Can music festivals go green? (2024)

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Can music festivals go green? (1)Image source, Getty Images

By Reality Check team

BBC News

When people are rushing between headliners at festivals, the last thing on their minds might be how to recycle their food containers, or where they put their reusable cup.

But, with more and more focus on going green, festivals across the UK are pledging to cut back on plastics, leftover waste and even glitter.

So, BBC Reality Check asks - what are the biggest environmental impacts of festivals and what's being done to combat them?


In the UK, transport accounts for most greenhouse gas emissions at 26%, according to the Office for National Statistics.

And similarly, audience travel to and from sites tends to make up most of a festival's carbon footprint. Cars, lift shares and trains are the most popular forms of transport.

Festival goers might not want to take public transport while carrying the weekend's supplies on their backs. But, with UK audience numbers hitting nearly four million in 2016, live music events might need to take further steps to reduce their emissions.

Most major festivals recommend lift sharing and using a shuttle bus or subsidised local transport to try to minimise the amount of traffic.

Going zero waste

Roughly 23,500 tonnes of waste are produced annually at UK music festivals, according to estimates by Powerful Thinking, a think tank focused on the festival industry.

"All festivals have ecological footprints: they consume energy, water, food and materials, and they produce waste and carbon emissions," the think tank has said, although it adds that four out of five festival organisers it surveyed did have an environmental policy in place.

Image source, Getty Images

A number of campaigns have been set up to try to tackle tents being left behind on festival grounds.

Glastonbury-goers can take the Leave no Trace pledge to take all of their belongings home, while other organisers have signed up to the Love Your Tent campaign, which encourages festival goers to invest in high-quality camping gear and to reuse it.

Cutting back on plastics

With big companies like McDonald's, Starbucks and Waitrose committing to cut down on plastic, festival organisers are following suit.

There are 61 independent British festivals, including Bestival and Shambala, which have pledged to ban the use of plastic straws this year.

As part of the Association of Independent Festivals' Drastic on Plastic campaign, the organisers have also said they will rid their sites of single-use plastics by 2021.

Examples of single-use plastic items at festivals include:

  • Plastic drinks bottles
  • Plastic straws
  • Plastic food trays
  • Cable ties
  • Toiletry bottles

The association says their focus is on "reuse not single-use" and to encourage this they will be selling metal water bottles to encourage festival goers to use fewer disposable materials.

Melinda Watson, founder of sustainability charity RAW, said: "Recycling is important, but it is far from the solution."

According to the research firm Euromonitor, an estimated one million plastic drinks bottles are bought around the world every minute. Fewer than 50% of these are collected for recycling.

Shambala Festival co-founder Chris Johnson said: "There's loads that festivals can do to design out disposable plastics such as adopting reusable cups, banning drinks sales in plastic and encouraging festival goers to bring refillable water bottles."

Since 2004, Glastonbury has required its food and drink sellers to use wood and paper packaging only, which it sends for composting along with food waste.

And Bristol-based festival Love Saves the Day trialled a reusable cup system in 2015 which reduced the number of disposable cups used on-site by more than 150,000.

To glitter or not to glitter?

The festival goers' favourite accessory is often made from plastic too.

Like microbeads - the tiny pieces of plastic often found in products like face washes, which were banned in the UK in January - glitter is a microplastic.

Image source, Getty Images

The size makes microplastics an environmental hazard, particularly in the oceans.

Researchers at the Scottish Association for Marine Science sampled creatures off the Western Isles and 48% were found with plastic in them, at depths of up to 6,561ft (2,000m).

Festival and fashion fans alike can purchase biodegradable glitter, if they don't want to compromise on their look.

More on this story

Can music festivals go green? (2024)


Can music festivals go green? ›

‍Reducing an event's waste – either through raw reduction or recycling – is one of the biggest ways to make an event more sustainable. This can be done in a number of ways, including: Choosing suppliers that are eco-conscious and who primarily use recycled materials in their products.

