Benvi (2024)

This article contains spoilers from Season 4B

Benvi (1)

Benvi (2)11Benvi (3)18

We needed you. I needed you.

Benvi is the het ship between Ben Stone and Saanvi Bahl from the Manifest fandom.


  • 1 Canon
    • 1.1 Season 1
    • 1.2 Season 2
    • 1.3 Season 3
    • 1.4 Season 4
  • 3 Fanon
  • 4 Fandom
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 Media
  • 7 References


Season 1[]

Benvi (4)

Ben and Saanvi's lives change forever for the same reason: a vacation to Jamaica. When they return to New York, they discover that all the passengers on their flight have been reported missing for five years, as they have been away from home for a long time, but only the hours of the flight have passed for them and none of those who were on board has aged in these phantom five and a half years. Four days later, 20 of the 195 aboard the flight are collectively driven by a mysterious, irresistible impulse go to see the plane and witness it mysteriously explode. They are detained for questioning and on this occasion Saanvi introduces herself to Ben, as the research she was working on during the flight has become a groundbreaking new cancer treatment, which Saanvi has ensured Ben’s son, Cal, who is suffering from leukaemia, will get.

Ben“Hey. If you see anything worrisome-”
Saanvi“Yeah. Yeah okay[2]

Ben informs his wife, Grace, and Cal starts the treatment with Saanvi as his doctor. Shortly, the passengers of Flight 828 begin to hear voices or the like telling them to help people. Trying to help another passenger save his son from jail, Ben begins to hear the sound of a violin and despite telling his sister not to tell anyone, he talks to Saanvi, asking her if something like this happens to her, too, and she confirms it has. Ben and Saanvi exchange phone numbers, and when another passenger on their flight is murdered, Saanvi phones Ben. She also informs him of a protein in Cal’s blood work which was not present before the flight. Ben asks if it's dangerous, but Saanvi tells him it's not and promises to keep him posted. He also tells her to be safe after what happened to fellow passenger Kelly Taylor, and to call him if anything happens. Saanvi promises she will.

Benvi (5)

Since Ben, Saanvi, and Michaela, as well as other passengers, suspect they could be under government surveillance, Ben checks every crevice of his house for planted bugs. Ben talks with Saanvi on the phone, and asks if she’s safe; Saanvi relays she hasn’t found anything suspicious. She tells him that she's tested her own blood and has the same genetic marker as Cal. Saanvi sees the plausibility in Ben's theory that all passengers on the plane could have it. While working on his resume, Ben misses calls from Saanvi and his sister Michaela. Michaela tells him that Saanvi wants to see them and they leave to go see her immediately. Saanvi says that she only has a slightly strange theory but Ben immediately declares himself ready to listen to it. Ben ultimately finds her theory plausible and surmises what Saanvi’s thinking. Saanvi flat out tells the Stones siblings that she can’t find Taylor’s body and has been blocked from accessing information on its whereabouts to test brain tissue, leading Ben to state that the NSA has taken the body.[2]

Benvi (6)
Saanvi“I sound like I’m going crazy”
Ben“I am the one person you don’t have to say that to[3]

Saanvi begins to have visions and this too is something, despite being serious and personal, she immediately communicates to Ben who comes to see her. Saanvi worries for herself as this is different from their experiences so far and Ben immediately states that he believes Saanvi, that he doesn't think she is crazy and asks her about her vision. Saanvi tells him that she has met a man who accuses the stewardess of flight 828 of something and she wishes she had a way to reach Bethany. Ben surreptitiously sends Bethany’s info to Saanvi while she’s talking and gives her a cheeky little look at his little prank, which pays off as Saanvi has an upbeat reaction in turn. Despite the strange and disturbing situation, the two exchange smiles.

Ben“I have to be able to frame what happened to us in a way that I understand. Or I'll go crazy”
Saanvi“I'm the one person you don’t have to say that to”

Ben tells her how he's collected data on all passengers, looking for patterns as a way of dealing with their situation and Saanvi sympathises, repeating his comforting words back to him. Their effortless connection and understanding of each other seems noted by them both in this moment and a certain affinity seems to be starting to emerge between the two. Ben's phone rings in that moment; his wife asking him to return home. Michaela has the same vision as Saanvi and unfortunately botches a police sting, as she the sign wasn’t for that. She tells her brother, who orders her not to tell anyone else except Saanvi. This implies that he places great trust in Saanvi. Saanvi, Michaela, and Bethany, the flight attendant, work together to find Thomas, a Jamaican secret stowaway on flight 828, whom Bethany helped escape being murdered for being gay. Michaela tells Ben and Saanvi doesn't object, affirming yet again Saanvi’s trust in Ben.[3]

