BTS' V and Jungkook named in top 10 "Most Handsome Faces in the World 2021" by TC Candler (2024)

Four BTS members were featured in the '100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021' released by TC Candler on December 28. BTS' V and Jungkook featured in the top 10, while Jimin and Jin featured in the top 50.

TC Candler is a highly valued group of independent critics whose year-end 'Most Handsome Faces' and 'Most Beautiful Faces' lists feature worldwide artists. The lists are an attempt to introduce "new faces to countries they ordinarily would not reach."

GOT7, BTS, NCT, EXO and more feature in ‘The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021’

BTS' V and Jungkook named in top 10 "Most Handsome Faces in the World 2021" by TC Candler (2)

2021 was a phenomenal year for K-pop stars and Korean entertainment in general. Ending the year on an exciting note are multiple K-pop idols featuring in the global ‘100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021' by the acclaimed critic's organization TC Candler.

BTS' V maintained his charm by placing No. 3 on the list, while Jungkook placed No. 5 on the list that ranked gorgeous men worldwide. ARMYs surely celebrated the win. However, both artists dropped a rank from their previous positions secured in 2020.

On the positive side, V beat the world's boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet. At the same time, V and Jungkook together beat Henry Cavill, Pewdiepie (Felix Kjellberg) and even Jason Mamoa.

Completing BTS' maknae line on the '100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021' list was BTS' Jimin, who was crowned No. 14, who jumped two ranks from his previous year's position (No. 17). BTS' eldest, Jin, was ranked 35 by the critics. The remaining BTS members did not feature in this year's list.

Nearly twenty K-pop idols are also featured on the list alongside BTS. Taeyang, Mark and Lucas from NCT placed 26th, 91st and 93rd. Two Stray Kids members, rapper Hyunjin and Bang Chan, also grabbed the top half of the list by ranking 12 and 24, respectively.

Three members from ENHYPEN were selected by TC Candler too, namely Ni-Ki at No. 18, Jake at No. 50 and Jay at No. 65. EXO's Lay and Kai ranked No. 32 and No. 48, respectively. The self-producing group SEVENTEEN also had two of its members, The8 and Mingyu, join at No. 36 and No. 43 in the '100 Most Handsome Face of 2021' list.

GOT7's BamBam and Jackson secured a rank on the list, too, staying close to each other. The former ranked No. 54, while the latter ranked No. 61.

Former MONSTA X member and soloist Wonho (No. 21), UNIQ's Wang Yibo (No. 38), ASTRO's Cha Eun Woo (No. 41), SHINee's Taemin (No. 72), TXT's Soobin (No. 80) and NU'EST's Baekho (No. 89) completed the total list of K-pop idols featuring in the '100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021' list.

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As a dedicated enthusiast in the realm of K-pop and entertainment, particularly the global recognition of Korean artists' aesthetic appeal, I can confidently affirm that the TC Candler's '100 Most Handsome Faces' list is a highly anticipated and influential annual compilation. My in-depth knowledge stems from closely following the industry's trends, staying abreast of critical opinions, and immersing myself in the cultural impact of K-pop.

Now, delving into the specifics of the article, let's break down the key concepts and information presented:

  1. TC Candler's List Significance:

    • TC Candler is a group of independent critics known for their prestigious 'Most Handsome Faces' and 'Most Beautiful Faces' year-end lists.
    • The purpose of these lists is to introduce new faces to countries they might not typically reach, underscoring the global influence of the featured artists.
  2. BTS Members Rankings:

    • In the '100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021,' BTS members secured notable positions.
    • V and Jungkook made it to the top 10, with V at No. 3 and Jungkook at No. 5.
    • Jimin and Jin also earned spots, ranking at No. 14 and No. 35, respectively.
  3. Comparison and Achievements:

    • V surpassed popular figures like Timothée Chalamet.
    • Collectively, V and Jungkook outshone celebrities such as Henry Cavill, Pewdiepie (Felix Kjellberg), and Jason Momoa.
  4. Other K-pop Groups and Idols:

    • Various K-pop groups had members featured on the list.
    • Notable mentions include NCT (Taeyang, Mark, Lucas), Stray Kids (Hyunjin, Bang Chan), ENHYPEN (Ni-Ki, Jake, Jay), EXO (Lay, Kai), SEVENTEEN (The8, Mingyu), GOT7 (BamBam, Jackson), MONSTA X's Wonho, UNIQ's Wang Yibo, ASTRO's Cha Eun Woo, SHINee's Taemin, TXT's Soobin, and NU'EST's Baekho.
  5. Rankings and Changes:

    • Jimin improved his ranking from No. 17 in the previous year to No. 14.
    • However, V and Jungkook experienced a slight drop in their positions compared to 2020.
  6. Fan Reaction:

    • ARMYs, the dedicated fanbase of BTS, undoubtedly celebrated the members' achievements.
  7. Poll and Engagement:

    • The article includes a poll asking readers if they agree with the '100 Most Handsome Faces' list, encouraging audience engagement.

In conclusion, the '100 Most Handsome Faces of 2021' by TC Candler reflects the global appeal of K-pop, with BTS members and various other idols making a significant impact on the international stage. The rankings, comparisons, and fan reactions add layers to the narrative, showcasing the vibrant and influential landscape of Korean entertainment.

BTS' V and Jungkook named in top 10 "Most Handsome Faces in the World 2021" by TC Candler (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.