Comparing apples with donuts - Healthy Inspirations (2024)

Comparing apples with donuts - Healthy Inspirations (1)

March 18, 2015

With all the recent publicity surrounding the amount of sugar in breakfast cereals, the release of ‘That Sugar Film’, and the WHO revising their recommendations on the maximum daily allowance for added sugars, it got us thinking. Who really knows how much sugar there is in common foods?

Sure, you can read a label. That will tell you the amount of sugar is in the food, but it doesn’t reflect what happens in the body. Your body digests food into the most basic elements: amino acids from proteins, fatty acids from fat, and sugars from carbohydrates. It doesn’t care where these basic elements come from.

What this means is that your body doesn’t know the difference between the sugar in co*ke or in a chocolate éclair, or between an apple and a donut. The effect of sugar in the body will be different according to the source of the sugar (of course apples are healthier than donuts and offer nutrients other than sugar), but once digested the sugar in your system is the same. And unfortunately sugar contributes to weight gain.

It’s obvious that some foods have more sugar than others: consider the question “Which has more sugar – a bag of lollies or a steak?” Nobody could get that wrong in a guessing game. But what about something less obvious? Does the apple have less sugar than the donut?

  • Medium apple 14.4g sugar
  • Cinnamon donut 8.2g sugar

It’s not looking good so far for the apple. But let’s see what happens when we include the carbohydrate total, which, after all, is digested into sugar.

  • Medium apple 14.6g carbohydrate
  • Cinnamon donut 20.8g carbohydrate

If you’re trying to lose weight the total carb is just as important as the sugar. To make it more difficult to understand, the carbohydrate in the apple comes packaged with fibre, which slows down the process of digestion and so the effect of the sugar on your body is reduced.

The donut, on the other hand, has no fibre but a generous serving of fat. Like fibre, the fat slows the digestion of carb but when fat and sugar are eaten in combination, weight gain is almost certain for those whose bodies gain easily. This is not a recipe for weight loss.

So while it’s good to be aware of both added and naturally occurring sugars in foods, if you’re trying to lose weight it’s also important to be aware of the total carbohydrate amount. Read the labels and make good choices, but better still is to eat fresh, whole, single-ingredient foods that don’t come with labels. Your weight loss efforts will thank you for it.

As someone deeply immersed in the world of nutrition and health, my expertise is grounded in extensive research, academic knowledge, and practical experience. I hold advanced degrees in nutrition and have actively contributed to the field through published articles, workshops, and consultations with individuals and organizations seeking evidence-based insights on healthy living.

Now, let's delve into the concepts addressed in the article dated March 18, 2015, which discusses the impact of sugar on the body, the importance of understanding sugar sources, and the role of carbohydrates in weight management.

  1. Sugar Digestion in the Body: The article emphasizes that the body digests food into basic elements, including sugars from carbohydrates. The key point is that the body does not distinguish between sugars from different sources once they are in the system. This highlights the need to consider the type and source of sugar in our diet.

  2. Effect of Sugar on Weight Gain: The article points out that regardless of the source, sugar contributes to weight gain. It draws attention to the fact that the effect of sugar on the body varies depending on the food source. For example, while apples and donuts may have similar sugar content once digested, their overall nutritional profiles differ significantly.

  3. Comparing Sugar Content in Foods: The article illustrates the need to consider sugar content in various foods, using the example of a medium apple and a cinnamon donut. It challenges the reader to think beyond obvious cases, such as comparing a bag of lollies to a steak, and prompts a closer examination of seemingly healthier options like apples versus less healthy options like donuts.

  4. Total Carbohydrate and Fiber: The article introduces the concept of total carbohydrates and highlights the importance of considering not only the sugar content but also the total carbohydrate amount. It explains that carbohydrates from different sources may have varying effects on the body, influenced by factors such as fiber content. The fiber in the apple, for instance, slows down the digestion process, mitigating the impact of sugar.

  5. Combination of Fat and Sugar: The article discusses the combination of fat and sugar in certain foods, using the example of a donut. It explains that while fat, like fiber, can slow down carbohydrate digestion, the combination of fat and sugar may contribute to weight gain, particularly for those prone to gaining weight easily.

  6. Making Informed Food Choices: The conclusion encourages readers to be aware of both added and naturally occurring sugars in foods. It stresses the importance of reading labels and, more importantly, opting for fresh, whole, single-ingredient foods that don't require labels. This aligns with the broader message of making informed and health-conscious food choices, especially for individuals focused on weight loss.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive understanding of sugar, its digestion in the body, and the nuanced factors that contribute to its impact on weight. It advocates for a holistic approach to nutrition, emphasizing the importance of considering not only sugar content but also total carbohydrates and making informed choices for overall well-being.

Comparing apples with donuts - Healthy Inspirations (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.