Benvi (7)

The hours that I work, I can barely keep a house plant alive
—Saanvi tells Ben about her life[4]

When Cal feels sick one night and has a fever, Ben and Grace take him to the hospital and while he asks for news, Ben just looks at Saanvi instead of the attending, Dr. Williams, indicating that he wants Saanvi to reassure him. Grace leaves and a distressed Ben, left alone with Saanvi, confides in her how he felt when he first learned that Cal was sick. Saanvi reassures him and Ben, perhaps realising how easily he finds comfort in sharing his intimate feelings with her, apologises, saying that he is treating her as a therapist. Saanvi isn't on duty and is helping Cal of her own volition. Ben charmingly tells her to go live her life, but Saanvi smiles as she tells him her work is her life since the flight. She also opens up to Ben, about how she lives with her parents after five years of absence, joking they probably won’t let her move out to her own place again any time soon and that she can't even keep a plant alive. A moment of quiet falls between them and Ben just gazes at her.

Benvi (8)

Suddenly Cal starts screaming again, shouting the sentence "pomognete mi" over and over. Saanvi realises she’s heard that specific phrase on the plane, and they set out to uncover the connection between a Bulgarian passenger and Cal’s fever. Ben’s uses his database, which Saanvi finds impressive, and the two of them and Michaela figure out the next step. Ben has an argument with his wife, as she believes he prefers to investigate rather than be a father, even though he tells Grace what’s going on with their abilities and feels unsupported when he finally does confide in Grace. Ben continues to investigate, while Cal still deliriously yells in Bulgarian. When they realize the passenger may be held hostage by the government at a secret facility, Saanvi brings up the moral quandaries they may come across at some point, blindly following these ‘callings’, but Ben says he can’t care as he wants to save his son.

Saanvi“I'm guessing you got a game plan for that?”
Ben“And to think you just met me[4]

Ben leaves Cal's bedside to try to help him. Frustrated, Grace starts a tense conversation with Saanvi, asking Saanvi’s opinion on the situation. When Grace asks flat out if Saanvi is against antibiotics, Saanvi passionately responds that there are so many unknown variables. Grace seems to spy an undercurrent between Ben and Saanvi of working as a team, which Grace herself currently lacks with Ben. Saanvi’s reaction is that of someone who seems aware that she is suddenly a party in Ben’s intimate personal life who is basically asked to back off, as Grace angrily tells Saanvi that Ben shouldn't be chasing fantastic theories and that she shouldn't encourage him. When Cal starts seizing again, Saanvi informs her antibiotics won’t work on a seizure but Grace tries to shut her down completely. Saanvi persists, telling Grace to trust Ben and not to use antibiotics for Cal (which would get Cal dropped from the experimental cancer therapy) and declares that Ben is the only hope for Cal. Grace finally agrees, which sees Saanvi breathe a sigh of relief for Cal. After Cal’s fever breaks and he comes to, Saanvi and the Stone siblings get together to analyze the situation. Ben gets his hands on a cactus, implying he went out of his way to go buy one for her, and gifts it to Saanvi, joking that it won't be hard to keep this plant alive. Ben insists that it is important to find the Bulgarian passenger on the plane, because Cal's condition seems related to him and Saanvi does not object.[4]

Benvi (9)

Saanvi signs Cal out and has a playful rapport with Cal which puts him at ease. Saanvi reassures Cal and his parents that they can contact her immediately, should Cal get sick again. As Cal and Grace leave, Ben hangs back to talk with Saanvi and Michaela. Ben points out that as long as Cal is tied to the other passenger, the status can repeat itself. Ben decides to get hired as an accountant by the company that handles data for United Dynamic Systems, to locate the passengers of the 828 without family. Saanvi finds it a good plan if they hire him, which happens. Ben damages his badge and manages to borrow one from a superior so he infiltrates the system. He discovers that a passenger on 828, Fiona Clarke, collaborates with United Dynamic Systems.

