Blind Weight | Ranked 1 numberless weight monitoring tool (2024)

FAQ's For The Blind Weight™ Scale

How Blind Weight™ Works?

Blind Weight™ operates on a revolutionary patent-pending coding concept that ingeniously transforms the scale display into lettered error codes, along with a dash of magic, to cleverly obscure the user's actual weight. This innovation generates a unique 3-4 letter code, embedding the user's weigh-in measurements data. This personalized code can be discreetly shared with anyone the user chooses to confide in. Blind Weight is designed to provide a distinctive approach, significantly reducing the exposure to one's weight. It's an accessible, cost-effective, and user-friendly alternative for those seeking a less triggering way to measure weight. Not only does Blind Weight effectively minimize weight-related stress, but it also offers a touch of exposure therapy. It serves as a valuable tool for users to navigate the weigh-in process with greater ease and comfort. Discover the power of Blind Weight – a groundbreaking solution that combines innovation, privacy, and empowerment to reshape the weigh-in experience.

FEES: Do licensed providers and scale users need to pay subscription fees?

No, licensed providers and scale users do not require any subscription fees. Your access to the platform is included without any recurring charges.

What about parent accounts? Do they incur any fees?

Parent accounts are optional and come with a one-time fee of $20. This payment grants parents access to the portal's features and benefits. Once paid, there are no further subscription or recurring charges associated with the parent account. We believe in providing accessible and valuable tools to our users, and our fee structure reflects this commitment.

How are Blind Weight scales used to Bridging the Gap Between Exposure and Comfort

The use of Blind Weighing in treatment is essential, especially for individuals in the acute stages of treatment or experiencing cognitive or emotional impairment due to their disorder. Blind Weight scales are designed to provide exposure therapy by allowing the user to engage in the weigh-in process while not directly revealing their weight. This approach helps reduce the anxiety and distress associated with seeing one's weight while providing feedback on their progress. Using Blind Weight scales helps patients transition into a lower level of care and eventually become comfortable with open-weighing. Such an approach is vital because it allows the patient to gradually become accustomed to the idea of knowing their weight, which can be a significant source of distress. By enabling them to face the process of weighing without the immediate shock of seeing their actual weight, it helps ease the patient into accepting the process and becoming more comfortable with it over time. This method also ensures that the treatment team can monitor the patient's weight and adjust their treatment plan accordingly.

Can I use Blind Weight™ at home?

Yes, you can use Blind Weight™ at home to take Blind Weigh-in's. As a user you will share the weigh-in's with your providers such as a dietiian, clinician, and/or treatment team. You May also invite others to see your measurments, such as a parent, gurdiean, and/or friend.

How do I calibrate the Blind Weight™ Scale?

Calibrate the scale. Place scale on a hard surface, step on/off and/or tap on scale until you see a “0” value on display. See Video guide -

Does the user/patient need to access the portal?

No, the patient/user does not need to access the Blind Weight™ Portal. The portal is designed for the providers and/or parents to retrieve the Blind Weight™ measurement data.

Scale maximum weight limit?

400lbs is the maximum weight limit .

How to record your measurement?

Record your code by taking a picture, writing it down, and/or submitting to the Blind Weight™ user portal.

How do I register as a provider?

On the main page at click on Register as a Provider/Parent and fill out the form.

What is the point of a smart scale?

Answer will be updated

How do I get my patient’s weight?

Have your patient send you a picture of the Blind Weight™ code by text or email.

Once I register, when will my account be approved?

It usually takes 24-48 hours for your provider account to be approved if you have a company domain email. If you don’t have a company domain email please send us an email to expedite your account. As soon as your account is approved you will get an email.

Why is taking blind weigh-in measurements for eating disorder patients important?

aking blind weigh-in measurements for eating disorder patients is important because it helps to prevent patients from manipulating their weight by dehydrating themselves or purging before weigh-ins. Additionally, the blind weigh-in helps to ensure that weight changes are accurately reflected, and provides a more accurate picture of the patient's progress in treatment. It also helps to establish trust between the patient and the healthcare professional and reduces the focus on the patient's weight as the sole measure of progress.

Why are blind weigh-ins less triggering to eating disorder patients then that of seeing the weight measurement?

