Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (2024)

| Oct 16, 2016 | Parents Articles, Teachers Articles, Teenagers Articles

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (1)

Catfish are everywhere, and they’re becoming a huge problem on the Internet.

No, we’re not talking about the ones in the ocean; we’re talking about the fake profiles on social media and online apps.

How do you know if you’re talking to a catfish online? Well, we’re going to explain a foolproof method on catching catfish.

It comes in two stages, and it is courtesy of YouTube user GradeAUnderA.

What Is a Catfish?

For those who don’t know what a catfish is, it is someone who makes an account on social media and pretends to be someone else, usually by using someone else’s pictures instead of their own. Anyone who creates a fake profile on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. is considered an (online) catfish.

One common example we see all the time is when someone is talking to a gorgeous model he/she has never met before. In reality, that’s not the case at all. They’re probably talking to an online criminal.

1. The Google Image Search

The first thing you want to do after you found a sketchy profile is to right-click on the image and click ‘Copy Image URL.’

Now, go to Google Images, and click on the camera icon.

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (2)

It will pop open this screen.

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (3)

Now, paste the image URL in the search bar under ‘Paste image URL’ and then click ‘Search by Image.’

Let’s use an example to make it easier and more ‘pleasing to the eye.’

Let’s Go Fishing (with Google & Google Images)

Let’s say you get a new follower or a friend request from someone like this: a nice looking girl on Instagram who goes by the username Rebccaxoxo.

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (4)

She gives you a quick message in your inbox: “Hey. How are you?”

What do you do? (Hint: Do NOT reply.)

The answer: check to see if it’s a fake account on Google Images!

Take a look at all the results we found just by pasting her image URL into the search bar.

We know this is a fake account now. Why? Because Google was able to access her real name: Maggie Lindemann. (If you open another tab and google her name, you’ll find her Instagram account in the search bar. She’s very well known in England and has over 1.5 million Instagram followers.
Google’s search bar didn’t only track the image (the JPG). It didn’t only give you 47 search results with same selfie. It also searched for the name of the person linked to the image!

Pretty cool, huh? Nothing gets past Google!

Have a look at this video from Google. It explains how to search by image in more detail:

2. Spot Catfish by Making a Simple Request

The Google Image search should do the trick when trying to spot a catfish. However, in case you don’t fully trust Google – for whatever reason – you can try this:

Ask them to send you a picture touching their ear with their pinky finger. Simple!

Now you’re probably thinking, “Why would I do that?”

Think about it. Catfish can only send you pictures they can find online. How many pictures can you find of someone taking a selfie while touching their ear with their pinky finger? None!

It’s something so specific yet so random at the same time. Plus, it filters out all the images they can find of the person they’re pretending to be.

Of course, you could ask them to take a picture of themselves doing something else. Ask them to put their left hand around their head touching their right ear, for example. (As long as it also shows their face, you’re good to go.)

The point is to make them do something that would be difficult for them to do and entertaining for you if they decide to do it.

What Will Happen When You Ask Someone to Do This?

They will get really defensive and try to blame you when you catch them.

“Why do you want me to do that? Don’t you trust me?”

They will not want to talk to you anymore because you know that you caught their fakeness.

It doesn’t matter anyway, because you’re going to put them out of their misery: by reporting them! 😉

Conclusion: Watch Out for Online Catfish (They Bite)

That is the simple guide to spotting a catfish. May your time on social media be fun, fruitful, and catfish-less!

If you watch some catfish stories, there is a show called Catfish that documents several episodes of people who actually fall victim to online catfish.

…And if you have any other interesting techniques on how to catch online catfish, you’d like to share, be sure to email us at

  1. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (6)

    Shawnon March 20, 2018 at 2:34 am

    So I added this girl on Facebook messenger, and she seemed legit, but her English is off! Says some off they wall things sometimes! What kind of info can she get about me if she isn’t who she says???

    • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (7)

      Charudutta Jenaon March 20, 2018 at 9:28 am

      She can get all the information you share with her or have on your profile. And yes, she has a transcript of your chat with her. Therefore be careful about not sharing any of your personal information including, home address, school address, cell number, email id, pictures etc. Basically, any information that will help her track you in real life, access your net-banking account or any other account (e.g. cloud storage) that has your personal information. We are not saying she is certainly going to do that, but it’s always good to stay on the safe side.

