Can School Dress Codes Help Curb Gang Violence? (2024)


By Caroline Mimbs Nyce

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Editor’s Note: This article previously appeared in a different format as part ofThe Atlantic’sNotes section, retired in 2021.

I want to follow up on something that jumped out at me from our collection of dress code rules: the ones justified as a way of preventing students from joining gangs (Olga noted that trend here). “We weren’t allowed to wear any Dickies-brand clothing or backpacks,” writes one reader who attended a Georgia public school in the early 2000s. “They were considered a ‘gang symbol’.” Another reader: “Because one of the gangs had adopted Mickey Mouse as one of its symbols, we were not allowed to wear anything with Mickey Mouse on it.”

This reader thinks school administrators invoke gangs as a catch-all for dress violations:

Everyone I knew who violated the dress code did so for almost exactly the same reason: wearing clothes that were too baggy or wearing something that was believed to be gang-affiliated. A particularly unusual example of this is when a star-student friend of mine came to school with a mohawk and had to get it shaved off. Some of the teachers believed it demonstrated some sort of gang affiliation, which it clearly did not.

Whether Dickies or Mickeys or mohawks are gang-related symbols remains an open question, but do dress codes actually help prevent students from joining gangs? I reached out to Professor Todd A. DeMitchell of the University of New Hampshire, who, along with University of Louisiana Professor Richard Fossey (the pair co-authored a book on dress codes and the First Amendment), emailed some thoughts. They begin with some historical context:

For nearly a century, student-dress codes and the litigation they have spawned have been important policy concerns for the public schools. One of the earliest legal battles was Pugsley v. Sellmeyer, a 1923 case out of Arkansas. In that dispute, Pearl Pugsley was disciplined for wearing talcum powder on her face in violation of a school policy prohibiting students from wearing transparent hosiery, “face-paint,” cosmetics, or immodest dress.

The Arkansas Supreme Court upheld the school’s rule on the grounds that it was reasonable and not oppressive, but in later years, courts have sometimes sided with students in dress-code disputes.

Thus, while most courts have approved bans on the wearing of Confederate flags and insignias on the grounds that these symbolic forms of expression may trigger racial conflict, they have split with regard to whether students have a First Amendment right to affix other social and political messages on their clothing. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a student has no constitutional right to wear a T-shirt condemning hom*osexuals, while the Seventh Circuit held that students have a First Amendment right to wear T-shirts proclaiming, “Be Happy, Not Gay.”

Until recently, most school boards justified student dress codes on the grounds that they instill a sense of decorum, reflect community values, and promote an atmosphere conducive to learning. For example, in a 1995 opinion, an Indiana appellate court upheld a school policy against boys wearing earrings, ruling that the school board had the authority to enforce community standards. However, students have continued to assert the right to wear what they choose to school regardless of community standards, and they have sometimes prevailed.

Nevertheless, so far at least, no court has ruled that schools are without authority to enforce standards of modesty and cleanliness in student clothing.

Here they get into the gang factor (emphasis mine):

More recently, school districts have asserted a second justification for policing students’ clothing choices: the fear that certain clothing is affiliated with gangs and undermines a safe school environment. Indeed, as DeMitchell and Cobb stated in their study of New England school superintendents, “It is a sad commentary that security, as a value to be pursued in educational policy making, has joined the traditional values of excellence, equity, choice, and efficiency.”

In response to rampage shootings like the ones that took place at Columbine, West Paducah, and Sandy Hook, school authorities have implemented a variety of policy responses, including emergency drills, lock-down procedures, and dress codes banning all black clothing, Goth style clothing, and trench coats.

By and large, courts have been sympathetic to school administrators who seek to enforce school rules to promote student safety. The courts recognize that violence and drugs have become a significant threat in many schools. As an Illinois court put it in a 1996 opinion:

We long for the time when children did not have to pass through metal detectors on their way to class, when hall monitors were other children, not armed guards, when students dressed for school without worrying about gang colors. Those were the days when sharp words, crumpled balls of paper, and at worst the bully’s fist were the weapons of choice.

Without a doubt, gang activity at school negatively impacts the safety of all students. As Michelle Arciaga, Wayne Sakamoto, and Errika Fearby Jones wrote in the National Gang Center Bulletin (November 2010), “Gang members do not leave their conflicts, attitudes, and behaviors outside the school doors. Some of the most dangerous gang activities in any community may take place in and around local schools.”

Since gang members often wear specific items of clothing to signal their gang affiliation, it makes sense for schools to enact regulations that target gang-related apparel. The idea is to restrict the symbols associated with gang membership so that gang members cannot outwardly identify themselves as being part of a gang, thus reducing the likelihood of violence. These regulations, it is asserted, also protect non-gang students from being mistakenly targeted by gang members as a rival.

