Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) (2024)

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others.

People of any age can have BDD, but it's most common in teenagers and young adults. It affects both men and women.

Having BDD does not mean you're vain or self-obsessed. It can be very upsetting and have a big impact on your life.

Symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

You might have body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) if you:

  • worry a lot about a specific area of your body (particularly your face)
  • spend a lot of time comparing your looks with other people's
  • look at yourself in mirrors a lot or avoid mirrors altogether
  • go to a lot of effort to conceal flaws – for example, by spending a long time combing your hair, applying make-up or choosing clothes
  • pick at your skin to make it "smooth"

BDD can seriously affect your daily life, including your work, social life and relationships.

BDD can also lead to depression, self-harm and even thoughts of suicide.

Getting help for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

You should see a GP if you think you might have BDD.

They'll probably ask a number of questions about your symptoms and how they affect your life.

They may also ask if you've had any thoughts about harming yourself.

You may be treated by the GP, or they may refer you to a mental health specialist for further assessment and treatment.

It can be very difficult to seek help for BDD, but it's important to remember that you have nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about.

Getting help is important because your symptoms probably will not go away without treatment and may get worse.

You can also refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP.

Find an NHS talking therapies service

Treatments for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

The symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can get better with treatment.

If your symptoms are relatively mild, you should be referred for a type of talking therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which you have either on your own or in a group.

If you have moderate symptoms, you should be offered either CBT or a type of antidepressant medicine called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).

If your symptoms are more severe, or other treatments do not work, you should be offered CBT together with an SSRI.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

CBT can help you manage your BDD symptoms by changing the way you think and behave.

It helps you learn what triggers your symptoms, and teaches you different ways of thinking about and dealing with your habits.

You and your therapist will agree on goals for the therapy and work together to try to reach them.

CBT for treating BDD will usually include a technique known as exposure and response prevention (ERP).

This involves gradually facing situations that would normally make you think obsessively about your appearance and feel anxious.

Your therapist will help you to find other ways of dealing with your feelings in these situations so that, over time, you become able to deal with them without feeling self-conscious or afraid.

You may also be given some self-help information to read at home and your CBT might involve group work, depending on your symptoms.

CBT for children and young people will usually also involve their family members or carers.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

SSRIs are a type of antidepressant.

There are a number of different SSRIs, but fluoxetine is most commonly used to treat BDD.

It may take up to 12 weeks for SSRIs to have an effect on your BDD symptoms.

If they work for you, you'll probably be asked to keep taking them for several months to improve your symptoms further and stop them coming back.

There are some common side effects of taking SSRIs, but these will often pass within a few weeks.

Your doctor will keep a close eye on you over the first few weeks. It's important to tell them if you're feeling particularly anxious or emotional, or are having thoughts of harming yourself.

If you've not had symptoms for 6 to 12 months, you'll probably be taken off SSRIs.

This will be done by slowly reducing your dose over time to help make sure your symptoms do not come back (relapse) and to avoid any side effects of coming off the drug (withdrawal symptoms), such as anxiety.

Children, adults younger than 30, and all people with a history of suicidal behaviour will need to be carefully monitored when taking SSRIs. This is because they may have a higher chance of developing suicidal thoughts or trying to hurt themselves in the early stages of treatment.

Children and young people may be offered an SSRI if they're having severe symptoms of BDD.

Medicine should only be suggested after they have seen a psychiatrist and been offered talking therapies.

Further treatment

If treatment with both CBT and an SSRI has not improved your BDD symptoms after 12 weeks, you may be prescribed a different type of SSRI or another antidepressant called clomipramine.

If you do not see any improvements in your symptoms, you may be referred to a mental health clinic or hospital that specialises in BDD, such as the National OCD/BDD Service in London.

These services will probably do a more in-depth assessment of your BDD.

They may offer you more CBT or a different kind of therapy, as well as a different kind of antidepressant.

Causes of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

It's not known exactly what causes body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), but it might be associated with:

  • genetics – you may be more likely to develop BDD if you have a relative with BDD, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or depression
  • a chemical imbalance in the brain
  • a traumatic experience in the past – you may be more likely to develop BDD if you were teased, bullied or abused when you were a child

Some people with BDD also have another mental health condition, such as obsessive compulsive behaviour (OCD), generalised anxiety disorder or an eating disorder.

Things you can do to help with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

Support groups for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

Some people may find it helpful to contact or join a support group for information, advice and practical tips on coping with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

You can ask your doctor if there are any groups in your area, and the BDD Foundation has a directory of local and online BDD support groups.

You may also find the following organisations to be useful sources of information and advice:

Mental wellbeing

Things that can help with your mental wellbeing if you have BDD include:

  • taking regular exercise
  • making sure you get enough sleep

Some people also find it helpful to get together with friends or family, or to try doing something new to improve their mental wellbeing.

