Complete Collar Colors: Understanding Consumer Personas | Kelly Campbell (2024)

Complete Collar Colors: Understanding Consumer Personas | Kelly Campbell (1)

We’re all familiar with the difference between blue and white-collar work, but a new group of collar color designations has made its way into the professional sphere. Recently a part of the American vernacular, this new collection of collar colors has brought about a new era in buyer persona development.

When we work to create buyer personas for our agencies or our clients, collar colors are a critical piece of the business development puzzle. A consumer’s collar segment gives you insight into their culture, mindset, motivations, questions, what they’re ultimately looking for in a product or service—and the buying experience as a whole.

Below, we’ll discuss the latest designations that could prove relevant to business development at your agency.

New Collar Colors: Understanding Your Buyer Personas

Gold Collar Workers

Gold collar workers have traditionally been classified as white collar. These individuals are highly-skilled and in high-demand. Surgeons, engineers, anesthesiologists, lawyers, and airline pilots are all examples of gold collar workers. Gold collar jobs involve positions that have recently become essential enough to business operations that they warranted their own new classification.

White Collar Workers

White-collar workers are employees whose jobs entail (either largely or entirely) mental or clerical work. Office jobs are an excellent example of this. The term “white collar work” used to characterize non-manual jobs. Now, it’s utilized to refer to employees or professionals whose work is knowledge-intensive, non-routine, and unstructured.

Green Collar Workers

Green collar workers are employed by the environmental sectors of the economy. These environmental green collar workers (who hold “green jobs”) help to satisfy the ever-growing need and demand for green development. They tend to focus on implementing environmentally-conscious designs, policies, and technologies designed to help improve environmental conservation and sustainability.

Red Collar Workers

Red collar workers are perhaps the easiest collar group to define: they’re government workers of all types. The “red collar” moniker actually derives from previous government labor compensation methods. Government workers used to receive their pay from what was known as the red ink budget—and the nickname stuck.

Blue or Pink Collar Workers

Blue and pink collar workers’ jobs involve manual labor. The pink collar designation is separate and, in my opinion, stereotypical and already outdated. Pink collar workers’ labor is directly related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work. This differentiation between blue and pink collar workers is generally unnecessary, but should be taken into account nonetheless.

Black Collar Workers

The term “black collar” is used here because it used to refer to those whose collars become black by the nature of their jobs. While it has now taken on a new meaning, it was once used to label those with jobs as coal miners, oil workers, and other similar positions.

Now, black collar workers are the creative types of professionals like artists, graphic designers, and video producers. The moniker has transferred over to them due to their unofficial uniforms, which are generally comprised of black attire.

Gray Collar Workers

Gray collar workers, perhaps not ironically, are those who fall into a sort of “gray area” where their employment is concerned. This term refers to the balance of employed people who cannot be classified as white or blue collar. In some cases, gray collar is also utilized to describe elderly individuals who are working beyond the age of retirement; in others, it may refer to occupations that incorporate elements of both blue- and white-collar work.

New Collar Workers

Lastly—a non-color but arguably one of the most important to the economy—new-collar workers develop the technical and soft skills needed to work in technology jobs through nontraditional education paths. These workers do not have a four-year degree from college. Instead, new-collar workers are trained through community colleges, vocational schools, software boot camps, technical certification programs, high school technical education and on-the job apprentices and internships.
Creating buyer personas is essential to understanding how to most effectively communicate a company’s unique value proposition. Without knowing your audience, you have no way to determine the most optimal verbiage for sharing relevant information. Buyer personas afford you the capability to tailor your brand message to a specific person or group of people—and savvy marketers know that personalized and targeted advertising is one of the keys to business success.

Your agency may have a tough time pulling together those essential buyer personas if your team doesn’t have a solid understanding of collar colors. Taking the time to explore what’s important to potential customers and how they see the world is a critical element in understanding what they want and how they want it provided.

Interested in learning more about how buyer personas impact your organization’s bottom line? Check out the top 5 buyer persona generators or, better yet, let’s talk! I’ll work closely with you to ensure that you never miss an opportunity to leverage foundational business development tools like these.

