Can You Design Clothes When You Don't Know How to Draw? (2024)

It can be a challenge to design fashion with little to no drawing skills, but it’s not impossible. Victoria Beckham has a successful clothing line without knowing how to draw, as do other fashion designers. There are lots of tools and resources that you can use to design garments whether or not you know how to sketch out your designs. Some involve tech, but some also use long-trusted techniques for better melding the designs in your head to the human form.

The following three techniques are our top resources for fashion designers who struggle with drawing:

1. Use Fashion Croquis to Help You Design

A croquis is a simple drawing of the human figure. Designers build on top of the croquis to design their garments. Many designers, from fashion to costume, use croquis to create designs. There are lots of croquis available online for purchase and for free, and they come in many different body positions so that you are able to show off your design effectively.

Another option to drawing is you can hire a sketch artist and have them draw out your designs.

2. Drape Instead of Draw

Draping is another way to design clothes without having to draw. This is where you drape fabric over a dress form and pin it in place. You also don’t need to know how to sew to be able to drape. This is a very visual method to bring your clothing designs to life without having to draw them out.

3. Use Software to Design Fashion

Whether you can draw well or not, knowing how to create fashion designs using a fashion illustrator is a must. Adobe Illustrator is the one that is most commonly used in the fashion industry. But there are others that you can use, such as Corel Draw, Sketch, Sketchbook, and Clo 3D.

Using software to create your designs allows you to get around the drawing part while still presenting beautiful designs. Also, it’s fast and easy to create product renderings for your design tech packs. These renderings will form your design flats, which are your designs laid “flat” to show your manufacturer where all your seams and other details go.

If you are new to Adobe Illustrator, or any of the other softwares, and not sure where to start, you can find courses and classes on Skillshare, Udemy, and YouTube.

Should You Learn How to Draw?

Can You Design Clothes When You Don't Know How to Draw? (2)

You can certainly design clothes without knowing how to draw, in using any or all of the options above. However, knowing how to draw will help you design clothes faster. There are ways around drawing, but as you work, you may need to sometimes adjust your designs. Especially, if you’re collaborating with someone and working together to create a design, it helps to know how to draw.

The thing to remember about drawing fashion is that it does not need to be perfect. You don’t have to be an amazing artist to design fashion. As long as you can communicate what you want your design to be, that’s what matters. Communication is the key; not your ability to draw like a Disney animator.

Yes, Practice Does Make Perfect

Can You Design Clothes When You Don't Know How to Draw? (3)

While you don’t need to draw like an artist, it doesn’t hurt to improve your drawing skills. There are different mediums to learn other than pencils, such as markers or watercolor. As you explore and practice, you’ll find what works best for you and what you want to design.

You have lots of resources online and print available to you to learn how to draw better. Remember though, in the end, it’s all about how well you can communicate your designs.

Anna Spaugh resides in California and is a Marketing major at Sacramento State College. She is currently a Marketing intern at MakersValley. In her free time, you can find her drinking tea and creating crafts.

Can You Design Clothes When You Don't Know How to Draw? (2024)


Can You Design Clothes When You Don't Know How to Draw? ›

The question is: Do I need to know how to draw to start a clothing brand? The short direct answer is No, you can start and run a successful brand without knowing how to draw, but for your sake and in the end, for the brand – yes it would help a lot if you could visualize your ideas.

Can I design clothes if I can't draw? ›

Many aspiring fashion designers are confronted by fashion industry myths that one should not start a clothing line or can't start a clothing line if they can't draw or sew. This myth could not be further from the truth. It is absolutely possible to start up a clothing line or fashion brand without these skills.

Can I be a fashion designer without drawing skills? ›

The fundamental ideas behind a design project don't require you to have any drawing skills. Rather, it requires you to be able to communicate the idea in such a way as to make the client understand your vision. Being able to draw even basically helps convey the idea succinctly.

Can I design without knowing how do you draw? ›

In fact, drawing skills generally aren't even a requirement in most graphic design job descriptions. In an analysis of more than 46,000 graphic design job postings, eight of the top 10 skills in highest demand are associated with design software.

Is drawing necessary for fashion styling? ›

Fashion Design Drawings play a vital role in the designing and apparel-making industries. Designers use these drawings to communicate with other people about their ideas. These drawings function as an initial sketch which is later finalised by comparing different colours and patterns.

