Choosing the right frame size for your glasses | Vision Express (2024)

How should your glasses frames fit your face?

So, what does a perfect-fitting pair of glasses look like? We’ve already established that you shouldn’t be getting small aches and marks if your glasses fit properly. There are a few other things you should look at when choosing the right fit:

  • Proper bridge design and position are very important for a well-fitting pair of glasses. We’ll tell you how you can measure the bridge width later in the article.
  • The width of your frames should not be wider than the width of your face at the temples
  • The top of your frames should be no higher than the line of your eyebrows
  • The lower edge of the frames shouldn’t sit on your cheeks otherwise they will start to rub against your skin and cause irritation

Finding the perfect fit online

Without a store attendant to help you, or being able to try on each pair to see how it looks, shopping online for a pair of glasses might be a bit unnerving but there isn’t much to it.

How to buy the same measurements as your current frame

All glasses frames have information printed on them about various frame measurements. You can usually find these measurements on the inside of the arms, or you might find your glasses have these values printed on the back of the bridge or the inside of the nose piece.

The first numbers we need to look for will always be in a sequence of 3, for example, 53-20-140. We can represent these numbers as ‘a-b-c’ in this article, just so it’s easier to understand. Sometimes there will be a small rectangle shape separating numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’, making them easier to spot.

The number on the left side of the rectangle, or ‘a’ in our sequence, is the lens diameter. It’s the length of the lens at its widest point, measured in millimetres. The number on the right side of the rectangle, or ‘b’ in the sequence, is the bridge width. This is the distance between the two lenses – the part that fits on your nose. As mentioned earlier – this number is really important for a well-fitting pair of glasses. Finally, ‘c’ is the length of the arms on your glasses. Just match measurements ‘a’ and ‘b’ to your new pair of glasses for a similar fit and feel.

Most online retailers should have these measurements available on their website. You can easily find them on the Vision Express website as well. All of the prescription glasses and sunglasses models we have featured online on our website contain measurements like bridge width, lens diameter, lens height, and arm length to help you choose glasses with the best fit.

What is the right frame size according to my face?

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Something to remember

It is important to make sure whoever you’re shopping from has a return policy so that you can return glasses that don’t feel right. At Vision Express you can return items up to 60 days after purchase as long as you have the receipt and the glasses aren’t damaged. It might take a little bit of trial and error as sometimes measurements might vary according to different models.

By making some minor adjustments you can be the owner of a pair of glasses that are perfect for your face structure, but at the same time you won’t even notice are there.

Back to buyer's guide

As an optical expert and enthusiast with extensive experience in the eyewear industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge to guide you on the crucial aspects of selecting the perfect-fitting glasses frames for your face. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience, working closely with both customers and industry professionals to understand the intricate details that contribute to a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing eyewear experience.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article about how glasses frames should fit your face:

1. Proper Bridge Design and Position:

The bridge of your glasses plays a pivotal role in ensuring a well-fitting pair. The article emphasizes that the bridge design and position are crucial factors. An optimal bridge width, the distance between the two lenses that rest on your nose, is particularly important. It's essential to measure this accurately to achieve a comfortable fit.

2. Frame Width Relative to Face:

The width of your frames should align with the width of your face at the temples. Frames that are too wide or too narrow can cause discomfort and detract from the overall look. This ensures a harmonious balance between your facial features and the eyewear.

3. Frame Positioning:

The article highlights the importance of the proper positioning of your glasses frames. The top of the frames should not exceed the line of your eyebrows, while the lower edge should not rest on your cheeks. Incorrect positioning can lead to rubbing against the skin and irritation.

4. Measurements on Glasses Frames:

Understanding the measurements on your glasses frames is crucial when shopping for new eyewear, especially online. The article provides a breakdown of the three key measurements: lens diameter ('a'), bridge width ('b'), and arm length ('c'). These measurements, often presented in a sequence like '53-20-140,' help ensure a similar fit and feel when choosing new frames.

5. Online Shopping Guidance:

For those opting to shop for glasses online, the article offers practical advice on how to obtain the right measurements. It suggests locating the measurements on the inside of the arms or on the back of the bridge or nose piece. Additionally, it advises matching the lens diameter and bridge width to achieve a comparable fit.

6. Return Policy Considerations:

The article emphasizes the importance of checking the return policy of the retailer. This ensures that you can return glasses that don't feel right. A recommended return period is provided, and the significance of having a return option is underscored for the potential variations in measurements across different models.

In conclusion, armed with this comprehensive understanding of how glasses frames should fit your face, you can confidently navigate the process of selecting eyewear that not only enhances your vision but also complements your facial features for a comfortable and stylish experience.