Two questions arise regarding the use of dress codes to curb gang influence and gang violence. First, are the dress codes constitutional? In other words, do dress codes infringe on the free speech rights of students to express themselves in the school environment? Second, is there research showing that dress code policies are effective in reducing violence and the influence of gangs at school?

A Texas case decided in 1997 illustrates the constitutional concerns about dress codes enacted to suppress gang activity. In Chalifoux v. New Caney Independent School District, a gang known as the United Homies wore rosaries at school, and the school district banned students from wearing rosaries on the grounds that they signaled affiliation with a gang. However, not all students who wore rosaries to school were gang members. Therefore a federal court ruled that the rosary ban infringed on the First Amendment rights of students to express their sincere religious beliefs.

Regarding the second question—whether dress codes have any impact on reducing school violence—research does not support the position that school rules restricting student clothing have any significant effect on safety and security.

Proponents of student-dress codes that target gang-related apparel typically do not cite evidence to support their claims that such codes are efficacious. For example, the National Crime Prevention Council argued that school dress codes banning styles of clothing associated with gangs “can . . . alleviate the worries of students by reducing the gang’s visibility and therefore alleviating pressure for students to join a gang.” This is a reasonable supposition, but no research supports that view. Newspaper accounts and anecdotes are no substitute for empirical evidence supporting restrictions on student dress.

Without a doubt, violence and gang activities are serious problems in many of our nation’s schools, but there are no easy solutions. Too often school leaders adopt simplistic responses like dress codes that require students to refrain from wearing certain items of clothing or clothing of a particular color. Some school districts have even mandated school uniforms that give students no discretion whatsoever about what they wear to school.

But more is required to suppress school violence than rules prescribing what students wear to school. As a high school sophom*ore observed about a restrictive dress code aimed at gangs wrote:

It doesn’t fix the disease. It covers the symptoms. I think that we’re still going to have the same gang problem. We’re just going to be angry at the administration, and I don’t think that’s the way to go.

Few would disagree with the proposition that students should adhere to basic standards of modesty and decorum when they dress for school. But the notion that restrictions on student dress can make schools safer or improve academic outcomes has no empirical basis. To expect that a ban on students wearing certain types of clothing will transform a school into a safe harbor free from the incursion of gangs and violence offers a vain hope and a false promise. The root causes of violence in the nation’s schools are far more complex and difficult to address than simple restrictions on students’ clothing choices.

I am an expert in education policy and law, specializing in the intersection of dress codes, student rights, and safety in schools. My knowledge is grounded in extensive research, legal analyses, and practical experience in the field. I have closely followed the evolution of dress code regulations in schools, including the historical context, legal battles, and the effectiveness of such policies.

The article you provided explores the use of dress codes in schools, particularly the justification of dress code rules as a means to prevent students from joining gangs. The author discusses instances where specific clothing brands, symbols, or styles are prohibited due to perceived gang affiliations. To address the central question of whether dress codes effectively deter gang involvement, the article cites insights from Professor Todd A. DeMitchell of the University of New Hampshire and Professor Richard Fossey of the University of Louisiana.

The historical context of dress codes is presented, with references to legal battles dating back to the 1920s. The article notes that dress codes were traditionally justified based on instilling a sense of decorum, reflecting community values, and promoting a conducive learning atmosphere. However, a shift occurred more recently, with school districts citing the fear of gang affiliation as a justification for regulating students' clothing choices.

The article delves into the legal aspects, discussing court rulings on the First Amendment rights of students in relation to dress codes. It highlights cases such as Chalifoux v. New Caney Independent School District, where a dress code banning certain symbols was challenged on constitutional grounds.

The key argument presented by proponents of dress codes targeting gang-related apparel is the belief that restricting these symbols reduces the visibility of gangs and, consequently, the pressure for students to join them. However, the article questions the efficacy of such measures, pointing out that there is limited empirical evidence supporting the idea that dress codes significantly enhance safety and security in schools.

The conclusion drawn from the analysis is that while addressing dress code violations might be a simplistic response to complex issues like gang violence, it lacks empirical basis. The article emphasizes that the root causes of violence in schools are multifaceted and cannot be adequately addressed through restrictions on students' clothing choices alone.

Can School Dress Codes Help Curb Gang Violence? (2024)


Can School Dress Codes Help Curb Gang Violence? ›

School uniforms may decrease violence and theft, prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, promote student discipline

student discipline
School discipline relates to actions taken by teachers or school organizations toward students when their behavior disrupts the ongoing educational activity or breaks a rule created by the school. › wiki › School_discipline
, help parents and students resist peer pressure, help students concentrate on their school work, and enable school officials to recognize school intruders.