Can someone who can't draw be a graphic designer? ›

We often get asked 'Do Graphic Designers need amazing Drawing skills? In short, the answer is NO. You can still become a successful Graphic Designer and not be good at drawing.

Is it okay if you can't draw? ›

Drawing is a skill and like with any other skill, you can't expect to get better without practicing it. So many people think that drawing is just something that some people can do and others can't. This simply is not true. Anyone can draw, but you have to want it enough to practice it.

Can you be a self taught fashion designer? ›

If you have the talent and skills, you can earn a role as a fashion designer without having a college degree. To succeed as a fashion designer without earning a formal education, you need to independently acquire all of the skills you would typically learn in a classroom.

Is fashion designing difficult or not? ›

Becoming a fashion designer is not easy as it takes many years to complete the course and then a few years in the industry to find your feet.

Is fashion design easy? ›

Know that fashion design is a tough line of work

“It is a lot of hard work and dedication. It's not just making clothes and having shows. There's a business side to it too, and you must be ready for that.

Can you draw if you have no talent? ›

Some people believe that you need to be born with talent in order to be a good artist, but this is not true. Anyone can learn to draw or paint with enough practice. Some of the most famous artists in history were not born with talent, but they practiced regularly and became great artists.

Can drawing be self-taught? ›

Of course it's okay to be self-taught! After all, you don't need to go to an art school or receive a fancy degree in order to make art and call yourself an artist. That being said, if you don't have formal art education, you probably spend time searching for information on how to improve your skills.

How to design clothes for beginners? ›

6 Steps to Start Designing Fashion in 15 Minutes!
  1. Step 1- Grab your supplies. You have to know how to make patterns and sew. ...
  2. Step 2- Find your inspiration. ...
  3. Step 3- Organize your notes. ...
  4. Step 4- Illustrate your ideas. ...
  5. Step 5- Make your patterns. ...
  6. Step 6- Sew your design.

What skills are needed to be a fashion designer? ›

Skills and qualities
  • good communication, presentation and negotiation skills.
  • creative and artistic skills.
  • flexibility to adapt designs to suit clients' needs.
  • good organisation and planning skills.
  • an understanding of different fabrics and clothes making.
  • an interest in fashion and new fashion trends.

What are fashion designer requirements? ›

Fashion designers typically have a bachelor's degree in a fine arts or business field such as fashion design or fashion merchandising. These fashion-focused programs teach students about textiles and fabrics and how to use computer-aided design (CAD) technology.

Can introverts become graphic designers? ›

Graphic Designer

If you have the technical and creative skills required for this career, then it is well-suited for you as an introvert. You will be expected to interact and communicate with your clients to understand requirements. However, the central designing part of your job will involve only you.

What is the disadvantage of being a graphic designer? ›

Con: Dealing with criticism & demanding clients

Remember, graphic designers don't just design to please themselves. They have to work within client guidelines. That means sticking to a budget, understanding exactly what each client needs, and delivering a final product that meets their expectations.

How do I know if graphic design is for me? ›

If you dream of spending your days doing something active at work, graphic design might not be the right career for you. Design is inherently a desk-based job. If you enjoy spending your days in front of a computer being creative and collaborating with others, then design is a great fit.

What age is too late to learn how do you draw? ›

There's no age limit on the learning process, given good health. The theory side is straightforward and everyone learns how to draw using the same methods. It's a new skill and you can learn it. You can progress and get better at drawing.

Why can't I draw what's in my mind? ›

But for others, such a task would be almost impossible. These individuals have a rare condition called aphantasia, which prevents them from easily recreating images in their mind's eye—in fact, the phrase “mind's eye” may be meaningless to them.

Is drawing a skill or a talent? ›

Drawing is a skill you can learn even if you don't have talent. Drawing requires a vast set of skills that people do not acquire at birth. Although some people may naturally draw better than others initially, practice and study are the factors that differentiate a good artist from a common one.