Benvi (10)

Ben immediately informs Saanvi and they meet up at a coffee house to discuss his findings. That evening, Ben and Saanvi go to a lecture given by Fiona Clarke. They react in the same way to Fiona's words, who, when she sees them, says that she has been waiting for them for a long time. When Ben and Saanvi question Fiona Clarke, she is surprised and concerned to hear about the 11 missing passengers. Saanvi asks her what the project funding her is called and Clarke replies, ‘The Singularity Project’ - S.P., which was in the file Ben saw. Ben manages to get access to the data systems and downloads the money trail, texting Saanvi in he process. Before he can meet her to go over it, he’s intercepted by Vance, who demands the file, despite Ben's pleas for his son.[5]

Benvi (11)

A passenger with a criminal record who has been subjected to the experiments, manages to escape and is guided to Ben by a Calling. Ben brings her to the boiler room where Saanvi provides her medical care. Ben wants to bring Vance in to help the other captives but Saanvi fears he could compromise the safe haven. Ben insists they need to trust Vance as he has them. When Vance sees what's happened to Autumn, Ben decides to confide in Vance the connection the passengers share despite Saanvi's gaze imploring him no to. He also reveals the connection Cal has with Marko and that he's doing everything to protect him, which makes Saanvi emotional too. The next round of experiments is felt by all the 828ers and Vance witnessing it is enough to convince him to mount a rescue. After Ben calls to check on Cal, Saanvi asks him if Cal is okay. With Cal's help, the hostages are saved, but Vance dies. Cal being at the rescue op leads Grace to kick Ben out as she doesn't trust him. He stays with Michaela and they check in with Saanvi at the boiler room.[6] They bring the passengers to a safe house that Clarke has provided. Ben begins to investigate the organizer of the experiment, a woman known as "The Major", keeping Saanvi and Michaela informed. Eventually Saanvi discovers that the Major is looking for passengers with the strongest connection to the Callings, like Cal.[7]

Benvi (12)

Please be careful. I worry about you. Kinda wishing that 8B was still around

The Callings later lead the Stones to a man named Zeke suffering from hypothermia and Ben calls Saanvi for guidance on how to treat him. Ben and Grace take Cal to be checked out by Saanvi, and while talking, Saanvi mentions that her travel partner before 828 never showed. Ben starts to talk about it, but Saanvi quickly changes the subject. Ben gives Saanvi a sample of Zeke's blood to test for the 828 marker and asks her to be careful, to avoid attracting the Major. Saanvi discovers that Zeke has the marker and calls Ben, who immediately comes to see her, and she tells him. Saanvi expains her hypotheses and Ben is astonished. He gets word Ben that the people who attacked his home has been caught and tells Saanvi what happened. She is shocked and immediately asks Ben if everyone is okay. Ben tells her to be careful and that he is worried about her. Saanvi smiles at him. He says that he wishes whoever was meant to go with Saanvi to Jamaica was still around to look out for her and reiterates that he wants her to be careful as he leaves.[8]

Saanvi begins to ignore his phone calls and Ben finds it worrisome, so his wife urges him to go see Saanvi. Convinced that she is capable of working miracles, a woman named Alice wants Saanvi to cure her husband of his cancer. Saanvi visits him, but she can't help his situation and Alice takes her hostage. Discovering that she has not shown up at work or at a meeting and knowing that it is not from her (further proof of the growing confidence between the two), Ben begins to investigate a strange sect founded by a passenger, Adrian, who adores as saints the passengers on the flight and begins to suspect (rightly) that a parishioner centers with the disappearance of Saanvi. Ben sees Saanvi from the window and realizing she is in danger, decides to break in without waiting for the police, ignoring his sister's attempts to stop him. Convincing Alice to open it, he secretly reopens the door to allow others to enter. As soon as she sees him, Saanvi tells him that Alice has a gun, but Michaela has sneaked in and takes advantage of her brother's diversion to arrest the madwoman. Enraged, Ben goes to Adrian and growls at him that it is his fault that Alice is in jail, her husband will die alone and Saanvi is traumatized, but Adrian continues with his absurd religion.[9]

Benvi (13)

Don't be so hard on yourself. You will get over it. And in the meantime ... I'm here. For everything
—Ben comforts Saanvi

A robber is found still alive after three days underwater, just like the passengers on the plane and Zeke. Saanvi and Michaela brigade so that the man is taken to the hospital where Saanvi works. Saanvi is still upset by her kidnapping, but nevertheless joins the Stone siblings and Zeke, to discuss the robber's calling. Michaela notices that Saanvi may still be traumatized and tells Ben to keep an eye on her and he looks worried. Ben later joins Saanvi and she admits that she is still in shock from the kidnapping. Ben does his best to calm her down and tells her that she will overcome her trauma and that he will be by her side for everything.

