Body Shape Calculator - Anjuli Gopalakrishna (2024)

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Calculate Your Body Shape

What body shape am I – is it an hourglass, a triangle, or maybe a rectangle? If this question troubles you, we have a solution – a foolproof body type calculator that only needs a few seconds to give you a clear answer. Instead of analyzing your reflection in the mirror and wondering which shape does it resemble the most, we give you a fast and reliable way to determine what is your body type. Just input your measurements into the body shape calculator and let it classify you into one of the seven most popular groups.

Our body shape calculator will classify your body into one of the seven most popular types. Naturally, not all women falling into one category are the same.

  • Hourglass: this body shape is balanced and harmonious. The bust and hips are proportional and well-balanced, and the waist is clearly defined.
  • Top hourglass: it is similar to the regular hourglass with a beautifully defined waist. Your bust is visibly larger than your hips.
  • Bottom hourglass: just like the top hourglass, this body type has a clearly defined waist. Your bust is smaller than the hips.
  • Spoon: if you’re a spoon, your hips are much larger than your bust. Your hips have a shelf-like appearance, and you have a nicely defined waist.
  • Triangle: triangles have a slim upper body and wide hips (typically wider than the shoulders). Their waist is not clearly accentuated.
  • Inverted triangle: inverted triangles have a subtle waist and a proportionally larger upper body. Your bust and shoulders are quite wide, and the hips are slim.
  • Rectangle: this is a “boyish” body type – your hips, waist, and bust are about the same size. Your body is well proportioned and athletic in appearance.

Body Shape Calculator

Body Shape Calculator - Anjuli Gopalakrishna (3)

Now that you have solved the pressing issue of “What body shape am I?”, you can use this knowledge for your benefit. Making informed choices while dressing or shopping for clothes will surely make you a more confident and beautiful person!

How To Measure?

Our body shape calculator needs four measurements to accurately determine your body type.

  • Bust: measure at the fullest point of your bust with a soft measuring tape. Make sure that the tape is not too tight by breathing in and out.
  • Waist: your waist is the narrowest part of your torso. The measuring tape you bring around your waist should sit tightly, but it shouldn’t “dig” into your skin. Don’t pull your stomach in, either.
  • Hips: you measure your hips it the widest point below your waist. Remember to remove your clothing and to keep your feet together so that the measurement is as accurate as possible.
  • High hip: this is also a hip measurement, but taken in a different place than the previous one. It is taken at the top of the hip curve – not at its widest point! You need to localize the upper swell of the hip over your pelvic bone.

It doesn’t matter which units you use for the measurement – our body type calculator deals equally well with imperial and metric units.

Body Shape Calculator - Anjuli Gopalakrishna (2024)
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