Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (2024)

Introduction – Guide to Boosting Retirement Savings in Singapore

Are you aiming to ensure a financially stable retirement in Singapore? Navigating the intricacies of retirement planning, especially with options like the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS), can be complex.

This article will help you diversify your savings and maximise your investment horizon by offering concrete strategies to build a robust portfolio. Ready to create your secure financial future? Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • CPF nomination is an important part of financial planning in Singapore, as it allows you to choose who receives your CPF savings when you pass away.
  • Topping up your CPF can bring several benefits, including the growth of retirement savings, tax relief, increased income during retirement, and government contributions for citizens and PRs.
  • The CPF Board provides resources and collaborations with financial experts to help individuals understand how to invest their CPF savings and build a robust retirement portfolio.
  • DBS offers options like the SRS account and CPF Investment Account to save, plan, and invest for retirement in Singapore. These options provide potential investment gains over time and unlock the potential of idle money from your CPF-OA.
  • Traders should assess their financial position before building a robust savings portfolio with CPF and SRS. This includes evaluating income, expenses, assets, liabilities, risk tolerance, and investment goals.
  • Visualizing retirement goals helps create a clear vision for future planning. Consider lifestyle preferences, dreams or aspirations for retirement years, and desired financial security levels while making investment choices that align with individual needs.
  • Calculating CPP LIFE payouts involves choosing a plan type (Basic/Standard/Escalating), checking the Retirement Account balance impacting monthly payouts’s amount along the start age choice’s influence on payouts. Seek professional advice if unsure or consult online calculators provided by financial institutions specializing in retirement planning.
  • Exploring opportunities for better returns from CPP is crucial for maximizing retirement savings. SRS funds offer lower-risk options providing flexibility while investing wisely through mutual funds or robo-advisors to help manage portfolios effectively.

Building savings through an SRS Account is beneficial as it offers higher investment returns than traditional methods. The scheme provides various investment options allowing traders to customize based on their goals successfully.

Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (1)

Understanding CPF and SRS Retirement Planning

The significance of CPF nomination in your financial planning and the advantages of topping up your CPF account are crucial investment objectives to consider when building your retirement strategy.

Additionally, it’s worth exploring resources from the CPF Board and understanding the potential for a housing refund after initiating your CPF LIFE payouts.

Importance of CPF nomination in financial planning

Incorporating CPF nomination is crucial for financial planning and capital preservation. It dictates the allocation of your CPF savings upon your death, allowing you to designate beneficiaries. You have two options: either make a CPF nomination or default to the rules of the Intestate Succession Act.

To ensure your wishes are honored, you can complete a nomination online or through paper forms. It’s essential to keep this information updated to reflect any changes in your life or any new individuals you wish to include as beneficiaries. By taking this step, you have the assurance of knowing exactly who will inherit your hard-earned assets and savings.

Benefits of topping up your CPF

Enhancing your CPF contributions is a wise move, given the various benefits it offers. Doing so can help improve your financial situation and align with your personal risk level.

Here are some benefits worth taking into account:

  1. It grows your retirement savings. The money you put in gets saved for a happy time after work.
  2. You get tax relief online. This means you pay less tax.
  3. You get more income when you retire. Your monthly payout gets bigger.
  4. The government adds money too! If you’re a Singapore citizen or PR, the government will match part of what you put in.
  5. It can be used for housing and medical needs as well.
  6. You can keep the risk low by using CPF as it is backed by the Singapore Government.
  7. A bigger CPF balance offers better loan options for homes and education.
  8. It makes your future safe and lets you live easily once work stops.

Housing refund after starting CPF LIFE payouts

You can get a housing refund after starting CPF LIFE payouts. If you sell your home, the money from your Ordinary Account needs to go back in. This includes any housing grants as well as interest.

You can also use the value of your paid-off house to add funds to your CPF Retirement Account. This gives you more income through CPF LIFE. But there is a cap on your voluntary housing refunds.

It equals the full amount used for property costs plus any added interest.

Exploring the CPF Board

The CPF Board is responsible for managing and overseeing CPF and SRS accounts in Singapore. They provide useful resources, like webinars and educational materials, to help individuals understand how to invest their CPF savings.

The CPF Board also collaborates with experts in the financial industry to give insights and guidance on retirement planning. By exploring the CPF Board’s offerings, traders and investors can gain valuable knowledge about using their CPF and SRS accounts to build a robust savings portfolio for a secure future.

Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (2)

Building a Robust Savings Portfolio with CPF and SRS

Save, plan, and invest to build a strong retirement portfolio. Assess your financial position, calculate CPF LIFE payouts, seek better returns from CPF, and build savings with an SRS Account.

