Can I bring someone from another school to Prom? (2024)

Yes, you can, but all non-SCHS Prom dates MUST be approved.

Remember, your date can not be currently suspended from their high school. They must also not have a pending felony charge, be serving probation for a felony charge, or have 10 or more days of suspension this current year. They must be under 21 years of age. A background check will be preformed before your date will be approved. Date Approval form are due April 15, 2018 which is just before ticket sales end. You must wait to hear your date is approved. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS IF THIS IS NOT COMPLETED PROPERLY. Once this form is closed, only emergency situations will be considered. Please be aware that all persons coming to the prom may be checked for inappropriate items. This includes the vehicle they come in.

Link to 2018 Prom Date

Can I bring someone from another school to Prom? (2024)


Can I bring someone from another school to Prom? ›

Can I go to prom with someone that isn't in my school? depends on the school, but most schools offer a visitation forum for you to bring friends from other schools or a classmate/significant other who might have graduated last year or a year prior. usually the cap on it is they cant be over 21 years old.

Can you go to prom with someone from a different school? ›

Prom is more date-oriented than Homecoming. Seniors are invited to attend; they are welcome to bring someone with them from a lower grade or a different school. Tickets are sold in school the week before Prom. All financial obligations must be cleared before a student is allowed to purchase a ticket.

Can I bring someone not from my school to prom? ›

If your guest is from another school, is a junior or senior, and is in good standing, they may come. However, an exception would be this example: If your boyfriend was a junior but got expelled, he cannot come as your date. You may also bring someone that is out of high school if said person is under 21 years old.

Do you have to go to the same school to go to prom? ›

To go to prom at a different school you would need to be invited by a student who does attend that school and they would purchase the tickets for you. Then you just attend.

Can you go to prom with anyone? ›

So, can you go to prom without a date and go with your friends instead? Absolutely! Don't let the fear of going alone keep you from making memories. Going to prom with your friends is much more common than one might think, sometimes more common than actually going with a date.

Can you take someone who graduated to prom? ›

Depends on the high school's rules. Some prohibit anyone other than currently enrolled students at that particular school from attending prom; others will allow graduates to attend but not students/graduates of other schools; still others follow a sort of open enrollment system.

Who are you supposed to go to prom with? ›

Most people go with their girlfriend. Some opt to go with their best friend or friends and others go alone. The good thing about going with your friends is that you will have a lot of company. You can all dance together and have a blast.

Can you take girls from other schools to prom? ›

Can I go to prom with someone that isn't in my school? depends on the school, but most schools offer a visitation forum for you to bring friends from other schools or a classmate/significant other who might have graduated last year or a year prior.

Who pays for prom? ›

The person who asks someone to prom is responsible for paying for the night's expenses, traditionally. However, it is more common now for couples to share the costs of the evening, as proms can be very expensive.

Is prom only for 12th graders? ›

Some schools also allow grade 11 (juniors) to have a prom, and in some cases, there is a combined junior/senior prom. Some American high schools that do not allow school-sponsored dances will host a junior/senior prom as a banquet instead of a dance.

What does prom stand for? ›

Although prom in its precise definition is short for promenade dance—a formal dance party for high school students held toward the end of the school year—there are several other activities that typically take place on prom night, including group photo sessions, dinners and afterparties.

Is a prom date romantic? ›

Remember that prom night isn't meant to be completely about romance. It's better to have several friends with you, aside from just your significant other. If you don't share the same group of friends, be sure to spend ample time with each group of friends, and not just your own.

Can I bring someone from another school to homecoming? ›

Taking a date from another school to Homecoming has every right to be encouraged, as dating within the same group of people can cause drama and animosity to fester under the sleek veneer of a fancy dress and new heels.

Can you bring people from other schools to Hoco? ›

Cal High students looking to bring guests to last month's homecoming dance learned that their friends and dates from other schools were not welcome. This new policy is here to stay as the school has permanently canceled guest passes for homecoming dances.

Can you take someone from a different grade to prom? ›

While some schools have very strict policies limiting the age and the class standings of people allowed to attend prom, others have a more lenient stipulation that allows juniors to celebrate in a hybrid, junior-senior style prom. And some schools allow for students in any grade to attend if they accompany a senior.

How do you ask a guy from another school to prom? ›

  1. Gauge His Interest. ...
  2. Make Sure He's Available. ...
  3. If You're Feeling Confident, Go Ahead and Ask. ...
  4. If You're Close, Ask a Guy Over Text. ...
  5. If You're Really Nervous Have a Friend Ask. ...
  6. Be Upfront If You're Asking a Guy as a Friend. ...
  7. Practice What You Want to Say. ...
  8. Don't Ask in Front of an Audience.

How old do you have to be to go to prom with someone? ›

If you are uncomfortable being with other couples who don't match your personal perception of a “prom date,” the issue is yours. In most cases, a student can bring a date whose age is up to 21 unless it's a parent or other close relative. Dates can be from other schools. Should I go to high school prom?

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