Behind the Markets Review 2024 - The Stock Dork (2024)

  • By Chris Dios
  • Jan 11, 2024

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The Behind the Markets newsletter is generating quite a bit of buzz online with members, and I’m here to see if it lives up to the hype. Keep reading my Behind the Markets review for the full rundown of Dylan Jovine’s stock-picking service.

Table of Contents show

Behind the Markets Review: Overview

Behind the Markets is an online newsletter that provides subscribers with stock recommendations, trade alerts, and bonus reports. Dylan Jovine is the editor and lead stock picker.

This stock-picking service cues members into mid-cap companies with growth potential. It follows a conservative investing approach that seeks out long-term value.

Something that I like with Behind the Markets is that it doesn’t anchor itself down to a single sector. Jovine scours the stock market to find investment opportunities for members — wherever they may be.

A lot of newsletters have a niche, which could be great when the sector is hot. However, portfolios could also take a big hit when an industry cools down.

So some folks might appreciate the variety on offer.

There’s a lot more to this service, and I’m going to dig into the details as we go.

But first, let’s take a closer look at Behind the Market’s strategy.

Behind the Markets’ Investment Strategy

Jovine and his team look for stocks that could be trading at a significant discount to what the underlying business is worth.

The team’s business valuation approach is very comprehensive, but here are some key takeaways about Behind the Markets’ strategy. They search for companies that have:

  1. Market capitalizations ranging from $1 billion to $10 billion
  2. High returns on equity, low debt, and a durable competitive advantage
  3. The hallmarks of only suffering a temporary setback

While all of these points of analysis are valuable, the major draw is Dylan Jovine’s focus on companies that could be seeing a temporary setback. In other words, they could be undervalued at the moment, which could result in bigger returns in the future.

When Jovine spots a stock that fits this criteria, he shares his findings with Behind the Markets’ subscribers through the monthly newsletter.

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Who Is Dylan Jovine?

Dylan Jovine is an excellent stock picker, and he’s earned a great rep as a Wall Street vet who has a finger on the pulse of the market. Jovine pens insightful investing analysis that’s influenced by his extensive background as a professional investor.

He is currently the lead researcher for the Behind the Markets service, but you might know Jovine from his previous work on Tycoon Report.

Some of his most popular research reports include:

  • Past the Blood-Brain-Barrier: The Small Company Revolutionizing Alzheimer’s Disease
  • World War 5G
  • Bullet-Proof: How to Create the Ideal Small-Cap Biotech Stock Portfolio

Jovine made his Wall Street debut in 1991 under the tutelage of NYC investment banking legend Peter Jaquith. This was a big break for a blue-collar kid from Queens, and he ended up making the most of it.

In 2009, he forecasted the ’09 Financial Crisis and subsequent stock market crash.

The depressed market was a fertile trading ground, and Jovine used it to reap massive rewards in dirt-cheap stocks as the market recovered. This is just one example where his stock market predictions paid off big.

So what is Dylan saying about the stock market today? Let’s take a look at his latest prediction to find out.

Is Dylan Jovine Legit?

Dylan Jovine is legit. While doing Behind the Markets Review, we found out that he has a solid track record in the world of finance and pens quality analysis.

Jovine’s reputation is much more established than your average self-proclaimed online research guru.

You don’t need to worry about credibility with Behind the Markets. Dylan Jovine is as qualified as they come.

Let’s switch gears and check out Jovine’s latest prediction.

>> Get Dylan’s latest insights and research reports at 95% off today! <<

Dylan Jovine’s 2023 Prediction: The World’s First A.I. War

Jovine sees the writing on the wall for a colossal shift in how we do war. It’s not a physical weapon per se, but rather a new software controlling our artillery.

As a history buff, Dylan’s figured out that the U.S. has to improve tactics to go head-to-head with China should a conflict arise. He predicts our government will turn to A.I. for the boost we need.

According to him, we’re already seeing the first field tests right now in Ukraine. A.I. has brought Ukraine’s army on par with the most advanced ones on the planet.

Sound far-fetched? I might be skeptical too if Jovine didn’t have such a good foresight.

His hard work 15 years ago led him to predict the 2008-09 financial crisis an entire year before it happened. Folks that listened to him then could have avoided disaster while making significant gains at the same time.

Don’t just take my word for it. Join me as we look at what has Jovine so excited about the world’s first A.I. war.

A.I.’s Role In Revolutionizing Warfare

History repeats, and so does the advancement of technology. New tech surpasses the old, and fortunately we’re pretty good at adopting it.

We’re seeing that trend here with modern warfare.

Our current methods can’t keep up with the demands of battle. If China sends thousands of drones after our ships, gunners don’t stand a chance to take them all out.