Together, we’ll create a culture that pushes your staff to learn everything they can about your prospects’ roles within your organization and industry. Opening conversations and closing contracts will become a cinch as your team grows more comfortable speaking your prospective clients’ languages.

Complete Collar Colors: Understanding Consumer Personas | Kelly Campbell (2024)


What are the collar colors? ›

Blue-collar jobs are those that involve a greater degree of physically-taxing or manual labor. Blue-collar jobs include farmers, mechanics, power plant operators, and electricians. White-collar jobs, on the other hand, typically work in office settings in clerical, administrative, and management roles.

Who are the red collar workers? ›

Since most of the natural products we get are from agriculture, dairy, forestry, fishing, it is also called Agriculture and allied sector. People engaged in primary activities are called red-collar workers due to the outdoor nature of their work.

What do collar colors mean? ›

Red: (Red) Approach dogs with caution. Orange: (Orange) Dogs are friendly toward adults and children, but they are not good with other dogs. Green: (Green) Dogs are friendly toward people and other dogs. Yellow: (Yellow) Nervous or anxious. If stated on the collar it can also mean up for adoptions.

What percentage of the US is blue-collar? ›

Also, based on a 2018 Washington Post article, about 13.9 percent of workers are in blue collar professions.

What are the 3 types of collars? ›

There are several types of collars. The three basic types are flat, standing, and rolled.

What collar blue means? ›

There's a good reason why most people say blue is their favorite color — it's calming, soothing, and symbolizes the positive. Bright blues inspire ideas of loyalty, confidence, security, and reliable authority.

Who are grey collar workers? ›

Grey Collar employees can often be at an intersection between white and blue collar. They mainly work in hotels, hospitals, IT, skilled technician support, logistics, cab and security services, reception, and BPOs. They are also known as "essential workers".

What is a purple collar job? ›

Purple-collar jobs are skilled workers and typically someone who is both white and blue-collar. They are principally white-collar, but perform blue-collar tasks with some regularity, such as engineers and technicians.

Who is black collar worker? ›

Black collar – Manual laborers in industries in which workers generally become very dirty, such as mining or oil-drilling; has also been used to describe workers in illegal professions. Grey collar – Workforce that is not classified in blue collar nor white collar.

What does black collar mean? ›

While it has now taken on a new meaning, it was once used to label those with jobs as coal miners, oil workers, and other similar positions. Now, black collar workers are the creative types of professionals like artists, graphic designers, and video producers.

What GREY collar means? ›

The rise of grey-collar workers

The term “grey collar” refers to an employee whose career path has taken them from the field to management. In other words, they are a “blue-collar” employee who has become a “white-collar” employee.

What does yellow collar mean? ›

Yellow-Collar Worker – People in the creative field, They may spend time doing both white and blue-collar tasks as well as tasks outside either category example: Photographers, Filmmakers, Directors, Editors. Red-Collar Worker – Government workers of all types and farmers.

What ethnicity works the hardest in the US? ›

Among the race and ethnicity groups, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders (67.0 percent), people of Two or More Races (66.9 percent), and Hispanics (66.1 percent) had the highest labor force participation rates, and American Indians and Alaska Natives (60.3 percent) and Blacks (62.3 percent) had the lowest ...

Are doctors white-collar? ›

White-collar jobs typically are higher-paid, higher-skilled jobs that require more education and training than low-skilled or manual work. Examples may include managerial roles or professions like doctors or lawyers.

What is the hardest blue-collar job in the world? ›

That said, firefighter is the most-demanding blue-collar job, and along with police officer, includes the stress of being responsible for the lives of others. Roustabouts, who maintain oil rigs, also experience anxiety due to the risk of personal injury, and sailors must be concerned about falling victim to piracy.

What is the most popular collar type? ›

The Spread Collar

The most common dress shirt collar. It's a timeless option that features collar points that end between 4″-6″ apart from one another. This collar style accommodates both small and large tie knots due to the space between the collar leafs.

How are collars classified? ›

Collars can be broadly classified into 3 categories: 1) Flat collars, which are collars that lie flat against the garment. 2) Standing collars, which are collars that do not lie flat, but stand up against the neck. 3) Turnover collars, which are collars that can be used both as stand-up collars and as flat ones.