It may also be helpful to try some relaxation and breathing exercises to relieve stress and anxiety.

As someone deeplyAs someone deeply immersed ins someone deeply immersed in the an expert in mental health,e fieldularly mental health,l health, particularly area of body dysmorphic disorder ( the context of body dysmorphicDDody dysmorphic disorder ordysmorphic disorder ( dysc disorder (BDDorder (BDD),der (BDD), Ier (BDD), I bring(BDD), I bring forthring forth ag forth a wealth wealth ofalth of knowledgeowledge andnd expertised expertise on thisse on this intricate,ntricate subjectcate subject.te subject. Mybject. My understandingrstanding extendsanding extends beyondng extends beyond theds beyond the surfaced the surface,he surface, delrface, delvingdelving into the nuances of BDD, its symptoms condition. I have actively contributed to to the field, keepingld, keeping abreast of andeeping abreast of the latestng abreast of the latest developments interplaytest developments and evidence-basedt developments and evidence-based practicespments and evidence-based practices. contribute to-based practices. This expertise allows me toed practices. This expertise allows me to provide comprehensive. This expertise allows me to provide comprehensive insightshis expertise allows me to provide comprehensive insights into expertise allows me to provide comprehensive insights into thexpertise allows me to provide comprehensive insights into the concepts allows me to provide comprehensive insights into the concepts surroundingows me to provide comprehensive insights into the concepts surrounding Bme to provide comprehensive insights into the concepts surrounding BDD discussedehensive insights into the concepts surrounding BDD.

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Introductionc Disorder (BDD): An In-Depth Exploration

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Introduction: BodyAn In-Depth Exploration**

Introduction: Body Dys In-Depth Exploration**

Introduction: Body DysmIn-Depth Exploration**

Introduction: Body DysmorphicDepth Exploration**

Introduction: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Exploration**

Introduction: Body Dysmorphic Disorder (morphian**

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Demographics: BDD can affect individuals of any age, but itarance.

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**Symptoms ofsing condition with a significant impact on daily life.

**Symptoms of Bng condition with a significant impact on daily life.

**Symptoms of BDDdition with a significant impact on daily life.

**Symptoms of BDD: excessivelyificant impact on daily life.

Symptoms of BDD: specific areasly life.

Symptoms of BDD:

  • their body,ptoms of BDD:**
  • Ex the face. ive - Comparisonmparison and Mirror Usage:on and Mirror Usage: Constant and Mirror Usage: Constant comparisonor Usage:** Constant comparison with others of the bodyant comparison with others'nt comparison with others' appearanceson with others' appearances andith others' appearances and frequentthers' appearances and frequent mirrorers' appearances and frequent mirror checkingrs' appearances and frequent mirror checking orrances and frequent mirror checking or avoidance arences and frequent mirror checking or avoidance are common and frequent mirror checking or avoidance are common behaviorsd frequent mirror checking or avoidance are common behaviors. quent mirror checking or avoidance are common behaviors. or checking or avoidance are common behaviors. -hecking or avoidance are common behaviors.
    • **cking or avoidance are common behaviors.
    • **Conoidance are common behaviors.
    • **Conceance are common behaviors.
    • **Concealinge common behaviors.
    • **Concealing Effcommon behaviors.
    • **Concealing Effortsommon behaviors.
    • Concealing Efforts:n behaviors.
    • Concealing Efforts: Significantaviors.
    • Concealing Efforts: Significant efforts
    • Concealing Efforts: Significant efforts areConcealing Efforts: Significant efforts are investedoncealing Efforts: Significant efforts are invested inealing Efforts: Significant efforts are invested in conceorts: Significant efforts are invested in concealings: Significant efforts are invested in concealing perceivednificant efforts are invested in concealing perceived flawsforts are invested in concealing perceived flaws throughrts are invested in concealing perceived flaws through activitiests are invested in concealing perceived flaws through activities like effortsoncealing perceived flaws through activities like excessive groomingealing perceived flaws through activities like excessive grooming,erceived flaws through activities like excessive grooming, applyinglaws through activities like excessive grooming, applying makeuphrough activities like excessive grooming, applying makeup,rough activities like excessive grooming, applying makeup, or activities like excessive grooming, applying makeup, or choosingtivities like excessive grooming, applying makeup, or choosing specificike excessive grooming, applying makeup, or choosing specific clothingsive grooming, applying makeup, or choosing specific clothing. e grooming, applying makeup, or choosing specific clothing.
    • makeupying makeup, or choosing specific clothing.
    • **Skin-g makeup, or choosing specific clothing.
    • **Skin Pickingeup, or choosing specific clothing.
    • Skin Picking:choosing specific clothing.
    • Skin Picking: Someosing specific clothing.
    • Skin Picking: Some mayng specific clothing.
    • Skin Picking: Some may engagefic clothing.
    • Skin Picking: Some may engage in clothing.
    • Skin Picking: Some may engage in sking.
    • Skin Picking: Some may engage in skin-pSkin Picking: Some may engage in skin-pickingcking: Some may engage in skin-picking behaviorsg:* Some may engage in skin-picking behaviors to Some may engage in skin-picking behaviors to achieveSome may engage in skin-picking behaviors to achieve aay engage in skin-picking behaviors to achieve a perceivedengage in skin-picking behaviors to achieve a perceived " Life:** BDD can profoundly affect various aspects of an individual's life, including work, social interactions,individual's life, including work, social interactions, and."

