Callings (2024)

Callings are one of the effects of Dark Lightning on NBC's Manifest.Outside sources say that the​​​exact definition of Calling is "a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence."

Callings is the term coined by Kelly and Patrick Taylor and most often used by Ben and Michaela Stone to describe how the people who were on Flight 828 and similar events are called by a voice, feeling, vision or another source to do something, sometimes accompanied by hallucinations, headaches, or sickness. Callings are often vague and are usually misinterpreted the first time around. They are used to help people but following them sometimes can lead to the death of the passenger, as seen by Kelly Taylor and Harvey Stein. When people who weren't on Flight 828 are told about the callings it can lead to fatal consequences, Rick Moore, and the bartender died after they were told about it and Jared Vasquez likely would have died if Michaela Stone hadn't asked for his life to be spared. However, minus the grandfather, the entire Stone family knows about the Callings, and many others who are unaffected, such as Robert Vance.

Ben noted Callings are "annoyingly, frustratingly vague", as whatever is causing them is unable to give clear directions. The Calling forces the core 20 who saw the 828 plane explode at the airport to constantly do what it wishes; the others barely get affected, although still occasionally do receive callings. Other characters in the show who have gone through similar events (i.e. should have died, or timejump though no time has passed for them) also receive callings, such as Zeke Landon. When Grace becomes pregnant with Eden, she starts receiving callings despite having never gone through a timejumping event. After she gives birth to Eden, she stops receiving callings.

It is unknown if the callings are morally good, morally bad, or neutral. Adrian Shannon speculates in season 2 of the show that the callings have evil intentions, and that the passengers are told to do good deeds to trust the callings. Evidence for this includes one of Michaela's callings nearly getting Jared fired, had it not been for Vance, and that Grace's water broke after she tripped because of a calling, almost killing her and Eden.

It can be assumed that every passenger has received callings.

EpExperiencerProphecy/VisionOutcome1Michaela StoneHer voice saying "All things"She looks to the bible verse Romans 8:28, which is sewn into a pillow her mother made.1Michaela StoneHer voice saying "Slower"The bus Michaela is on slows down and stops before it could hit a little boy.1Michaela Stone and Ben StoneTheir voices saying "Set them free"Misinterpretation: Set two dogs on a random property free.

Real meaning and outcome: Two little kidnapped girls were found on the property later and were freed by Michaela.

1Michaela Stone, Ben Stone, Saanvi Bahl, Bethany Collins, Bill Daly, Radd Campbell, Adrian, Harvey Stein, Kelly Taylor and eleven others.Urges to go too the plane or brief visions of the planeNot definite, but the plane mysteriously exploded once all of the passengers arrived there.2Ben Stone and Radd CampbellMusic plays that only they can hearFirst time: Leads Ben to Radd, who asks him for help.

Second time: Leads Ben to the real culprit of a jewerly store robbery.

3Michaela StonePossible calling: Feeling to spell out "Own Your Truth" while playing a game with Cal StoneHelps her and Ben find out that Kelly Taylor heard "Own Your Truth", but misinterpreted the meaning of what she was supposed to do.4Michaela Stone and Saanvi BahlSaanvi: Sees a gray woman with watery footprints.

Michaela: A gray woman/Angel keeps whispering "Save him" to her.

Saanvi does not do anything except go to Ben about it.

Michaela misinterprets the calling and screws up an undercover police operation.

Real outcome: When they put the callings "together", they find out they have to go to a place to find Bethany Collin's cousin's boyfriend Thomas, whom she helped escape from Jamaica.

7Cal Stone and Michaela StoneCal: Draws a picture of a boy (Carlos) on a bench with a red heart on his chest

Michaela: Hears a heartbeat

  • First Time: While trying to save the victim of an armed robbery
  • Second Time: In the car with Jared (then on foot) trying to find the robber and the heartbeat sound gets louder and louder the closer she gets
Michaela finds out that Carlos received Evie's heart in a heart transplant after Evie's death.8Michaela StoneHer voice saying "Don't lose him"Misinterpretation: Stop Harvey Stein from committing suicide.