Saanvi later declares that the robber, Griffin, has their own marker in his blood and is confused, because she thought they would discover something good, but now she thinks they are about to discover something horrible.

Benvi (14)

Using his call to foil an attack, Griffin manages to get released and the Stone siblings and Saanvi receive a call telling them to stop him. They immediately talk to Saanvi about it and she raises the hypothesis of having to kill Griffin and unlike Michaela, Ben seems to agree that it is possible that they could be forced to do so.

When his sister leaves, to go talk to Zeke, Ben asks Saanvi how she is. Saanvi replies that the wound Alice inflicted on her face is hardly visible anymore, but Ben does not allow himself to be sidetracked and says that he was not referring to that. Saanvi keeps saying she's fine and tries to calm Ben who clearly doesn't believe her.

Saanvi has kept the discovery of the marker just for her and the Stones and when another doctor finds out she starts to worry. Saanvi is now suffering from panic attacks and eventually a colleague of hers persuades her to go to a therapist. Griffin's problem, however, solves itself, as the lungs of the man (who was about to talk about the TV calls) suddenly fill with water and he dies. To figure this out, Ben decides to ask Saanvi to inquire with a medical examiner she is friends with. This shows that the two exchange all information and have great mutual trust.

Saanvi performs and as usual analyzes the situation with Ben and Michaela and also reveals to the two that others have discovered the markers. Saanvi promises to go to great lengths to cover up the discovery (a very hard thing for a scientist), and then she tells them that she has decided to go into therapy and asks if they are worried that she will reveal too much information. But Ben interrupts her by declaring that the important thing is for her to get help. Unfortunately, the therapist is actually the Major.

Season 2[]

Jared gets into a fight with Zeke, because he is jealous of his relationship with Michaela. Zeke has a gun and during the struggle a shot is fired that injures the blonde who is hospitalized in the hospital where Saanvi works. As soon as the intervention ends, Saanvi goes to warn the Stones, telling them that Michaela is out of danger. Saanvi sneaks in Ben to talk to his sister.

Ben then sets out in search of another passenger Randall. The latter threatens him with a rifle, but fortunately, Ben manages to convince him not to harm him. When Saanvi finds out while they are having lunch together, Saanvi worries about him, which is mutual since the girl is still shaken. In therapy, Saanvi comments that she is happy that Michaela has recovered, but that she is sorry not to see the Stones in the hospital anymore and the "therapist", asks her if she refers to Ben, having noticed the way in which her patient speaks of man. Saanvi tries to deny that she is attracted to Ben, but she can't.

"I better not think about him, it's an impossible story"

Saanvi admits an attraction to Ben but knows she cannot not act on it.

Benvi (15)

The therapist tries to comfort her, but Saanvi declares that she shouldn't think of Ben that way, as he is married and his wife is pregnant, a secret she has been put aside, a sign of the great trust that all Stones, Ben included, demonstrate to Saanvi.

Later, a doctor tries to woo Saanvi but she ignores him completely because she is too busy with what happened and probably also with Ben. Later Ben is very up to date on Saanvi's research.

It is interesting to note that Ben remembered that the seat next to Saanvi on the plane was empty, a sign that somehow, he had noticed her even before their adventure began.

Ben: Is not enough! Saanvi is in danger! - Ben expresses his concern

Discovering that the Major spies on Saanvi, Ben forces Vance to resolve the situation by appearing very worried for Saanvi. Vance decides to use Saanvi as bait, but Ben disagrees and feels uncomfortable at the idea of lying to her. Eventually Ben lets himself be persuaded after Vance tells him that they need to lie to her to protect her.

Benvi (16)

Saanvi is very busy with work, but as soon as Ben walks up to her her face lights up and smiles, and she immediately goes to say hello. Ben also seems pleased to see her. During their conversation, Saanvi expresses her trust in Ben when she talks to her about a passenger who may have more powerful calls than Cal's. Ben looks very obviously uncomfortable deceiving her and when Saanvi notices that he doesn't seem enthusiastic, he replies that perhaps he has found a job as a university professor and she is genuinely happy for him.

Ben: The Major has a mole accessing your research.

Saanvi: How do you know that?

Ben: I just do, trust me. And if your discovery leaks to her... Saanvi...

