Brucas (2024)

Brucas is the ship name of Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott.

When Lucas joined the Tree Hill Ravens varsity basketball team at the beginning of season one, he immediately caught the attention of Brooke, captain of the Ravens cheerleading squad. While Lucas was initially unfazed by Brooke's attempts to flirt with him due to his attraction to her best friend, fellow cheerleader Peyton Sawyer, the two developed an intimate relationship after an incident at a college party where Brooke called Lucas for help.

Seeing a deeper side to her over her care and affection for her best friend, Lucas pursued a romantic relationship with Brooke until he could not ignore his lingering feelings for Peyton, which she seemed to return. While Lucas and Peyton had intended to tell Brooke about their feelings for another, things became complicated after Lucas was involved in a near-fatal car accident that left him unconscious. When he awoke, Lucas broke off his relationship with Brooke with the intention of pursuing one with Peyton. This never came to be, however, as Brooke discovered the truth of Lucas and Peyton's affair, leading to her severing her friendships with both of them.

The negative impact of the resulting love triangle lasted until the beginning of season two, wherein Lucas and Peyton repaired their respective relationships with Brooke. Over the course of the season, however, Lucas began to realize his feelings for Brooke were more than that of mere friendship. This was further complicated by the fact that Brooke had begun a relationship with Felix Taggaro, whom Lucas did not get along with. After Brooke broke up with Felix, however, Lucas tried to rekindle their relationship by confessing his feelings for Brooke and acknowledging his mistakes from the first time they dated. Left confused, Brooke did not know how to respond and left Tree Hill for the summer to live with her parents, who had recently moved to California.

When Brooke returned to North Carolina at the beginning of season three, she and Lucas entered into a new relationship on the condition that they were non-exclusive. This was a consequence of Brooke's fear of getting her heart broken again by Lucas after his affair with Peyton in the first season. This casual arrangement between the two did not last long, however, as complications quickly arose due to outside influence from newcomers Chris Keller and Rachel Gatina. Despite their second break up, Brooke and Lucas apologized to one another for their actions and entered into a new, fully exclusive relationship. The two were happy and in love for a majority of the remainder of the season.

This all changed, however, after the events surrounding the school shooting. Amid the chaos, Brooke and Peyton found themselves separated, with Brooke escaping the school but with no idea where Peyton had gone. In an effort to protect their friend, Lucas entered the school to search for her. Finding her in the school library injured, Lucas sat with Peyton until it was over. As they sat there, however, Peyton feared what might happen to them and confessed she still had feelings for Lucas and kissed him.

In a repeat of their brief affair in season one, Lucas and Peyton kept their kiss a secret from Brooke. At the same time, as Lucas dealt with the loss of his uncle Keith, he began to withdraw from his relationship with Brooke. This all comes to a head at the vow renewal ceremony of Nathan and Haley, where Lucas confesses to kissing Peyton despite his claims that it meant nothing. As season four builds on the events of the previous season, the future of Brooke and Lucas's relationship remains uncertain. Feeling as though they are never able to fully open themselves to the other person, Brooke informs him that because he was withdrawn from her so much, she herself has started to seal herself off from him again. Unable to see anywhere else their relationship could go, Brooke decided to break up with Lucas.

While the two did explore the possibility of giving their relationship another chance, the relationship between Brooke and Lucas was definitively established to be over early in the fourth season. Soon after their final break up, Lucas enters into a relationship with Peyton, causing Brooke to develop animosity towards them as she believes her entire relationship with Lucas meant nothing to him. By the time of their graduation at the end of the season, however, Brooke's relationships with both Lucas and Peyton had been repaired as she gave the couple her blessing.

In the years that followed, Brooke and Lucas maintained a close friendship with one another, though Brooke's feelings for Lucas always seemed to remain at the back of her mind. In an attempt to quieten those feelings for the sake of her friends, Brooke threw herself into her fashion career with the help of her mother Victoria, leading to the emergence of Clothes Over Bros as a major fashion brand. She remained supportive in her friendship with Lucas during his engagement to Lindsey Strauss in season five but even more so after he decided to rekindle his relationship with Peyton in season six. When Lucas and Peyton's daughter Sawyer was born at the end of that season, they gave her the middle name "Brooke" after their close friend, who they also selected as Sawyer's godmother.


