Cleaning Up Sources of Lead in the Home (2024)

On this page:
Regular Washing
Cleaning With a Special Vacuum
Wet Washing

Step 1: Regular Washing
Wash your child's hands and face often with soap and water. Make sure your child’s hands and face are clean before eating and going to bed.

Be sure to wash toys, bottles and pacifiers often with soap and water. Don’t let your children play with any toys that have fallen on the ground until they have been cleaned with soap and water. Don’t let your child eat any food that has fallen on the ground.

Step 2: Cleaning With A Special Vacuum
You can use a special vacuum cleaner called a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter (HEPA) vacuum to clean up lead. The HEPA vacuum has a special filter that can pick up and hold small pieces of lead.

Another option is to use a wet/dry vacuum in the wet setting to clean up the wash or rinse water. When you use the wet/dry vacuum, be sure to keep about two inches of water in the bottom of the canister. The water will help hold the lead dust. Only use the wet/dry vacuum to vacuum up the wash or rinse water when you are cleaning up lead. Do not use the wet/dry vacuum to pick up dry dust, or lead paint chips.

Never use your household vacuum cleaner to clean up paint dust or chips from walls, floors or window sills and wells. Household vacuum cleaners are okay for regular cleaning jobs, once the lead has been cleaned up. But when it comes to cleaning up lead, your household vacuum cleaner filter cannot pick up and hold the small pieces of lead- it can blow lead dust into the air where people can breathe it in.

Step 3: Wet Washing
Wet washing is the best way to clean up lead dust. Wet wash window sills, wells, walls, floors and door frames often to clean up lead dust. Follow these steps to effectively wet wash your home:

  1. Use two buckets-one for the cleaning solution, and one for the clean rise water. Clearly mark each bucket. Be sure to wear waterproof, chemical resistant rubber gloves while you are wet washing. Keep children away from this and all cleaners.
  2. Make a cleaning solution made up of a household detergent and water. Mix according to the directions on the container.
  3. Pick up any loose paint chips and other debris that can be found in the window wells, sills, door frames, and floors. Put the paint chips and debris in a double thick garbage bag. Seal the bag.
  4. Wash the window wells and sills, door frames, walls and floors thoroughly with the cleaning solution. Use two separate sets of disposable rags or paper towels- one set for the washing step and one set for the rinse step.
  5. Rinse the area that you washed with cleaning solution with clean water, using a different disposable rag or paper towel. It is important to use a different rag or paper towel for the cleaning and rinse steps.
  6. Put all the rags, paper towels and paint chips in a double thick garbage bag. Seal the bag. Keep the bag out of the reach of children and pets. Call your county offices to find out how you can dispose of the lead debris at a household hazardous waste collection site, or place it in the garbage for pickup.

Last Updated: 10/03/2022

Cleaning Up Sources of Lead in the Home (2024)


How do I clean my house of lead? ›

You can use a special vacuum cleaner called a High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter (HEPA) vacuum to clean up lead. The HEPA vacuum has a special filter that can pick up and hold small pieces of lead. Another option is to use a wet/dry vacuum in the wet setting to clean up the wash or rinse water.

How can I reduce lead exposure in my home? ›

Simple measures can help protect you and your family from lead poisoning:
  1. Wash hands and toys. ...
  2. Clean dusty surfaces. ...
  3. Remove shoes before entering the house. ...
  4. Run cold water. ...
  5. Prevent children from playing on soil. ...
  6. Eat a healthy diet. ...
  7. Keep your home well maintained.
Jan 21, 2022

How do you clean lead dust from inside? ›

vacuum using a HEPA vacuum (if possible). ✓ then, wash using a cleaning solution. ✓ rinse with clean water and new rags/cloths. A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) vacuum (13 in photo) is strongly recommended, but wet wiping will suffice if a HEPA vacuum is not available.

Do air purifiers work for lead dust? ›

Using a HEPA air purifier is also a good idea, both during renovation and after, as it will capture lead particles and reduce your family's risk of lead poisoning by inhalation.

Does white vinegar clean lead? ›

If you encounter leaded soap scum build up, it can be removed with an acid wash. Add 4 cups of white vinegar and run a wash cycle with the largest amount of warm water the machine settings will allow. Then run a rinse cycle.

Can lead be washed away? ›

Washing skin with standard soap and water is not enough to remove lead residues. NIOSH researchers have developed wipes that can remove 98% of lead residues from skin.

What neutralizes lead dust? ›

Government guidelines have widely recommended trisodium phosphate (TSP) or "lead-specific" cleaning detergents for removal of lead-contaminated dust (LCD) from hard surfaces, such as floors and window areas.

Can you get lead poisoning from living in an old house? ›

The older the home, the more likely it is to contain lead-based paint. You should assume that any home built before 1978 contains some lead. Lead poisoning is a concern for both children and adults - breathing or eating anything that contains too much lead can cause serious health problems.

Can you absorb lead from touching it? ›

Some studies have found lead can be absorbed through skin. If you handle lead and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, you could be exposed. Lead dust can also get on your clothes and your hair. If this happens, it's possible that you may track home some of the lead dust, which may also expose your family.