Choosing the right frame size for your glasses | Vision Express (2024)


Choosing the right frame size for your glasses | Vision Express? ›

The width of your frames should not be wider than the width of your face at the temples. The top of your frames should be no higher than the line of your eyebrows. The lower edge of the frames shouldn't sit on your cheeks otherwise they will start to rub against your skin and cause irritation.

How do I choose the right frame size for my glasses? ›

Rather than looking for an exact frame width number when shopping for new glasses, many people operate by this simple rule: Your glasses frames shouldn't be much wider than your face, and your eyes should be centered within the lenses. Lens height is the vertical height of the lens from its lowest to highest point.

How important is frame size glasses? ›

It's obvious why you need the right lenses in your glasses, but what's less known is that you also need the right frames. The wrong choice can have a significant impact on your vision. That's because the size and fit of your frames affect which part of the lenses you see through.

How do I find the perfect fit for my glasses? ›

To find the perfect fit, use the Right Fit Checklist and check your frame size, bridge width, arm length, and pupil position. If all these aspects of your glasses are correct, you'll be able to wear them without hesitation. If not, visit your optometrist or optician for expert advice.

What are the rules for choosing glasses frames? ›

Getting the right bridge design and position is key to a comfortable fit. The lower edge of the frames shouldn't sit on your cheeks, otherwise they might rub or irritate. The size should be in proportion to your face. If you have a small face, don't choose large glasses.

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From the screw position measures to the end of the temple, including the bend. In other words, it's the "arm length" of the frame. Temple length can fall between 120mm and 150mm with 135mm, 140mm, 145mm and 150mm being the most common.

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Glasses that are too big will feel like they're slipping off of your face and ears. They'll often be too wide for your face, with the lenses extending too far past the sides. If your eyes look a bit too close together (or close to the glasses bridge), that's another signal that your glasses might be too big.

Are glasses with nose pads better? ›

Here's how nose pads enhance comfort: Improved fit: Nose pads can be easily adjusted to match the unique contours of your nose, ensuring a snug fit. Reduced pressure: They distribute the weight of your glasses evenly across the nose, preventing discomfort and indentations.

What if my glasses frame is too big? ›

If you find that your glasses are too big, there are some things you can do to try to fix them. If you have plastic frames and the temples feel too loose, you can try running the frames under warm water for 30 to 60 seconds. Then you'll want to apply a slight inward pressure to try to tighten the fit of the temples.

Do bigger frames make your eyes look bigger? ›

Large and thick frames make your eyes appear smaller as the distance to the eye increases, so going for smaller, thinner glasses will help minimise this effect. Request thinner lenses: Optical technology has come a long way, covering ground on lens reduction methods for those with high prescription powers.

Should eyeglasses cover eyebrows? ›

Should Glasses Cover Your Eyebrows? Glasses should cover only about half of the width of your eyebrows. Avoid frames that completely hide your eyebrows or sit too low, exposing them over the top. However, if intentionally displaying or covering your eyebrows is your style, go for it!

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One of the most common reasons lenses don't fit is the wrong shape or size was ordered. Sunglass frames can be tricky to identify and many look similar to one another, but need slightly different lenses. The first step is to confirm which frame model you have and double check what you ordered.

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Correctly fitting glasses should sit on your nose bridge, and not press your cheeks, forehead, or brow. They should be level with the rest of your face (ie. not sitting crooked or at an angle.) You don't want them to fit too far forward or too far back.

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Neutral-coloured frames such as black and brown are versatile and will suit anyone, but if you want to make a statement with colour to make your look pop, here's how to choose coloured frames.

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3 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your New Eyewear
  • Your Face Shape. The shape of your face will be a big determining factor when it comes to finding the right frames to enhance your look. ...
  • Your Skin Tone. ...
  • Your Personality.

Are bigger frame glasses better? ›

Larger frames might provide more coverage and a trendy look, but they could feel heavy or slide down the nose. Smaller frames offer a more classic style and may be lighter on the face, but they might not provide as much coverage.

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If a bicycle does not fit properly, it can result in poor performance, pains and injuries. The two most important elements of your cycling position are the position of the saddle and the position of the handlebars. The frame size only tells you something about the possible saddle heights.

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The highlighting effect of these oversized eyeglasses can make the eye area more symmetrical, emphasizing your irises better. This style gives a clear view of your eyes and allows you to convey your mood without any distractions. Big frames can also help you achieve a classy look.

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Find the Perfect Frame Width

A too-narrow frame will make your face look wider, while a frame that is too wide will make your face look narrower. This is one of the most important factors in finding a pair of glasses that fits your face shape.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.