Conceptual fashion vs conceptual clothing (2024)

The Sunday News

Conceptual fashion vs conceptual clothing (1)

Let’s Get Stylish
I’M sure, most of us, if not all, have at one point in time come across weird fashion trends, either on TV, at fashion events or you may have bumped into someone clad in something that many would consider eccentric. Of late there has been a growing trend, where a substantial number of people are opting to wear or follow some trends which I believe deserve to remain on screen or on fashion runways.

I mean seriously thinking about it, who would want to walk around clad in “rags” or plastics sewn together, perhaps with the aim of promoting awareness on the importance of littering or something of that nature.

Designers these days are coming up with some of the most bizarre or should I say rebellious trends. I wonder if it is because of the timeline we are presently in or just a way to earn a quick buck because people have become so much gullible when it comes to fashion.

Anyway who knows? But where do we draw the line in terms of fashion? Yes, it does boost one’s ego to be dressed differently and appear to be fabulous than the rest but is it really worth it when you wind up looking like trash!
There are trends that are just meant for the runways and not for the streets and those are called conceptual-fashion trends.

They describe the ways in which designers and the fashion-aware dare to push visual boundaries while challenging the ideals of the traditional fashion establishment. In the context of contemporary fashion, which has seen various fusions of or between art and fashion, style and design, mainstream and avant-garde, slow and fast-fashion – where’s the borderline between what you can wear and conceptual fashion?

It is important to note that conceptual-fashion should not be mixed with conceptual clothing.
Conceptual clothing can be viewed as an artistic instrument, which cannot be worn anywhere else and completely confined to the catwalk. Conceptual fashion is a wearable category of a commercial value, where some of the clothes can be marketed and sold for the market.

Nonetheless, it is not so much about forms and materials but about ideas and meanings.
Bearing all this in mind the primary question, directed mostly to designers is how then does a fashion designer beat dualism between commercialism and conceptuality?

Clothes are our primary form of visual communication, through which we express our sexual orientation, social affiliation, profession, lifestyle, ethnic identity and personal taste.

When we speak of fashion, we need to make a clear distinction between ceremonial, occupational and catwalk outfits and the clothes chosen for our desire for stylistic novelty and innovation.

The constant need for people to have the latest trends in fashion is the reason behind weird and quirky trends. Such a strictly defined fashion cycle coupled with financial concerns associated with running fashion labels, plants pressure on designers to come up with more creative products. This means that they are left with no option but to the market conceptual clothing to the public.

Even in history the relationship between art and fashion has always been deep and complex.
It is undoubtedly clear that fashion reflects the spirits of the times. The 80s gave birth or paved way to a new wave of social consciousness and avant-garde approach has coloured the fashion industry.

European designers suggestively brought modernity into the fashion scene. Some of these designs that were introduced were inspired by technological advancements.

Having briefly explored conceptual fashion, which aims at using wearable clothes for raising consciousness, it seems that form and function must exist alongside each other for any designer to survive.

As fashion is a highly commercial entity established around seasonal collections such as winter and summer, it is difficult for conceptual designers to juggle between their artistic conceptual needs and the commercial demands of the industry.

If a fashion-house designed purely clothes that cannot be worn in the streets then where would financial backing come from to create them?

Successful contemporary conceptual designers should learn to be adaptive and create designs that will not only be seasonal but should be adaptive to the need of having trends that last a lifetime.

Hi, am your big fan of your articles Let’s get stylish, as for me I thank you very much because I now know how to dress appropriately. You are a star. Bravo – Silent, Emganwini
Mr Writer thanks to have a man like yourself. I was mistaken for a gay for taking care of my skin, oral care, hair, carrying a mirror with me and being fashion zealous. When you shed more light on these matters it sets us free. I love and date ladies. – 0773 711 988

For feedback please sms or whatsapp ONLY on 0772 337 433. You can also share your views and comments via e-mail – [emailprotected]

Conceptual fashion vs conceptual clothing (2024)


What is conceptual clothing? ›

In comparison, Conceptual Clothing investigates political and social concerns associated with identity through sculptural representations of the garment. Prejudice is often linked with appearance, and dress in particular is often assumed to be representative of identity.

What is conceptual design in fashion design? ›

Conceptual fashion design can also defined as a fashion help in “finding yourself, in presenting the authentic nature of your internal and external self. Not reflection on the observation and evaluation of others, but instead personal sensation and enjoyment, and fashion as a medium to achieve this.

What are the basic concepts of fashion design? ›

The four basic ingredients or elements of design used in fashion are shape or silhouette, line, colour and texture. A silhouette can be described as the outline of the entire garment. This is the most obvious visual element of the garment.