How do you make a festival greener? ›

‍Reducing an event's waste – either through raw reduction or recycling – is one of the biggest ways to make an event more sustainable. This can be done in a number of ways, including: Choosing suppliers that are eco-conscious and who primarily use recycled materials in their products.

How do music festivals affect the environment? ›

According to the Greener Festival report, which analyzed data from events held in 17 countries, the average festival produces 500 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, the weight of three single-story houses. The report found that one festival-goer generated 5kg of CO2 per day.

How can concerts be more environmentally friendly? ›

Offering reusables at events is one potential solution, as is encouraging people to bring their own reusables. Also, many concert goers enjoy getting creative and using glitter: Glitter is just microplastics. Switching to biodegradable glitter could be another potential solution.

How is Glastonbury festival greening up? ›

Since 2000, Glastonbury Festival has planted over 10,000 native trees and hedge plants to support and enhance the local environment. Glastonbury works hard to protect vulnerable habitats, ponds, streams, hedges and ditches, by creating nature reserves and non-public zones.

Which are eco friendly festivals? ›

Being eco friendly means living in a way that is not harmful to the environment. This way of life is becoming increasingly important, as we need to protect our planet from man-made damage.

How can events go green? ›

Green event checklist
  • Waste Management at Events.
  • Recycle and use biodegradable products.
  • Re-use staff uniforms.
  • Go paperless.
  • Give away useful freebies, not ones they'll throw away.
  • Use seasonal and sustainable food.
  • Minimise food wastage.
  • Use less water at events.

How can we celebrate festivals without harming the environment? ›

Use eco-friendly materials for decoration

Avoid using anything made of plastic or materials which harms the environment. Use fresh flowers, diyas, cloth and handmade eco-friendly items for decoration.

How the festival can be celebrated in a more environmentally friendly way? ›

Avoid Firecrackers, Light it up with Diyas and Candles

Some of the firecrackers also emanate poisonous gases greatly contaminating the environment.

How does Coachella affect the environment? ›

A report from the organizer behind Coachella says its events generate more than 1,600 tons of waste a year. Ecologist Jim Cornett came to the Coachella Valley decades ago. “I have never looked back since I finished college,” said Cornett. Studying the plants and animals in this desert oasis.

What is the carbon footprint of concerts? ›

A study of the five artists' tour via an online carbon-tracking tool revealed that they released over 19 metric tons of CO2 during music festivals. Meanwhile, recent estimates suggest that a live concert emits 405,000 tonnes of GHG emissions in the UK each year.

Is it Eco Friendly to stream music? ›

The device you're using to listen to music is another factor, and oftentimes streaming drains your battery at a higher rate. According to sustainability lifestyle blog Brightly, streaming (of all types of media) is now responsible for three to four per cent of the global carbon footprint.

What is the most eco friendly thing you can do? ›

The Top 9 Environmentally Friendly Tips to Save the Planet
  • Give Up Your Plastic Habit.
  • Eat Less Meat.
  • Refuse and Reduce Before You Recycle.
  • Make Smart Updates that Last.
  • Compost.
  • Plant a Tree.
  • Join the Clean Energy Movement.
  • Resources:

What is with pineapples at Glastonbury? ›

It's just as dangerous, apparently, but there's a reason behind the ban. Fans of Oxford band Glass Animals bring hundreds of the fruit to its gigs in homage to the song Pork Soda, which includes the lyrics "pineapples are in my head". When the band performed at Glastonbury, some fans even came dressed as pineapples.

What is the carbon footprint for the Glastonbury Festival? ›

Glastonbury's air pollution

The festival consumes around 30,000kW, which results in 14.7 tonnes of CO2e. It also uses 126 back-up generators, adding another 0.96 tonnes of CO2e.

Why are people holding pineapples at Glastonbury? ›

The Glass Animals' hit song 'Pork Soda' has the lyrics 'pineapples are in my head'. As a result, hundreds of fans dressed as the exotic fruit and held up their pineapples in the crowd at the group's Glastonbury gig in June.