Real meaning and outcome: TBD

9Cal Stone and Ben StoneCal: Draws a picture of a warehouse and two trees, with a blood mark between the two trees, and tells Ben he'll "be the only one to see them"

Ben: Sees a pair of pathlights

Autumn finds Ben, leading her to his and Vance's group effort to raid the Singularity Project's warehouse with assistance from Cal's drawing. Ben leads half of the group out by following the pathlights, which nobody else was able to see, while the warehouse explodes with Jared and Vance still inside.10Cal Stone and Michaela StoneMichaela: Vision of a blizzard and a man's voice (later revealed to be Zeke) saying "Find Her".

Cal: Vision of a man in a blizzard who is holding a magazine photo of Michaela, saying "Find Her"

No result in this episode, but the calling recurs in Vanishing Point through Cal's sketchbook to find Zeke in Tannersville, New York.13Michaela Stone and Zeke LandonShared vision of the two of them standing on a rock, under stars, with dark lightning. At first, Zeke's voice saying "Go back", and later, Michaela's voice saying the same thing.At first, they think it means to go back to the place of Chloe's memorial, but when they continue to have the vision, they assume it means to return to the city though Zeke is initially reluctant.14Cal Stone and Zeke LandonThey see a dark brown wolf barking and lunging towards them.Cal doesn't want to draw the entire image at first, believing he causes the future. When he does, it shows a wolf with red eyes lunging towards Michaela, lining up with her opening the door of the sunken van and Griffin lunging towards her.16Michaela Stone, Ben Stone, Zeke Landon, Saanvi Bahl"Stop him," presumably referring to Griffin, who had just been released from police custody.Zeke buys a gun to kill Griffin and protect Michaela but doesn't end up shooting him.16Michaela Stone"Stop him" again, after Griffin is no longer an issue.She rushes up the stairs toward her apartment as Zeke and Jared Vasquez are in an altercation there; she is to "stop" one of them. A gun goes off as she enters the room.17Michaela Stone and Cal StoneThey see and feel the plane nosediving, crashing. Cal sits next to Michaela, about to say "save the passengers". When it happens again, Michaela sees Zeke on the plane.Ben takes this to mean he should track down all unaccounted passengers and make sure they're safe, and try to avoid the Death Date. Michaela thinks it means helping them one by one, as many as they can.17Michaela StoneFirst time: Her vision begins shaking when she sees the Vasiks' names on the board, and Cal's voice saying "save the passengers".

Second time: After touching Zeke, vision of the GW bridge and the Vasiks' car at the edge.

Misinterpretation: the Vasiks think they're meant to drive off the cliff because they see the car at the edge of the cliff, going through the railing, and hearing children scream.

Real outcome: they found that a car has already went over the edge, with a family inside.

18Grace StoneAs she prepares for the paternity test, she hears her own voice repeating "stop".Proves Ben is the baby's father, and wants Saanvi to test her blood rather than the clinic.18TJ MorrisonEnvisions being in a grave.A girl's body is found buried in a construction site, implying that it was not him in his own grave, but the girl.18Michaela Stone, Cal Stone, Zeke LandonThey feel and see turbulence in their line of sight like the "save the passengers" calling in 2x1, but this time they visibly shake, similar to a seizure.Happens when TJ Morrison is arrested. This time, he is the passenger they are meant to save, since he is innocent.18Michaela StoneWhile looking through Frannie's things, Michaela sees a scuffed boot over the edge of Frannie's grave.She drops Frannie's key card and it leads her to find the true killer.18Michaela Stone, Cal Stone, Zeke LandonWhen Michaela begins to write to Zeke, they all experience the nosediving plane and turbulence again. In the plane, she calls out to him and he begins to respond before the top of the plane goes up in flames.Possibly to save Zeke in real life, while he is being treated in the prison's medical facility.19Grace StoneHears her own voice saying "open her eyes", then sees a winged gargoyle growling on top of a mom friend's car. It reappears when she visits Erika at soccer.Unclear who the calling is referring to, but revealed that Erika and her husband are Xers and he is on the board of professors who decide to hire Ben as a lecturer. The university has a gargoyle statue.19Michaela Stone, Cal Stone, Zeke LandonHappens when Michaela finds out where Zeke has been transferred to. The calling puts them back in the windy plane again. Zeke is seizing and as a doctor administers drugs, the calling stops and in the plane, he is blown away before he can grab Michaela's hand.He is not meant to be in prison. Michaela sneaks in to give him a lawyer's name, starting the process to have his plea withdrawn and charges dismissed. In court, Michaela testifies and he is sentenced to time served, free to go.20Michaela Stone and Zeke LandonAs if time slows down, things start to shake, and her own voice repeating "bring him back", focusing on Premier Boroughs Bank. It brings them both inside the bank.They encounter another 828 passenger trying to access the vault, learning he also had the Death Date calling. The phrase referred to Frank, whose key they needed for the vault.20TJ MorrisonHe sees an image of a bug, bird, fish, and tiger, along with the year 2012.Olive tells them it is the Gramercy Club's logo, with the year of the champions. It leads them to find Frank Strickland, the brother of the person Michaela and Zeke's calling led them to encounter. They tell him about the Death Date (June 2, 2024), and Frank realizes it is the number of his safety deposit box.21Ben StoneHis own voice saying "save her".Misinterpretation: thinks the "her" refers to the unborn baby, after Grace and Cal are in a car accident.