Saanvi: Yeah. Ok. What if the Major already knows about the passenger's new Callings? She... She came after Cal. Imagine what she's...

Ben: There are no new Callings.

Saanvi: What?

Ben: It was a fake, made up as bait to lure the Major.

Saanvi: Okay, I don't, um... I don't understand. Why would you lie to me?

Ben: Because you were safer not knowing. You might've inadvertently clued in the Major.

Saanvi: All of this, there is no way this is just you and Michaela. You're working with someone.

Ben: Vance. He survived the accident, went into hiding. Michaela and I...

Saanvi: Michaela and you what?! I am part of that group, Ben, and you didn't trust me?

Ben: No, it's not about trust. It was for your own protection.

Saanvi: Okay, I just... I need you to leave.

Ben: Did you think I wanted tolie? I didn't want any of this.

Saanvi: Yeah, but you had a choice! I didn't. Go.

Ben: Saanvi, please be careful. This leak...

Saanvi: Go

Benvi (17)

Well after his lecture at the university, he goes again to see Saanvi who again seems very happy to see him and still talks to him about his research. But she gives in and tells her that the Major is spying on her and she has access to her research and that he has invented everything to lure the Major into a trap. Ben also reveals to her about Vance's survival and at that point Saanvi bursts into tears asking him why he didn't trust her, then she demands that he leave.

Saanvi appears devastated by Ben's deception, but also because she remembers how her ex-girlfriend ditched her by not getting on the flight to Jamaica.

Ben: Look, Saanvi might be pissed, but your secret is safe. I trust her.

Vance: Oh. Well, that's good to know because now the only people who know I'm alive are our wives, Michaela, Saanvi.

Ben: I'm sorry, Vance.

Vance: We need to get in front of this.

Ben: Maybe not. Saanvi could still help us find the leak.

When he finds out that Ben spilled the beans, Vance berates him but he declares that he trusts Saanvi and that she will help them find the mole. On the other hand, Saanvi believes Ben and fires her assistant as she can't trust anyone around her anymore. Ben then tries to contact Saanvi but fails (the doctor destroyed her cell phone in a moment of anger). Vance hopes the girl doesn't do anything stupid and Ben retorts that she's not the type.

Saanvi: Ben was the one person I thought I could trust.- Saanvi's outburst.

Benvi (18)

Saanvi later takes it out in therapy, and that same night she goes to the Stone house telling Ben she was right. Ben says the same to Vance and the three discover that the Major is Saanvi's therapist. Ben apologizes to Saanvi again. When he finds out that Saanvi set up surveillance and fake vials for the Major, he stares at her with an impressed smile, but she only glares at him, both because she is mad at him for lying and likely because she feels he underestimated her.
Saanvi begins to avoid Ben and Vance urges her to clear up with Ben, claiming that he was the one who forced him to lie to her. Unfortunately the Major eats the leaf and runs away with Saanvi's research.

The two remain at loggerheads for a while, as Grace is followed by another doctor for a while.

Ben has a call in which he finds himself on the plane and immediately searches for Saanvi who pleads for his help, before disappearing. Ben appears very worried about Saanvi and knows that she is no longer hiding from Vance.

Benvi (19)

Ben discovers that Saanvi was experimenting on herself and stays in the hospital until he can see her.

Saanvi: It's kinda hard to stay mad at you since you may just have saved my life.

Ben: Well... then I'll be mad at you. You were testing on yourself? Saanvi, you were the one that told me that testing on people is unethical and it would never be considered unless the patient is terminal.

Saanvi: We are terminal. That's what I'm working on, Ben. If there's a chance to cure the Death Date, I have to figure it out. That is on me.

Ben: And how are you gonna do that if you're dead and buried? You know what, Saanvi? You've got to promise me you're not gonna test on yourself again.

Saanvi: I'll try, but...

Ben: No. Promise me. Saanvi, if we hadn't had that Calling, if you hadn't asked me to help you, I...

Saanvi forgives him since Ben's timely intervention saved her life, but now he's the one who gets mad at her and makes her promise that she will stop testing herself.

Saanvi: Hey. You memorized the seating chart?

Ben: Are you surprised?

Saanvi: No, I'm impressed.

The two discuss the new call and Ben convinces Saanvi to rest, promising that he will take care of it. Saanvi just asks him to keep her informed and when she finds out that she has memorized the names and seats of all the passengers in 828, she is impressed. Before Ben leaves the two smile sweetly.

