Can I get into Princeton with bad grades? (2024)

Hey everyone, I'm a junior and my dream school is Princeton, but my GPA isn't that great. I had a rough couple of years academically and my GPA has suffered. I have a strong extracurricular background, great test scores, and I'm heavily involved in the community. I know it's a long shot, but could I still have a chance at getting accepted into Princeton with subpar grades?

8 months ago

Hey there! While it's true that Princeton is highly competitive and generally looks for students with strong academic records, please keep in mind that admissions officers consider more than just grades. They look at your entire application, evaluating leadership, community involvement, and personal qualities.

You mentioned that you have a strong extracurricular background, great test scores, and community involvement, which definitely helps your case. Do your best to highlight these strengths when you apply, as well as any personal challenges or obstacles that have affected your academics.

I'd also recommend looking into other universities that might be a good fit given your achievements. The college application process can be unpredictable, and it's always smart to have options. While getting into Princeton with lower grades may be a challenge, it's not entirely impossible. Just give it your all and be proud of everything you've accomplished!

8 months ago

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Can I get into Princeton with bad grades? (2024)
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