Save, plan, and invest

Banks like DBS offer a range of options to help you save, plan, and invest for your retirement. One option is the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) account, which provides tax relief. By opening an SRS account, you can make regular contributions and enjoy potential investment gains over time.

Another option is the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS), which allows you to invest your idle money from CPF-OA and unlock its potential for better financial opportunities. By investing wisely, you can maximize returns on your savings and build a robust retirement portfolio that meets your goals.

Assessing your current financial position

Before embarking on building a retirement savings strategy with CPF and SRS, it’s crucial to evaluate your current financial position. This involves scrutinizing your income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Understanding your financial situation will guide you in making informed decisions about how much would be suitable for you to save and invest for retirement, taking into account the inflation rate in Singapore.

Additionally, assessing your risk tolerance and investment goals should be part of your comprehensive financial evaluation. By being well-informed about these elements, you can craft a robust retirement plan that is tailored to meet your future needs and aspirations.

Visualizing your retirement future

To ensure a secure retirement, it is essential to have a clear vision of what you want your future to look like. By visualizing your retirement goals, you can better plan and make informed decisions about your financial portfolio.

Take into account factors such as the lifestyle you desire, any specific dreams or aspirations you have for your retirement years, and the level of financial security you wish to achieve.

This will help guide your investment choices and enable you to craft a robust savings portfolio that aligns with your individual needs and objectives. Remember, proper retirement planning with CPF and SRS can help individuals create a secure future while providing flexibility in managing their finances.

Calculating CPF LIFE payouts

To calculate CPF LIFE payouts, follow these steps:

  1. Determine your CPF LIFE plan: There are three plans to choose from – Basic, Standard, and Escalating. Each plan has different payout amounts and features.
  2. Check your Retirement Account (RA) balance: Your RA balance plays a crucial role in determining your CPF LIFE payouts. The more you have in your RA, the higher your monthly payouts will be.
  3. Understand the CPF LIFE age factor: The age at which you start receiving CPF LIFE payouts can affect the amount you receive each month. Generally, starting later results in higher monthly payouts.
  4. Use online calculators: Many financial institutions provide online calculators that can estimate your CPF LIFE payouts based on your RA balance and chosen plan. These calculators consider factors such as gender, current age, desired payout start age, and other variables.
  5. Seek professional advice: If you’re unsure about calculating your CPF LIFE payouts or need personalized guidance, it’s recommended to consult a financial advisor who specializes in retirement planning.

Seeking better returns from CPF

For those aiming to bolster their retirement savings in Singapore, specifically exploring ways to optimize returns from their CPF (Central Provident Fund) can prove advantageous. Proper management of CPF contributions, taking into account your current financial situation, can pave the way for a more secure financial future upon retirement.

Options with lower risk like cash holdings or SRS (Supplementary Retirement Scheme) not only help individuals meet their specific investment objectives but also offer potential tax benefits. Investors might also think about allocating their SRS contributions towards purchasing investment vehicles such as mutual funds. Alternatively, consulting a financial adviser or utilizing robo-advisors for cost-efficient portfolio management services is another viable approach.

It’s worth noting that SRS provides the perk of tax-free investment gains prior to withdrawal. This allows individuals to build a financial cushion for a more comfortable retirement. Additionally, one should be aware that upon retirement, only 50% of the SRS withdrawals are subject to tax, affording them greater flexibility and potentially reducing their overall tax burden. If you can afford to take this route, it offers significant advantages in long-term financial planning.

Building savings with an SRS Account

The SRS Account is a great way to build your retirement savings. It’s a voluntary savings scheme in Singapore that allows you to save more for your future. By opening an SRS account with one of the three local banks, you can potentially earn higher returns on your investments.

The SRS offers various investment options, giving you the flexibility to choose what suits your financial goals. It’s important to take advantage of this opportunity and start building your savings with an SRS Account so that you can have a secure and robust retirement portfolio.

Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (3)

Strategies for Reinforcing Your Retirement Plan

Reinforce your retirement plan by putting your money to work.

Putting your money to work

DBS Multiplier is a great tool for traders and investors to put their money to work. It helps reinforce your retirement plan by offering strategies for a secure future. With CPFIA and SRS schemes, you can be financially ready at every stage of life.

DBS has introduced new solutions to address any retirement blind spots or gaps, providing assistance through RetireSavvy, Singapore’s first flexible digital retirement plan. By using DBS Multiplier, you can maximize your investment portfolio and achieve your financial goals with confidence.

Long-term investments for stable income streams

Investors and traders can consider long-term investments to generate stable income for their retirement plans.

