Columbo's Basset hound ''Dog'' was a rescue dog in real life, just like on the show (2024)

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'); $videoEl.append('' + '' + ''); setTimeout(function(){ $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e){ if(e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; player.muted(false); //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = player.currentTime(); if(currentTime < 3){ player.currentTime(0); } var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); adsManager.setVolume(player.volume()); }); $('.video-close-floating').on('click', function(){ WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); player.pause(); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); if(adsManager){ adsManager.pause(); } }); if(hideClose){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); 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$('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner'); } } var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration()); //this is a hack because the end video event is not firing... var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime()); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 10) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ if('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR){ console.log("skipped timeupdate end"); }else{ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } } if(!playerState.START_SENT){ if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('start', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promostart', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } playerState.START_SENT = true; } var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i; currentTime = Math.round(this.currentTime()); duration = Math.round(this.duration()); percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / duration * 100); for (percent = _i = 0; _i <= 99; percent = _i += percentsPlayedInterval) { if (percentPlayed >= percent &&['PERCENTS_TRACKED'], percent) < 0) { if (percentPlayed !== 0) { if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('percent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promopercent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } } if (percentPlayed > 0) { playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'].push(percent); } } } }); //'ended'); player.on('ended', function(){ console.log("ended"); playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("complete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promocomplete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } console.log("current id " + currId); console.log("playlist ids"); console.log(WVM.playlist_ids); var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); }else{ var videoId = playerState.ORIGINAL_ID; WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); console.log("Playlist complete (no more videos)"); } }); //'adserror'); player.on('adserror', function(e){ //$('#ima-ad-container').remove(); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.log(e); console.log("ads error"); var errMessage = e['data']['AdError']['l']; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; // && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.' if(!playerState.AD_ERROR){ var dTime = new Date().getTime(); WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl(); //console.log("not calling backup ad tag url: " + WVM.adTagUrl); /* WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.adTagUrl + "?" + dTime); WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds(); //reload src WVM.activePlayer.src({ src: masterSrc, type: 'video/mp4' }); //firefox *really* hates this load event WVM.activePlayer.load(); */ } playerState.AD_ERROR = true; }); //'error'); player.on('error', function(event) { if (player.error().code === 4) { player.error(null); // clear out the old error player.options().sources.shift(); // drop the highest precedence source console.log("now doing src"); console.log(player.options().sources[0]); player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry return; } }); //'volumechange'); player.on('volumechange', function(event) { console.log(event); var theHeight = $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .vjs-volume-level').css('height'); var cssVolume = 0; if(theHeight){ cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace('%', '')); } var theVolume = player.volume(); if(theVolume > 0.0 || cssVolume > 0){ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'none'); }else{ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'block'); } }); //WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //setInterval(function(){ // WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //}, 2000); WVM.allPlayers.push(player); } if(!WVM.rawCompleteEvent){ WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state83487']; }; } if(!WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent){ WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state83487']; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + playerState['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000; var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000; var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime); console.log("raw timeupdate: " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 50) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); if(newMediaId){ console.log("loading new video from rawtimeupdate"); WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } if(!$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner') } }; } WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){ var playerState = WVM['player_state' + playerId]; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + WVM['player_state' + playerId]['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); //COMPLETE EENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); //TIME UPDATE EVENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true; WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true; };

Columbo's Basset hound ''Dog'' was a rescue dog in real life, just like on the show (2024)


Was the Dog on Columbo his real Dog? ›

Columbo's Basset hound ''Dog'' was a rescue dog in real life, just like on the show.

Was the Basset Hound on Columbo his Dog? ›

Etude In Black deserves a special mention because it marks the debut of the dog, Columbo's pet basset hound.

What kind of Dog did Columbo have in his show? ›

In the television series Columbo, Lieutenant Columbo owns a Basset Hound named Dog.