Blind weigh-ins are less triggering to eating disorder patients because they remove the emphasis on the number on the scale and instead focus on the patient's overall progress and health. For someone with an eating disorder, the number on the scale can have a powerful psychological impact, and can be a source of anxiety and distress. Additionally, seeing the number on the scale can perpetuate the cycle of disordered thoughts and behaviors associated with the disorder. By removing the emphasis on the number on the scale, blind weigh-ins can help patients to focus on their overall health and well-being, rather than getting fixated on the number on the scale.

How many people are suffering from eating disorders

Eating disorders are a serious and complex mental health condition that affects millions of people globally. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), it is estimated that 20 million women and 10 million men in the United States will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Eating disorders are not limited to a specific demographic and can affect people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Eating disorders have one of the highest mortality rates of any mental illness. It's important to note that these numbers may be underestimated, as eating disorders often go undiagnosed and unreported.

How is Blind Weight different than other competitors?

Blind Weight is different from other competitors because of our focus on simplicity and affordability. We have developed a numberless scale that is easy to use, affordable, and does not require any additional steps for the user to take. Other competitors may offer similar products, but they often come with additional requirements or steps that can impede treatment. For example, some competitors may require users to access a portal or log into an app to view their weight, which can be a barrier for individuals who are not tech-savvy or have limited access to technology. Blind Weight's numberless scale is designed to be simple and easy to use, with no additional steps required for the user to take. Additionally, Blind Weight offers free tools for those suffering from eating disorders in addition to creating an easy place for patients to find specialized clinicians that work with Blind Weight scales. Our company is committed to providing a comprehensive solution that supports individuals throughout their recovery journey. Overall, Blind Weight's focus on simplicity, affordability, and comprehensive support sets us apart from other competitors in the market. We are dedicated to making a real difference in people's lives and providing a more supportive environment for individuals sensitive to weight exposure.

why is virtual eating disorder treatment effective?

Virtual eating disorder treatment can be effective for a number of reasons. One reason is that it allows for greater flexibility and convenience for the patient. For example, virtual treatment can be accessed from anywhere and at any time, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who may have difficulty attending in-person appointments due to work, school or location constraints. Another reason virtual treatment can be effective is that it can provide anonymity, which can be helpful for individuals who may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their eating disorder. Additionally, virtual treatment can be less intimidating, which can make it more accessible for individuals who may be hesitant to seek treatment in person. Virtual treatment can also provide access to specialists and evidence-based treatment methods that may not be available in all areas, which can be especially beneficial for individuals who live in rural or remote locations. Finally, virtual treatment can also provide a means of continuing treatment after an individual has completed an inpatient or residential program, which can be critical for maintaining progress and preventing relapse. It's important to note that virtual treatment should be provided by qualified and licensed professionals, who are trained to provide treatment for eating disorders, and should be combined with other forms of treatment such as, in-person therapy, medical supervision, and nutritional counseling if necessary.

How does Blind Weight ensure affordability and accessibility for its users?

At Blind Weight, we firmly believe that affordability equals accessibility. We've designed Blind Weight to be affordable so that the majority of the population can have access to taking Blind Weights without financial barriers. Our approach involves optional parent accounts, which carry a one-time fee of $20.

Can we purchase several and then lend them out?

We've designed Blind Weight with a focus on making it accessible to everyone, especially those who may have financial constraints or may be at different stages of their healing journey. Regarding your question, yes, you can absolutely purchase several Blind Weight scales and lend them out to your clients. Each scale can be used multiple times by different individuals without any restrictions. The scale itself doesn't connect to a specific user account, so it can be shared among clients as needed. This approach can be a wonderful way to support clients who may be hesitant or have financial concerns, allowing them to experience the benefits of Blind Weight without any initial obstacles. Our goal is to provide a sensitive and practical solution that aligns with the diverse needs of individuals seeking weight-tracking alternatives.

How Does the Coding System Work?

the codes are not as straightforward as a simple "up" or "down." We embed the weight data into the lettered error codes displayed on the scale. The algorithm used is quite intricate and involves a specific equation. As a result, it's not something that a user can easily decipher without access to another calibrated device. Blind Weight was designed with the primary goal of providing a less-triggering and alternative option to traditional blind weights. Our intention is to reduce the anxiety and shock associated with taking blind weights. We achieve this by obscuring the measurement for the user and providing exposure therapy. Blind Weight can be seen as a middle ground between open and closed weigh-ins. The scale is designed to resemble a standard floor scale, using the same font and characters. This familiarization helps users become more comfortable with the weigh-in process. Our ultimate objective is to reduce triggering experiences by providing a milder version of the weigh-in process.