Here are some alternatives you might want to explore:

  1. Investing in dividend stocks: Dividend stocks are shares of companies that distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders regularly. These stocks can provide a consistent stream of income over the long term.
  2. Bonds: Bonds are considered safer investments compared to stocks and can provide steady income through fixed-interest payments. Government bonds, in particular, are known for their reliability.
  3. Real estate investment trusts (REITs): REITs allow investors to own a share of income-generating properties such as office buildings, shopping malls, and apartments. By investing in REITs, you can earn rental income without the need to directly manage properties.
  4. Fixed deposits: Placing your money in fixed deposits with banks provides a guaranteed return on your investment over a specific period, offering stability and peace of mind.
  5. Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs): SSBs are low-risk government bonds that offer higher interest rates compared to traditional savings accounts. They provide flexibility as you can choose when to redeem them.

Insurance options to grow retirement funds

You have insurance options to help grow your retirement funds. One option is using endowment insurance plans, which can be used to build up your SRS funds for retirement. These funds offer more investment choices compared to CPF OA or SA funds.

You can also consider unit trusts, shares/ETFs, and government bonds as other investment options for maximizing SRS funds. Additionally, you may choose to use OCBC and UOB for fixed deposits with your SRS money.

These insurance and investment options can help you grow your retirement savings while providing financial protection for the future.

Unlocking cash from your home

Many Singaporeans own their homes, which can be a valuable asset in retirement planning. Here are some ways you can unlock cash from your home:

  1. Consider downsizing: If you have a larger home that is no longer necessary for your retirement lifestyle, downsizing to a smaller and more affordable property can free up a significant amount of cash.
  2. Rent out a spare room: If you have extra space in your home, consider renting it out to generate additional income. This can help cover your living expenses and contribute to your retirement savings.
  3. Explore reverse mortgages: A reverse mortgage allows homeowners to borrow against the value of their home while still living in it. This can provide a regular income stream during retirement without the need to sell the property.
  4. Renting out your entire home: If you have alternative living arrangements or are willing to relocate, renting out your entire home can provide a stable source of rental income.

Making a CPF nomination and planning your will

  • Ensure your CPF savings are distributed according to your wishes by making a CPF nomination.
  • The CPF nomination allows you to specify beneficiaries who will receive your CPF savings in the event of your passing.
  • This process is important for ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of financially after you’re gone.
  • Planning your will alongside making a CPF nomination can help ensure that all aspects of your estate are handled according to your wishes.
  • Seek professional advice when planning your will and making a CPF nomination to ensure everything is legally sound and in line with your goals.

Entrusting someone to make decisions and setting up a trust

Setting up a trust is an important step in retirement planning. It allows you to entrust someone with the responsibility of making decisions and managing your assets when you are no longer able to do so.

By setting up a trust, you can ensure that your wishes are followed and that your loved ones are taken care of. This can provide peace of mind for both you and your family as you navigate the complexities of retirement.

Planning for loved ones with special needs

Planning for loved ones with special needs is an important aspect of retirement planning. It’s essential to consider their long-term financial security and well-being. One way to do this is by setting up a trust or appointing someone you trust to make decisions on their behalf.

Additionally, making a CPF nomination and planning your will can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of when you’re no longer around. By taking these steps, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved ones with special needs will be supported financially in the future.

Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (4)

Closing Your Accounts and Future Planning

Counting on support, additional resources, and guidance are available to help you navigate the process of closing your accounts and plan for your future retirement.

Counting on support to close accounts

Closing an SRS account can be made easier with support from the relevant authorities. Here’s how they can help:

  1. Assistance with procedures: The authorities can guide you through the necessary paperwork and steps involved in closing your SRS account.
  2. Compliance with regulations: By seeking their support, you can ensure that you follow all the rules and regulations set by the authorities when closing your SRS account.
  3. Smooth process: With their expertise, the authorities can make sure that the closure of your SRS account is executed smoothly and efficiently.
  4. Guidance throughout: You can count on their guidance at every stage of the process to address any questions or concerns you may have about closing your SRS account.


Crafting a secure future through CPF SRS retirement planning is crucial for building a robust savings portfolio in Singapore. By understanding the benefits of topping up CPF and utilizing SRS contributions, individuals can maximize their savings potential and enjoy tax advantages.

With early planning, informed decisions, and the right investments, it is possible to create a comfortable and secure retirement that meets individual needs. Start today and make your money work harder for your future.

Crafting a Secure Future: CPF, SRS Retirement Planning for a Robust Savings Portfolio in Singapore - Singapore Investment Blog | Collin Seow (2024)


What is an SRS account in Singapore? ›

The SRS is a voluntary savings scheme that helps you boost your savings for your golden years, while giving you tax relief. Check out this video for a quick overview of the benefits of SRS.