      Online Sense Team

      • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (8)

        Jenniferon June 20, 2018 at 10:23 am

        Hello…I have a trickier question, or maybe not, lol! I play a wheel of fortune game on apps…this guy has been having conversations with me…I actually asked him a question first about the game…he said no problem, just ask him if I had anymore future questions…since we have been talking about the countries we live in, interests, etc. I’ve never given my address or last name, or phone number…but is there a way to find out if they are who they say they are! We can still make friends and not everyone is bad in the world, but I don’t want to eventually type something wrong…I’ve talked to him for 4 months and no matter how long I go before texting, he is extremely accurate about who he is, the number of his kids, etc. I figure a scammer wouldn’t waste 4 months on someone to text something stupid, would they?or wouldn’t they push for a last name, at least, within a week or so? Thank you for any reply…

        • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (9)

          Lyndalon November 9, 2018 at 4:29 am

          Don’t underestimate a catfishes patience. The romance scammer I dealt with spoke to me daily for 2.5yrs without barely putting a foot wrong. I was floored to find everything was a lie that he was highly skilled at maintaining

    • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (10)

      clarissa cabungcalon August 11, 2019 at 5:29 am

      Thank you very much for this well informative answers. i really appreciate this. May God bless you more.

  2. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (11)

    Yvonnette Macalaghon April 4, 2018 at 1:41 am

    I am struggling with this Google Image Search thing. Keep getting this when I do a search

    The URL doesn’t refer to an image or the image is not publicly accessible.

    This guy has been chatting with me for a few months but something says he isn’t who he says he is. What can I do?

    • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (12)

      Lexon April 13, 2018 at 8:44 pm

      Try to click on his image and save it to your computer or on your phone, then when in Google image search, upload that picture to Google and have it do a search.

      If on a laptop or desktop, right clicking the mouse or trackpad should give you this option. The other options is that your web browser cache should have a copy of the image file, you could look in there and then upload the corresponding files to Google that way by selecting them.

      Another thing, if you think a person is a catfish, you’re more than likely right. If this person won’t do what is mentioned above and won’t show their web profile as hand written in their newest picture, don’t trust them.

      Hope this helps!

  3. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (13)

    Daveon April 4, 2018 at 3:17 am

    Had a random girl add me on twitter. Ran her photo theough google and it came up as her being angie varona. I pulled her over it and asked them to be honest. They got very defensive and now keep saying they love me etc. Is there a way to expose this person? I’m annoyed that they are manipulating someone else’s account and claim to be part of the business that is on the twitter page. They seem to know alot about. Help please.

    • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (14)

      Lexon April 13, 2018 at 8:48 pm

      Introduce yourself to the person that she / he / it / they are impersonating and show them the profile of the fake. The next thing to do is blast it on your own profile and the more users you have the better.

      If a person is using, “love” at this point in the game, that’s a ploy to get you to stop questioning their motives, let alone not expose them for being an outright fraud. You can report them on Twitter as impersonating someone else or even yourself, if people are doing that.

      Hammer this person in social media and don’t let up, they know they’re doing something wrong and there is no excuse for it.

      I hope that this information is useful to you and others.

  4. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (15)

    Terryon July 20, 2018 at 10:46 pm

    This google thing is crazy. I uploaded a photo…did a search….it said “man”….LOL I know this. This man and I had been chatting…met on a dating website. He instantly fell in love with me (yeah….right). When he finally called….he does not speak English well. And, of course…he wants money. Talks about how religious he is….REALLY???

    I also put the url in to find out more from his Facebook profile…that lead to nothing! What am I doing wrong? I want to catch him.

  5. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (16)

    Chrison July 28, 2018 at 7:16 am

    Hi, I was wondering about if you searched various images on an few different sites and come up with nothing? I have been talking to this Navy girl from Instagram for 5 months now. She had added me and for some odd reason I messaged her and we hit it off. She gave me her number and we started to text. She has shared with me photos she doesn’t post on Instagram and doesn’t have any other social media do to what she does in the Navy. She said shes real and hasn’t asked for money like scammers do. Just sometimes I wonder if shes legit.

  6. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (17)

    Joyon August 4, 2018 at 7:02 pm

    So… I am chatting on instagram with a guy he seems normal not a model or anything. Used tour google technique and he came out clean. Fact is… I found like 6 accounts with his name even if pics on eacg of them are always different (same person different pics). Is that just awkward or should I see it as a high risk?

  7. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (18)

    jayon November 24, 2018 at 10:47 am

    This guy added me on Instagram and he said he wants to get to know me more. then he started asking how old I was. My friend said that he is a fake so I said to him, “You’re fake.” he got really angry and started threatening to kill and rape me.

