Camille and Kelsey Grammer End Child Custody Dispute (2024)

By ABC NewsFebruary 29, 2012

ABC News' Suzan Clarke and Katie Kindelan report:

Kelsey Grammer and his ex-wife, Camille have reportedly ended their custody battle.

The website reported that the former spouses have amicably settled the issue of custody over their two children, 7-year-old Jude and 10-year-old Mason. The children will live with their mother but have "meaningful" contact with their father, according to the website.

The pair divorced last year after 13 years of marriage, ending one of the nastiest divorce proceedings in Hollywood. Their union virtually disintegrated on camera during the first season of the hit Bravo show, "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," which stars Camille Grammer, 43. Kelsey Grammer, 56, has made appearances on the show.

Those appearances were a "gift" to his ex-wife, he said during an interview on "Good Morning America" in October.

"That was a way of saying, here's what you always wanted, I'm gone," the Emmy winner and former "Frasier" star said ofhis ex-wife'spost-divorce fame as a reality star. "With my grace, go have that famous life you wanted."

The pair put aside their feuding and agreed to expedite their divorce and allow him to marry his new girlfriend, reported.

Grammer tied the knot with 32-year-old Kayte Walsh - his fourth wife - two weeks after his divorce to Camille Grammer was finalized.

Camille and Kelsey Grammer End Child Custody Dispute (2024)


Camille and Kelsey Grammer End Child Custody Dispute? ›

Kelsey and Camille Grammer

Camille Grammer
Camille Meyer (née Donatacci, formerly Grammer, born September 12, 1968) is an American actress, dancer, model, and television personality. She is known for appearing on several seasons of the reality television show, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. › wiki › Camille_Meyer
have settled their bitter child custody battle. The sparring ex-spouses have reached an agreement in which their two kids – son Jude, 7, and daughter Mason, 10 – will stay together and continue living with Camille in Los Angeles, a source with knowledge of the case told the Daily News.

What not to say during a custody battle? ›

While any valid concerns, such as substance abuse, abusive or violent behavior, or illegal conduct should be raised, petty complaints and rants about past behavior should be avoided.

Who wins the most custody battles? ›

Mothers historically have won more custody battles due to traditional roles and perceptions of mothers as the primary caregivers. However, this trend is changing as courts increasingly focus on the best interests of the child, considering many factors beyond traditional roles.

What is the biggest mistake in custody battle? ›

1. Refusing to Cooperate or Compromise With the Other Parent. Even though you may have strong negative feelings about your former spouse or partner, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is putting those feelings above the best interests of your children.

How to win a custody battle against a narcissist? ›

Divorcing a Narcissist & Getting Child Custody
  1. Consider sole and joint custody.
  2. Prepare evidence.
  3. Create a detailed parenting plan and schedule.
  4. Request a custody evaluation.
  5. Request a guardian ad litem.
  6. Consider your child's involvement in the case.

Why do custody battles favor the mother? ›

Laws giving women preferential custody rights no longer exist. Judges have guidelines used to determine what is in the best interest of the children. The gender of the parent plays no part in their decision. Today's “knowledge” that courts prefer mothers stems from past generations and media sensationalism.

Why don't fathers get custody? ›

Primary Caregiver Presumption: Most times at the point of a separation fathers defer to the mother as the primary caregiver. This ends up putting them at a disadvantage because courts often presume the parent who has been the primary caregiver is better suited for custody.

Who is most likely to get custody of a child? ›

State laws vary as to what courts must consider in determining custody arrangements, but the general standard used today is that the custody award must be in the "best interests of the child." And, the factors court consider in discerning where those best interests lie are more likely to favor mothers, as most ...

What not to tell a judge? ›

Here are five things all defendants will want to avoid saying to a criminal judge:
  • 'I Did It. ' ...
  • 'They Didn't Tell Me...' ...
  • Expletives. ...
  • Lies, Lies, Lies. ...
  • 'I Will Represent Myself.
Jan 5, 2022

What not to do during co parenting? ›

feel offended in some way. Do not deal with uncomfortable co-parenting communications by avoiding the situation. Do not discuss child support issues in front of the children, regardless of a child's age. Do not ask your child to pass messages to the other parent, even if they are the eldest, or an adult.

Why do moms win custody battles? ›

Mothers are more likely to take more time off work or stay home entirely with their child than fathers. As a result, young children tend to look to their moms first for basic daily needs and emotional support. The more involved a father can be with his infant and young child, the closer the bond will be.

Should you talk to your ex during a custody battle? ›

Avoid phone conversations.

Phone conversations open the door to impulsive statements that incite conflict. You should only call your ex on the phone in an emergency. It is better to communicate via text or email. However, be very careful about what you say because your ex can use your messages against you in court.

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