers can be false due to its sensors and steps calculator being inaccurate at times.

And the small screen of a smartwatch can be a problem especially for those with eye problems. Even those with “perfect” vision can experience eye strain or eye fatigue.

A Closer Look at Specific Watches

Garmin Watch Radiation

Users of the Garmin watch have expressed concerns over possible skin problems. Prolonged, direct exposure to Garmin watch can lead to rashes that look like mild burns.

Although the cause of such burns may be due to other factors, it’s suspected that the radiation from the device is a contributing factor.

Apple Watch Radiation

Apple watches are especially concerning because Apple has proven with past products (like AirPods) that they don’t place much emphasis on safety or trying to keep a low SAR value.

Check out my complete evaluation of Apple watch radiation here.

Like Garmin, people have also expressed concerns regarding radiation burns, but there hasn’t been “sufficient evidence” to link the two so far.

While past tests showed that mice grew tumors upon long exposure to smartphones, tests using smartwatches didn’t yield the same alarming results.

Still, many are not convinced of their safety since they use similar technology.

And just as an aside, fitness trackers like the FitBit emit radiation as well.

My #1 Concern: No Long-Term Data

Smartwatches are somewhat “new” – a fad perhaps.

They just haven’t been around long enough, and therefore haven’t had sufficient studies to prove or disprove long-term effects of wearing them.

And when it comes to EMF and RF, long term is the name of the game. It’s the most important aspect to study because it’s the low and slow, cumulative effects that are concerning.

We do have an idea of the effect of radiation in the short-term, but more studies are needed to confirm what can come of our exposure after years of use.

The best we can do now is to take precautions and be careful that we don’t abuse our gadgets.

So with that said, let’s turn our attention to how we can do that.

Is There Such a Thing as a Smartwatch Radiation Shield?

Due to concerns surrounding EMF radiation from smartwatches, there’s now a demand for shielding products.

Some of the front-runners include the Memonizer Smartwatch and the BloxShield. They’re referred to as “harmonizers”, which claim to lessen the impact of this type of radiation on your body.

But the question is, do these harmonizers work? I don’t really think so.

Smartwatches can’t function without radiation. So if it’s still connected to your phone, guess what? It’s still emitting RF radiation.

Even if the shielding works by using some sort of reflective material (which I usually recommend), it would typically be placed between your skin and the bottom of the watch…which is good.

But think about what position you hold your hand in when actively using the watch – in front of your face, maybe a foot away. So yeah, the shielding material is deflecting RF away from your wrist, but now it’s directed at your face.

I’m afraid such shielding products lull you into a false sense of security, when in fact you’re still being exposed to radiation.

This may even be worse because you’ll let your guard down, possibly causing you to overuse your gadgets and end up absorbing higher amounts of EMF.

So What Can You Do About Smartwatch Radiation?

Consider these tips:

1. Go Back to Old School Watches

Old-school watches may not be the cool kid on the block, but at least they don’t pose a risk to your wellbeing!

These watches have served us just fine for decades.

Before purchasing a smartwatch, you might want to carefully think if you really need those high-tech features or if they’re something you can live without.

Is it the “wellness optimization” data you’re after? Maybe a fitness tracker without bluetooth is the better option.

Or perhaps the apps or data you need to access can be done from your phone and laptop? Yes, they’re RF sources to, but they can be hardwired and they’re not worn in direct contact with your skin 24/7.

If it turns out that telling time is your priority, then you might want to stick to a regular ole watch.

2. Use It Safer (Airplane Mode Is Your Best Friend Here)

Another option is to switch your smartwatch to airplane mode, which disables wireless connections such as WiFi, Bluetooth, and cellular data.

Even in airplane mode, there are still several features and apps that you can access. And music and such can be downloaded in full, then enjoyed in airplane mode.

3. Don’t Wear It While You Sleep

Whatever you do, don’t wear a smartwatch while you sleep. While some are marketed to help ‘optimize’ sleep, it does the exact opposite.

And since most of us sleep 7-8 hours per night, that’d be 7-8 hours straight of EMF exposure. It’s just not worth it.

Bottom Line: Are Smartwatches Dangerous?

As of now, there isn’t a definitive answer as to whether smartwatches are safe or not.

On one hand, some researchers claim there is nothing to worry about. However, many studies have been conducted on electromagnetic and radio frequency radiation that have shown a negative impact.

While the FCC is firm in their belief that EMF radiation isn’t a concern, the studies (not funded by big tech) say otherwise.

So what do we do about such contradicting claims? Probably wait for further research, but I don’t really want to be blasting myself with EMF in the meantime, do you?

At the very least, we should use them “smartly” – as in not as often and taking full advantage of the airplane mode feature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do smartwatches cause cancer?

That has yet to be proven. While there are studies that indicate radio frequency is a carcinogen, smartwatches themselves have not been linked to cancer.

Do they emit radiation all the time?

As long as they are synced with a smartphone, then yes. However, if the watch is in airplane mode, it won’t emit radiation.

Are Smart Watches Safe? Fact vs Fiction - Beat EMF (1)

Jordan Mitchell

Certified EMF Expert, Chief Editor & Researcher at Beat EMF. I’m in charge of testing all the products and sorting through the duds to deliver effective EMF solutions for your family.Learn more about me here.

Are Smart Watches Safe? Fact vs Fiction - Beat EMF (2024)


Do smart watches give off EMF? ›

Yes, they do emit a small amount of magnetic radiation, a type of electromagnetic radiation. This is a rather small amount, but should still be a concern given its close proximity to the body.

Is there any harm in wearing smart watch? ›

One major concern is skin irritation or rashes that can occur while wearing the device. It seems that this problem occurs most often when people don't properly clean the sensors on their smartwatches or fitness trackers before wearing them.