What is the difference between SRS and CPF investment account? ›

Unlike CPF, SRS is entirely voluntary. Additionally, an SRS account holder can choose to invest the SRS funds from a wide list of approved options, while the majority of CPF investments are managed by the CPF Board.

Is it better to top up CPF or SRS? ›

Top up your CPF accounts to earn higher interest and enjoy up to S$16,000 in tax relief annually. Use cash instead of your OA to fund mortgage repayments. SRS contributions are eligible for tax relief and can be invested for potentially higher returns.

Where to invest in SRS funds? ›

Investors can consider investing their SRS funds into Blue Chips and Singapore-based ETFs through OCBC's Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP). The BCIP is a monthly investment plan that provides investors with a convenient way to invest in Blue Chips without having to time the market.

What is the downside of SRS account? ›

Another drawback to be aware of is that if you make withdrawals from your SRS account before retirement age, your withdrawal will be considered as income for the year, and subject to the prevailing tax rate with no relief. There will also be a 5% penalty fee, levied separately.

Is it worth putting money in SRS? ›

The money in your SRS account not only provides you with tax savings, it also has the potential to grow. You can invest in SRS approved shares, unit trusts, REITs, ETFs as well as insurance plans (i.e. endowment). When considering an endowment plan, be sure to check whether your capital is guaranteed.

Can I withdraw from my SRS account? ›

You may withdraw your SRS savings anytime, although early withdrawals are fully subject to tax and attract a 5% penalty. SRS operator will complete Form PMP to account for the penalty on early withdrawal by Singapore Citizens and Form IR37B for Singapore Permanent Residents and foreigners.

Is CPF investment worth it? ›

Are you seeking to maximise the potential returns on your CPF monies and make them work harder? One option is to invest using your CPF savings. However, this only makes financial sense if you are confident of beating the guaranteed risk-free 2.5% p.a. (OA) and 4% p.a. (SA) interest provided by the CPF Board.

When can you withdraw SRS money? ›

You may withdraw your SRS monies at any time. You may also continue to operate your SRS account after leaving Singapore. As for the taxability of SRS withdrawals, all withdrawals are generally taxable. In addition, all withdrawals made before the retirement age (currently 62) attract a 5% penalty.

What is the difference between SRS and CPF in Singapore? ›

CPF savings are meant to provide for housing and medical needs and for basic living needs after retirement. Unlike the CPF scheme, participation in SRS is voluntary. SRS members can contribute a varying amount to SRS (subject to a cap) at their own discretion.

How many times can I withdraw from CPF after 55? ›

You can make as many withdrawals as you like from your withdrawable savings. So there's no need to take everything in one go.

How much can I withdraw from CPF after 55? ›

Generally, when you turn 55, you can withdraw at least $5,000 or any amount in excess after setting aside your Full Retirement Sum (FRS). If you are born in 1958 and after, when you turn 65, you can withdraw an additional amount of up to 20% of your retirement savings. See more details on the withdrawal rules.

Can I invest in S&P 500 using SRS? ›

Investing in S&P 500 with SRS

It is denominated in SGD, and is also available for investments using cash. As mentioned above, the iShares fund does not pay any US withholding tax due to its synthetic structure, making it more efficient than UCITS ETFs and other passive index funds.

How do I deposit money into my SRS account? ›

Contribution via Cheque
  1. Issue a local cheque in your name.
  2. Write your SRS Account no. at the back of the cheque.
  3. Deposit your cheque at any DBS/POSB Branches or Cheque Deposit Box located islandwide.

Can I do a fixed deposit with SRS? ›

There are a wide range of SRS-approved investments available, including funds, stocks, bonds, endowment plans, and fixed deposits.

How does SRS work in Singapore? ›

The SRS complements the Central Provident Fund (CPF). CPF savings are meant to provide for housing and medical needs and for basic living needs after retirement. Unlike the CPF scheme, participation in SRS is voluntary. SRS members can contribute a varying amount to SRS (subject to a cap) at their own discretion.

What happens to my SRS if I leave Singapore? ›

You may also continue to operate your SRS account after leaving Singapore. As for the taxability of SRS withdrawals, all withdrawals are generally taxable.

Can you take out money from SRS account? ›

You may withdraw your SRS savings anytime, although early withdrawals are fully subject to tax and attract a 5% penalty. SRS operator will complete Form PMP to account for the penalty on early withdrawal by Singapore Citizens and Form IR37B for Singapore Permanent Residents and foreigners.

How much do you have to put in a SRS account? ›

Each year, Singaporean and PRs can contribute a maximum of S$15,300 (S$35,700 for foreigners) to their SRS accounts. To be eligible for SRS tax relief next year, your contribution has to be made by 31 December this year. Use the calculator below to find out how much tax you can save with SRS.

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