What happened to the Basset Hound in Columbo? ›

But he wouldn't reappear until Season 5's Now You See Him – funnily enough another episode featuring Dog. Although the relationship between Columbo and Dog was wonderfully warm and genuine, having a dog on set did cause some low-level difficulties. Sadly the first incarnation of Dog died and had to be replaced.

Did Columbo smoke in real life? ›

Unlike his cigar-smoking character, Peter Falk was a life-long cigarette smoker.

Did Columbo really have a glass eye? ›

' " Peter Michael Falk was born Sept. 16, 1927, in New York City, and grew up in Ossining, N.Y., where his father owned a clothing store. At 3, his right eye was removed because of a cancerous growth, and he was given a glass eye.

Did Columbo have dementia? ›

For the last four years of his life, TV actor Peter Falk, who died in June aged 83, suffered from severe Alzheimer's disease.

Did Columbo really have a wife? ›

Although his TV wife was never seen, Peter Falk's real life wife Shera Danese appeared in six episodes of "Columbo". Leslie Silvernail Butler and 1,118 others like this.

Was Columbo intelligent? ›

Columbo, as shown the series, is a genius, which itself is a overused term. He could take completely unrelated items, from situations to which he was new, and assemble them as a completed puzzle that was ALWAYS correct. He could outsmart people whose levels of formal education and training were far superior to his own.

What disability did Columbo have? ›

Colombo was diagnosed with spinal meningitis at the age of 7, resulting in a complete loss of hearing and paralysis in his legs. His family encouraged him to learn to swim to strengthen his legs, and within a year he was able to walk again.

Was Columbo a womanizer? ›

“He was an incorrigible philanderer,” says Lertzman. “On every film set he was pursuing other women. Alyce turned a blind eye to his infidelities but it hurt and finally she had enough.” They divorced in 1976 and the next year Falk married his longtime mistress, actress Shera Danese, 22 years his junior.

What was Peter Falk's favorite Columbo episode? ›

Lieutenant Columbo's post

episodes? on that episode. Identity Crisis is a personal favourite as well.

Did anyone ever outsmart Columbo? ›

8) Did Columbo ever lose a case? Columbo always figured out who committed the murder -- usually within his first few minutes at the crime scene, but occasionally after more prolonged puzzlement, as in Columbo Cries Wolf. However, there were times when a perpetrator was never charged.

Did Columbo have a child? ›

Columbo”) he does claim in conversation with the killer that he and his wife never had any children, but it was part of a deception in which he staged a “home” at a house other than his own which included false pictures of his wife, because the killer had targeted his wife.

Who is the most famous Basset Hound? ›

One the most famous bassets on television was Flash, the dog owned by Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane in the 1980s TV series The Dukes of Hazzard . A life-sized replica named "Flush" was used in dangerous situations.

Does Columbo drink alcohol? ›

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking (1)

Columbo frequently smokes his cigar. He also drinks wine and beer in some episodes. In one episode the effects of hallucinating drugs is shown.

Did Columbo ever light his cigar? ›

Collier the night of the murder, Columbo sees him use a match to light his cigarette but the following morning he observes the doctor using a lighter.

Did Columbo really fall down that hill? ›

When Columbo walks down a steep, grassy hill to inspect the wreckage of the Jaguar, he loses his footing and stumbles, taking a big fall and landing on his back. This wasn't staged; it was Peter Falk, not a stuntman.

Why doesn t Columbo wear a wedding ring? ›

In their minds, Columbo was more likely to be a bachelor who lived alone and was married to his work. He never wears a wedding ring, for one thing. Levinson and Link wanted Columbo to be a mysterious figure.

Did Columbo ever wake up? ›

A year later, the Italian American Civil Rights League, a group that Joe founded, was getting ready to hold its Unity Day rally in Columbus Circle. Shortly before the rally, Joe Colombo was shot three times in the head and neck, leaving him paralyzed and in a semi-comatose state from which he never recovered.

How old was Columbo when he died? ›

Peter Falk, the actor known to millions around the world as the TV detective Columbo, has died. The 83-year-old passed away at his Beverly Hills home on Thursday night, his family said.