Why not to use smartwatch? ›

Fitness Tracking Is Sometimes Unreliable

Fitness tracking is a relatively new concept. This means that the data that you receive from them isn't always entirely accurate. Data tracking issues apply to both smartwatches and fitness trackers. They can give you a lot of information that you wouldn't otherwise have.

Do Apple watches emit a lot of radiation? ›

Apple Watch has been tested and meets applicable limits for radio frequency (RF) exposure. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) refers to the rate at which the body absorbs RF energy.

What appliances give off EMF? ›

Sources of ELF-EMFs include power lines, electrical wiring, and electrical appliances such as shavers, hair dryers, and electric blankets.

Should I turn off my smartwatch at night? ›

This was the same question in my mind as well until I did some research online. Yes, if you switch off your battery it will save ton of your battery life.

Should you wear smartwatch all day? ›

So, the radiation levels from a smartwatch are almost minimal! So, keeping your comfort in mind, you can wear a smartwatch 24*7. So, keep your hand with the smartwatch away from your head and you are good to wear it, even while sleeping.

What are the disadvantages of smart wearables? ›

Cons of wearable technology
  • Data security concerns. ...
  • Technical concerns. ...
  • Capabilities are limited. ...
  • Wearable technology is expensive.
Feb 9, 2022

How do I protect myself from Apple Watch radiation? ›

Use Airplane Mode. One of the absolute best things you can do to protect yourself from the EMF radiation emitted from your Apple watch is to put it in airplane mode whenever it's reasonable to do so.

Is it safe to wear an Apple Watch all the time? ›

Simply put, it's not unhealthy to wear your Apple Watch for a long period of time. Smart Watches are really great to have and use. Realistically, at some point you will have to take the watch off to charge it so count that as your wrist break 🙂. The biggest concern, however, is maintenance.

Do fitness watches give off radiation? ›

Many of these rumors are sourced in the fact that wearable fitness trackers emit amounts of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) radiation. This may sound dangerous, but as far as modern science can tell – it's no cause for concern.

What does EMF do to your brain? ›

It has been found that RF-EMF can induce changes in central nervous system nerve cells, including neuronal cell apoptosis, changes in the function of the nerve myelin and ion channels; furthermore, RF-EMF act as a stress source in living creatures.

What are the symptoms of EMF exposure? ›

The symptoms most commonly experienced include dermatological symptoms (redness, tingling, and burning sensations) as well as neurasthenic and vegetative symptoms (fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, and digestive disturbances).

Do cell phones emit EMF? ›

Cell phones emit radiation in the radiofrequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Second-, third-, and fourth-generation cell phones (2G, 3G, 4G) emit radiofrequency in the frequency range of 0.7–2.7 GHz. Fifth-generation (5G) cell phones are anticipated to use the frequency spectrum up to 80 GHz.

How far away can my smartwatch be from my phone and still be connected? ›

If your smartwatch is connected to Wi-Fi, and your phone has a Wi-Fi or cellular network connection, your smartphone can be anywhere you like. The Wi-Fi network doesn't have to be the same either. If your smartwatch isn't connected to Wi-Fi, keep it within 30 feet your phone.

Can a smart watch drain your phone battery? ›

If you have paired a wearable device, such as a watch or band, with your phone using Bluetooth or other connection methods, the wearable device sends data to the phone intermittently. As a result, the phone is woken up from standby when it receives data from the wearable device, increasing power consumption.

How long will a smartwatch last? ›

You may well get two to five years of use out of a smartwatch, or even more, depending on the manufacturer and model. But, ultimately, longevity needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Can smartwatches measure blood pressure? ›

Smartwatch blood pressure monitors work by tracking your heart rate and blood pressure. The watch will then use this information to provide you with an estimate of your blood pressure. The watch will also provide you with tips on how to lower your blood pressure if it is too high.

How does a smart watch know you are sleeping? ›

Accelerometers. Most sleep trackers measure sleep quantity and quality by using accelerometers, small motion detectors. Accelerometers measure how much movement you're making while you sleep. This data is then analyzed using an algorithm to estimate sleep time and quality.

What are 3 positives and 3 negatives of wearable technology? ›

Pros and Cons of Wearable Tech
  • Pro: Wearable Tech is Convenient.
  • Con: Wearable Tech is Limited.
  • Pro: Most Wearable Tech is Discreet.
  • Con: Some Wearable Tech is Not Discreet.
  • Pro: Wearable Tech is Useful.
  • Con: Wearable Tech is Expensive.

What are the top 5 wearable technologies today? ›

Top 10 Wearable IoT Devices in 2022
  1. Smart Ring. The majority of the people face trouble in handling their car keys, house keys, metro cards and credit cards together, and fear of losing any of them is real. ...
  2. Smart Belt. ...
  3. Gaming Armbands. ...
  4. Smart Shoes. ...
  5. Fitness Tracker. ...
  6. Smart Clothing. ...
  7. Smart Glasses. ...
  8. GPS tracking Band.
Mar 21, 2022

What is the negative impact of wearable technology? ›

Many wearables tend to have little to no security measures keeping their data safe. The fact that much of the data is unencrypted and that most of these devices use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections to transmit data means cybercriminals can get their hands on it pretty easily.

Does Apple Watch affect health? ›

(The Apple Watch uses Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to receive data, and researchers say there is no proven harm from those frequencies on the human body.

Do Apple products emit radiation? ›

Apple's AirPods and similar wireless devices emit radiofrequency radiation, a kind of low-level electromagnetic field referred to as EMF, that most scientists say is harmless. The government sets limits for how much radiofrequency radiation products can emit, based on how much exposure is safe.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.