What is the difference between green and eco-friendly? ›

Simply put: Going green refers to all aspects of environmentally-friendly products from fashion to buildings to the movement as a whole. Eco-friendly means that a product, practice, or activity won't harm the environment. Sustainability means that what we do today doesn't deplete resources for future generations.

Who is not eco-friendly? ›

What is the opposite of environmentally friendly?
environmentally unfriendlynon-eco-friendly
5 more rows

What is the difference between eco-friendly and sustainable? ›

What's the Difference Between Eco-Friendly & Sustainable Products? The term “eco-friendly” is a very cut and dry term that means the product doesn't harm the planet. Sustainability, however, represents a broad aspect of activities and issues that, when their needs are met, doesn't impact future generations.

Why don t more people go green? ›

The main reason many people choose to avoid green action is that they think it will cost them more than their typical, environmentally harmful activities. Many times, it is true that environmental friendly products come with high up-front costs, but these costs almost always are made back over the lifetime of products.

Why going green is a trend? ›

It means recycling when possible, using sustainable products, eating local food and doing whatever you can to decrease your impact on Mother Earth. The trend is driven largely by the ever-growing scientific suggestion that global warming is real and problematic.

How do you survive an all day festival? ›

Festival survival guide
  1. Pace yourself.
  2. Drink lots of water.
  3. Stay charged.
  4. Enjoy the food.
  5. Give yourself time to recover.

What are the disadvantages of celebrating festivals? ›

Traffic congestion: Festivals often attract a large number of people, which can lead to heavy traffic and difficulty in movement. Health hazards: Celebrating festivals can also lead to health hazards, such as food poisoning from consuming unhygienic street food or the spread of diseases due to overcrowding.

Why do we celebrate eco-friendly festivals? ›

- Diwali, which is environmentally friendly, helps to decrease noise and pollution. - By choosing eco-friendly options, you can quickly minimise your energy use. - Earthen diyas are ideal and may be readily discarded without harming the environment. - Choosing organic colours also reduces the risk of skin discomfort.

What are some ways in which you can celebrate a festival in a way that benefits others and makes you happy too? ›

By sharing festive traditions, organizing social ceremony with beautifully decorate them are the ways to celebrate festivals happily with others.

What is the meaning of eco friendly celebration? ›

A green Holi means that you take steps to reduce the impact of the celebrations by choosing materials and practices that help to have a great eco-friendly Holi. One can continue the tradition of commemorating this festival, but it should not impact the planet.

What makes a holiday eco friendly? ›

Bring your own resuable tote when shopping in stores. Look for gifts with minimal packaging. Use recycled-content wrapping supplies (or skip the wrapping altogether for a sleeker gift giving look.) If you send physical cards, send cards that are paper (recyclable) not plastic (trash.)

What are the 3 Coachella word effects? ›

This option adds a pastel landscape to conversations

In addition, three word effects will automatically be added to the conversation for “coachella,” “artist” and “vibe.” Our guide will show you how to use the Coachella chat theme in a Messenger conversation.

What is the Coachella climate action plan? ›

The Eastern Coachella Valley Action Plan for Climate Resilience is a roadmap to identify and prioritize projects that increase climate resilience, reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) and provide equitable access to housing. Dudek worked with local stakeholders and regional agencies to craft this award-winning plan.

What is the big deal about Coachella? ›

Coachella is one of the largest, most famous, and most profitable music festivals in the world, and regularly features some of the biggest names in music. It is also known for its large art installations, which often feature interactive and immersive pieces.

Which celebrity has the biggest carbon footprint? ›

What does the study reveal?
CelebrityCO2 Emissions (tCO2)
Kim Kardashian4,268.5
Mark Wahlberg3,772.85
Oprah Winfrey3,493.17
Travis Scott3,033.3
6 more rows
Mar 8, 2023

How do concerts affect the environment? ›

Every concert also uses a lot of energy for light and sound. Waste is also a big problem in concerts. Big music festivals can create up to 100,000 kilograms of solid waste in a day! That's enough to fill up 8 rubbish trucks.

