Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (2024)

The problem of body odour persists a lot in summer when the scorching heat causes excessive sweating. Getting rid of unwanted hair and taking a shower are some ways to check it, say experts.

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (1)

Rohit Batra, Dermatologist at Dermaworld Skin and Hair Clinic and Vivek Mehta, Dermatologist at Pulastya Cadle Skin Laser Clinic, have shared a few tips:

Shower twice a day

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (2)

Taking a bath twice a day is a perfect solution for those who sweat excessively. It not only cools you during the summer months but also targets your body odour.

Let your body dry before dressing

It is better to let your body dry before putting on clothes. Wipe your body comprehensively with the towel to dry your body properly as wetness attracts sweat easily.

Get rid of unwanted hair

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (3)

Whether you wear full sleeved clothes or sleeveless tops and tees, you should get rid of the unwanted hair that may start giving a foul smell due to sweating.

Use antibacterial soap

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (4)

Antibacterial soap helps to counter the bacteria of the body, which further helps to lessen the foul smell. Take advice from your dermatologist to select the soap as per your body type. Let them know in advance if you have any skin allergy or infection.

Essential oils

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (5)

Using essential oils like lavender, peppermint and pine are also the best way to reduce body odour. These oils not only give you a nice fragrance but last longer.

Using lemon

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (6)

Rubbing lemon on the parts that stink a lot can help you reduce the smell. You can also squeeze a lemon into the bucket and bathe with that water. It is a perfect solution to reduce smell from the feet.

Eat the right food

Oily or fried food and spicy food can also be a major reason behind extreme sweating which turns into body odour after a short while.

Wear the right shoes and clothes

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (7)

Don’t wear clothes made of nylon or synthetic stuff as they retain sweat. Wear loose, comfortable cotton clothes that help evaporate sweat. Also wear cotton socks while wearing shoes.

Antiperspirant with deodorant

Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (8)

A deodorant covers the strong smell of sweating but one also needs an antiperspirant to control the extreme sweat during the day. A combination of antiperspirant and deodorant will keep your body odour far away.

Dose of vinegar

As vinegar helps in balancing the pH level of the skin creating an antibacterial environment, it is one of the best methods to stop body odour. Since bacteria doesn’t survive in the acidic atmosphere, you can splash some vinegar in the areas where sweating is maximum. This idea is really helpful in controlling the foul smell.

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Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers (2024)


Be fresh as a daisy not smelly like a skunk: How to keep body odour away in summers? ›

Taking baths twice a day, eating less oily food, using lemons and shaving are some of the ways you can get yourself smelling fresh all day in summers.

How do you get rid of a skunky body odor? ›

How do doctors treat bad body odor?
  1. Keep your skin clean by taking a daily bath or shower with antibacterial soap. ...
  2. Keep your armpits shaved, so sweat evaporates quickly and doesn't have as much time to interact with bacteria. ...
  3. Regularly wash clothing, and wear clean clothes.
  4. Wear loose-fitting clothing made of cotton.
Mar 4, 2022

What keeps body odor away? ›

Showering a few times a week, especially after you exercise or do other activities that make you sweat, may be enough to rid you of body odor without drying out or irritating your skin. After your shower or bath, apply an antiperspirant and deodorant.

What causes body odor to smell like a skunk? ›

The specific scent of underarms is mainly due to compounds that fall into the thiol and carboxylic acid families. Thiols are very nasty smelling compounds, epitomized by the stench of skunk secretions. Carboxylic acids can also be malodorous, such as butyric acid, the smell of rancid fat.

What plants help with body odor? ›

If possible, add a few drops of essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and tea tree to eliminate the reasons for the unwanted foul odour. One of the major causes of smell is bacterial growth on the skin. A mixture of ground neem leaves can be applied to the skin to keep the smell-causing microbes at bay.

Why do I smell down there even after I shower? ›

vagin*l odor can be caused by diet, sweating, menstruation, or pregnancy. It can sometimes also be caused by infections like bacterial vaginosis or trichom*oniasis.

How do I stop my bum from smelling? ›

How to reduce the odor
  1. Have a doctor rule out a possible infection, and if you do have an infection, have it properly treated.
  2. Take frequent warm baths to soothe hemorrhoids, especially after bowel movements.
  3. Clean your anus regularly and thoroughly.
Sep 22, 2021

What are 3 ways to prevent body odor? ›

Tips for Reducing Body Odor
  1. Keep Yourself Squeaky Clean.
  2. Use Antibacterial Soap.
  3. Towel Off Well.
  4. Use 'Industrial Strength' Antiperspirants.
  5. Keep Your Clothes Clean.
  6. Cut Out or Cut Back on Certain Foods or Drinks.
Feb 13, 2023

How do you stop body odor without deodorant? ›

Alternative deodorant options
  1. Witch hazel. Witch hazel is a versatile ingredient to keep in your cupboard. ...
  2. Baking soda or cornstarch. These typical kitchen ingredients are used for more than just baking or cooking. ...
  3. Lemon juice. ...
  4. Rubbing alcohol. ...
  5. Apple cider vinegar. ...
  6. Coconut oil. ...
  7. Baking soda & coconut oil. ...
  8. Crystal deodorant.
Jan 28, 2021

Why can I smell myself through my pants? ›

Sweating. Sweating in the groin area can attract fungus and bacteria that can lead to a bad smell. Showering after exercise or athletic activity can help reduce the bad-smelling effects of smells related to sweating. Putting on clean, dry clothes after a sweat session can also help.