No matter how we shake it, the old way of doing things is no longer fast enough in a conflict. Of course, the answer this time around is A.I.

With A.I., we can build a “kill chain” to identify, target, and remove drones faster than anything we’ve seen in human history. There’s just no comparison.

When you boil it down, it’s no different than what AutoCad did for the architectural world.

Before, architects had to do everything by hand, on paper. It was inefficient and took a lot of time.

AutoCAD made it possible to do the same work on a computer, changing the scope of design forever.

The result? AutoCAD helped its company AutoDesk grew 5,633%.

>> Ready to seize the A.I. boom? Start now! <<

We’re seeing this same trend with A.I. right now. If we don’t act fast, we might miss out.

How to Play the A.I. Boom

A.I.’s advancement is here. Dylan Jovine is predicting that the U.S. will spend billions to bring its “kill chain” online.

If he’s right, we’re at the cutting edge of a revolution that will change how future wars are fought. Of course, where there’s new technology, there’s opportunity for gain.

Not all A.I. companies will see their moment in the sun. You’ve got to know where to look for the best opportunities. Dylan’s been hard at work finding out who’s hot and who’s not.

His research has led him to a small company that won the contract to bring this software to life. He believes it has the potential to surpass the growth AutoDesk saw by a considerable margin.

The only way to find the name of this company and the other top A.I. stock picks is by picking up this BTM bundle. Let’s take a look at everything you get when you sign up.

>> Sign up now to access Dylan’s top AI stock picks<<

Behind The Markets Review: What’s Included with aMembership?

Behind the Markets has a whole host of exceptional features.

Keep reading our Behind the Markets Review for a breakdown of each one.

Behind the Markets Newsletter

The Behind the Markets newsletter seeks to discover growth opportunities that aren’t obvious winners on the stock market.

You’ll receive up to two Dylan Jovine stock recommendations every month, plus detail analysis of the latest market moves.

The newsletter is jam-packed with valuable content, so you’ll be sure to get a lot of value out of this insightful monthly read.

Model Portfolio

All of Jovine’s current recommendations find their way into his model portfolio. Members get unlimited access to the list to view current standings.

From there, you can select securities to add to your own portfolio and follow Jovine’s strategy as much as you desire. He’ll add new recommendations each month and remove old picks as they peak.

Trade Alerts and Portfolio Updates

Dylan sends out regular portfolio updates whenever he makes a change so you’re always one step ahead of the game. These updates come via email so you don’t have to monitor the portfolio all day.

If stock market shakeups happen, Jovine’s quick to send out actionable alerts so you can buy an incredible opportunity or drop a tanking one.

Complementary Report:“SEARCH & DESTROY: 3 A.I. Software Stocks Revolutionizing Warfare.”

This free report is your in-road to the big A.I. stock Jovine’s so excited about. It contains the company’s name, ticker, and even ideal buy and sell prices. You’ll get a chance to pick up shares before most others.

The report doesn’t end there. It’s actually over 100 pages of information, including two quiet A.I. stocks worth checking out.

Dylan’s second pick monitors systems on fighters to keep them airborne. Planes remain vital for military operations, making this stock a great option in his book.

The third stock comes from a small A.I. firm helping to keep our nation’s top secrets safe. Jovine’s banking on the government to use this company to protect our critical assets.

>> Get 12 months of Behind the Markets today – at 95% off!<<

Behind the Markets Review: Bonus Reports

Alongside Behind the Markets, Jovine is throwing in seven additional reports to sweeten the pot further:

21st Century Battlefield: 4 Companies Changing Warfare

21st Century Battlefieldis full of details on four companies that are forever changing how we do battle. Don’t be surprised if you see a few A.I. stocks making an appearance.

A.I. isn’t the only area this report focuses on. Jovine’s recommendations could come from any sector to help you keep a diverse portfolio.

It’s an easy read but packed full of information. Dylan not only shares company names but also all the details you need to make an informed investment.

“Medical Money”: How To Create The Ideal Small Cap BioTech Portfolio

Jovine’s research isn’t just on A.I. It’s led him to opportunities in biotech as well.

“Medical Money”covers how to build a biotech portfolio from scratch using up-and-coming small-cap companies.

These small-cappers are typically more budget-friendly to get into and have a long runway for success. Jovine shares his favorites with the biggest upsides with the smallest amount of risk.

This special report’s for folks wanting to get into biotech whether they have experience or not. All the tools you need to win big are here.

“BioTech Income”: How To Generate Monthly Income From Your BioTech Portfolio

Take your biotech journey one step further with“BioTech Income”. Here Jovine talks about how biotech stocks can pave the way for a monthly income with little effort.

