Career in Fashion Styling: Scope, Colleges, and More (2024)

Use coupon code ' + json.offer.couponCode + ', and
get ' + + '% Off on any Mindler program.

Get INR 500/- off on Mindler Explore – our most popular career guidance program

Buy Now

Offer Expires on '+json.offer.endDate+'

'); $("#offer-popup-collapse").append('

' + json.offer.mobileButtonText + '

'); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").append('' + json.offer.mobileButtonTextPurchage + ''); var checkPackage = getCookie("package"); if(localStorage.getItem('p1')=='plus' || checkPackage){ $("#offer-popup").hide(); }else if(!localStorage.getItem('p1')){ $("#offer-popup").show(); } if ( { var package = (json.package == 1) ? 'stream' : 'career'; if (json.sub_package.length > 0 && json.sub_package == 1) { var str = "Learn - world's most-advanced " + package + " assessment. Good choice!"; } else if (json.sub_package.length > 0 && json.sub_package == 2) { var str = 'Explore - our most popular career-guidance program. Great choice!'; } var offerText if (json.offer.PurchaseText) { offerText = '

' + json.offer.PurchaseText; } //$(".new-purchase-banner").show(); $("#new-purchase-banner").empty(); $("#new-purchase-banner").append('

Welcome back, ' + + '
You deserve a

Perfect Career!

You were interested in Mindler ' + str + offerText + '

Continue Your Purchase

'); if(checkPackage){ if(localStorage.getItem('p')=='plus'){ $("#new-purchase-banner").show(); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").hide(); }else if(localStorage.getItem('p')=='minus'){ $("#new-purchase-banner").hide(); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").show(); }else{ $("#new-purchase-banner").show(); } }else{ $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").hide(); } // $("#offer-popup").hide(); } } else { $("#offer-popup").hide(); if(localStorage.getItem('p')=='minus'){ $("#new-purchase-banner").hide(); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").show(); }else{ $("#new-purchase-banner").show(); } var package = (json.package == 1) ? 'stream' : 'career'; if (json.sub_package.length > 0 && json.sub_package == 1) { var str = "Learn - world's most-advanced " + package + " assessment. Good choice!"; } else if (json.sub_package.length > 0 && json.sub_package == 2) { var str = 'Explore - our most popular career-guidance program. Great choice!'; } //$(".new-purchase-banner").show(); $("#new-purchase-banner").empty(); $("#new-purchase-banner").append('

Welcome back, ' + + '

'); //$("#new-purchase-banner").show(); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").empty(); $("#new-purchase-collapse-mode").append('Continue Your Purchase'); } } }); // Check cookie and set header /mydashboard || form field if (document.cookie.includes('conf_auth_prod')) { $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child a').text('My Dashboard'); $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child a').attr('href', ''); } else { $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child').prepend(''); $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child').prepend('Take the world’s most-advanced career assessment'); $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child a').attr('id', 'startNow'); $(".menu-holder ul li:last-child a").removeAttr('target'); $(".menu-holder ul li:last-child a").attr('href', 'JavaScript:void(0);'); } /*End of loggin session*/ $('.wpb_column .text-center .button').text('Load More'); $('.menu-holder ul li:nth-child(2) a').prepend(''); $('.menu-holder ul li:nth-child(2)').prepend('Career helpline'); $('.mobile-menu a').prepend('Helpline:'); $('.mobile-menu').prepend('

Try the world’s most advanced career assessment!

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Please enter email address

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Please enter valid email address

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Career in Fashion Styling: Scope, Colleges, and More (1)

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The email address you entered is not correct. Please try again.

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Aah! something went wrong

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Please enter email address

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Please enter valid email address

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Career in Fashion Styling: Scope, Colleges, and More (2)

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The email address you entered is not correct. Please try again.

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Aah! something went wrong

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Please enter email address

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Please enter valid email address

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Career in Fashion Styling: Scope, Colleges, and More (3)

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The email address you entered is not correct. Please try again.

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Aah! something went wrong

'); $(".contact-input").focus(); } } }); } } }); } }); });

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'); $('.rhs-banner').find("#rhs-email").focus(); } else { $(this).next(".validation").remove(); // remove it $('body').prepend('

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The email address you entered is not correct. Please try again.

'); $('.rhs-banner').find("#rhs-email").focus(); } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: { "name": "email", "email": email, "SourceMedium":"Blog" }, success: function(response) { $('.menu-holder ul li:last-child a').next(".validation").remove(); // remove it $('body').next(".overlay-box").remove(); var json = $.parseJSON(response); if (json.status == 200) { window.location.href = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: { "source": "Email Only", "email": email, "ProspectStage": "EmailOnly", "SourceMedium": "Blog", "SourceContent": BlogName, "SourceDescription": "RHS" }, success: function(response) { } }); } else { $('.rhs-banner').find("#rhs-email").next(".validation").remove(); // remove it $('.rhs-banner').find("#rhs-email").after('

The provided code seems to be a mix of JavaScript and jQuery code snippets related to a website offering career guidance programs by a company called Mindler. It involves handling user interactions, displaying promotional offers, tracking events with Google Analytics, and managing user sessions and cookies.

Let's break down the concepts and functionalities present in this code:

  1. Dynamic Content Handling:

    • The code appears to be dynamically generating content based on certain conditions and data received from the server. For instance, it displays offers, program names, and purchase banners based on user interactions and data like json.offer, json.package, and
  2. Promotional Offers:

    • The code provides promotional offers to users such as discounts (, and specific offers on career guidance programs (Mindler Explore).
  3. User Session Management:

    • There are conditions to check for user sessions and cookies. If certain conditions are met, specific elements like the offer popup might be hidden or shown to the user.
  4. Event Tracking with Google Analytics:

    • The code includes several lines that trigger Google Analytics events. This is done to track user interactions, such as clicking on banners, signing up with an email, or continuing a purchase.
  5. URL Handling:

    • The code checks the current URL to determine if the user is on the blog page or another page, and then sets specific variables like BlogName, BlogRhs, and Inline accordingly.
  6. Email Validation and Signup:

    • There are sections dedicated to email validation. If a user enters an email, the code checks its validity. Depending on the validation result, the user might be redirected to a login page or proceed with signing up for the program.
  7. DOM Manipulation with jQuery:

    • The code uses jQuery extensively for DOM manipulation. Elements like banners, buttons, menu items, and validations are dynamically updated or displayed based on user interactions.
  8. Cookie Handling:

    • The code checks for specific cookies like conf_auth_prod to determine if a user is authenticated or has certain privileges. Depending on these checks, the website adjusts its content or behavior.

In summary, this code snippet represents a web application's frontend functionalities related to career guidance services offered by Mindler. It dynamically handles user interactions, displays promotional offers, tracks user events, manages user sessions and cookies, and uses jQuery for DOM manipulations and validations.

Career in Fashion Styling: Scope, Colleges, and More (2024)
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Article information

Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

Last Updated:

Views: 6561

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.