Real outcome: More likely refers to Olive becoming a Believer, as he hears it again after touching the pamphlet in her room. Ben goes to the church to tell Adrian to stay away from his daughter.

22Ben Stone and Saanvi BahlHe envisions being on the plane again, and at first, no one responds until he sees Saanvi. She begs for his help, then fades away. Saanvi sees a boy scared, breathing hard, and asking for help. She notices his eyes have yellow rings.Misinterpretation: Saanvi is in trouble. When Ben and Michaela arrive at her lab, they unlock the door to find her passed out on the floor. She faded away due to hypoxia.

Real outcome: the boy is Theo, Finn's son. When they meet, Saanvi realizes Theo has signs of liver disease, and Finn is a match to be his donor.

22Michaela StoneFeels and sees snowflakes, similar to the blizzard before finding Zeke.Happens as Zeke is about to go find Lucas, she takes this to mean she is supposed to go with him.22Michaela Stone, Ben Stone, Saanvi Bahl, Adrian ShannonThe last calling Michaela had was a misinterpretation. As Ben recognizes the falling flakes to be ash, they are transported back to the plane. However, the plane has crashed and some of the passengers weren't on the plane originally. They see Finn with Theo's rock in his hand. Adrian is outside the plane, watching.Unclear, possibly about what happens in the nightclub in the following episode.23Cal Stone, Zeke Landon, Grace Stone, Michaela StoneSee and hear thunder, fire, EDM, nightclub, "save the passengers". When Michaela sees the champagne, she flashes back to the crashed plane and spots broken champagne bottles.Many passengers have mysteriously been called to the same nightclub: Bethany, Finn, Adrian, Michaela, Ben, TJ, and others unnamed. Isaiah lured them there and poisoned the champagne, locked them in, and started a fire.23Ben StoneFirst Time: Sees glowing white light.

Second Time: Opening the Al-Zuras to find a drawing similar to him carrying Olive through fire. The same glowing white light.

First Time: Shows the way to the exit of the burning nightclub.

Second Time: TBD.

24Ben StoneHears high pitched ringing and male chanting after touching the picture, then at the memorial site. It continues through the center, leading them into the basem*nt through hidden paths leading towards nightclub.Misinterpretation: Leads him to the Bushwick Meditation Center with a Buddhist temple. He and Olive hold a ceremony for TJ.

Real outcome: they find TJ still alive; the same calling guided him.

25Cal Stone, Ben Stone, Grace Stone, TJ MorrisonThey all experience symptoms of being on a boat, during a storm with lightning. Grace is seasick, Cal loses his temper, TJ is upset and blames himself; they go mad like the men on Al-Zuras' boat. Once they build what Cal sees in his dream, they are transported to a boat in the ocean, during a storm, with Flight 828 flying above."The cure begat the affliction. In the end, there is no way to be rid of the Voice. The only way to survive is to accept. All other paths lead to disaster." is a passage from the book. Ben takes this to mean if they accept the callings, they will survive the Death Date, and alternatives like Saanvi's cure won't work.26Grace Stone, Adrian ShannonTransported to High Bridge over Harlem River, a man's voice saying "help me".A man drowning in the river turns out to be the specialist needed to perform Grace's surgery.26Cal Stone, Adrian ShannonThe shadowy figure in Cal's first calling drawing turns into 3. Adrian sees the shadows in an alley, Cal sees them in his room.Revealed in later episodes (27).27Ben Stone and TJ MorrisonTrain running into Ben. TJ sees a stained glass phoenix, the Bowery Street station mosaic.They save a man at the train station from jumping. He turns out to be Zeke's dad.27Michaela StoneHer voice saying "let him go" when she first encounters Oscar, repeats when she arrests Jace Baylor & Kory Jephers.TBD.28Ben Stone and Ward AttwoodVision of the plane exploding

Fourth time happens during 29; the plane's tailfin breaks off.