It’s a step-by-step guide for locating biotech companies with monthly momentum. By the time you reach the end of this straightforward report, you should know how to pick biotech opportunities with the largest upsides and potential to bring in the most income.

Who knows, you may even find a pick or two of Jovine’s inside to get you started.

>> Discover Jovine’s top stock picks – start today! [95% off for a limited only] <<

“Pot Stocks”: What The History Of Cigarettes Tell Us About Cannabis

The cannabis market keeps growing as more states legalize the substance. There’s still red tape in some areas, but Jovine feels there are some good pot stocks out there.

In this special report, you’ll learn about how the tobacco industry paved the way for cannabis investments and how you can get plugged in. Jovine explains the pitfalls tobacco investors dealt with and how to avoid them this time around.

By the time you finish this unique guide, you’ll have the tools to find the best cannabis stocks both now and down the line.

“Tidal Wave Profits”: How The Medical Revolution Will Change Your Relationship With Your Doctor

Warfare isn’t the only area where we’re seeing monumental breakthroughs. What’s happening in the medical field may just put those advancements to shame.

“Tidal Wave Profits”talks about the new biologic treatments making a splash in the world of medicine. This new tech is about to reshape doctor visits and the steps we go through to diagnose and address illness and disease.

This is another sector where new tech could spell significant profits if you know where to look. You’ll find all the details you need inside.

3 Ingredients To Great BioTech Stocks

Hopefully we all know by now that randomly picking stocks rarely works out. Jovine says he’s got a surefire strategy for finding the best investment opportunities in biotech.

This report showcases three ingredients necessary for the perfect biotech stew. You’ll learn what these ingredients are and how to identify them in the biotech stocks you’re checking out.

With a little luck, you’ll come out the other side with some great picks that could make you some serious green.

6 Questions To Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Jovine takes the quest for picking the best stocks one step further.Six Questions To Ask Before Buying Any Stockoffers a clear list of questions you should ask before dropping even the smallest amount of money.

These questions help you filter and analyze each potential investment for red flags that could sink your ship. At the end, you’ll learn how to invest in the stocks with the biggest upsides.

>> Join now to get these special reports <<

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

All the content you see here comes with an unconditional money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with what you receive.

At any point during the first 30 days of purchase, simply contact Behind the Markets for a complete refund, no questions asked.

Thirty days is the industry standard for stock-picking services.

This isn’t enough time to see a position through. However, it does give you a comfortable window to gauge the quality of Jovine’s analysis.

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Behind The Markets Review: Pros and Cons

During our Behind the Markets Review, we found out it has a lot of excellent features, but it’s not perfect. Here are the pros and cons of the service.


  • One year of Behind the Markets newsletter
  • New investment ideas each month
  • Not shoehorned into a specific sector
  • Model portfolio with regular updates
  • Eight bonus reports
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Heavily discounted price


  • No community chat or forum
  • Doesn’t offer options trading

Behind the Markets Reviews

We give Behind the Markets’ research high marks. You don’t need to take our word for it, though. Here are reviews from reported Behind the Markets members:

While these are glowing reviews of the service, it’s important to remember that reported returns from testimonials may not be typical, but they could indicate what’s possible.

>> Sign up now to share these members’ amazing experiences <<

Behind the Markets Review: Is This Service Right For Me?

Behind the Markets comes with a slew of great tools for anyone and everyone. Newbies will find tons of information in getting started in various sectors thanks to the newsletter and special reports.

Based on a thorough review of Behind the Markets, beginners and folks with more experience can both benefit from all the stock picks located within. This bundle is also one of the first places you’re getting access to A.I. stocks with oodles of potential.

Unlimited access to a model portfolio should keep everyone happy. You’ve got a guru sharing his top recommendations and offering insights every step of the way.

You get to go about your business and are notified any time something needs attention. No more watching the markets 24/7.

Behind the Markets Review: How Much Does ItCost?

You can get started with Behind the Markets for as little as $39, and that promo includes everything I covered in this review.

At that rate, your average monthly cost comes to less than $3.50. It’s hard to beat a deal like that.

However, if you want to get the most bang for your buck, consider upgrading to one of the higher-tier subscriptions.

For the best value, check out the $79 bundle, which includes additional research reports and other bonuses.

The best option depends on your priorities and budget, but you can’t go wrong with any of Behind the Markets’ subscription options.

*You can however leverage the Black Friday sale offering lifetime discount and get theBehind the Markets subscription for one-time $99 fee!

>> Claim your lifetime 95% discount here <<

Behind the Markets Review: Final Thoughts

Behind the Markets is a rock-solid research service. Each feature included is worth more than you’ll pay for access to the entire package.