  8. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (19)

    Faith Maguireon February 21, 2019 at 3:55 am

    So i post a pic of myself on insta 2 hours later i get a friend request from what it seems to be a Predator or somthing so i accepted the req and like it seemed normal and cooo but then sent pics of hiself with no shirt on but the face is marked off with Red and like i ask to see his face coz i was thinking theres no way that the main pic is a pic of him but he said i will but first send me a pic of your shirt off , i said i dont want to and said send me another and i will so he did but the color race of the person looks like someone Arabian or sumthin and i said your fake!, then he said he will find me **** me and make me wet i really dont know what to do from now!

  9. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (20)

    Regina A McGlashenon March 29, 2019 at 4:06 am

    Most of the trained catfish sitting in a cubicle or garage with many others contacting people. pretty much have the same story.Maybe they have others for different women, but basically this is one of them,,, In the Military,, on a secret mission.. in Afghanistan, most likely , their English is not that great, and they spread compliments about your beauty.The next.. they have a child that is not living with them, they are in boarding school or mom has them. they are laying groundwork to ask for money. Some have a wife that was killed in an auto accident,, draws your sympathy. Once you accept them on FB, or any chat, they will contact you every day. they say things like ” why you not want to talk to me? ( dead giveaway) they choose a city in the US if that is where you are and tell you they live in America. Some wait a week, some longer to express a sob story how they need cash, when they feel they have you hooked into believing them.. It is always someone elses profile with very little in it. Here is what I do.. Ask them to send a pic holding a paper saying HI. with my name on it. they soon disappear after a page of nastiness and blaming you for not being the nice person they thought you were. Trust me. I have had lots of these catfishers! think I have one right now,

  10. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (21)

    Kirtikaon June 6, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    I meet a guy on a dating app.. He’s pretending to be german model murat simsek…He was having all the same information on his profile as the model(true) is having. Same pictures, name etc. I got suspicious and I asked him to talk with me on Instagram because I do follow the real model and sent him a greeting message, he got angry and say you don’t trust me it’s fine bye!! I used google images. But I’m still confused please help!!

    • Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (22)

      Kirtikaon June 6, 2019 at 8:43 pm

      The model is a student in new Jersey. And the catfish that I meet says he is in india(where I live) . I used true caller to track down his real name through his given phone number to me and it was showing smarty raaz and the mobile number is from bihar haryana!! So, I think I caught his falseness. But if you still have another idea. Please let me know…

  11. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (23)

    Amélieon July 4, 2019 at 7:59 pm

    I’ve searched this guy on reverse image, on different sites. Comes up with nothing. Then I tried to search myself with pictures of my instagram, a couple are public and I can’t even find these.. i also csn’t find my own profile pic from Facebook.. i think I’m doing something wrong, cause with my pictures, even if I add my first name, comes up with nothing..
    i think I’m talking to a catfish cause he’s not giving me his last name, or profile on fb or instagram and he keeps postponing our first date.. makes me curious..

  12. Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (24)

    Gerryon August 7, 2019 at 11:25 pm

    I have been communicating with this man for a year and a half. i met him through Instagram. I have talked to him by phone and text. He always calls me I can’t call him. He cannot video chat. He started talking to me while working on an oil rig and now he is incarcerated. He has a daughter in boarding* school and his wife died 6 years ago. He has an accent and did send me pictures which I deleted at one time but no longer can retrieve. I did run one picture of him and it wasn’t on any social media sights. This man has one bad luck after another, and yes I haven given money. He has a lawyer that I cannot find and will not give me any information on how to contact except by email. His lawyer asked me to send cash to an apartment as his acting agent for my mans release. I sent the money and now the lawyer is not responding to my text. This man claims he doesn’t have any details on his lawyer but trust him because he is trying to get him out. He can’t tell me what prison he is in. This man acts like he is surprised and hurt because the money I sent didn’t get him out. I want him to be real, if I am to believe him I don’t want to leave him hanging by himself. I don’t know how I feel, I have my ups and down. My heart hurts that I don’t know for certain. I thought we were going to be married. He lives in Florida but is incarcerated in New Jersey, the oil rig was out of New Jersey waters. He says his father is German and mother is American. He is 60 years old that is now retired as of December. I don’t know how to find out if he is real and if I lost a lot of money. I want to cut him out of my life and get on with mine if he isn’t real. But I can’t without knowing.