Who was the most frequent actor on Columbo? ›

The most recurring Columbo guest star was Mike Lally, who had cameos in at least 23 episodes.

Who was first choice for Columbo? ›

But according to, Peter Falk was not the first choice to play the part. The role was originally created for the stage by Thomas Mitchel, the actor who portrayed Vivien Leigh's father in the classic feature film, Gone With The Wind. Sadly, Mitchel before the original Columbo TV movie went into production.

Who turned down Columbo? ›

In 1968, the same play was made into a two-hour television movie that aired on NBC. The writers suggested Lee J. Cobb and Bing Crosby for the role of Columbo, but Cobb was unavailable and Crosby turned it down because he felt it would take too much time away from the golf links.

What is LT Columbo's first name? ›

What is Lieutenant Columbo's first name? Columbo's first name is never explicitly revealed in the series. However, when Columbo flashes his badge in the episode "Dead Weight" (Season 1 Episode 3), the name 'Frank' can clearly be seen on his ID.

Why did Columbo get cancelled? ›

Why now? Despite being off screens since May 1978, when The Conspirators drew the curtain on Columbo's first decade, the show was never officially cancelled. Negotiations between Falk and the studio simply petered out. Columbo was quietly discontinued, but the will was still there to keep him alive in some capacity.

How old was Peter Falk when he did Columbo? ›

What was the worst Columbo? ›

Worst episode – Last Salute to the Commodore

At best a failed experiment, at worst an affront to the series and an insult to the viewer, Last Salute to the Commodore is the one 70s' episode that is almost universally panned – and deservedly so.

Was Jamie Lee Curtis on Columbo? ›

"Columbo" The Bye-Bye Sky High I.Q. Murder Case (TV Episode 1977) - Jamie Lee Curtis as Waitress - IMDb.

How much did Peter Falk make per episode of Columbo? ›

Falk was rumored to be earning $300,000 per episode when he returned for Season 6 of Columbo in 1976. This doubled to $600,000 per episode when the series made its comeback in 1989. In 1997, "Murder by the Book" was ranked at No. 16 in TV Guide's '100 Greatest Episodes of All Time' list.

What is Columbo salary? ›

Columbo says his salary is $11,000 a year. Columbo reveals he got Dog from the pound because "his number was up".

Who inherited Falk money? ›

The Court ultimately appointed Shera, but the issue was still not settled. Visitation rights for Catherine were limited, and Catherine's sister, Jackie, was unable to visit at all. Shera eventually inherited most of Peter Falk's estate, valued at approximately $5 million.

What kind of cigars did Columbo smoke? ›

The most obvious corollary would be Peter Falk's Columbo, but “cigar” and “detective” is their only superficial overlap as characters. Columbo favored short, green cigars—the color of inexperience—which he constantly puffed, chewed, and waved around in performative ignorance.

What was Columbo's favorite line? ›

When fans hear Lieutenant Columbo's trademark phrase “just one more thing…” we know he's about to crack the case wide open. The unconventional detective, played brilliantly by Peter Falk, first appeared on our screens in 1968.

What is Columbo's favorite food? ›

Perhaps eating chile peppers is the culinary expression of an adventurous spirit and a fun-seeking nature." It is established very early, in one of the "Columbo" pilot movies, that Columbo is a dedicated chili-head.

Who was Peter Falk's best friend? ›

And while there are many, many spectacular Columbo episodes and guest stars—like Patrick McGoohan, Ruth Gordon, and Donald Pleasance—for sheer enjoyment value, I can never get enough of Peter Falk facing off against his real-life close friend John Cassavetes in the season two opener, “Étude In Black.”

Who committed the most murders on Columbo? ›

McGoohan holds the record for most recurring Columbo killer, having appeared as a murderer four different times. Robert Culp also appeared in four episodes but played the killer in only three.