  • 1 Relationship arc
    • 1.1 Season 1
    • 1.2 Season 2
    • 1.3 Season 3
    • 1.4 Season 4
    • 1.5 Missing years
    • 1.6 Season 5
    • 1.7 Season 6
  • 2 Memorable episodes
  • 3 Timeline
  • 4 Trivia

Relationship arc[]

Season 1[]

When Lucas Scott becomes the newest player on the Tree Hill Ravens varsity basketball team the beginning of the first season, head cheerleader Brooke Davis develops an immediate attraction toward him. In an attempt to seduce him, she changes out of her cheerleading uniform in the backseat of his car. When this proves unsuccessful, however, Brooke realizes Lucas is different from the guys she has dated before and begins to develop a genuine interest in him. Meanwhile, Lucas was still interested in Brooke's best friend, Peyton Sawyer, who had recently broken up with her boyfriend and Lucas's half-brother, Nathan Scott.

After joining the basketball team, Brooke develops an attraction toward Lucas, and after a failed attempt at seducing him, realizes that he is very different from other boys, saying that she wants a steady, reliable boyfriend. After Peyton rebuffs him, the two start dating. Soon after though, Peyton and Lucas realize they can’t deny their feelings for one another anymore and begin a secret affair beyond Brooke's back (although they don't sleep together). When they reveal the affair to Brooke it ends both their relationship and Brooke's friendship with Peyton. As a result, when she has a pregnancy scare, she lies to him telling him she's pregnant. However, he soon learns she lied.

Season 2[]

Although still suffering from a broken heart, Brooke become friend with Lucas again and he begins to have feelings for Brooke again even though she is dating Felix Taggaro. When Brooke is about to leave for California for the summer after splitting with Felix, Lucas finally tells her how he feels. She is stunned and at the same time shattered, leaving him alone.

Season 3[]

Still worried about getting her heart broken again, Brooke agrees to get back together with Lucas on the condition that they are non-exclusive and continue to see other people. During a party, he tells her, "I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis." At the fantasy boy draft, in an attempt to get back at Rachel Gatina she chooses Chris Keller, leaving Lucas angry with her. Feeling she has no hope with Lucas, she sleeps with Chris, cheating on him. Lucas is furious at Brooke, leaving the pair heartbroken. She later gives Lucas the 82 letters she wrote to him whilst on vacation. He forgives her and the two begin dating exclusively. Brooke and Lucas begin to grow apart again after the school shooting because they can’t really understand each other, in particular Brooke can’t understrand Lucas’ grief for Keith’s death, and when Peyton reveals to Brooke that she has feelings for Lucas, yet again, Brooke is enraged once again, and promptly ends her friendship with a shattered Peyton. During a dance with Lucas at Nathan and Haley's vow renewal, he lets it slip that Peyton kissed him during the school shooting because he assumed she already knew about it. Brooke is enraged at first, and they have a massive fight in which she tells him that he has never "let her all the way in", feeling that their relationship has never had emotional connection enough to be a real couple even regardless of Peyton, but the episode ends with Lucas and Brooke’s relationship destiny uncertain, but surely on their lowest moment.

Season 4[]

After a supposed "pregnancy scare" Brooke decides she needs time to herself and breaks up with Lucas, feeling like they have grown too far apart and definitely realizing that they don’t have a true emotional connection to be together as a real couple. Lucas does a little try to get her back. When Peyton asks him who he wants by his side when all his dreams come true, he replies Brooke, despite not having thought too much about the answer. Brooke acts immaturely towards him and eventually Lucas quickly stops his pursuit of her, telling her that maybe he was wrong and that they’re not the right person for each other and adds "I'm not the guy for you, Brooke Davis." This ends definitely the romantic relationship between Lucas and Brooke, though they remain good friends then on and Lucas soon realizes that the girl he wants by his side when all his dreams come true has always been Peyton, finally beginning an official relationship with her.

