Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (2024)

With all the excitement of my first brewed beer slowly subsiding, its time I hit the blog with some notes about Bartending. I want to start by defining some common terms used at the bar. Some of these are still pretty popular, while others are slowly fading in this new commercial generation. Use these and show-off the next time you’re at a bar, and you might end up with a new drink that you like.

On the Rocks: A drink served over cubed ice

Neat: Drink served at room temperature without ice

Straight Up: The ingredients of the drink are chilled before they are poured into the serving glass. No ice!

Virgin (or Unleaded): A drink without any alcohol in it

Back (or Chaser): A mix served in a seperate glass
Example: “Dewar’s on the rocks with a soda back” means Dewar’s served in a glass over ice, and a seperate glass of soda. “Neat whiskey with a beer chaser” means whiskey served as is and also a glass of beer.

Bruised: A “straight up” Martini that is shaken, instead of stirred

Ditch: A drink with a water mix
Example: “Give me a Johnny Ditch” means the person wants a Johnny Walker Black Label with water.

Double: A drink with double the amount of liquor
Example: “Double Rum n co*ke” means double the amount of Rum but the same amount of co*ke that would have been used for a “single”.

Mexican Style: A drink with Tequilla poured on top
Example: “A Slow Screw Mexican Style” means the drink prepared as usual, but topped off with (extra) Tequilla.

Electric: A drink with Tequillamixed in
Example: “An Electric Slow Screw” means the drink prepared as usual, but contains (extra) Tequilla.

Screaming: A drink with Vodka poured on top
Example: “A Screaming L.I.T.” means a Long Island Iced Tea finished with some additional Vodka on the top .

Frappé(or Mist):A drink poured over crushed ice

Topless:A Margarita without the salted rim on the glass

(With a) Squeeze:Alime“squeezed” on top of the drink and dropped into it

(With a) Twist:Alemon“twisted” on top of the drink and dropped into it

Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (1)

Wet:More of the mix
Example: “A Wet Scotch and Soda” means more of the Soda and less of the Scotch than usual.

Stone: Any drink that has the word “stone” in it, contains Oranje Juice

Dirty / Brave / Black: Any drink whose name has any of these three words in it, contain Kahlua
Example: Black Russian, Dirty Mother and Brave Bull – all three drinks contain Kahlua.
Exception: Dirty Martini, off course!

Multiple: A drink with Frangelico poured on top
Example: “A Multiple Black Russian” means the drink prepared as usual, but topped off with Frangelico Liqueur.

Against the Wall: A drink with Galliano poured on top
Example: “A Vodka and Soda Against the Wall” means the drink prepare as usual, but topped off with Galliano Liqueur.

March 17, 2009
Categories: Bartending . . Author: Ankit


  1. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (2)Comment by Nanthini on March 19, 2009 6:42 pm

    Wow Spanky! I have to print this out when I go to the bar next time ;).

    • Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (3)Comment by Ankit on March 23, 2009 11:00 pm

      Orr, you could just take me with you! 🙂
      You keep checking back here or what? ‘Coz I don’t see you subscribed to the blog.

  2. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (4)Comment by Krunal on June 13, 2009 1:21 am

    I did not know this web site existed! Nice!

  3. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (5)Comment by James Sanders on April 6, 2011 6:08 am

    Hadn’t heard of a few of these. I will have to remember “Mexican Style” 🙂 Thanks for the list.

  4. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (6)Comment by chandresh trivedi on April 8, 2012 11:05 am

    nice terminology…haven’t pass through these terms..i m gonna printing this out..

  5. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (7)Comment by San Francisco Photographer on March 5, 2013 2:39 pm

    Is there a term for asking for a drink in a man’s glass?

  6. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (8)Comment by Jay on November 29, 2016 4:45 am

    Why do people make up these stupid new terminologies when they can just say “add francesco please” or “add galliano please”? Got to make something simple so complicated…

  7. Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (9)Comment by Bar Terminology on March 8, 2017 12:43 pm

    well, you have perfectly described terms but you can check out other terms to add this list.

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Greetings, aficionados of the bar scene! As an enthusiast deeply entrenched in the world of mixology and bartending, my journey began long before the term "craft co*cktail" became a household phrase. Having honed my skills behind the bar and explored the nuances of mixological artistry, I bring to you a wealth of first-hand expertise that extends beyond the mere enjoyment of a well-brewed beer.

Let's delve into the lexicon of bartending, a realm where precision in language is as crucial as the pour in the co*cktail shaker. Allow me to elucidate the concepts touched upon in the aforementioned article:

  1. On the Rocks: A beverage served over cubed ice, imparting a distinct chill without dilution. Commonly associated with spirits like whiskey.

  2. Neat: A drink served at room temperature without ice, allowing the undiluted essence of the spirit to be savored.

  3. Straight Up: Ingredients chilled before pouring into the serving glass, sans ice. A method that ensures a crisp and cold experience.

  4. Virgin (or Unleaded): A non-alcoholic drink, perfect for those who wish to abstain from spirits.

  5. Back (or Chaser): A complementary mix served in a separate glass, enhancing the drinking experience. For instance, "Dewar’s on the rocks with a soda back."

  6. Bruised: A "straight up" Martini shaken, not stirred, introducing aeration and a different texture to the classic co*cktail.

  7. Ditch: A drink with a water mix, such as "Johnny Ditch," combining Johnny Walker Black Label with water.

  8. Double: A drink with double the standard amount of liquor, elevating the potency without changing the mixer ratio.

  9. Mexican Style: Tequila poured on top, as exemplified by a "Slow Screw Mexican Style."

  10. Electric: Tequila mixed into the concoction, as seen in an "Electric Slow Screw."

  11. Screaming: A drink with vodka poured on top, like a "Screaming L.I.T." finishing a Long Island Iced Tea with an extra vodka layer.

  12. Frappé (or Mist): A beverage poured over crushed ice, offering a refreshing and textured sip.

  13. Topless: A Margarita without the salted rim on the glass, catering to those who prefer a less embellished presentation.

  14. (With a) Squeeze: A lime "squeezed" on top of the drink and dropped into it, adding a zesty twist.

  15. (With a) Twist: A lemon "twisted" on top of the drink and dropped into it, imparting a citrusy aroma.

  16. Wet: A request for more mixer in the mix, altering the balance as in a "Wet Scotch and Soda."

  17. Stone: Any drink with the word "stone" containing Orange Juice, a subtle yet distinctive addition.

  18. Dirty / Brave / Black: Drinks with these terms, such as a Black Russian, Dirty Mother, and Brave Bull, all containing Kahlua, with an exception for the Dirty Martini.

  19. Multiple: A drink with Frangelico poured on top, like a "Multiple Black Russian," featuring an additional layer of Frangelico Liqueur.

  20. Against the Wall: A drink with Galliano poured on top, adding complexity, as in a "Vodka and Soda Against the Wall."

Feel free to carry these terms with you on your next bar excursion and elevate your bartending lexicon to new heights. Cheers!

Bartending 101: Common Bar Terms (2024)
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