What is the most common collar? ›

The point collar (also known as the forward-point collar or straight-point collar) is the most traditional of all collar-types. It has the narrowest distance between collar points (1.5” - 3.5”), to meet the lapels on both sides.

What does it mean to be green-collar? ›

adjective. noting or relating to workers, jobs, or businesses that are involved in protecting the environment or solving environmental problems: green-collar careers in renewable energy and other technologies.

What is the meaning of red-collar? ›

Red-collar jobs are positions that describe government and civil service employees. The term red-collar derives from the fact that, in the USA, government employees received compensation from the red ink budget, which was part of the federal budget.

Who is a green worker? ›

A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in an environmental sector of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability.

Are cops blue or white collar? ›

Examples of skilled blue-collar jobs: Carpenters, cooks, electricians, painters EMTs, firefighters, plumbers, police officers and welders. Examples of unskilled blue-collar jobs: laborers, dishwashers, agricultural workers, grocery clerks, janitors, messengers, miners and oil field workers.

What collar are cops? ›

Also called “middle-skilled” and “hybrid” employees, gray-collar workers make up a significant portion of the labor market. In fact, gray-collar professions include: First responders, including police, firefighters and first responders.

Are teachers white or blue-collar? ›

1. Academia: Teachers, professors, and researchers are white-collar workers. 2. Administration: White-collar administrative workers include jobs as human resources representatives, accounts processing officers, and office managers.

What is a rainbow collar worker? ›

adjective Informal. being or of an employee who combines work or experience on the assembly line with more technical or administrative duties; having both blue-collar and white-collar duties or experience.

What job is pink-collar? ›

A pink-collar worker is someone working in the care-oriented career field or in fields historically considered to be women's work. This may include jobs in the beauty industry, nursing, social work, teaching, secretarial work, upholstery, or child care.

What are yellow-collar jobs? ›

Yellow-collar jobs describe professions within creative industries. These types of jobs are incredibly diverse and may involve both white-collar and blue-collar tasks and responsibilities.

What collar job is fast food? ›

A blue-collar job is typically some sort of manual or trade-related labor. Some examples of industries with many blue-collar jobs include retail, manufacturing, food service and construction.

Are nurses white collar? ›

The dress code associated with a white collar position may be somewhat higher than for other positions. Those performing routine support work, such as clerks, nurses, and laboratory technicians, are not considered to be white collar workers.

Is Mcdonald's a blue-collar job? ›

Not really, a blue collar worker is someone in trades not someone in restaurant work, unless we're talking repairing appliances. Truck drivers are blue collar, factory workers are blue collar. It's often manual work in manufacturing or mining. It can be skilled or semi-skilled.

Are nurses blue-collar? ›

Some nursing jobs are blue-collar, while others are not.

This, combined with the fact that they perform many manual tasks, usually puts them in the blue-collar category. Nursing jobs are often considered pink-collar, referring to occupations traditionally only held by women.

Does blue-collar mean poor? ›

Blue collar is just one of the classifications of people in the workforce. It has traditionally been used to describe low-earning people with little to no education and few skills. Blue-collar workers have historically worked in jobs that require manual labor.

What does blue and Grey collar job means? ›

Blue and Grey collar workers are those categories of workers who typically take part in manual labor. They engage in different work, such as farming, manufacturing, logistics, construction, repair and maintenance, and retail. They may be doing skilled or unskilled work and are paid hourly or daily wages for their work.

Is bartending blue-collar? ›

The leisure and events industries also employ blue-collar employees, from bar staff to erecting marquees. Most blue-collar workers are paid hourly or daily rates but some workers get paid 'by the job' or receive an annual salary if they work for a large company.

What do different collars mean? ›

You may be familiar with the terms “white collar” and “blue collar”—occupational classifications used simply to distinguish employees who perform manual labor from the office employees. The notion is that people in white-collar jobs have higher pay grade, while blue-collared post runs by hourly wage.

What does a green lead mean? ›

Orange collar and lead – this dog is not good with other dogs, so be sure to give them space. Red collar and lead – take care as the dog may be aggressive or unpredictable. Green collar and lead – a friendly dog who loves attention. Blue collar and lead – a service dog or a dog in training.