Missing years[]

One year after graduation, Lucas goes to see Brooke in New York after he breaks up with Peyton. They talk about how Peyton rejected Lucas' proposal and he shows Brooke the ring, which she tries on. After trying it on, everyone thinks they're engaged and they are rewarded with free drinks. When they get back to Lucas' hotel room he kisses her drunkenly and invites her to stay the night. Despite still having mild feelings for him, she pulls him away, knowing it is just the drink talking and that he still loves Peyton (in fact he says that he doesn’t know what to do without her).

Season 5[]

Brooke returns to Tree Hill four years after graduation with her best friend and encourages Peyton and Lucas to get back together because it’s obvious they still love each other. Lucas and Brooke remain on good terms and she even befriends his new fiancée Lindsey, without any jealousy because she totally moved on. He friendly helps her out with raising a new foster child, a baby girl named Angie.

Season 6[]

Brooke is one of the three possible women Lucas calls to get married in Vegas (although he ultimately chooses Peyton, like he has always eventually done). They are as close as ever and he encourages her relationship with Julian. She is the godmother to his and Peyton’s daughter, Sawyer, and Peyton's maid of honor at their wedding.

Memorable episodes[]

  • 1x03 - In an attempt to seduce him, Brooke introduces herself to Lucas by changing in the backseat of his car after one of the Ravens' basketball games.
  • 1x08 - Lucas first shows a genuine interest in Brooke as he gets to know her better while they spend the night watching over Peyton.
  • 1x09 - Brooke and Lucas have their first date and share their first kiss; in that same night, however, Peyton confesses her feelings for Lucas.
  • 1x10 - Lucas rejects Peyton's confession as he has already made a decision to pursue a relationship with Brooke. Later, he and Brooke have sex for the first time.
  • 1x15 - Believing he made the wrong decision in who he wanted to be with, Lucas breaks up with Brooke in order to explore a relationship with Peyton.
  • 1x18 - Despite her animosity towards him after discovering his affair with Peyton, Brooke informs Lucas that she might be pregnant.
  • 1x19 - After the initial pregnancy test comes out positive, Brooke and Lucas go to the doctor for a second opinion. While they awaited the test results, the two had a major fight wherein Lucas insinuated the baby might not be his. Hurt by Lucas's accusation, Brooke allows him to believe she is actually pregnant after the doctor's test results come in. When he goes over to her house to apologize and offer his support in whatever decision she wanted to make, Brooke reveals she is not actually pregnant, as the first test had been a false positive. In the resulting argument, Brooke confronts Lucas for his belief she would have ever cheated on him despite his own betrayal against her with her best friend.
  • 2x10 - Acknowledging he has deeper feelings for Brooke than he initially believed, Lucas goes over to Brooke's house to speak with her. However, he never gets the chance to confess how he feels because Brooke is already with Felix, who has also come to express his interest in pursuing a relationship.
  • 2x17 - As Brooke's parents sell their family's home in preparation for their move to California, Lucas has his mother Karen convince them to let her stay until the end of the school semester. Bringing her over to his mother's house, Lucas reveals to Brooke he has redecorated his old bedroom to resemble her own as her parents have agreed to allow her to stay with Karen.
  • 2x23 - While they are saying goodbye before she leaves for the summer, Lucas confesses his feelings for Brooke and kisses her.
  • 3x01 - When Brooke returns from her summer in California, she proposes to Lucas that they can explore a second relationship on the condition that it is non-exclusive.
  • 3x02 - Lucas tells Brooke that he plans to fight for her as he believes he is the one for her.
  • 3x07 - During their non-exclusive arrangement, Brooke sleeps with Chris Keller. When Lucas walks in and discovers this, he is hurt by her actions and what he believes is her unwillingness to fight for him.
  • 3x09 - As she apologizes for sleeping with Chris, Brooke gives Lucas the 82 letters she wrote to him over the summer that she never sent because of her fear she might get her heart broken again. Acknowledging Brooke's confession that she wants to be with him, Lucas forgives her and they begin an exclusive relationship.
  • 3x13 - After finding an old love letter Lucas had addressed to Peyton, Brooke notices he used the exact same words to describe his feelings for Peyton as he did for her. Fearing she is merely a stand-in for his feelings for her best friend, Brooke and Lucas have a huge argument in the rain wherein he points to the fact he never sent Peyton the letter. Even so, Brooke points out that she never sent him her letters either but they still meant something. Seeking to understand the difference between his feelings for Peyton and for her, Brooke asks Lucas why he chose her this time and not Peyton. Lucas responds by saying that even though he cares about Peyton because of their friendship, he doesn't want to be with her because he is in love with Brooke.
  • 3x22 - During Nathan and Haley's vow renewal ceremony, Lucas tells Brooke about the kiss between him and Peyton during the school shooting. In the resulting argument, Brooke tells Lucas that even though she has opened herself up to him, he has never allowed himself to open up to her.
  • 4x01 - Feeling as though they have drifted too far apart, Brooke ends her relationship with Lucas.
  • 4x08 - In an attempt to explore whether they can be together again, Brooke and Lucas go on one final date. However, both realize their feelings for each other have changed and decide not to rekindle their former romance.