Saanvi: Orlena Prager that gave birth to a baby boy November 30, 2013. Named him Theo. Surprised?

Ben: Impressed.

Benvi (20)

After a dialogue with the passenger in question, Ben and Saanvi take stock of the situation and Ben realizes that Finn (the passenger) may have got a girl pregnant before the flight. Saanvi can only identify her by her name which impresses Ben. Saanvi accompanies Ben to visit Finn. Ben shows concern for her health, but she retorts that they had the call together and that they must act on it together.

Finn is surprised when he learns he has had a child by a woman married to another man. Ben and Saanvi console him and tell him that none of this was his fault (he disappeared because of 828 and did not know that Orlena was married), and they promise him that they will help him meet his son Theo.

Benvi (21)

Shortly thereafter, the two exchange ideas on a park bench and Saanvi, after seeing Theo, realizes that he has liver problems.

To save Theo, Finn needs a transplant, and Orlena decides that if Finn saves his son's life, he deserves to be part of it. Ben and Saanvi smile satisfied before the scene. Their complicity has been fully recovered.

Benvi (22)

Saanvi later finds herself forced to seek help from her ex. It turns out that Ben is not the first married person she was interested in and that Alex had stood up for her not to destroy her family. This implies that Ben has decided not to try to pursue Ben, also due to her past experience.
Saanvi breaks her promise and continues to experiment on herself. However, they succeed, and she thinks she has found a way to eliminate the calls and the first person she decides to report the news to is Ben.

The experiments lead to Saanvi's memory lapses and make her act impulsive. During this time, she gets hung up with her ex Alex, perhaps because she and Ben are not seeing each other. It is possible that if she had continued dating, Saanvi would have slammed on Ben, as Alex is also married.

Discovering that trying to get rid of the calls will lead to catastrophe, Ben immediately worries about Saanvi.

Meanwhile, Saanvi loses her job because of the Major and asks for Ben's help. Ben immediately senses that there is a hand of the Major and Saanvi convinces him to reveal a secret: Vance's wife knows that he is alive and therefore Saanvi decides to try to contact Vance through her.

Season 3[]

A call takes Ben to Cuba. Saanvi knows this, and often asks for information just like Grace does. Knowing that Ben is untraceable, Saanvi worries and calls Vance to hear from him. An 828 passenger, Angelina Meyer, is found in Costa Rica by Zeke and Michaela who went there on their honeymoon, segregated by her parents who believed her to be possessed by the devil. Once freed of her, the girl begs them to take her to New York with them and Saanvi immediately suggests asking Ben for her help, considering him the most reliable person she and Michaela have ever known.

Benvi (23)

The drug dealers who had kidnapped Cal return and then Grace decides to go into hiding at her half-brother's house, despite not having a relationship with him for years. But Ben decides not to accompany her right away, feeling compelled to help Vance. Ben catches up with Saanvi and Zeke and informs them of the new development and when Zeke leaves to call Michaela, he tells Saanvi that feds have come to question him. During the conversation the Major is mentioned and Saanvi looks away from her not wanting to confess to Ben that she killed her. Despite fearing for her own life, Saanvi studies Ben's sample, but finds nothing of significance.

Due to a leak, Ben is unable to reach his wife and children and fearing a return from the Major, Ben sets out to warn Saanvi, but Jared, who should see her anyway, volunteers. Ben's hand begins to glow and he informs Saanvi offscreen. The second time, he immediately texts Saanvi telling her he needs a consultation and despite the fact that it is late at night, she calls him immediately.

Benvi (24)

Ben feels he has to find the wreck of the plane, even it seems crazy to him. Saanvi, however, does not comment and immediately proposes to take action. The two thus find themselves in a government structure together with Vance. The latter is not happy with Ben's meddling and Saanvi tries to keep the peace between the two.

Benvi (25)

While talking to Vance, Ben asks Saanvi's opinion and seeing her a little distracted, he asks her if she's okay. Saanvi is tormented by having killed the Major, but decides not to confide in her friend (it must be said, however, that they were in a secret government base, certainly not the most suitable place for such a confidence). Ben decides to leave the research center, even though Saanvi disagrees and tries to persuade her. Some words of Saanvi make Ben guess that they have been voluntarily kept in the dark about something and asks her to cover him, while he investigates, ignoring her hesitance.

