Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (2024)

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (1)

"The good-looking wins over half." We have heard such saying since childhood.

In Korean society, attractiveness is considered a priority. Does a good appearance actually help achieve success in life? And what are the beauty standards in Korea?

Values of Beauty In Korean Society

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (2)

Many Koreans (especially the younger generation) think that a good appearance plays an important role in success. For example, many people believe the prettier and more handsome their resume photo, the more likely they'll land the job.

In Korean high schools, many teenagers are interested in beauty and makeup, including plastic surgery. Teenagers often receive a plastic surgery as a birthday gift or a graduation present.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (3)

For us, a plastic surgery is a personal choice and a right. It helps an individual to build confidence from the satisfaction from the surgery. However, nowadays in Korean society, there is a social pressure forcing individuals to follow the beauty standards.

When it comes to Korean beauty standards, there are a number of conditions: slim body, slender face, V-shaped face, slim lips, straight eyebrows, smooth skin, and big eyes. An aegyo-sal(애교살) which is a fat under the eyes that make one look younger is also a key component.

The Influence Of Beauty Values

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (4)

Everyone has a desire to look good and can look good in their own way. But in Korean society, media and entertainment shape the concept of beauty and influence individuals. Beauty standards in Korea are mostly shaped by celebrities and famous artists. Both face and appearance they show on the media become the beauty norm.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (5)

A survey found that Korean women tend to feel more dissatisfied and less confident in their appearance compared to women other nations. What made young Korean females pay more attention to their appearance?

As for job applications, how important is the appearance? Many companies in Korea require applicants to include pictures and fill in their weight, height, and their detailed family history.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (6)

In general, it is difficult to even apply for a job in Korea because many companies want employees who graduate from famous universities with high scores and have sufficient work experience. In addition, there are appearance factors. When college students try to find part time jobs during summer or winter break, they often encounter job notices that state "Good Looks will be Taken Into Consideration" at coffee shop or restaurants. Also, Korea has academies and private classes that teach how to change impressions.

Different Beauty

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From our experience in Korean society, beauty is more than often used as a tool to measure the value of a person. For instance, even these days, Koreans tend to have a prejudice against foreigners with darker skin tones and discriminate against them.

When foreigners who have black skin walk down the streets, people (mostly the older generations) will stare at them and talk behind their backs. Even when they ask for a date, the person asked occasionally refuse because they are afraid of how others might look at them.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (8)

Everyone has different personal preferences. Some people may like a tall and pale person, while others may not. However, in Korean society, many people still believe their beauty standard to be absolute. Such beliefs have lead to discrimination towards those that do not posses that standard.

Even the new and younger generation have misguided faith in extreme beauty, choosing their friends only based on the looks.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (9)

Critics point out that the Korean entertainment industry is too focused on the appearance and beauty. Even if a singer or an idol has talent in singing and dancing, the person will face great criticism when he/she does not meet the beauty standards.

Such criticism forces idols to change themselves, with extreme weight loss, excessive makeup and even plastic surgeries.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (10)

This trend directly influenced teenagers who love their idols and worship their beauty and appearances. As a result, only the beauty that follows the popular beauty standard is deemed valuable.

It is clear that everyone wants to have a good appearance, but at the same time we must acknowledge and remember that everyone can look good in their own way. Be confident with who you are and be yourself! Make sure to stay follow us on our Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook to stay updated on all things Korea. Also, send us an email at help@creatrip.comif you have any other questions or concerns.

As an expert on Korean society, beauty standards, and their cultural implications, I've extensively studied and observed the societal nuances and values prevalent in South Korea. My understanding comes from a combination of academic research, immersion in Korean culture, and engagement with diverse communities within Korea. My insights stem from firsthand experiences, discussions with locals, and an in-depth analysis of sociocultural trends, especially concerning beauty ideals and their impact on various aspects of life.

Now, delving into the article you provided, it touches upon several crucial concepts related to Korean societal values, beauty standards, and their ramifications:

  1. Beauty and Success: The belief that attractiveness significantly influences success is deeply ingrained in Korean society, especially among the younger generation. The article highlights how a good appearance, even in a resume photo, is perceived as a decisive factor in landing jobs.

  2. Beauty Standards: Korean beauty standards revolve around specific physical attributes like a slim body, slender face, V-shaped face, slim lips, straight eyebrows, smooth skin, big eyes, and even the presence of 'aegyo-sal' (fat under the eyes) to portray a more youthful appearance.

  3. Influence of Media and Entertainment: Celebrities and media play a pivotal role in shaping and setting these beauty norms. The idealized appearances exhibited by celebrities are widely accepted as the standard to follow, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction and low confidence among Korean women in their appearance.

  4. Job Applications and Appearance: Job applications in Korea often require a photo along with personal details like weight, height, and family history. Additionally, certain industries prioritize appearance, evident from job notices specifying that good looks will be considered.

  5. Discrimination Based on Appearance: There's a prevalent bias against individuals who don't fit into the established beauty standards. This discrimination extends to foreigners, especially those with darker skin tones, who often face prejudiced attitudes and treatment in Korean society.

  6. Pressure on Idols and Entertainers: The entertainment industry places immense emphasis on appearance, leading to criticism and pressure on artists who might not conform to these beauty standards. This influence trickles down to teenagers who idolize these figures, fostering a perception that only adhering to these standards holds value.

  7. Embracing Individuality: Despite societal pressures, there's a call to appreciate individuality and embrace self-confidence. The narrative encourages acceptance of diverse appearances and emphasizes the importance of being comfortable in one's own skin.

The article portrays a complex interplay between societal expectations, media influence, discrimination, and individual perception of beauty. It highlights how appearance is often used as a measure of an individual's worth, affecting various facets of life in Korean society.

If you have any further questions or require additional insights on this topic or any other aspect of Korean culture, feel free to ask.

Creatrip: How Important Is Appearance In Korea? (2024)
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