The current AI-focused offering appears particularly promising. We’ve all seen the way AI stocks have performed this year, and this research could lead you to the sector’s next rising star.

You’d be hard pressed to find a better deal for $39, and, better yet, your purchase is covered with an airtight money-back guarantee. There’s virutally no way you’ll walk away unsatisfied.

The AI Boom is just getting started, so now is the time to start thinking about making moves to position yourself in the sector. Dylan Jovine and Behind the Markets can help you pinpoint the right picks.

After a thorough Behind the Markets review, I can confidently say this deal is a straight steal. The steep discount is the icing on the cake, but it won’t last forever. Make your move now before it’s gone for good.

>> That’s it for our Behind the Markets review. Click here to join now for one-time fee of $99! Limited Time Offer! <<

Behind the Markets Review 2024 - The Stock Dork (2024)


What is the rating of Behind the Markets? ›

Overall Rating

Rating: 3.3/5. From 36 votes. If you've subscribed to Behind the Markets, please click the stars below to indicate your rating for this newsletter, and please share any other feedback about your experience using the comment box below.

Who owns Behind the Markets? ›

Dylan Jovine is the Chairman & CEO of market research firm Behind the Markets.

Who owns the stock Dork? ›

Adam Garcia is the owner of The Stock Dork. He has had a passion for finance and investing since high school which led him to create The Stock Dork as a resource for all investors. Before starting The Stock Dork, Garcia founded and operated an Investor Relations Firm.

What stock has the most strong buy ratings? ›

Amazon, Nvidia and Microsoft top the list of stocks scoring rare Strong Buy consensus ratings. Some of the other names might surprise you. If the idea is to buy low, then going shopping for stocks when markets are flirting with record highs might not seem like the greatest idea.

Are buy ratings reliable? ›

While there is no guarantee, the changes in ratings on a company may indicate the direction of their buying patterns. If they start "initial coverage," it may mean that they are considering adding the stock to their portfolios or have already started accumulating the stock.

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The richest Americans own the vast majority of the US stock market, according to Fed data. The top 10% of Americans held 93% of all stocks, the highest level ever recorded. Meanwhile, the bottom 50% of Americans held just 1% of all stocks in the third quarter of 2023.

Who really drives the stock market? ›

Stock prices are driven by a variety of factors, but ultimately the price at any given moment is due to the supply and demand at that point in time in the market. Fundamental factors drive stock prices based on a company's earnings and profitability from producing and selling goods and services.

Who runs the US stock market? ›

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

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As a remarkably accomplished expert and thought leader in the financial market for over a decade, Adam has been a crucial component in the growth and success of one of the leading stock market and investor education networks, The Stock Dork.

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Buffett and NEAM also own a handful of legacy tech stocks, companies that have been around for decades and show staying power. These include Cisco Systems, with a $217 billion market cap, IBM, VeriSign, HP, Texas Instruments, and Activision Blizzard.

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$Robinhood (HOOD.US)$ Officer Tenev Vladimir sold 250K shares of Common Stocks on Jan 4, 2024 at an average price of $12.0069 for a total value of $3 million.

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First, it helps companies raise money often referred to as capital from the public by offering shares for sale, which can be used to fund and expand their business. Secondly, it gives an investor, who purchases those shares, an opportunity to have a share in the company's profits.

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Economic market structures can be grouped into four categories: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. The categories differ because of the following characteristics: The number of producers is many in perfect and monopolistic competition, few in oligopoly, and one in monopoly.

Why does the stock market crash of 1929 not explain the whole story of the Great Depression? ›

The 1929 crash didn't cause the Great Depression outright, with only 10% of Americans invested in the market, but it lowered consumer spending, caused panic that worsened an ongoing recession, reduced corporations' assets and hurt their future prospects, and contributed to a banking crisis.

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Schwab Equity Ratings are based upon a disciplined, systematic approach that evaluates each stock on the basis of a wide variety of investment criteria from five broad categories: Growth, Quality, Sentiment, Stability and Valuation.

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Positive ratings by stock analysts

A 'buy' rating indicates strong confidence from the analyst that the stock will perform well, potentially offering higher returns than the market average. 'Outperform' is similar but more nuanced, suggesting the stock will do better than its sector peers or the broader market index.

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The Risk Rating is Stockopedia's classification of the normalised 3 year market volatility of the company's share price. We have designed the Risk Rating to be both a useful predictive measure of future volatility, but also a useful predictive factor for accessing the Low Volatility premium.

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The average stock market return is about 10% per year, as measured by the S&P 500 index, but that 10% average rate is reduced by inflation. Investors can expect to lose purchasing power of 2% to 3% every year due to inflation.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5772

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.