al's life, including work, social interactions, and relationships3. Seeking Help:** rk, social interactions, and relationships., social interactions, and relationships. Theocial interactions, and relationships. The conditionctions, and relationships. The condition haselationships. The condition has thetionships. The condition has the potential is recommended toion has the potential to a general practitioner (GP) if BDD symptoms areer (GP) if BDD symptoms are suspected. G(GP) if BDD symptoms are suspected. GPs may referif BDD symptoms are suspected. GPs may refer individuals tosymptoms are suspected. GPs may refer individuals to mentals are suspected. GPs may refer individuals to mental health issuesd. GPs may refer individuals to mental health specialists for further assessment and treatment. s may refer individuals to mental health specialists for further assessment and treatment. -, self-harm, andmental health specialists for further assessment and treatment.

  • **l health specialists for further assessment and treatment.
  • **Importspecialists for further assessment and treatment.
  • **Importancets for further assessment and treatment.
  • Importance ofr further assessment and treatment.
  • Importance of Seeking Help:ing Help: Recognizing the symptoms of Bportance of Seeking Help: Despite the difficulty inrtance of Seeking Help: Despite the difficulty in seekingnce of Seeking Help: Despite the difficulty in seeking helpof Seeking Help:** Despite the difficulty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial step toward Despite the difficulty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, helpdifficulty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, asifficulty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptomsiculty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms maylty in seeking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsking help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worseng help, it is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen withoutit is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention is emphasized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

asized that treatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**reatment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4atment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4.ment is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatent is crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatmentsis crucial, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatments for refer, as symptoms may worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatments for Bs may worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatments for BDDay worsen without intervention.

**4. Treatments for BDD: worsen without intervention.

4. Treatments for BDD: without intervention.

4. Treatments for BDD: t intervention.

4. Treatments for BDD:

  • ** for

4. Treatments for BDD:

  • Cognitive assessmentor BDD:
  • Cognitive BehavioralDD:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (. Seeking help is crucial, aspy (CBomsms may A primary treatment,ary treatment, especially fory treatment, especially for mildent, especially for mild symptomspecially for mild symptoms,or mild symptoms, involvesmild symptoms, involves Cld symptoms, involves CBTms, involves CBT,lves CBT, whichves CBT, which aimsTreatment for Bs to varies based onased on symptom severity: -symptom severity:
    • Mild symptoms:everity:
    • Mild symptoms: Cognitiveity:
    • Mild symptoms: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. symptoms: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( and response preventionherapy (CBrapy (CBT), either individually ory (CBT), either individually or in (CBT), either individually or in aBT), either individually or in a group), either individually or in a group settinger individually or in a group setting. ually or in a group setting.
    • or in a group setting.
    • Moderater in a group setting.
    • Moderate symptomsin a group setting.
    • Moderate symptoms: a group setting.
    • Moderate symptoms: CBTSelectiveting.
    • Moderate symptoms: CBT or.
    • Moderate symptoms: CBT or Selectivederate symptoms: CBT or Selective Serate symptoms: CBT or Selective Serotonin symptoms: CBT or Selective Serotonin Remptoms: CBT or Selective Serotonin Reuptoms: CBT or Selective Serotonin Reuptake: CBT or Selective Serotonin Reuptake In or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibr Selective Serotonin Reuptake InhibitorsSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (elective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRtive Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIsve Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). -erotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Se symptomsInhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Severe symptomsnhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Severe symptoms:itors (SSRIs).
    • Severe symptoms: Combinationors (SSRIs).
    • Severe symptoms: Combination ofSSRIs).
    • Severe symptoms: Combination of Cs).
    • Severe symptoms: Combination of CBTevere symptoms: Combination of CBT ande symptoms: Combination of CBT and SSRymptoms: Combination of CBT and SSRIsmbination of CBT and SSRIs.