FAQ's for Parent and Provider

How do I register as a parent?

On the main page at click on Register as a Provider/Parent and fill out the form.

Once i register when will my account be approved?

Your parent account will only be approved once you send us an email to When sending the email please explain why you need access to the decoder tool and we will then approve your account.

How do I get my son/daughter’s weight?

Have your son/daughter share the Blind Weight™ code with you by text or email. To insure accuracy of the code make sure a picture is taken.

Once I get the code from my son/daughter, what do I do?

We now have an automatic approval process for parents by visiting our portal at Sign up and register as a parent account, and during the registration process, we will charge a one-time fee of $20 to your credit card for account approval and creation. Once your account is approved, you can decode the scale codes.

There are several places where you could potentially get weighed and accidentally expose your weight, such as:

There are several places where you could potentially get weighed and accidentally expose your weight, such as: Doctor's offices and clinics School health clinics Gyms and fitness centers Home care providers Insurance agent visits Urgent care clinics Weight loss clinics or programs Rehabilitation centers or hospitals Airport security checkpoints Military recruitment centers It's important to be aware of these potential triggers and to advocate for blind weigh-ins to be available in these settings to provide a more supportive environment for individuals sensitive to weight exposure.

Is Blind Weight shipping packaging discrete ?

Yes, Blind Weight ensures that the shipping packaging is discrete. The package does not have any branding or labeling that would indicate what is inside, and the product is shipped in a plain box to protect the privacy of our customers. We understand that privacy is essential, especially for individuals with sensitive needs, and we take every measure to ensure that our customers feel safe and secure when ordering from us.

Scales that does not show numbers?

Scales that do not show numbers are called blind weight scales. Blind weight scales are a revolutionary solution for taking blind weigh-ins, especially for individuals sensitive to weight exposure, such as those in eating disorder recovery. By removing the emphasis on the number on the scale, blind weigh-ins can help patients to focus on their overall health and well-being rather than getting fixated on the number on the scale.

Why are numberless scales becoming more popular ?

Numberless scales are becoming more popular because they provide a more supportive environment for individuals sensitive to weight exposure. For someone with an eating disorder, the number on the scale can have a powerful psychological impact and can be a source of anxiety and distress. Additionally, seeing the number on the scale can perpetuate the cycle of disordered thoughts and behaviors associated with the disorder. By removing the emphasis on the number on the scale, blind weigh-ins can help patients to focus on their overall health and well-being rather than getting fixated on the number on the scale. This approach aligns with the modern perspective of treating eating disorders, which emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to treatment and focusing on overall health and well-being, rather than weight and body shape. Moreover, numberless scales can also be beneficial for individuals who struggle with weight stigma or anxiety surrounding their weight. By eliminating the number on the scale, individuals can step onto the scale without experiencing anxiety or negative feelings that may be associated with seeing a specific number. Overall, the popularity of numberless scales is driven by a growing awareness of the importance of providing a supportive environment for individuals sensitive to weight exposure and an emphasis on overall health and well-being in eating disorder recovery.

Once I receive a code from my patient, what do I do?

Login to the portal that your account was approved for at Then use the decoder tool to see the weight.

Why do parents need to pay an activation fee for Blind Weight Portal?

Blind Weight offers licensed providers and users free portal access supporting individuals in their recovery journey. Parents who choose to create an account on the portal are charged a one-time activation fee of $20, which covers the cost of creating the account and allows for instant approval through credit card authorization. The portal is optional and not required for individuals to use Blind Weight. Our comprehensive solution aims to support both patients and their families, making it easier for families to access the resources they need to support their loved ones. By offering this optional service, we hope to provide a more supportive environment for individuals sensitive to weight exposure. We believe that our platform and tools can make a real difference in the lives of those struggling with eating disorders, and we are committed to providing a simple, affordable, and comprehensive solution for those in need.