First Time: Leads Ben to the hangar where he runs into Ward, who blames himself for the plane disappearing as he inspected the plane before it left Jamaica. Ben relieves Ward's guilt by showing him the government's post-flight inspection report, which lined up with Ward's pre-flight checklist, showing Ward that it was not his fault, thereby relieving Ward's guilt.

Second Time: Outside of Ward's apartment, he sees a box in the window of a vintage shop. He gives the box to Michaela, which is revealed to have belonged to their mother and contained her wedding veil, so Michaela can wear it for her wedding to Zeke. Third Time: about what happens to Cal at the end of the episode.Fourth Time: the plane's tailfin is found in Cuba.

28Michaela StoneVision of Karen in a chair at her weddingReassures Michaela that she is supposed to be marrying Zeke.29Zeke LandonVision of himself outside, frostbitten and falling to the ground. Cal is also there.Predicts the future - he dies there, but after saving Cal, he survives.30Michaela Stone, Cal Stone, Ben StoneBlack & white vision of themselves screaming, under white light. When Ben touches the tailfin, he's thrown back. Angelina Meyer is also there. Repeats for Michaela in the Meyers' house.Angelina's parents locked her in the basem*nt; she's the person Cal is expecting. As Ben sees the plane exploding in addition to them screaming, he believes the passengers died on 828 and were brought back.31Ben StoneSaanvi's sample of Ben's injury starts to glow, as does Ben's hand, and where he touched the tailfin.TBD, not explained in this episode.32Ben Stone and Eagan TehraniVision of artifacts shaking and falling, kid passed out on the ground.Leads him to Eagan Tehrani and the Harlem Freeport, where a pipe is leaking gas. The kid is Kory's brother.32Michaela StoneAn old calling: Evie's heart beating. Later, sees Beverly holding a necklace with the word "brave"; flashes back to Pete saying "she was so brave". When it beats again, she keeps Beverly at home.Glen dies after a heart attack; he made a video for Michaela. Later, Michaela brings Angelina to see Pete. Glen arranged for Beverly to move to a nursing home, but the calling convinces Michaela to move into the house.36Michaela Stone, Ben Stone, Eagan Tehrani, and other 828 passengersA black cloud forming over the Eureka facility. Later, their hands glow like Ben's.They believe something in Eureka needs to be stopped; related to the loading dock.37Michaela Stone, Ben StoneBen sees passengers bursting into flames, Michaela feels the World card burn her hand.The volcano card may be related to Saanvi's discovery, but the flames are to stop Rachel from endangering the Lifeboat by killing her abuser.38Michaela Stone, Ben Stone, Eagan TehraniDark cloud calling again, lots of rainwater akin to floods, a lion roaring, blood tears, Saanvi's picture.May be about how Saanvi can't receive callings, but the tears dissipate after admitting she killed the Major.39AstridVision of a rally flag (described as a skull on a checkerboard), and later sees a young boy who can't breathe. He has dark hair, he is about 8, he is missing a shoe and his hands are covered in something bright orange (revealed to be dust from a bag of hot chips). He is trapped underneath something and cannot breathe.Leads Astrid and Ben to Cody Webber's shop. While investigating a bomb threat at Astrid's place of work, Michaela meets Cody's ex-wife who also works there, who tells Michaela that Cody called in the bomb threat to kidnap their son Robin. The boy in the calling is Robin. When Ben confronts Cody, Cody refuses to tell Ben where Robin is, which results in Ben assaulting him and Cal sees Ben's picture in flames -- his trial by fire. Cody reluctantly gives gives in, and using Astrid's callings, she and Michaela find Robin trapped by earthquake debris in the bunker Cody built to keep him safe from a war he thought was coming because of 828.
Callings (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.