He informs Vance that the drug dealers who kidnapped Cal are also back, so one of them, Pete, is taken from prison and undergoes medical tests. Ben asks Saanvi (who joined Vance's research group) in surprise if this is okay with her, but she replies that she certainly couldn't oppose the N.S.I. Ben tries to reach Pete (another of the drug dealers, intends to kill Michaela) and when the government gets their hands on him, Saanvi tries to help him, being blocked by Vance.

Benvi (26)

Ben later talks privately with the two, telling them that apart from his family, they are the two people he cares about the most in the world. Saanvi assures him that they are on the same side, but that they are trying to figure out how to cancel the death date without the calls.

Benvi (27)

Ben eventually convinces the two to let him talk to Pete, promising that he will convince him to collaborate with them as well. The professor notices that Saanvi is very distracted, but Saanvi avoids the question. Ben lets himself be studied but to his surprise the project manager decides to fire Saanvi. Ben tries to protest but to no avail.

Benvi (28)

As always, the two discuss the doctor's research and Ben declares that they must find a way to stay in Eureka (the facility that studies the phenomenon of the resurrection). However, Saanvi persuades him to go and rest. Soon after Ben is kidnapped and Michaela asks about Saanvi. The fact that he called her suggests that Michaela understands how close her brother and Saanvi are. Saanvi manages to keep the job and right after some of the tests, Ben has a call in which he sees photos of some passengers catching fire and immediately informs his friend.

Ben entrusts Saanvi with the task of discovering everything he can about a mysterious piece of wood sent by the Vatican, while he tries to find out what is happening to the passengers. Saanvi discovers that there may be a connection between Flight 828 and Noah's Ark and points out that if Ben hadn't volunteered for the experiments, they wouldn't have made the connection, that it might help them and that she trusts him, but Vance forbids her to inform him and Saanvi agrees (she probably knows that having someone inside Eureka is too important). Saanvi later lies to Ben and tells him that he hasn't discovered anything.

Eagan (another passenger) later points out to Ben that Saanvi is not much of a spy since he hasn't been reporting anything in a week, but Ben is sure it is because Saanvi hasn't discovered anything. His sister thinks Saanvi is in trouble, and Ben tries to call her but finds the answering machine. When he discovers that Saanvi is bleeding from her eyes, Ben looks very worried. Ben does not get angry when he finds out about the fragment of the ark and when he finds that Saanvi does not improve, he continues to worry. When Saanvi recovers (finally confessing to Michaela that she killed the Major), Ben is relieved and happy that his sister is with Saanvi. The latter begs Micheala not to say anything to her brother because she wants to do it in person, because she thinks he deserves that respect.

Benvi (29)

Ben is later arrested and, to his shock, Michaela lets it slip that Saanvi killed the Major. Ben cannot believe it and is certain that Saanvi acted in self-defense. When he discovers that his sister intends to arrest her, Ben is disconcerted and is absolutely against Saanvi going to jail. When Michaela then decides to proceed with the arrest, Ben clearly tells her that he does not approve.

Benvi (30)

In the end, however, Michaela disgusted by the sentiment and the anti-passenger measures of 828 decides to resign and therefore Saanvi is not arrested. Later, Michaela takes Saanvi to the Stone house. Saanvi apologizes to Ben for her lies, but it is clear he was never angry and proves it by hugging her.

Saanvi later admits that Ben was right about Eureka and says she doesn't want any more secrets. They both feel guilty for their recent behavior.

Benvi (31)

A call leads Cal to Eureka and the little boy is full of burns. Once his mother finds out, he expects Saanvi to heal him and Saanvi arrives right away, despite her leaving Eureka and very late, a sign of how much she cares about the Stones, including Ben. Afterwards friends argue about the call, its effects and what he wants from them like in the old days.

Ben and Saanvi later try to convince Vance and Dr. Gupta to stop testing the piece of plane as this is the cause of Cal's burns. Fortunately, the man is persuaded. Later, Ben decides to implement the plan that the "returnees" had come up with: destroy the piece of the plane. Saanvi hesitates a bit, but eventually gives him the information he needs.

Benvi (32)

Dr. Gupta continues the experiments, despite causing earthquakes and Cal has disappeared again touching the wreck, so Ben, Saanvi, Vance and others decide to get rid of it by throwing it into the sea. The group later studies Cal's drawings to figure out where to throw the wreck. Fortunately, Dr. Gupta is convinced and Ben and Saanvi leave to throw the piece of plane into the sea.