What is the average age to become a fashion designer? ›

40+ years

How do I become a fashion stylist with no experience? ›

  1. Learn the basics.
  2. Do it.
  3. Come up with your own theory.
  4. Learn everything you can about the industry.
  5. Research wardrobe stylists in your local area.
  6. Develop social media specifically to your styling career.
  7. “If you love it, you can do it.”
  8. If you are a creative soul looking for an inspiring career, pursue cosmetology.
Mar 10, 2023

How can I learn my clothing style? ›

How to Find Your Personal Style in 5 Steps
  1. Look to your own closet. Think about the clothes you have that make you happy. ...
  2. Find fashion inspiration. ...
  3. Create a fashion mood board. ...
  4. Create a capsule wardrobe. ...
  5. Experiment with unique style choices.
Jun 7, 2021

Do fashion designers need to be good at math? ›

Fashion designers totally depend on math for creating patterns, shapes, trims, design details and in fact every aspect of the apparel design created. Fashion designers use math-based computer programs to help manipulate flat garment patterns into three-dimensional shapes.

Is there a lot of math in fashion design? ›

Yes, math is important to decide the right amount of fabric, hangers, thread, and other goods required in the fashion business. In addition, the designers also perform calculations to estimate the approximate production costs for the clothes.

Do fashion designers make enough money? ›

Some fashion designers earn reasonable salaries while others earn very little. Most fashion designers rank between these two extremes. The average salary for a fashion designer is $15.98 per hour . The mean salary for fashion designers was $74,410 per year, or $6,200 per month.

How long does it take to learn how do you design clothes? ›

About four years. Most fashion designers hold a bachelor's degree. During a fashion design program, students study textiles, fashion history, and fashion merchandising.

What should I learn first for fashion design? ›

Sewing, draping, pattern making and fashion drawing are the key technical skills you need to know to become a well-rounded, competent, hands-on fashion designer. Some designers prefer to express their initial ideas graphically, by sketching them onto a piece of paper or onto a computer screen.

What should a beginner fashion designer do? ›

An aspiring designer should prioritize working on their sewing and sketching skills. There are three aspects to designing a garment—sketching the design, picking the fabric, and checking the technical aspects, like customization.

Why some people can t draw? ›

Four possible sources of drawing inaccuracies were described: misperception of the object, inability to make good representational decisions, deficient motor skills, and misperception of the drawing.

Can someone with no artistic ability learn to draw? ›

Anyone can learn to draw at any age. Drawing is a skill that takes time to master, but the principles are easily understood. With practice and patience, anyone can learn to draw well. Inevitably, talent rises to the top and some people will be more gifted than others.

How long does it take to learn how do you draw? ›

What is the average time it takes someone to learn to draw? In general, it takes between 2-3 years to become proficient in most areas of art like drawing or painting (this is without any formal instruction.).

What should beginner artists learn first? ›

An essential skill to learn as a beginning artist, whether drawing or painting, is perspective. If you want to achieve three-dimensional art, knowing perspective is key, including how to find the horizon line, determine the vanishing point and an overview of linear perspective.

Does drawing train your brain? ›

We use our brains when we draw, and this not only releases endorphins, but helps build new connections and pathways. When drawing, we actively use both sides of our brain, the right for creativity, and the left for logical thinking. This strengthens both and helps develop the ability to focus and think strategically.

How many designs do you need to start a clothing line? ›

Fashion Brain Academy recommends 10 to 12 styles for your first collection. As for how many items to produce within each style frame, test out the waters first. Start with an equal amount of each style and if one style gains popularity, order more of that particular style.

What is drawing clothes called? ›

In the world of fashion design, a croquis is a quick sketch of a fashion figure. The word can also refer to the practice of drawing live models. Croquis drawings are minimalist in style and serve as a blank canvas for drawing clothing.

What are the 3 techniques of making clothes? ›

  • CUT&SEW. DESCRIPTION. As techniques go, the cut-&-sew method is the simplest way to make a garment. ...
  • FULLY FASHIONED. DESCRIPTION. Completely selvedged garment. ...

What are outfit drawings called? ›

In the fashion industry, a Computer-aided design sketch (CAD sketch), also known as a flat sketch or technical flat, is a technical drawing of a garment that is laid flat to show design details such as seams and stitching.

Is it stressful to be a fashion designer? ›

Is Fashion Design Stressful? In reality, fashion workers are subjected to a very serious problem: stress. It's well known that some of the industry's top designers have struggled with mental health issues.

What GPA is needed for fashion designer? ›

The average GPA required to get admission is 3.42 which makes it a moderately competitive school for fashion design.

How many hours do fashion designers work a day? ›

Work environment

Fashion designers typically work 40 hours a week, though self-employed fashion designers may work more hours than that to manage the various roles they have to perform as independent designers.