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile (2024)


Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Online Social Media Profile? ›

A catfish usually can't send you a candid selfie. They may have access to only a few pictures from whoever they are impersonating. So, if they can't send you any pictures besides what is on their dating profile or social media page, they may be a catfish. Catfish also avoid meeting up in person.

How do you tell if a profile is a catfish? ›

How to spot a catfish
  1. You've searched their name on the internet but they don't seem to exist. ...
  2. They're asking for money early into your relationship. ...
  3. They're telling you they love you, but you've only been talking for a couple of days or weeks.
  4. They're avoiding face-to-face contact, either meeting up or video chats.
Aug 31, 2022

Is catfish a fake profile? ›

Catfishing is when someone creates a fake persona—in this case, a dating profile—with the intention to target a victim and compromise them in some way.

How do you tell if an Instagram account is a catfish? ›

How can you tell if an Instagram account is fake?
  1. The account follows substantially more accounts than it has followers—or it has no followers and isn't following anyone.
  2. Their profile description seems too vague.
  3. The account has no profile picture.
  4. The account has only published a few posts, or none at all.
Jan 12, 2022

How can you tell if someone is using a catfish picture? ›

Right-click their photos, copy the URL, and paste in the box at Google will then search for other sources of that image online. If nothing is found, try a few photos and see what crops up. Don't forget that Instagram images aren't indexed so Google won't be able to search them.

How do you tell if a Facebook profile is a catfish? ›

A catfish usually can't send you a candid selfie. They may have access to only a few pictures from whoever they are impersonating. So, if they can't send you any pictures besides what is on their dating profile or social media page, they may be a catfish. Catfish also avoid meeting up in person.

Why do catfish use WhatsApp? ›

Catfish will try and move the conversation onto a different platform, usually something like WhatsApp, Kik or email, for a few reasons. Scammers know that anti-scam technology software on the sites will likely pick up trends in conversation and shut down the profile. If they move you away, they can continue undetected.

How to spot a catfish tinder profile? ›

They include:
  1. Not being able to meet the person.
  2. Any mention of money.
  3. Being asked to share intimate photos or videos.
  4. Being asked to move off the app to another form of communication.
  5. If they profess their love too quickly.
Mar 15, 2017

What is a catfish social media account? ›

Catfishing refers to when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves. In some cases, a catfisher steals another individual's complete identity—including their image, date of birth, and geographical location—and pretends that it is their own.

Why do people create fake online dating profiles to catch a catfish? ›

It's not just necessarily making up an identity, they may even copy an existing like a real person's identity and use a real person's photo placing it as themselves.” One of the main reasons people will catfish others is due to their insecurities.

How do you catch social media catfish? ›

Catfish: How to Spot a Fake Social Media Profile Online
  1. The Google Image Search. The first thing you want to do after you found a sketchy profile is to right-click on the image and click 'Copy Image URL. ' ...
  2. Spot Catfish by Making a Simple Request. The Google Image search should do the trick when trying to spot a catfish.
Oct 16, 2016

What to look for when being Catfished? ›

How to tell if you're being catfished
  • They won't facetime.
  • They won't talk on the phone.
  • They ask for money.
  • Their life story keeps changing.
  • They won't meet you in real life.
  • They're using someone else's photos.
  • They're out of your league.
Aug 29, 2022

How do I know if the person I am talking to online is real? ›

The 8 Ways to Spot Fake Online Profiles
  1. Fake online profile power words. ...
  2. Nonsensical messages. ...
  3. They only have one photo. ...
  4. They have empty profiles. ...
  5. Empty social networks. ...
  6. They're “famous” or “royals” ...
  7. They're way too forward or flirty. ...
  8. They request your personal information.

What does catfish use to look up phone numbers? ›

BeenVerified, made famous by the MTV Catfish TV show, has become an industry standard for reverse phone lookups.

What do catfish do with photos? ›

This commonly involves using stolen or edited photos, usually taken from an unwitting third party. Catfish will use this information to create a more appealing version of themselves, then engage in continued one-on-one interactions with another person (or people) who are unaware of the deception.

How can you tell if someone is using someone else's picture? ›

How To Find Out if Your Images Have Been Stolen
  1. Use Reverse Image Search To Find Out if Someone Stole Your Photos. ...
  2. Limitations of Reverse Image Search. ...
  3. Document the Use. ...
  4. Report the Image. ...
  5. Figure Out What You Want. ...
  6. Images Used on Social Media Count. ...
  7. Copyright Laws in Canada. ...
  8. Watermarking.
May 24, 2021

What does a fake Facebook account look like? ›

Some tell-tale signs of fake accounts include: a recent date of creation when it comes to timeline posts, almost no shared content, shared fake content, zero to few mutual friends. Tap here for more help identifying fake Facebook accounts.

