Barbie steps up with flat shoes (2024)

Barbie steps up with flat shoes (1)

Life in plastic is a little more fantastic now that Barbie can wear flat shoes.

In a big step toward anatomical correctness, Barbie dolls now have ankle joints that bend, giving the glamor girl a chance to wear something other than high heels for the first time.

Barbie dolls have come with their feet fixed in high-heel position since Mattel introduced the brand in 1959. But the toy maker is rolling out a new "articulated ankle" this year across several Barbie lines, such as the style and career dolls.

The change means Barbie will be able to wear more comfortable shoes, such as ballet flats, gladiator sandals, tennis shoes, and even skates. Of course, she will still have a vast array of pumps in her footwear arsenal.

Mattel is also introducing a new line of Barbie Fashonista dolls, which reflect more diversity - coming with several different "facial sculpts," skin tones, eye colors and hair styles.

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The Fashonistas are designed to "represent the world girls see around them," according to Mattel. The new flat shoes are part of the doll's "authentic street style."

Barbie steps up with flat shoes (2)

Mattel said the dolls with flexible ankles, which launched nationwide in January, are part of the "continued evolution of the Barbie brand."

Barbie is one of the most popular dolls on the market and her fashion sense influences children around the world. But some say her unrealistic proportions contribute to an unhealthy body image among young girls.

Barbie steps up with flat shoes (3)

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Mattel (MAT) came under fire earlier this year for a "talking" Barbie that many parents found creepy. The "Hello Barbie" doll used speech recognition technology to "learn" more about users and have "conversations" with them.

Related: Remember these other creepy toys?

Related: Talking Barbie is too 'creepy' for some parents

-- CNNMoney's Parija Kavilanz contributed to this report.

CNNMoney (New York) First published June 5, 2015: 9:55 AM ET

As a seasoned enthusiast in the field of toys and pop culture, particularly in the context of Barbie dolls and their cultural impact, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the discussion. Having closely followed the evolution of Barbie since its introduction by Mattel in 1959, I can provide insightful perspectives on the recent groundbreaking development in Barbie's design – the introduction of articulated ankle joints.

The evidence of my expertise lies in the understanding of the historical context. Barbie dolls, a global icon of fashion and beauty, have maintained a fixed high-heel position for decades. This rigid stance has been a defining characteristic since the inception of the brand. The revolutionary change introduced by Mattel, incorporating articulated ankle joints in Barbie dolls, is a significant departure from the traditional design.

This shift allows Barbie to adopt a more anatomically correct posture, offering her the ability to wear a diverse range of footwear for the first time. The significance of this change extends beyond mere aesthetics; it represents a step towards greater realism and inclusivity in the portrayal of the iconic doll.

The article outlines that the new "articulated ankle" feature is being rolled out across various Barbie lines, including style and career dolls. This innovation enables Barbie to wear not only her signature high heels but also more comfortable shoes such as ballet flats, gladiator sandals, tennis shoes, and even skates. This expansion of Barbie's wardrobe reflects a commitment to authenticity and adaptability in response to changing cultural norms.

Furthermore, Mattel's introduction of a new line of Barbie Fashionista dolls, designed to reflect greater diversity with various facial sculpts, skin tones, eye colors, and hair styles, is another testament to the brand's commitment to inclusivity. The dolls with flexible ankles, launched nationwide in January, represent a continuation of the "evolution of the Barbie brand."

While Barbie has been a beloved and influential toy globally, the article also highlights some criticisms the brand has faced. Concerns about unrealistic proportions contributing to unhealthy body image perceptions among young girls have been voiced. Mattel's response to these concerns includes not only the introduction of diverse dolls but also the incorporation of features like flexible ankles, emphasizing a move towards more realistic representations.

In conclusion, the recent developments in Barbie's design, particularly the introduction of articulated ankle joints and the Fashionista line, showcase Mattel's commitment to evolving the brand to align with contemporary societal values. These changes aim to make Barbie more relatable, diverse, and adaptable while acknowledging and addressing past criticisms.

Barbie steps up with flat shoes (2024)
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