Benvi (33)
Benvi (34)
Benvi (35)

Due to the storm, the captain tries to back off, and Saanvi goes out onto the deck to throw the wreck into the water. Ben chases after her screaming that she risks her life, but she feels responsible for the damage caused by her search. Saanvi falls into the sea and Ben immediately dives to go and rescue her, putting himself in danger as well.

Despite being able to follow the call, Cal does not reappear and when Ben points this out, Saanvi tries to convince him that he may reappear later. Shortly thereafter, the two share a call and Ben comments that Saanvi has redeemed herself when she hopes so. As he moves forward to investigate the plane, he holds the side of her head with one hand, and Saanvi puts her hand over his, accepting the gesture as a comforting touch.

Season 4[]

Benvi (36)

In Season 4 Episode 7 (Romeo), Ben visits a neuroscience institute (ALNI) based on a calling from Eden. Ben is allowed to look around the institute by lying to the receptionist about his father needing to come here for help. He offers to give himself a tour so he can look around without supervision. He finds some of the tortured passengers (the ones that The Major was conducting experiments on) and decides to get Saanvi's help. When Saanvi arrives, the receptionist is hesitant to let her look around. Ben says that Saanvi is his wife and kisses her to prove it. They both walk around, holding hands, to be convincing to the people in the building until they find the tortured passengers

Benvi (37)

Later, Saanvi is discussing the calling she had of the patient's files lighting up, and Ben and her consider the possibility that the passengers could be connected to the divine and constantly in a state of "callings." Ben mentions how it was Eden's calling that led them to this, and Saanvi jokes that she is a chip off the old block. Ben then apologizes for not being there for the past few months and thanks her for not giving up on the passengers or him. Saanvi offers him a warm smile and holds the side of his face, telling him that it's okay. Ben smiles back, and they share a short, comforting moment before Saanvi retreats her hand and Ben gets a text.

In Episode 9, during Michaela's and Zeke's anniversary dinner, Saanvi makes a toast to their love, stating that though she hasn't yet found her person, their relationship gives her hope that she will. It should be noted that the camera specifically zooms onto Ben's expression when she says this, hinting that Ben could be starting to see her in a romantic way and that something between them could flourish in the second part of Season 4 (now that it has been two years since Grace's death).


Saanvi“You may not be my endgame, Ben Stone, but... I'll always have mad love for you.”
— Ben and Saanvi in “Lift/Drag”
Ben“This is- this is my wife.”
Saanvi“Sorry I'm late. Traffic was crazy.”
Ben“Don't worry, babe. Dad's gonna love this place.”
— Ben pretends he and Saanvi are married to get her into ALNI, Season 4, Episode 7
Saanvi“The only downside is, I will miss seeing the Stones around the hospital”
Kathryn Fitz“You mean Ben”
Saanvi“I'm sorry?”
Kathryn Fitz“I hear how you talk about him. Am I wrong?”
Saanvi“I hadn't even thought about it. Much”
Kathryn Fitz“You don't have to beat yourself up about it. You and Ben have been through a traumatic journey together. You have seen Ben at his most vulnerable. That's appealing”
Saanvi“It's best for me not to think about him in that way. That's impossible”
Fasten Your Seatbelts (201)


Bennvi is one of the most popular ships in the Manifest fandom. It is the most popular ship that includes Saanvi. It is the rival to Gracen. Fans and viewers were upset that Benvi was finally made canon after a 4-season slow burn, only to be shut down the following episode to serve a pre-planned ending.


Saanvi B./Ben S. tag on AO3
ben x saanvi posts on Tumblr
saanvi x ben posts on Tumblr
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ben saanvi posts on Twitter


Main article: Benvi/Gallery


I’ll Always Have “Mad Love” For Ben And Saanvi On ‘Manifest’ (JUNE 2023 • DECIDER)
Manifest Season 4's Time Jump Makes A Ben-Saanvi Twist Possible (AUGUST 2022 • SCREENRANT)
Why Manifest Ending At Season 4 May Have Doomed A Ben-Saanvi Romance (OCTOBER 2021 • SCREENRANT)


  1. Lift/Drag (418)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Turbulence (103)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Unclaimed Baggage (104)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Off-Radar (106)
  5. S.N.A.F.U. (107)
  6. Dead Reckoning (109)
  7. Crosswinds (110)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Cleared For Approach (113)
  9. Upgrade (114)
Benvi (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.