What is the Kardashians carbon footprint? ›

While her numbers weren't nearly as bad as Taylor Swift's (who created estimated total flight emissions of 8,293.54 tonnes of carbon across 170 flights), Kardashian racked up 4268.5 tonnes across 57 flights.

What is the carbon footprint of music? ›

Live music generates around 400,000 tonnes of GHG emissions annually in the United Kingdom alone. Moreover, today, the average touring DJ emits 35 tonnes of CO2 annually. This is over 17 times higher than the recommended carbon budget of approximately 2 tonnes of CO2 per individual.

Is Spotify a green company? ›

Our approach to tackling the climate crisis has two parts. We have committed to reaching net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. And we are leveraging our platform to raise awareness and drive engagement among millions of listeners and creators.

Why is Netflix not eco friendly? ›

The streaming giant's failure to advocate for renewable energy or commit to its use caused failure marks in those sections. According to The Huffington Post, the company relies on Amazon Web Services, which has lambasted by Greenpeace for its lacking transparency regarding its carbon footprint.

How to live 100% sustainably? ›

My golden rules
  1. Use what you already have (if there's anything you take away from this post, make sure it's this tip)
  2. Take care of what you have.
  3. Swap before you shop.
  4. Buy used.
  5. Buy only what you need.
  6. Remember your reusables. ...
  7. Eat the food you buy (reduce your food waste!!)
Nov 11, 2019

What age is most eco friendly? ›

The over 55s are more likely to recycle waste (84%), avoid single-use-plastic and buy only seasonal fruit and vegetables (47%) than any other age group, according to research from Aviva.

How can I live a green life? ›

10 Tips To Living a Greener Lifestyle
  1. Limit your waste. ...
  2. Charge your phone during the day. ...
  3. Stay clear of fast fashion. ...
  4. Regrow your vegetable scraps. ...
  5. Reduce water waste. ...
  6. Allot a day per week to interact with our natural environment. ...
  7. Practice mindfulness. ...
  8. Encourage others.

What do cabin doors with pineapples mean? ›

If you know, you know… On a cruise (and sometimes also on land) 'pineapple' is code for swinging or wife-swapping. If you see pineapple on a cruise ship door it means the people are up for meeting other couples for 'adult fun'.

What does unicorn pineapple mean? ›

Similarly, on dating apps, pineapples and unicorn emojis are often used as signals that they are open to swinging. Unicorns are people seeking couples to swing with.

What do pineapples mean at raves? ›

A longstanding symbol of hospitality, the pineapple is a beacon of friendship, unity, and warmth – ideals engrained within music festival culture.

Who has the worst carbon footprint in the world? ›

Top 10 polluters
  • China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.
  • United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2.
  • India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2.
  • Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2.
  • Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2.
  • Germany, 759 million tons of CO2.
  • Iran, 720 million tons of CO2.

What has the biggest carbon footprint? ›

The largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United States is from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.

Is Burning Man bigger than Glastonbury? ›

In fact, the festival in the middle of Nevada, Black Rock City, is roughly FIVE TIMES the size of Glastonbury, sitting at an astonishing 5.5 square miles. That is also roughly the size of downtown San Francisco.

What does a upside down pineapple mean in swinging? ›

On a cruise ship, the secret symbol of an upside-down pineapple is regularly used as a code for swinging or “wife-swapping”. In most cases, an illustrated and upside-down pineapple is fixed to the cabin door of a guest interested in swinging and partner swapping.

Why do girls eat pineapple before meeting him? ›

Did you remember to drink pineapple juice? Yes, ladies — and men too, for that matter — drinking a good sized glass of pineapple juice a couple of hours before the deed can help make your bodily fluids taste and even smell better. Fruits in general are good because they contain acids and sugars.