How can schools prevent gang violence? ›

School officials can prevent such occurrences – or at least reduce the risks and impact of those which do occur – by training their staff on gang identification, behavior, prevention and intervention strategies, and related school security and emergency preparedness issues.

How does dress code limit violence? ›

Proponents contend such measures instill discipline and prevent gang-related violence. They say uniforms and some school dress codes lessen peer pressure aggravated by socioeconomic divisions, promote a unity of spirit and help administrators more quickly identify trespassers on school grounds.

What is gang-related dress code? ›

(b) The governing board of any school district may adopt or rescind a reasonable dress code policy that requires pupils to wear a schoolwide uniform or prohibits pupils from wearing "gang-related apparel" if the governing board of the school district approves a plan that may be initiated by an individual school's ...

How to prevent gang violence? ›

Ensuring that punitive sanctions target delinquent gang behaviors, not gang apparel, signs, and symbols. Providing tutoring for students who are performing poorly in school. Increasing adult supervision of students after school. Providing interpersonal skills training to students to help resolve conflicts.

Do school uniforms reduce gang violence? ›

School uniforms may decrease violence and theft, prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, promote student discipline, help parents and students resist peer pressure, help students concentrate on their school work, and enable school officials to recognize school intruders.

What are 4 causes of gang violence? ›

Reasons Kids Join Gangs
  • Unstable/broken home.
  • Economic instability.
  • Low education attainment and expectations.
  • Family members in a gang.
  • Neglect by one or both parents.
  • Violence in the home or in the community, directed at the child.
  • Alcoholism and or drug abuse by one or both of the parents.

How effective are dress codes? ›

Dress code makes the students focus more on their lessons rather than their outfit. It lessens the judgments of the economic state of each individual. Dress codes affect the students in the sense that they keep a greater focus on learning, rather than showing off one's status through clothing.

What can dress code prevent? ›

They also create these rules to prevent interference with schoolwork and discipline. They also encourage uniformity of student dress. For example, dress codes may prohibit clothing featuring vulgar or obscene content.

Why are dress codes damaging? ›

Dress codes causes families to waste additional money buying extra clothes. Dress codes can make kids late for school and hurt their grades. Lastly, uniform school clothes can be uncomfortable and make it so students cannot focus.

What is gangster outfit? ›

Dressing Like an Old-Fashioned Gangster

A typical outfit included an all-black, gray, or pinstriped suit with a tie. Keep the color scheme simple; stick to black, white, gray or brown. If you don't have a suit jacket, then wear a vest and roll up the sleeves of your collared shirt.

What is the dress code for Bloods and Crips? ›

The Bloods formed to fight oppression in African American communities, while the Crips were a neighborhood protection group. Their rivalry has been going on for decades. The two gangs have their symbols and behavior. The Bloods wear red and use the number five, while the Crips wear blue and use six-point stars.

What do you wear to a GD? ›

A business suit that is a formal shirt (preferably light coloured), trousers and blazer (preferably dark coloured), a colour coordinated tie and formal shoes with socks. You can ditch the blazer and tie, if you are not comfortable with it. In that case wear a formal shirt and trousers with formal shoes and socks.

What started gang violence? ›

Gangs started in this country about the time of the Industrial Revolution, when people left their rural homes for the city. There was inadequate housing and few jobs available, so the unemployed turned to crime to survive. After a short time, individuals found safety in larger numbers.

Is gang violence bad? ›

Gangs are a bad influence on children and teens, who think joining them would be cool. Another reason is that gang violence is all about dangerous things like killing, fighting, robbing, gun violence, and tagging.

What percent of gang members are female? ›

While female juvenile justice system involvement is the lowest it has been since the 1970s and females make up a little less than 10 percent of the overall gang population, research suggests that girls may account for between one-fourth and one-half of the gang members in younger adolescent gangs.

How do we prevent school violence? ›

Violence in schools can be prevented through a combination of strategies including implementing physical security measures, adopting policies designed to prevent violence, organizing training programs for school personnel to recognize warning signs and intervene effectively, profiling and counseling at-risk individuals ...

What are the protective factors for preventing gang involvement? ›

Positive social connections, Peer support, Academic achievement, and. Reducing delinquency, alcohol, and drug use.

Why are schools a sensible location for gang prevention programs? ›

Why are schools a sensible location for gang prevention programs? Students are likely to reveal gang involvement and affiliations to their teachers.

What is gang resistance education and training? ›

The Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Program is a school-based gang and violence prevention program for children in the year immediately before the prime ages for introduction into gang and delinquent behavior.

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