Can a fake FB account be traced? ›

Our social media investigators often hear this question: Is it possible to trace online accounts? Unfortunately, the only real answer is: it depends. While we have successfully been able to trace many fake accounts, it is almost always an uphill battle. But, if it can be done, we can do it.

How do I find hidden Facebook accounts? ›

Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap your name. Tap then tap Activity Log. Tap Filter, then tap Hidden from profile to review.

How do I outsmart an online scammer? ›

  1. Don't click on links in an unsolicited email or text message.
  2. Don't use the phone number a potential scammer provided in an email or text message. ...
  3. Don't give out personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth, or Social Security numbers.
Feb 28, 2023

What social media platform has the most catfishing? ›

Fake profile pictures on Tinder

Tinder is one of the largest online dating platforms and by far the largest in the US. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Tinder catfishing is one of the most common forms of catfishing.

Do catfish use Telegram? ›

Because it involves the creation of a fake persona, catfishing exists exclusively online: on dating sites such as Tinder and Hinge, on social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook, and on messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

How can you tell if someone is a catfish bumble? ›

Here are some things to look out for:
  1. They refuse to video call or meet IRL.
  2. Their social media profiles look new.
  3. They ask for money.
  4. They either message constantly or erratically.
  5. Your own gut feeling says something isn't right.

How to spot a Tinder scammer? ›

Here's how you can spot a scammer on a dating service:
  1. You can't find or verify information about them online. ...
  2. They quickly tell you they love you (i.e., “love bombing”) ...
  3. They're too perfect — especially in photos. ...
  4. They're always traveling or live far away from you.
Feb 13, 2023

How do catfish search pictures? ›

How to Find Someone With a Picture
  1. Download the Image of the Person You Are Talking To. ...
  2. Upload the Photo Onto Social Catfish's Reverse Search Platform. ...
  3. Sign Up For Social Catfish's Reverse Image Search Membership. ...
  4. View Your Results. ...
  5. See what Social Catfish can find!

Is catfishing on social media illegal? ›

Is Catfishing Illegal? Representing yourself differently online than in real life isn't illegal. And unfortunately, there's not a lot of recourse when the person you're talking to turns out to be a catfish. However, there are situations where catfishing can lead to legal issues or even criminal charges.

How many catfish are on social media? ›

The FBI said more than 23,000 people reported being catfishing victims in 2020 and sent scammers more than $600 million.

Which dating sites have the most fake profiles? ›

Facebook was mentioned the most as a Google Search suggestion for the topic of fake profiles; Tinder was the second most mentioned platform. Comparing only dating platforms, Tinder had the highest number of mentions—12—while Badoo came in second place with just 4 mentions.

What is the psychology behind catfishing? ›

Individuals who engage in catfishing often do so because they struggle with low self-esteem or a lack of self-confidence. In some cases, catfishing can be a symptom of more significant mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or loneliness.

Why do men catfish online? ›

The most common reason people will catfish others is a lack of confidence. If people aren't happy with themselves, they feel that by being someone more attractive, they are fully able to express themselves freely without their insecurities holding them back.

Do catfish show up on a fish finders? ›

Catfish are a great example. As you almost certainly know, most species of catfish that are worth angling for are bottom feeders. That means you'll want to look for arches near the bottom. Fishfinders are great at displaying bottom hardness and structure, so this is pretty easy to get the hang of.

How do you tell if a guy is a catfish on tinder? ›

  1. They won't pick up a phone call. ...
  2. They don't have many followers or friends. ...
  3. Their story doesn't add up. ...
  4. They're using someone else's photos. ...
  5. Their only photos are professional. ...
  6. And speaking of photos: They've never sent you a casual selfie. ...
  7. They're reluctant to meet in real life or even video chat.
Sep 6, 2022

What is the personality of a catfish? ›

We found a cluster of psychological traits that are associated with catfishing – known as the “dark tetrad” of personality. This includes psychopathy, sadism, narcissism, and Machiavellianism.

Are there fake Tinder profiles? ›

Fake Tinder profiles are created for all sorts of reasons. But, knowing how to spot them is key and there're a few telltale signs that give away fake profiles, no matter the motive. And while each of these signs taken in isolation may not necessarily mean that the profile is fake, they each should set off red flags.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.