Can digestive problems cause body odor? ›

Body Odor

Poor digestion causes imbalances with the bacteria in your digestive tract. In addition to the chemicals made from the digestion process causing bad breath, the odor is also absorbed into the body and then emitted through your skin when you sweat.

Why does my husband sperm smell bad? ›

Very strong smell: Bacteria and other germs can change the way sem*n smells. If sem*n has a foul and overpowering odor or gets worse with time, it may be a sign of an infection or sexually transmitted disease. Sweet smell: Normal sem*n can smell slightly sweet because of the fructose it contains.

Which fruits eliminate odor? ›

Citrus fruits like lemons and oranges minimize the accumulation of toxins in the body thereby curbing the growth of odour-producing bacteria.

What herbs reduce smell? ›

Indoor Herbs that Help Your House Smell Fresh
  • Rosemary – Like most plants, the needle-like leaves on rosemary are good air purifiers that help to absorb indoor odors. ...
  • Jasmine – Not only does jasmine have a very pleasant smell, but it also acts as a magnificent air purifier and has a number of healing properties.
Aug 19, 2015

What is the best product for feminine odor? ›

56 results
  • Goodwipes Flushable Down There Cleansing Wipes - Rosewater - 20ct. ...
  • Summer's Eve Sheer Floral Feminine Cleansing Wipes. ...
  • The Honey Pot Sensitive Feminine Wipes. ...
  • Summer's Eve Delicate Blossom Feminine Cleansing Wash - 15 fl oz. ...
  • Summer's Eve Simply Sensitive Cleansing Wash - 15 fl oz.

Why do I smell when I wake up in the morning? ›

Specifically, saliva production decreases while you're sleeping, leaving you with dry mouth at night. Since saliva usually flushes out odor-causing particles, you're left with bacterial buildup that makes its presence known with its distinctive aroma.

How do you stop body odor in summer? ›

The article explores ways to get rid of body odour in detail below.
  1. Maintain Personal Hygiene. It is important to shower at least once a day. ...
  2. Use an Antiperspirant. Once you have bathed, use a strong antiperspirant. ...
  3. Change Clothes Regularly. ...
  4. Wear Natural Fabrics. ...
  5. Reduce Intake of Certain Foods.
Mar 31, 2022

What is the best soap for underarm odor? ›

15 Best Deodorant Soaps for Female Body Odor
  • Tom's of Maine: Deodorant Soap.
  • Mirai: Purifying and Deodorizing Soap Bar.
  • Solpri: Shield Antifungus Soap Bar.
  • Art of Sport: Body Soap Bar.
  • Megababe: Space Bar Underarm Soap.
  • Duradry: Deep Cleansing and Deodorizing Wash.
  • Lume: Warm Vanilla Soap.
  • Hibiclens: Soap and Skin Cleanser.

Do lemons help with armpit odor? ›

Lemon juice is another highly acidic ingredient that doubles as a home remedy for body odor. It reduces the pH of your skin and makes it uninhabitable for bacteria. Take half a lemon and rub it directly on your armpits. Repeat once daily until you notice an improvement in your armpit odor.

How do you get rid of armpit odor without deodorant fast? ›

Rubbing lemon juice on armpits can help curb the smell. You can also use baking soda and cornstarch to make a quick, natural deodorant. Combine one-part baking soda with six-parts cornstarch and dust a little on your underarms. Be careful when applying alcohol or lemon juice.

What is it called when you smell yourself? ›

Olfactory reference syndrome (ORS), also known as olfactory reference disorder, is an underrecognized and often severe condition that has similarities to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). People with ORS think they smell bad, but in reality they don't.

How can I stop discharge everyday? ›

Bathe or shower daily and pat your genital area dry. Don't douche. Avoid feminine hygiene sprays, colored or perfumed toilet paper, deodorant pads or tampons, and bubble bath.

Can you smell your own body odor before others? ›

Even if you catch a sudden whiff, Dalton cautioned, you must remember that the smell is even stronger to strangers. Since you can't get away from your own body, there's no way for your nose to regain sensitivity. “Unfortunately, you really just have to rely on the opinion of a close friend or spouse,” Dalton said.

What vitamins make you smell good? ›

The two B-vitamins that might have some connection to body odor are vitamin B-1 (thiamin) and the B vitamin choline, Jasonides tells Lucy.

Does drinking water make you smell better? ›

Stinking Breath and Body Odor

Similarly, water helps release toxins through sweat. If your body is dehydrated, you are unable to release these toxins (bacteria), which when accumulated leads to an unpleasant body odor, especially in the armpits, feet, and groin area.