How do I find a fashion concept? ›

How to Find Fashion Inspiration
  1. Start with people you know. If you have no idea where you truly want to go with personal style, pull in your most basic resources: family and friends. ...
  2. Search online. ...
  3. Look to off-duty and street style. ...
  4. Go window shopping. ...
  5. Check out runway shows. ...
  6. Look beyond fashion.
Jun 7, 2021

What are the 4 types of conceptual? ›

While these types are usually dealt with separately, the paper locates them within a fourfold classification of kinds of conceptual generality: accidental, essential, serial and comprehensive generality.

What is conceptual vs non conceptual? ›

In the case of states with conceptual contents – like beliefs – we can say that in order for a subject to be in these states, the subject has to possess certain concepts. Likewise, we can say that in order to be in a state with non-conceptual content, a subject does not have to possess certain concepts.

What is the difference between conceptual model and conceptual design? ›

The core difference is that a conceptual model is more nebulous than a conceptual design. Conceptual design implies visualization, which while it can still be very basic (doodles on a co*cktail napkin), is still somewhat more "realized" than a conceptual model. A conceptual model can be virtually anything.

What is meant by conceptual design? ›

Conceptual design creates a strategy to transform a concept or idea into visual media. It's the underpinning of a successful design process, and no project can start without it. Conceptual design relates to concept art, or artwork expressing a creator's idea of how a completed project may look.

What is the example of conceptual design? ›

Concept Design is about forming, modeling, shaping a new idea, approach, abstraction of an implementation. Examples of concepts in this context are: eHealth, customer self-service, 360 client view, robotics and 3d printing.

What are the 5 elements of clothing design? ›

Across the disciplines, the elements of design: line, space, shape, form, texture, and color are used by every designer. The following discussion presents each element of design and examples of how it is used in clothing, textiles and/or interiors.

What are the five principles of clothing design? ›

The five basic principles of fashion design include emphasis, balance, proportion, rhythm, and harmony.

What is self concept in fashion? ›

Your self-concept is an assessment of your psychological self; your self-image is an assessment of your physical self. However, our self-concepts and/or self-images frequently determine the clothes that we choose to wear. At the same time, the clothes we wear may influence the way we feel about ourselves.

Where did the concept of fashion come from? ›

The history of fashion design begins in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. In these cultures, clothing and fashion were status symbols. Those who were wealthy would wear expensive and stylish garments that were colorful, while the poor would wear neutral colors and their garments were cheap but useful.

What are the two types of conceptual? ›

Two Kinds of Concept: Implicit and Explicit.

What are examples of conceptual? ›

For example, the word tree is conceptual when you are talking about a non-specific tree as in the example below. Trees breathe oxygen. Tree can also be a concrete noun that refers to a specific physical plant as in this example: Their tree fell on their house in the storm.

What does it mean if you are conceptual? ›

Definition: The ability to analyze hypothetical situations or abstract concepts to compile insight. Conceptual thinkers have an astute understanding of why something is being done. They can think at an abstract level and easily apply their insights to the situation.

What is called conceptual? ›

Updated on January 23, 2019. In semantics, conceptual meaning is the literal or core sense of a word. There is nothing read into the term, no subtext; it's just the straightforward, literal, dictionary definition of the word. The term is also called denotation or cognitive meaning.

What is the opposite of conceptual? ›

Opposite of of, or relating to concepts or mental conception. concrete. nonabstract. real. factual.

What are the core components of a conceptual model? ›

The conceptual model itself consists of four main components: objectives, inputs (experimental factors), outputs (responses) and model content.

What does a conceptual model include? ›

Conceptual models comprise entities that represent components of a service but that contain no detailed application-specific information. The information that you define for conceptual model entities determines how service capabilities can be commercialized.

Why are conceptual models important? ›

Conceptual models improve people's understanding of the subject being modeled and communicate details between people. They also provide a point of reference for design work and useful documentation for the future.

What are the 4 conceptual elements of design? ›

4 Elements of Design
  • a) Conceptual Elements [Point, Line, Plane, Volume]
  • b) Visual Elements [Shape, Size, Color, Texture]
  • c) Relational Elements [Direction, Position, Space, Gravity]
  • c) Practical Elements[Representation, Meaning, Function]

What does a conceptual designer do? ›

A concept designer is in charge of creating detailed designs and renderings for video games, animators, graphic designers, and creative directors. As a concept designer, you are making sure everything is visually appealing, and is a correct visual representation of an idea or concept for the final product.

What is a conceptual design of a product? ›

So, what is Conceptual Design? Conceptual design is a part of the product design process that generates several design concepts which are then compared and contrasted to the product design specifications and ultimately the problem the product is trying to solve.

What are the features of conceptual design? ›

Conceptual design is arguably the most critical design phase in the engineering design process. It involves the activities of function formulation, concept generation, concept organization, concept evaluation, and concept improvement. The importance of conceptual design can never be overstated.

What are the three C's of fashion? ›

Don't forget the three C's the next time you're feeling frustrated by others' negativity. Confidence, comfort and color!