How long does it take to get lead poisoning from dust? ›

How long it takes a child to absorb toxic levels of lead depends on the concentration of lead in the dust. Rosen says that in a typical lead-contaminated housing unit, it takes one to six months for a small child's blood-lead levels to rise to a level of concern.

Does lead linger in the air? ›

Once lead gets into the atmosphere, it can travel long distances if the lead particles are very small. Lead is removed from the air by rain and by particles falling to land or into surface water.

Can lead dust make you sick? ›

Exposure to high levels of lead may cause anemia, weakness, and kidney and brain damage. Very high lead exposure can cause death. Lead can cross the placental barrier, which means pregnant women who are exposed to lead also expose their unborn child. Lead can damage a developing baby's nervous system.

Do N95 masks block lead dust? ›

N95 masks do NOT protect you against chemical vapors, gases, carbon monoxide, gasoline, asbestos, lead or low oxygen environments.

How can lead be removed from the air? ›

Lead is released into the air during burning coal, oil, or waste. Once lead gets into the atmosphere, it may travel long distances if the lead particles are very small. Lead is removed from the air by rain and by particles falling to land or into surface water.

How long does lead dust stay in the air? ›

How long does lead dust stay airborne? These dust particles can stay in the air for up to 10 hours. A person can easily breathe in this fine dust. Once this dust makes contact with the soil, the wind can carry it off- site contaminating surrounding environment and water bodies.

Does baking soda remove lead? ›

For instance, corrosion of lead pipes, which were common in water systems until a decade ago, can leech potentially harmful lead into drinking water. Baking soda added to the water supply bonds with the dissolving lead to produce an impermeable coating on the inside of the pipes to prevent this danger.

What removes lead? ›

The CDC suggests two ways to remove lead from drinking water: Reverse Osmosis or Distillation. Reverse osmosis is a simple and economical way to protect your household drinking water by filtering out contaminants like lead. Reverse Osmosis can remove 99.1% of lead in water.

Does hand sanitizer get rid of lead? ›

Hand sanitizers are good for germs but are useless for lead. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers do not remove lead from hands. While washing with soap and water is often a sufficient means of removing lead residue, there are more efficient cleaning products that can almost completely eliminate lead content from your skin.

Can Lysol remove lead? ›

To clean up Lead dust you must use disposable wipes with surfactant-containing detergent. Clorox Wipes or Lysol Wipes or any similar brand have been proven to work well for this.

Can bleach clean lead? ›

Cleaning up lead from hard surfaces

Use all-purpose cleaning detergent. Avoid using bleach.

How much lead dust is harmful? ›

What Lead Levels Are Considered Elevated in Adults? occur (extremely dangerous). Between 40 and 80 µg/dL, serious health damage may be occuring, even if there are no symptoms (seriously elevated).

What are symptoms of lead exposure in adults? ›

Lead exposure can cause high blood pressure and brain, kidney and reproductive health issues in adults. Symptoms of lead poisoning include headaches, stomach cramps, constipation, muscle/joint pain, trouble sleeping, fatigue, irritability, and loss of sex drive. Most adults with lead poisoning don't look or feel sick.

What should you do if water is contaminated with lead from inside the home? ›

Contact your water utility to have your water tested and to learn more about the lead levels in your drinking water. Learn if you have a lead service line. Contact your water utility or a licensed plumber to determine if the pipe that connects your home to the water main (called a service line) is made from lead.

Should I be worried about lead in my home? ›

Answer: Approximately three-quarters of the nation's housing built before 1978 contains some lead-based paint. This paint, if properly managed and maintained, poses little risk. If allowed to deteriorate, lead from paint can threaten the health of occupants, especially children under six years old.

Can you get lead poisoning from one exposure? ›

It may even be possible to suffer lead poisoning after one exposure if you were exposed to enough lead. Children under the age of six are especially prone to lead poisoning, which means short-term exposure to small amounts of lead can be especially dangerous for them.

What should you do after touching lead? ›

If you think you or your child may have been exposed to lead, contact your healthcare provider. They'll ask about your symptoms and have you or your child get a blood lead test. This test will measure the amount of lead in your or your child's blood.

How much lead do you have to consume to get lead poisoning? ›

At levels above 80 µg/dL, serious, permanent health damage may occur (extremely dangerous). Between 40 and 80 µg/dL, serious health damage may be occurring, even if there are no symptoms (seriously elevated). Between 25 and 40 µg/dL, regular exposure is occurring.

How do you detect if someone has lead poisoning? ›

A simple blood test can detect lead poisoning. A small blood sample is taken from a finger prick or from a vein. Lead levels in the blood are measured in micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL).

Can lead poisoning show up years later? ›

Once lead is in the body, it can can also be stored in bone for years. Even after exposure stops, the lead can come back into the bloodstream and continue to damage the brain and other organs for years to come.

What is the most common way to get lead poisoning? ›

Lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust are the most common sources of lead poisoning. Paint containing lead was not banned in the United States until 1978.