Why were pineapples banned at Reading festival? ›

Organisers said it was because fans of Oxford band Glass Animals bring hundreds of the fruit to its gigs, in a nod to song Pork Soda which includes the lyrics "pineapples are in my head". Drummer Joe Seaward said it would be a "challenge" to get in with pineapples.

What we can do for the environment on festival? ›

Avoid Immersion of Idols Made of Toxic Materials

These toxic chemicals pollute the water and make it acidic. Not only is this deadly for the fish population but the people who take a bath in these waters are also at risk of being harmed.

How can I make my festival better? ›

9 tips on planning and hosting a festival:
  1. A range of food options. ...
  2. Use social media to create a festival community. ...
  3. Create family friendly viewing areas. ...
  4. Offer your audience a range of entertainment. ...
  5. Make some camping zones noise-free areas. ...
  6. Take inspiration from hotels and offer a 'porter' service.

How can we make festive celebrations more sustainable? ›

Reusing last year's decorations or purchasing new decorations at an op shop is more sustainable than buying brand new tree bling. Baubles can be made of old Christmas cards or paper mâché. Origami can turn pages of old magazines into festive figurines.

What are some of the ways that we can make spaces greener? ›

Here are some popular ways green buildings address these areas:
  • Smart heating and cooling systems.
  • Natural building materials.
  • Enhanced ventilation and insulation.
  • Solar panels.
  • Green roofs.
Apr 14, 2023

What are the objectives of eco-friendly festivals? ›

Instead of individual celebration prefer community celebration. This will ensure reduced cost of celebration; paper pollution in a limited space and as compared to individual celebration, community celebration will cause less air and noise pollution .

How do you survive a 3 day music festival? ›

Follow these five tips and be in with a better chance of seeing them all.
  1. Pace yourself. The best thing about a festival is the fact the music starts early and goes on until late, or in some cases, just doesn't stop. ...
  2. Drink lots of water. ...
  3. Stay charged. ...
  4. Enjoy the food. ...
  5. Give yourself time to recover.

What makes a festival successful? ›

The most important element to a festival is safety. Being the most vital aspect of the equation, it is imperative festivals need organization of security, EMTs, resource accessibility and open space - providing a safe and secure environment.

Why am I not happy on festivals? ›

One of the top explanations is that the festive season brings about an unsaid expectation for you to be joyous and in high spirits … because everyone else around you is in that frame of mind. The pressure to be happy triggers the opposite, and some of us end up feeling like it's a burden.

How do you create a festive atmosphere? ›

Use white candles of various sizes, place them on a wooden or glass surface, and decorate them by putting a festive wreath around them, some red ribbon, various spices such as cinnamon sticks, Christmas balls, etc. 2. Another great idea is to place Christmas lights around the house to add a festive touch!

How to go green this holiday season? ›

Bring your own resuable tote when shopping in stores. Look for gifts with minimal packaging. Use recycled-content wrapping supplies (or skip the wrapping altogether for a sleeker gift giving look.) If you send physical cards, send cards that are paper (recyclable) not plastic (trash.)

What are 3 positive environmental impacts of green spaces? ›

Green spaces also indirectly impact our health by improving air quality and limiting the impact of heatwaves by reducing urban temperatures. In addition, urban vegetation stores carbon, helping to mitigate climate change, and reduces the likelihood of flooding by storing excess rain water.

How can we save the environment and make it greener? ›

Want to make your life more environmentally friendly? Here's 30 ways
  1. Recycle. Recycling conserves natural resources, reduces pollution and saves energy. ...
  2. Turn down the bag. ...
  3. Buy only what you will use. ...
  4. Buy second hand. ...
  5. Don't invest in idle equipment. ...
  6. Donate used goods. ...
  7. Buy products with less packaging. ...
  8. Avoid disposable products.
Jun 17, 2019

What are sustainable green spaces examples? ›

Types of greenspace
  • Community woodlands.
  • Green roofs.
  • Landscape around buildings.
  • Street trees.
  • Urban parks and gardens.
  • Wetlands.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.