Are You Using Lines Correctly for Your Design Projects? (2024)

Lines do more than connect the dots in a design

Are You Using Lines Correctly for Your Design Projects? (1)


Jacci Howard Bear


A graphic designer, writer, and artist who writes about and teaches print and web design.

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Updated on November 07, 2021

What to Know

  • Lines can be used for a bunch of different purposes from simple organization to conveying complex meaning.
  • Different lines in different orientations have different characteristics.
  • Lines are often used to express information, and lines are key components of the world around us.

As an element of design, lines can stand alone or be part of another graphic element. They are versatile and one of the building blocks of graphic design thatcan communicate emotion and information.

Linesare the most basic of all the elements of design. Lines can be long or short, straight, or curved. They can also be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. Lines are solid, dashed, thick, thin, or of variable width. A line's ending can be ragged, blunt, or curved.

The value of lines in graphic design cannot be understated. However you choose to combine them, lines tell a story and give a design its personality.

Line Uses in Design

Lines fill several roles in graphic design. You can use them to:

  • Organize by separating or grouping elements on the page​​ — one prime example being using the grid system.
  • Texturizeby using specific types of lines to suggest or simulate a rough or smooth texture.
  • Guide the eyeby using lines as arrows or in other ways that lead the eye to certain parts of the page.
  • Provide movementwith wavy lines that suggest moving water or vary line thickness to create an illusion of shape and movement.
  • Make a statementby using lines of different sizes and contrast.
  • Convey universal meaningsby using dashed lines to suggest coupons, wavy lines to suggest water, or spirals to suggest a whirlwind of activity.

When used alone, lines can be rulesorleaders used to separate, organize, emphasize, or provide a framework for the page. Alone or as part of another graphic element, lines create patterns, set a mood, provide visual texture, create movement, and define shapes.

Characteristics of Lines

Whether lines are drawn or appear in nature, they represent various states of mind, including:

  • Horizontal lines indicate a sense of motionlessrest and peace.
  • Vertical lines are seen as tall and represent grandeur.
  • Horizontal and vertical lines used together in a square or rectangular shape convey structure and represent stability.
  • Diagonal lines move the eye in a direction and indicate movement and fluidity.
  • Shallow curves are relaxing, while deep curves represent violence.
  • A series of diagonal lines with abrupt changes of direction give chaos to the design that puts off a sense of energy.

Lines That Express Information

Some specific arrangements of lines are widely recognized as suppliers of information. Among them are:

  • Maps
  • Graphs
  • Floor plans
  • Calligraphy

Lines All Around Us

Your design may make use of lines that appear in cityscapes or nature. The vertical lines of a skyscraperor the horizontal lines of a low building both direct the eye. Lines exist in nature as tree branches and as zebra or tiger stripes. Lines can also be subtle, like the line implied by children standing in a row or of people lining up at a cash register.

Types of Lines

Lines can be used to trace the outline of an object. This type of drawing is called a contour drawing. Gesture lines do more than followan outline; they depict movement as well. Lines can be patterned, non-solid, curved or freeform lines. All serve a graphic designer in different ways.



Your Citation

Bear, Jacci Howard. "The Basics of Lines and How to Use Them in Design." ThoughtCo, Dec. 6, 2021,, Jacci Howard. (2021, December 6). The Basics of Lines and How to Use Them in Design. Retrieved from, Jacci Howard. "The Basics of Lines and How to Use Them in Design." ThoughtCo. (accessed March 26, 2023).

Are You Using Lines Correctly for Your Design Projects? (2024)
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