How do you know if you have lead in your house? ›

Ask the Inspector/Assessor to write you a risk assessment report that will tell you if the lead levels in your home represent a hazard and what options you have for dealing with it. The certified Inspector/Assessor can test your paint with an XRF (x-ray fluorescence) machine, for immediate results.

Is lead toxic when inhaled? ›

Inhalation can be a significant exposure pathway, particularly for workers in lead industries, “do-it yourself” home renovators, persons with hobbies (stained glass making/soldering), smokers and children exposed to second hand smoke. Embedded or retained leaded foreign bodies can be a source of ongoing lead exposure.

Does lead go away over time? ›

The half-life of lead in adult human blood has been estimated as 28 days. The body accumulates lead over a lifetime and normally releases it very slowly. Both past and current elevated exposures to lead increase patient risks for adverse health effects from lead.

How far can lead dust spread? ›

According to Freep, this dust could easily travel 400 feet from the initial site. That's more than a football field's worth of heavy metal just waiting to possibly creep into people's lungs and bloodstreams.

What kind of mask do you need for lead? ›

We often recommend a Lead and Asbestos Dust Respirator that features an inexpensive 3M mask and P100 filters. 3M makes a more comfortable mask made from silicon that is much more soft and flexible.

What kind of mask protects against lead? ›

For the lead fumes I suggest using a P100 (HEPA) filter such as the 3M 2091 Particulate Filter or the 3M 7093 P100 HEPA filter. P100 and N100 filters are rated for this application. Lower rated (N95) filters will not stop these dangerous and toxic substances.

What is a common source of lead? ›

Certain water pipes may contain lead. Lead can be found in some products such as toys and jewelry. Lead is sometimes in candies or traditional home remedies. Certain jobs and hobbies involve working with lead-based products, like stain glass work, and may cause parents to bring lead into the home.

Does activated charcoal remove lead? ›

It adsorbs a wide range of substances and organisms [2]. According to Cooney [2], the adsorption of most metals including lead to activated charcoal is poor and consequently it is seldom used in management of lead poisoning.

What detergent removes lead? ›

Cleaning up lead from hard surfaces

Use all-purpose cleaning detergent. Avoid using bleach.

How do you neutralize lead? ›

Some pros use trisodium phosphate (TSP), which neutralizes lead by turning it into lead phosphate. But TSP is poisonous—some states prohibit its use—and lead phosphate is a suspected carcinogen. Instead, try a phosphate-free, biodegradable detergent, like Ledizolv, which attracts and stabilizes lead dust.

What can I use to clean lead? ›

How to deal with lead stains. If the stains are not too severe, they can be removed with a mild acid solution – vinegar or lemon juice work well. Use a nylon brush or very fine wire wool. Use our specially developed lead cleaner and restorer and remove the stains with a nylon brush or scourer.

Do Lysol wipes remove lead? ›

To clean up Lead dust you must use disposable wipes with surfactant-containing detergent. Clorox Wipes or Lysol Wipes or any similar brand have been proven to work well for this.

How do I know if my house has lead pipes? ›

If the pipe is covered or wrapped, expose a small area of metal. Use the flat edge of a screwdriver or other tool to scratch through any corrosion that may have built up on the outside of the pipe. If the scraped area is shiny and silver, your service line is lead. A magnet will not stick to a lead pipe.

Does bottled water have lead? ›

Since lead pipes aren't used in the production of bottled water, the FDA has set the limit for lead in bottled water at 5 ppb (parts per billion). The FDA bottled water quality regulations require bottled water companies to regularly sample and analyze their water.

How do you remove lead from surfaces? ›

Clean until no surface dust is visible. The most effective method for removing lead-contaminated dust combines vacuuming and wet wiping. Following the above instructions, first HEPA vacuum then scrub the entire unit. Highly contaminated or badly worn carpets or upholstered furnishings should be discarded.

Can you get lead poisoning from touching lead? ›

Some studies have found lead can be absorbed through skin. If you handle lead and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, you could be exposed. Lead dust can also get on your clothes and your hair. If this happens, it's possible that you may track home some of the lead dust, which may also expose your family.

How much lead dust is toxic? ›

In adults, a level of 25 mcg/dL is considered toxic. Any level of lead can have toxic manifestations, and all health care practitioners should become familiar with the signs, symptoms, and treatment of lead poisoning.

How long does it take to get lead poisoning? ›

How long it takes a child to absorb toxic levels of lead depends on the concentration of lead in the dust. Rosen says that in a typical lead-contaminated housing unit, it takes one to six months for a small child's blood-lead levels to rise to a level of concern.

Will vinegar dissolve lead? ›

Vinegar is an acid and if placed in metal goblets, even for a short time will begin to dissolve many metals. Lead, copper and aluminum, iron are common examples. While the body needs iron, it can do without most other metals that dissolve in vinegar.

Is lead an airborne? ›

High concentrations of airborne lead particles in homes can also result from lead dust from outdoor sources, including contaminated soil tracked inside, and use of lead in certain indoor activities such as soldering and stained-glass making.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.