** Ination of CBT and SSRIs.

**Cf CBT and SSRIs.

**Cognitiveand SSRIs.

**Cognitive Behavioralnd SSRIs.

**Cognitive Behavioral Therapy SSRIs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( of CBT andhavioral Therapy (CBoral Therapy (CBTal Therapy (CBT):Therapy (CBT): ): CB CBT CBT aimsBT aims toaims to changechange thoughtnge thought patternst patterns andatterns and behaviorsrns and behaviors associatedbehaviors associated withssociated with Biated with BDD. Techniques such as exposure and BDD. Techniques such as exposure and response Techniques such as exposure and response preventioniques such as exposure and response prevention ( improvementposure and response prevention (ERPe and response prevention (ERP)d response prevention (ERP) are utilizedresponse prevention (ERP) are utilized,sponse prevention (ERP) are utilized, graduallyonse prevention (ERP) are utilized, gradually exposinge prevention (ERP) are utilized, gradually exposing individuals to12revention (ERP) are utilized, gradually exposing individuals to situations triggeringion (ERP) are utilized, gradually exposing individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughtson (ERP) are utilized, gradually exposing individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while the needutilized, gradually exposing individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative ongoingadually exposing individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative copingosing individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative coping mechanismsng individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative coping mechanisms.

individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative coping mechanisms.

**individuals to situations triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative coping mechanisms.

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**Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibions triggering obsessive thoughts while teaching alternative coping mechanisms.

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Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): Fluoxetine teaching alternative coping mechanisms.

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effects. If effective, continued use for several months is recommended.

**ffects. If effective, continued use for several months is recommended.

**Furtherfects. If effective, continued use for several months is recommended.

**Further Treatment Additionalfective, continued use for several months is recommended.

**Further Treatment:ontinued use for several months is recommended.

Further Treatment: If:use for several months is recommended.

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referredconsidered for more in-depth assessments and additional therapeutic options.

**Casidered for more in-depth assessments and additional therapeutic options.

**Causes clinicsdepth assessments and additional therapeutic options.

**Causes ofth assessments and additional therapeutic options.

**Causes of Bents and additional therapeutic options.

**Causes of BDDand additional therapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: onional therapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: Whilenal therapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: While the exactl therapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause**rapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause isapeutic options.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknownpeutic options.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown,c options.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factorsoptions.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors suchions.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as.

Causes of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as geneticsses of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics,es of BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemicalof BDD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances -DD: While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in** While the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in thee the exact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brainxact cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain,t cause is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, anduse is unknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumaticnknown, factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiencesactors such as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences,uch as genetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especiallygenetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especially duringetics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhoodics, chemical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhood,ical imbalances in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, may fores in the brain, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, may contributeain, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, may, and traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, may contribute. BDD,traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, may contribute. BDD ismatic experiences, especially during childhood, may contribute. BDD is oftenriences, especially during childhood, may contribute. BDD is often associatedes, especially during childhood, may contribute. BDD is often associated with other coping withuring childhood, may contribute. BDD is often associated with other mentaling childhood, may contribute. BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions. childhood, may contribute. BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compod, may contribute. BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsivebute. BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behaviorute. BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior,s often associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, generalten associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxietyn associated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorderassociated with other mental health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder,, are recommended health conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, orealth conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorderslth conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

**h conditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

**Supportonditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

**Support andnditions like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

**Support and Wellons like obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

**Support and Wellbeingike obsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCDbsessive-compulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action,ompulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, andulsive behavior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCDvior, general anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK asneral anxiety disorder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide exercise,rder, or eating disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information sleep disorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information anddisorders.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and supportrs.

Support and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support.ort and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionallyrt and Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally,nd Wellbeing: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintainingg: Support groups, both local and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental are proposed toocal and online, can be valuable for individuals dealing with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing mental wellbeing in individuals with BDD.

ling with BDD. Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through conclusion, Organizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficientganizations like Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleepke Anxiety UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, UK, International OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social bodyernational OCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connectionsmorphicOCD Foundation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections,ation, Mind, OCD Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation its Action, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques, and OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques canand OCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can beOCD UK provide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficialprovide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

rovide information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

Ine information and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusiontion and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, and support. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, myt. Additionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertiseAdditionally, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the fieldly, maintaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field ofntaining mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mentalning mental wellbeing through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health supportng through regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensuresgh regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures ah regular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understandingegular exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding ofar exercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of bodyercise, sufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dyssufficient sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmt sleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphicleep, social connections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorderonnections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder,ections, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, itsons, and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptomsd relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms,elaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatmentaxation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment optionsation techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options,tion techniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potentialtechniques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causesiques can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes,es can be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and be beneficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenueseficial.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues foral.

In conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues for supportIn conclusion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues for support.usion, my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues for support. my expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues for expertise in the field of mental health ensures a thorough understanding of body dysmorphic disorder, its symptoms, treatment options, potential causes, and avenues for support.

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.