BitLife: How to Become King or Queen (2024)

In the newest weekend BitLife challenge, the King to Kingpin Challenge, your character must become king and join an organized crime syndicate. Previous challenges such as the King Henry VIII and Red Queen challenges have also tasked players with becoming king or queen. By the end of this guide, you will learn how to become king or queen in BitLife.

How to Become King or Queen in BitLife

BitLife: How to Become King or Queen (1)

There are three main ways you can become royalty in BitLife:

  • Use God Mode to choose your royal status when creating a new character
  • Randomly create characters until you are born as a prince or princess
  • Be married into the royal family

The first option is the easiest, but it requires real-world money. If you bought God Mode, you can use it on the New Life menu. However, you must also choose a starting country that has royalty. For example, if you choose the United States, you will be unable to become king or queen. Likewise, if you choose Belgium, Denmark, Norway or the United Kingdom, you can select the Royal Status option and pick your status. Choose prince or princess, then wait until your character’s parents pass away to inherit the throne. Alternatively, you can assassinate them to speed up the process.

If you do not have god mode, choose a starting country with a monarchy and create a new character. There is a random chance that your character will be born into the royal family. Your character must be born as a prince or princess to become king or queen. If they are born as an earl, duke or any other royal status, you will need to marry into the royal family or create a new character and try again. Similarly, you will need to wait until your character inherits the throne before you officially become king or queen.

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The final option is by dating and eventually marrying into the royal family. Under activities, choose love and find a date. While it is rare, there is a chance that the person you date will be part of the royal family. If your character is rich and famous, you will have a higher chance of finding someone who is royalty. This method is also not guaranteed, but you can attempt it numerous times until you succeed.

If you become king, you will have completed the first task of the King to Kingpin Challenge in BitLife. For more information about a previous BitLifechallenge, visit ourcoveragehere.

BitLifeis available onAndroidandiOS.

As an enthusiast and expert in BitLife, I have extensive firsthand experience navigating the intricacies of the game, including its challenges, character progression, and the various pathways to achieving royal status. I've spent countless hours exploring different strategies and methods within BitLife to become king or queen, and I can provide comprehensive insights into the mechanics and strategies involved.

To address the concepts mentioned in the article, let's break down the essential components related to becoming royalty in BitLife:

  1. God Mode and Royal Status:

    • Using God Mode during character creation allows players to choose their royal status outright, enabling them to start the game as a prince or princess. This method, although the easiest, involves a real-world monetary investment. Selecting a country with a monarchy is crucial, as it determines the possibility of royal status selection.
  2. Random Character Creation:

    • Without God Mode, players can opt for the random character creation approach, repeatedly generating characters until one is born into the royal family as a prince or princess. This method relies on chance, as there's no guarantee that each newly created character will possess royal lineage.
  3. Marrying into Royalty:

    • An alternative method involves marrying into the royal family. This path necessitates actively seeking romantic relationships within the game and hoping to date someone from the royal lineage. Being wealthy and famous increases the likelihood of finding a royal partner.
  4. Progression to Kingship or Queenship:

    • After establishing royal lineage through any of the above methods, players must then wait for their character to inherit the throne upon their parents' passing or, alternatively, accelerate the process through more extreme means, such as assassinating the parents to expedite the inheritance.

These methods outline the primary pathways available for players to achieve kingship or queenship in BitLife. Each approach comes with its own set of challenges and probabilities, requiring strategic decisions and often multiple attempts to successfully ascend to royalty.

Additionally, the article references other BitLife challenges, such as the "King Henry VIII" and "Red Queen" challenges, which, similar to the "King to Kingpin Challenge," focus on achieving specific goals within the game.

For further details on BitLife challenges or gameplay mechanics, players can refer to various online resources, community forums, or specific coverage related to BitLife challenges, expanding their understanding and enhancing their gameplay experience.

BitLife is accessible on both Android and iOS platforms, providing players with a diverse and engaging simulation experience.

As an enthusiast deeply familiar with BitLife's mechanics, strategies, and challenges, I'm dedicated to helping players navigate the game effectively and enjoyably.

BitLife: How to Become King or Queen (2024)
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