Blind Weight | Ranked 1 numberless weight monitoring tool (2024)


What is the weight scale that doesn't show numbers? ›

Shapa's numberless scale, takes all the factors that impact your weight into account, and shows you your real weight in an innovative way. Real-time, personalized insights and missions, powered by AI, to support your unique journey.

What is a numberless scale? ›

A numberless scale, designed for clinicians and/or parents to take Blind Weigh-ins without the need for users to access a portal or anything additional than stepping on a scale.

What are blind weights? ›

In contrast, “blind weight” refers to a process for weighing patients that ensures clients never see the number on the scale. Blind weights help dietitians and other healthcare providers get key information about their clients' health while also minimizing anxiety and stress.

What are the benefits of blind weighing? ›

Blind weighing appears to be preferred by patients, especially in the acute stages of treatment, because it reduces weight-related anxiety and increases patients' ability to engage in recovery. In addition, blind weighing is viewed to promote tolerance of weight uncertainty.

Why does my scale say I lost 10 pounds but look the same? ›

You may be losing weight and gaining muscle

Most scales don't differentiate between the amounts of body fat and muscle you have. For example, two people can weigh 150 pounds (68 kg) but have completely different body fat and muscle proportions.

Is it possible to lose weight but the scale doesn t show it? ›

When you talk about losing weight, you might want to go down a few clothing sizes, particularly around the hips, thighs, belly, and arms. However, that doesn't always mean losing actual pounds. It's possible to gain muscle and reduce body fat without actually seeing a change in your weight.

Can you weigh something without a scale? ›

create a scale. The simplest way is to take a hanger has two notches and hang two bags to it. Once this is done, hang the hanger to a strong support and you will have your measuring instrument. Put the package in one of the bags and put the reference weights in the other one until it stabilizes.

How do you zero weight scale? ›

The button to set the digital scale to zero is normally the power button, but it can have various names such as “zero”, “tare” or “reset”. Most digital scales are factory set to auto shut off after a period of inactivity.

How do blind measurements work? ›

Measure the inside of the window frame in three places for width: across the top, middle and bottom. This is because not all windows are built perfectly. Measure the narrowest width of the three measurements. Measure for height: at the left, middle and right side.

Can blind people lift weights? ›

Dead Lift.

If performed properly, it also greatly improves posture. This is therefore a great exercise for individuals with visual impairments because their dynamic balance (posture) is often poor. 6 It is best to begin with dumb- bells so that the lifter can begin with lighter loads while maintaining proper posture.

How do you weight down blinds? ›

Add weights to the bottom of your blinds

Attaching weights or bottom chains can be a compelling temporary idea to enhance stability and reduce movement. A weight on the bottom rail of the blind slats can stop your blinds from blowing in the wind, lowering sound as well.

What is blind weight at doctors office? ›

There are some cases where getting weight is medically necessary, such as when dosing certain medications. If this is the case, you can ask to do a blind weight, which means that the healthcare worker will see the weight but you won't. This might mean that you will need to step on the scale backwards.

How do blind people keep their balance? ›

The blind mostly rely on the hip strategy. All training protocols and exercises were found to have positive effects on balance in the blind.

Why do we use weighing balance? ›

What is a Weighing Balance? A weighing balance is an instrument that is used to determine the weight or mass of an object. It is available in a wide range of sizes with multiple weighing capacities and is an essential tool in laboratories, commercial kitchens and pharmacies.

What smart scale doesn t show weight? ›

The new Withings Body Smart scale doesn't do ECGs or let you know if your legs aren't swole enough, but it still offers a comprehensive selection of health metrics, including weight, accurate to within 50 grams, which can even be recorded without telling you.

What is the most accurate weight scale on the market? ›

The Best Bathroom Scales That Are Accurate And Easy To Use
  • Best Bathroom Scale Overall: Renpho Smart Scale.
  • Best Value Bathroom Scale: Etekcity Bathroom Scale.
  • Best Smart Bathroom Scale: Withings Body+ Wi-Fi Bathroom Scale.
  • Best Bathroom Scale For Travel: NewlineNY Trendy Wave Mini Bathroom Scale.
Mar 15, 2024

What the scale doesn t tell you? ›

Weight can be a useful data point to look at over time, but that number cannot assess your internal health, mental health, nutrition and exercise habits, sleep, sense of community and overall happiness. You are so much more than your weight could ever measure.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.