What is a clothing designer called? ›

someone who designs clothing. synonyms: couturier, designer, fashion designer.

What are the 7 principles of design in fashion? ›

There are seven traditional and universal principles of design, which are significant across the industry: emphasis, balance & alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion, movement, and white space.

What is the 7 elements of fashion design? ›

What Are the Elements of Design? The elements of design are the fundamental aspects of any visual design which include shape, color, space, form, line, value, and texture.

What are the 4 principles of design in fashion? ›

The principles of design consist of: balance, proportion (also referred to as scale), emphasis, and rhythm. When a garment or ensemble uses the elements and principles of design to create a visual unity, harmony is achieved.

What are the theories of fashion design? ›

The three major theories of fashion movement are trickle-down, trickle-up, and trickle-across.

What are the 11 principles of design in fashion? ›

The principles of fashion design include Unity, Balance, Proportion, Emphasis and Rhythm.

What are the 9 principles of design in fashion? ›

The 9 Principles of Design are: Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Repetition, Proportion, Rhythm, Balance, Unity, and Variety.

What are the three concepts of self-concept? ›

There are three main components of self-concept: Self-image- How we see ourselves including physical and cognitive evaluations. Ideal-self- The person we would like to be or become. Self-worth- This is also known as self-esteem which is formed by social interactions and feedback from others.

What does self-concept look like? ›

It is how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics. 1 For example, beliefs such as "I am a good friend" or "I am a kind person" are part of an overall self-concept. Other examples of self-concept include: How you view your personality traits, such as whether you are an extrovert or introvert.

What are some examples of self-concept? ›

Self-Concept vs Self-Esteem
I am a teacher.I am a good teacher.
I am a Democrat.I am a good person because I am a Democrat.
I am ugly.I feel depressed because I am ugly.
I am a dad.I am a fun dad.
1 more row
May 28, 2022

What are the techniques of conceptualization? ›

They are called: analogic, typologic, pragmatic, and theoretic methods.

What are the 3 stages of the fashion cycle? ›

Stages of the Fashion Cycle

Every fashion style passes through some defined stages, starting from the introduction of the fashion style, rising in popularity or demand, peak time, decline in popularity or demand, and finally rejection.

What era is in fashion now? ›

The fashions of the 2020s represent a departure from 2010s fashion and a nostalgia (or pseudo-nostalgia) for older aesthetics. They have been largely inspired by styles of the early to mid-2000s, late 1990s, 1980s, 1970s, and 1960s.

What is the difference between style and fashion? ›

What Is the Difference Between Style and Fashion? There is an overlap between style and fashion, but a good rule of thumb is that style relates to the individual, while fashion is more collective.

What does being conceptual mean? ›

(kənsɛptʃuəl ) adjective [ADJ n] Conceptual means related to ideas and concepts formed in the mind.

What does conceptual meaning cover? ›

Conceptual Meaning covers these basic, essential components of meaning which are conveyed by the literal use of a word. e.g. needle : thin , sharp, steel, instrument. • Associative Meaning is the idea, connection what that specific word brings to you. e.g needle : pain, doctor, illness,… etc.

What does conceptual mean in design? ›

Conceptual design creates a strategy to transform a concept or idea into visual media. It's the underpinning of a successful design process, and no project can start without it. Conceptual design relates to concept art, or artwork expressing a creator's idea of how a completed project may look.

What's another word for conceptual? ›

synonyms for conceptual

On this page you'll find 9 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to conceptual, such as: theoretical, visionary, imaginary, notional, theoretic, and unapplied.

What are the characteristics of conceptual? ›

Core Characteristics

Conceptual Art is all about "ideas and meanings" rather than "works of art" (paintings, sculptures, other precious objects). It is characterized by its use of text, as well as imagery, along with a variety of ephemeral, typically everyday materials and "found objects".

Is being conceptual good? ›

Conceptual skills are a form of soft skills that aid your critical thinking and your ability to see the big picture in complex situations. A person with strong conceptual skills may excel at creative thinking, strategic planning, and grasping abstract concepts.

Why is it important to be conceptual? ›

When students and teachers have a conceptual understanding of concepts they begin to construct their exemplar. This empowers them by helping solve any problem throughout their careers. It also enables them to draw from what they learnt and use it to grasp new concepts. This develops an understanding of inter-relation.

What is the best description of a conceptual model? ›

A conceptual model is the model of an application that the designers want users to understand. By using the software and perhaps reading its documentation, users build a model in their minds of how it works. It is best if the model that users build in their minds is like the one the designers intended.

What is the difference between conceptual and practical? ›

A conceptual policy possibility is a general plan for action that is based upon a specific way of looking at an area of concern. A practical policy possibility is a more specific plan for action that would constitute a way of implementing a more general policy possibility.

What are the 5 steps of conceptual design? ›

The short form of the design thinking process can be articulated in five steps or phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.