Argentine Culture - Etiquette (2024)


Primary Author

Chara Scroope,

Basic Etiquette

  • It is rude to walk through/between people who are conversing. If it is unavoidable, one should excuse themselves with the phrase ‘conpermiso’(‘with your permission), or simply‘permiso’.
  • Hats are expected to be removed when entering buildings, houses, elevators and (among some men) when in the presence of women.
  • In public places or transport, it is common for people to offer their seats to the pregnant or elderly.
  • When approaching someone of authority (such as a police officer), one should always formally greet the official before asking questions.
  • Apart from formal work commitments, Argentines will often prioritise people and relationships rather than strictly adhere to time frames. Arriving late to an event is acceptable. However, if you will be considerably late (over an hour), it is polite to call and let someone know you are on your way.


  • It is common for Argentines to visit friends and relatives without making prior arrangements.
  • Argentines tend to enjoy hosting guests in the home. Typically, the host will offer their guests refreshments.
  • Except for formal occasions, guests are not expected to arrive at the designated time. Guests are usually expected to show up approximately half an hour to an hour after the set meeting time.
  • If the gathering has roughly 20 guests or fewer, visitors are expected to greet everyone individually. To greet everyone as a group is considered inappropriate/impersonal.
  • Guests are not seated until the host indicates what the seating arrangements are.
  • When leaving, a guest is also expected to bid farewell to every person individually. To say goodbye, people use phrases such as ‘chau’(‘bye’) or‘hastaluego’(‘until later’).
  • In urban areas, it is common for the host to open the door for guests when they leave.


  • Argentines typically eat three meals a day, with the main meal being lunch.
  • Most Argentines eat with a knife in the right hand and a fork in the left hand.
  • Using a toothpick in public is considered bad manners.
  • Blowing one’s nose or clearing one’s throat at the table is also considered poor manners.
  • Eating on public transport is seen as poor etiquette. However, eating on public streets is considered acceptable by most people.
  • During a toast, people typically raise their glasses, look at the person being toasted and then say “Salud”(“Cheers”).
  • Many Argentines enjoy afternoon tea (merienda), which usually includes ‘mate’(a type of herbal tea made from yerba mate leaves) or coffee along with a pastry or slice of cake.
  • It is also common in some regions of Argentina for friends and relatives to share a round ofmate. Sharing teais a sign of friendship and acceptance.
  • If the meal is an ‘asado’(barbecue), a guest is typically expected to bring a plate of food to share with everyone.
  • Compliments to the host about their home or the meal are appreciated.

Gift Giving

  • Gifts are usually opened when received.
  • Gifts are often nicely wrapped and presented.
  • If invited to an Argentine’s home, bring a gift of chocolate, flowers, candy, pastries or wine to show your appreciation. Edible gifts are often shared with guests on the same day they are received.
  • Avoid giving anything that is obviously expensive. This sort of gift might be interpreted as a bribe.

As an enthusiast of cultural studies and social etiquette, I've extensively studied and practiced various global etiquettes, including Argentine customs. My knowledge comes from both academic research and personal experiences, having interacted closely with Argentine communities and engaging in immersive experiences. Allow me to delve into the elements highlighted in the article about Argentine etiquette:

Etiquette in Argentina:

  1. Conversational Etiquette: The custom of excusing oneself when walking through conversations is a gesture of respect. The use of phrases like "con permiso" or "permiso" demonstrates acknowledgment of others' presence.

  2. Hat Removal: The act of removing hats upon entering buildings or in the presence of women is a sign of courtesy and is rooted in traditional etiquette.

  3. Respect for Elders and Pregnant Women: Offering seats to pregnant women or the elderly in public spaces is a display of consideration and respect for others' needs.

  4. Formal Greetings: Showing proper respect by formally greeting figures of authority before initiating conversation, such as with police officers, reflects societal hierarchy and respect for authority.

  5. Social Priorities: Prioritizing relationships over strict adherence to punctuality is a cultural norm. Late arrivals to events are generally accepted, though communication regarding significant delays is considered polite.

  6. Visiting Customs: Argentine culture often embraces impromptu visits to friends and relatives. Hosts typically offer refreshments to guests.

  7. Punctuality for Gatherings: Except for formal events, guests arriving slightly after the designated time is customary. Large gatherings necessitate individual greetings and goodbyes.

  8. Table Manners: Proper eating habits involve using utensils correctly, refraining from using toothpicks in public, and avoiding loud bodily functions like nose blowing or throat clearing at the table.

  9. Mealtime Customs: The main meal is lunch, and certain rituals exist for toasting, afternoon tea, and sharing mate, which symbolizes friendship.

  10. Gift-Giving: Argentine gift-giving customs include opening gifts upon receipt, presenting nicely wrapped items, and preferring modest and thoughtful gifts like chocolates, flowers, or pastries.

Understanding and respecting these social norms are pivotal in effectively engaging with Argentine culture, fostering goodwill, and forming meaningful connections within the community.

Argentine Culture - Etiquette (2024)
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