What drinks reduce sweating? ›


Drinking hot beverages like tea might seem counterintuitive to stopping sweat. But green tea contains magnesium and Vitamin B, which constrict your sweat glands and keep you calm — goodbye stress sweating!

What organ affects body odor? ›

Sweating and body odor are caused by sweat glands in your body. The two main types of sweat glands are eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of the skin.

What disease causes body Odour? ›

Causes of body odour

hormonal changes. being overweight. having a condition like diabetes, kidney disease or liver disease. certain types of medicine, such as antidepressants.

Can taking a probiotic help with body odor? ›

So what does this have to do with probiotics? They're good for helping you maintain a healthy balance between good and bad bacteria in your gut, which means you'll feel less likely to emit unwanted odors from time to time!

Does drinking apple cider vinegar help with body odor? ›

ACV Can Eliminate Bad Breath and Body Odor

Another little known fact about ACV is that it can battle bacteria. Bacteria is usually the cause of bad breath or body odor.

What kills sulfur in the mouth? ›

Mouthrinses containing zinc ions are able to reduce the levels of volatile sulfur compounds by converting these volatile compounds to non-volatile, and therefore, non-malodorous zinc sulfides, and this mode of action would appear to support a cosmetic claim.

What vegetable absorbs odor? ›

Apple odor is absorbed by cabbage, carrots, figs, onions, meat, eggs and dairy products. "Many consumers store apples in the refrigerator to keep them crisp, but in that space their odor may cause problems," Brown says. -- Carrots. Celery can absorb the odor of carrots.

What tea makes your house smell good? ›

Tie a few black tea bags to your closet rod and they'll be the perfect air freshener, soaking up any musty odors. You can use cinnamon or vanilla black tea to add a subtle fragrance as well!

What oral herbs help with body odor? ›

Try fennel, dill, caraway, cardamom, anise, clove, or a mixture. Or try chewing a sprig of parsley or a couple of fresh mint leaves. Sweating is natural and healthy. It only smells when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin.

How long does skunk smell last on body? ›

Skunk smell can last anywhere from two weeks 14 to 21 days. The best ways to remove the smell from your clothes, furniture, hair or dog's fur is using a mix of baking soda and vinegar or peroxide.

Why are my armpits skunky? ›

Smelly armpits occur when bacteria break down the otherwise odorless sweat on your skin. Some people sweat more than others and have a condition called hyperhidrosis. This excess sweating can lead to body odor.

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D., chief medical officer at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. People with type 1 diabetes generally experience it more than those with type 2 diabetes do.

Does skunk odor go away? ›

Mild skunk odors can be eliminated with proper ventilation, usually within 14 to 21 days. However, stronger odors, such as those that have seeped into clothing, furniture and pet fur, cannot be eliminated. If no immediate action is taken, untreated skunk smell can last for months or even years.

Does tomato sauce get rid of skunk smell? ›

A popular myth is that bathing an animal in tomato juice will eliminate or neutralize skunk odor – it does not.

What essential oils get rid of skunk smell? ›

Dog Shampoo using essential oils for skunk smell
  • 8 drops Lavender.
  • 4 drops Clary Sage.
  • 3 drops Coriander.
  • 8 oz. a natural, unscented dog shampoo.

What is the most effective skunk repellent? ›

Mild repellents, such as used kitty litter, can be placed near or inside the den to one side so the skunk has to pass them to get out; commercial or homemade capsaicin or castor oil repellents may also be tried.

What vitamin deficiency causes smelly armpits? ›

The two B-vitamins that might have some connection to body odor are vitamin B-1 (thiamin) and the B vitamin choline, Jasonides tells Lucy. If taken in mega doses, thiamin is excreted not only in urine, but also through the skin, and this changes body odor.

Does a woman's body odor change with age? ›

The bottom line. Body odor naturally changes as you age. For older people, this change in smell is likely due to an increase in levels of a compound called 2-nonenal. No matter the cause, there's no reason to run from these changes.

What kills odor causing bacteria? ›

“I use a mix of apple cider vinegar and water for my deodorant,” said Erin Rhoads from The Rogue Ginger. “The apple cider vinegar helps kill the bacteria that cause body odor.

What smell does diabetes cause? ›

If your breath smells like acetone -- the same fruity scent as nail polish remover -- it may be a sign of high levels of ketones (acids your liver makes) in your blood. It's a problem mainly of type 1 diabetes but also can happen with type 2 if you get a serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

What foods cause body odor? ›

Let's take a look at the common foods that can cause pungent pits.
  • Brassicas. ...
  • Garlic & onions. ...
  • Alcohol. ...
  • Seafood. ...
  • Chilli & cumin. ...
  • Red meat.

Does vinegar get rid of skunk smell? ›

Put bowls of white vinegar in each room for a few days. The vinegar will sit and absorb the skunk odor molecules floating about and neutralize it. You can speed up the process a bit through boiling vinegar.

What smells like skunk but isn't skunk? ›

Specifically, methyl mercaptan, a gas that smells a whole lot like a skunk's spray, could be entering your ductwork and the house. This is a hazardous gas that can place you and your family in danger. You should evacuate your residence.

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