First relationship:

Second relationship (Casual):

Third relationship (Exclusive):

Further romantic interactions:

  • Date: "Nothing Left to Say But Goodbye" (4x08)
    • After their last break-up, Brooke and Lucas explored the possibility of rekindling their relationship. In the end, however, both decided the relationship had run its course and that they were not meant to be together.
  • Kiss: "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" (5x05)
    • In a flashback dating to a year after their high school graduation, Brooke and Lucas ran into each other while Lucas was visiting New York during the process of getting his novel published. During their conversation, he revealed that he and Peyton had broken up after she rejected his marriage proposal. In an attempt to console him and distract herself from her own problems relating to her mother's plans for expanding Clothes Over Bros, Brooke and Lucas decide to spend the night on the town, while in the process pretending to be newly engaged so as to receive free drinks. While this was meant to be lighthearted, upon returning a drunken Lucas to his hotel room, Brooke is kissed by a confused Lucas. While Brooke still possesses feelings for him, she quickly pulls away, remarking that it was stupid thing to do. Stating that he is lost without Peyton, Lucas looked to Brooke, who encouraged him to focus on something else and rebuild his life without Peyton, stating that if she came back to him, he'll know it was meant to be. Brooke then repeated something Lucas had once told her during their relationship: "You are going to change the world someday and you don't even know it." Telling him he probably wouldn't see her for a while, Brooke kisses his head as a friend and tells him goodbye.


  • Over the course of their relationship, they often referred to each other as "Boyfriend" and "Pretty Girl". Other notable nicknames included "Cheery" (Brooke) and "Broody" (Lucas), due to their respective dispositions, as well as "the Girl Behind the Red Door". The latter nickname was given to Brooke by Lucas in reference to the color of the front door of childhood home. When she temporarily moved into his house in season two, he painted his exterior door red so she would still be the girl behind the red door.
  • In the first season, Lucas initially chooses Brooke over Peyton. Consequently, both are each other's first relationship as depicted in the series.
  • After the birth of James Lucas ("Jamie") Scott at the end of season four, Brooke and Lucas were both named as Jamie's godparents, despite the fact they were no longer together.
  • Brooke is the godmother and partial namesake of Lucas and Peyton's daughter, Sawyer Brooke Scott.
  • In the season five episode "I Forgot to Remember to Forget", during the scene of their pretend engagement, Brooke told the carriage driver that they would have two boys and a girl. While they did not have children together, this statement did prove to be true, as Lucas had a daughter with his wife, Peyton Sawyer, while Brooke had twin sons with her husband, Julian Baker.





Brucas (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.