What does a purple leash mean? ›

The purple leash serves as a symbol of the invisible struggle domestic abuse survivors and their pets face. Purple represents domestic violence awareness, and the leash symbolizes the unbreakable bond between pets and their people.

What is the poorest ethnic group in us? ›

By race, the highest national poverty rates were for American Indians and Alaska Natives (27.0 percent) and Blacks or African Americans (25.8 percent). Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders had a national poverty rate of 17.6 percent.

What race holds the most wealth in the US? ›

While white households make 64% of the population, they held more than 80% of all wealth measured in assets in 2022. In the third quarter of 2022, the nation's white households had $124.5 trillion in assets as measured by the Federal Reserve.

Which state has the best work ethic? ›

No. 1 in that category is Alaska, which ranks second on the overall list with a score of 67.44.

Are dentists blue-collar? ›

Some examples of white-collar jobs include: corporate executives, advertising and public relation professionals, architects, engineers, stockbrokers, doctors, dentists and dietitians. These positions often can be highly stressful, demanding and require good time-management skills.

Is HVAC considered blue-collar? ›

Is HVAC a blue collar job? Yes, HVAC technicians are considered blue collar workers.

Is security guard white collar or blue-collar? ›

The Types Of Blue Collar Jobs

These jobs often involve working with tools and machines and may require specialized training or certifications. Other common blue-collar job examples are service industry jobs, such as restaurant and hotel workers, janitors and custodians, and security guards.

What is the rarest job in the world? ›

US employment (2021): 210

What is this? What they do: Being a wood patternmaker is the rarest job in the world. Wood patternmakers create wooden molds that are used by metalworkers to cast molten metal.

What is the hardest job in the world physically? ›

27 physically demanding jobs
  • Professional athlete.
  • Chiropractor.
  • Registered nurse.
  • Miner.
  • Stonemason.
  • Personal trainer.
  • Brick mason.
  • Choreographer.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the highest color collar job? ›

Gold collar workers have traditionally been classified as white collar. These individuals are highly-skilled and in high-demand. Surgeons, engineers, anesthesiologists, lawyers, and airline pilots are all examples of gold collar workers.

Is military blue or white collar? ›

Those who serve in an army are considered to be brown collar, which can range from professionals with or without some level of college degree. The range of duties for brown-collar jobs is vast and can include highly skilled or unskilled employees. These jobs may involve both blue collar and white collar.

Is a nurse blue or white collar? ›

Some nursing jobs are blue-collar, while others are not.

This, combined with the fact that they perform many manual tasks, usually puts them in the blue-collar category. Nursing jobs are often considered pink-collar, referring to occupations traditionally only held by women.

What is the most stressful blue-collar job? ›

That said, firefighter is the most-demanding blue-collar job, and along with police officer, includes the stress of being responsible for the lives of others. Roustabouts, who maintain oil rigs, also experience anxiety due to the risk of personal injury, and sailors must be concerned about falling victim to piracy.

What is the hardest white-collar job? ›

Looking at exhausting white-collar occupations, the most-demanding job is surgeon, which also ranks second on the overall list. A surgeon's high fatigue factor is due to extreme stress and long hours that can include being on-call late at night.

What color collar is a police officer? ›

In fact, gray-collar professions include: First responders, including police, firefighters and first responders. Teachers and child care workers. Engineers.

What color collar is a doctor? ›

A white-collar worker is a salaried professional, typically referring to general office workers and management. Some examples of white-collar jobs include: corporate executives, advertising and public relation professionals, architects, engineers, stockbrokers, doctors, dentists and dietitians.

Are teachers blue-collar? ›

Academia: Teachers, professors, and researchers are white-collar workers.

Why do janitors wear blue? ›

Industrial and manual workers often wear durable canvas or cotton clothing that may be soiled during the course of their work. Navy and light blue colors conceal potential dirt or grease on the worker's clothing, helping them to appear cleaner.

Are doctors pink collar workers? ›

Gold collar – Refers to highly-skilled professionals in high-demand fields such as airline pilots, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and scientists.

Are firefighters blue-collar? ›

Examples of skilled blue-collar jobs: Carpenters, cooks, electricians, painters EMTs, firefighters, plumbers, police officers and welders.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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