How do I prepare for fashion designing? ›

5 Ways to Prepare for Fashion Design School
  1. Think in Terms of Your Portfolio. The best way to stay focused at fashion design school is to work on each project as though it will become part of your portfolio. ...
  2. Keep Up on Trends. ...
  3. Start Sewing. ...
  4. Sharpen Your Technology Skills. ...
  5. Talk to Fashion Design School Graduates.

How to design characters if you can't draw? ›

You'll need to write a description, or collect photos and objects that remind you of the character or are relevant to them. Ideally, both. Though I am an artist, I often create characters purely in text form, only drawing them later if at all.

Can you sculpt if you can't draw? ›

I've learned that it is very much possible. Learning the shapes, anatomy and flow of the object is the key here. People who draw learn these things by doing it and thats why drawing+sculpting is recommeded. The thing is, you dont have to draw to learn these things which makes things much faster.

How do you know if you can be a fashion designer? ›

5 signs that you should become a fashion designer
  • You're a creative. Without creativity, there is no chance of design, but this is likely a skill you possess if you're reading this blog. ...
  • Design is a big part of your life. ...
  • You're constantly looking to improve things. ...
  • You're good at expressing yourself. ...
  • You're entrepreneurial.

Can you design clothes without a degree? ›

If you have the talent and skills, you can earn a role as a fashion designer without having a college degree. To succeed as a fashion designer without earning a formal education, you need to independently acquire all of the skills you would typically learn in a classroom.

Why is character design so difficult? ›

For this reason, character design can be harder than it at first appears. The design has to evoke who the character is and that means the designer must be skilled at using nonverbal, visual elements such as expression, gesture, color and clothing to communicate personality traits.

Can you get copyrighted for drawing a character? ›

Cartoons and comic strips are among the types of works of authorship protected by copyright. This protec tion extends to any copyrightable pictorial or written expression contained in the work. Thus a drawing, picture, depiction, or written description of a character can be registered for copyright.

Is it legal to draw a character? ›

Drawing a copy of someone else's copyrighted artwork (of a character) and posting it on social media is infringing their copyright. Whether or not you are profiting for it matters only in assessing damages you would pay to the copyright owner if you were successfully sued for infringing copyright.

Do artists get tired of drawing? ›

Drawing is tiring because it requires intense levels of focused concentration. Each drawing is a puzzle. It involves extreme hand and eye coordination, advanced spatial awareness, and the ability to see and render fine detail. The process exhausts the mind.

Can someone who can't draw learn? ›

Anyone can learn to draw at any age. Drawing is a skill that takes time to master, but the principles are easily understood. With practice and patience, anyone can learn to draw well. Inevitably, talent rises to the top and some people will be more gifted than others.

At what age should I start fashion designing? ›

Individuals keen on pursuing a Master's degree in fashion technology need to have attained 23 years of age. Candidates should have completed a Bachelor's degree in Fashion Designing from a recognised University in India with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.

How hard is fashion designing? ›

Know that fashion design is a tough line of work

It is a lot of hard work and dedication. It's not just making clothes and having shows. There's a business side to it too, and you must be ready for that. There will be weeks with no sleep where you must get things done.”

What are the odds of being a fashion designer? ›

Based on the number of “international star designers” in the last 10 years and the number of people who have entered the profession, the estimated odds of becoming an internationally famous designer are roughly 160,000:1.

How to fashion design for beginners? ›

6 Steps to Start Designing Fashion in 15 Minutes!
  1. Step 1- Grab your supplies. You have to know how to make patterns and sew. ...
  2. Step 2- Find your inspiration. ...
  3. Step 3- Organize your notes. ...
  4. Step 4- Illustrate your ideas. ...
  5. Step 5- Make your patterns. ...
  6. Step 6- Sew your design.

Which famous fashion designer never studied fashion design? ›

Jean Paul Gaultier

Gaultier never received formal training as a designer. Instead, similar to Lagerfeld, he started sending sketches to famous couture stylists to gain recognition and opportunity. French Italian fashion designer Pierre Cardin was impressed by Gaultier's talent and hired him as an assistant in 1970.

What education do you need to design clothes? ›

Fashion designers typically have a bachelor's degree in a fine arts or business field such as fashion design or fashion merchandising. These fashion-focused programs teach students about textiles and fabrics and how to use computer-aided design (CAD) technology.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.