Why do people still like Columbo? ›

"That character is still vibrant and alive, appealing to people. People love that central character, that basic format, that fact that it's not political, it's not violent, it's not all the things television shows are today, it's something different. And that's its charm. That's what people love about it."

What kind of car did Columbo drive? ›

Back to Lieutenant Columbo and his Peugeot 403 convertible. It was common knowledge that Peugeot wasn't that happy about how Columbo took care of his 403, or lack thereof, as his car was always dirty, had a patched paint job and seemed to smoke regularly.

Did Columbo reuse actors? ›

Several actors were apprehended by Columbo more than once, with George Hamilton and William Shatner appearing in two episodes each, Jack Cassidy and Robert Culp in three apiece, and Patrick McGoohan in four.

Did Elvis Presley have a Basset Hound? ›

Elvis had a number of dogs over the years. He had a Basset Hound named Sherlock, Great Danes named Brutus and Snoopy, and Edmund, a Pomeranian he gave to his aunt Delta, because the two bonded so quickly.

What celebrity had a Basset Hound? ›

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend welcome Pearl the Basset Hound to their household.

How long do basset Hounds live? ›

Did Columbo have children in real life? ›

Peter Falk lives in Beverly Hills with his second wife, Shera Danese. She was a guest star in the Columbo series and she and Falk were married in 1977. He divorced his first wife, Alyce Mayo, in 1976 after 16 years, during which the couple adopted two daughters, Catherine and Jackie.

Is Henry from emergency same as dog on Columbo? ›

I loved that show! Bassets have been used in programs for years. First one I really remember was Cleo on Peoples Choice. Henry was also Dog on Columbo.

What was the hot dog stand on Columbo? ›

Tail O' the Pup is an iconic Los Angeles, California hot dog stand actually shaped like a hot dog. Built in 1946, the small, walk-up stand has been noted as a prime example of "programmatic" or "mimetic" novelty architecture.

Did they ever reveal Columbo's first name? ›

Columbo's first name is never explicitly revealed in the series. However, when Columbo flashes his badge in the episode "Dead Weight" (Season 1 Episode 3), the name 'Frank' can clearly be seen on his ID.

Did we ever see Columbo's wife? ›

Although his TV wife was never seen, Peter Falk's real life wife Shera Danese appeared in six episodes of "Columbo". Leslie Silvernail Butler and 1,118 others like this.

Did anyone ever get away with it Columbo? ›

8) Did Columbo ever lose a case? Columbo always figured out who committed the murder -- usually within his first few minutes at the crime scene, but occasionally after more prolonged puzzlement, as in Columbo Cries Wolf. However, there were times when a perpetrator was never charged.

Why was Columbo cancelled? ›

Why now? Despite being off screens since May 1978, when The Conspirators drew the curtain on Columbo's first decade, the show was never officially cancelled. Negotiations between Falk and the studio simply petered out. Columbo was quietly discontinued, but the will was still there to keep him alive in some capacity.

Who is the most famous Basset hound? ›

One the most famous bassets on television was Flash, the dog owned by Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane in the 1980s TV series The Dukes of Hazzard . A life-sized replica named "Flush" was used in dangerous situations.

Did Columbo eat boiled eggs? ›

In several episodes, Columbo is seen eating a breakfast of a boiled egg, usually while investigating the scene of the crime or even while interviewing a suspect.

Did Columbo ever smoke the cigar? ›

About 20 years later, in Columbo: A Trace Of Murder, we learn that Columbo has begun smoking uncut cigars. We have no doubt that they're as cheap and aromatic as his old brand, but they do require some preparation.

Who made the most guest appearances on Columbo? ›

The most recurring Columbo guest star was Mike Lally, who had cameos in at least 23 episodes. Read more about Mike here.

What was Columbo's full name? ›

Frank Columbo. Every time Columbo turned to leave after questioning someone then, turned back to utter that turn of phrase, we knew he was on to the culprit. It's been 53 years since Columbo's first crime scene and his first appearance on our TV screens.

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