Crime (2024)

Crime is a feature in BitLife, which is accessible via Activities, and can be used to get into prison.

The player is able to commit multiple crimes directly; including murder, pickpocketing, burglary, and grand theft auto. Other crimes however, need certain events in order to happen. Committing crimes can be used to achieve certain ribbons. With God Mode a new character can specialise in crime, making it easier to get away with crime, to succeed at doing crime and makes them more eligible to join Mafia but they can still do so without God Mode.

If a character commits a crime, gets away with it, and emigrates to another country, they will likely be caught for their crimes if they return to their original country. Characters with criminal records may be banned from adopting children and getting certain jobs but if they successfully emigrate, the new country may not pick up on the criminal record and allow them to do what they want anyway. If a character isn't caught doing the crime or is found not guilty of any crimes committed, they will not have a criminal record. Following the August 2019 prison update, it is possible for characters to be falsely accused for a crime, and any crime seen below can be a crime they could be falsely accused for, and if found guilty, they will go to prison and have the crime on their criminal record. The police department can be sued for doing this. They may also have plea deals and plea bargains, serving less time if they plead guilty.


  • 1 Types of Crimes
    • 1.1 Murder
    • 1.2 Contract Killing
    • 1.3 Assault
    • 1.4 Dating a minor
    • 1.5 Same-sex dating
    • 1.6 Same-sex marriage
    • 1.7 Felony escapes
    • 1.8 Larceny
    • 1.9 Grand Theft Auto
    • 1.10 Burglary
    • 1.11 Solicitation
    • 1.12 Drug possession
    • 1.13 Supplying alcohol to minors
    • 1.14 Desertion
    • 1.15 Bribery
    • 1.16 Defrauding a Casino
    • 1.17 Violating a restraining order
    • 1.18 DUI
    • 1.19 Bank robbery
    • 1.20 Delinquency
      • 1.20.1 Reckless endangerment
      • 1.20.2 Disorderly conduct
      • 1.20.3 Criminal mischief
      • 1.20.4 Piracy
      • 1.20.5 Fraud
      • 1.20.6 Aggravated twerking
      • 1.20.7 Breaking and Entering
    • 1.21 Train Robbery
    • 1.22 Embezzlement
    • 1.23 Running from the police
    • 1.24 Corruption
    • 1.25 Match Fixing
    • 1.26 Inciting a Riot
    • 1.27 Extortion
    • 1.28 Racketeering
    • 1.29 Illegal Emigration
    • 1.30 Drug Trafficking
    • 1.31 Disobeying an Officer
    • 1.32 Domestic Violence
    • 1.33 Securities Fraud
    • 1.34 Attacking a Peace Officer
    • 1.35 Harboring a Fugitive
    • 1.36 Contempt to Court
    • 1.37 False accusation
  • 2 Consequences
  • 3 Witnessing crimes
  • 4 Gallery

Types of Crimes[]


Your character is given the option to kill someone such as a friend, best friend, enemy, family member, coworker, supervisor, teacher, classmate, current lover, ex-lover, or a random person. You may successfully commit it or fail and be murdered or assaulted by the victim, or be reported to the cops. If caught, you can and will be given a life or death sentence but you won't always receive either.

Contract Killing[]

Your character could hire a hitman under an alias using a random weapon to kill targets rather than killing the targets themselves. Unlike murder, hiring a hitman is for adult characters only and comes at a price. The hitman may kill the target or scam you by taking the money and not killing the target. They could also be an undercover cop and have you sent to prison for conspiracy to murder. Hitmen may demand more money after killing the target and if not paid, the hitman may kill you. This action is prefaced in the journal as "I had diabolical thoughts." If you have already hired a hitman once this year, you will have to wait until next year to find another contract killing. The contract killer names are based from fictional and historical villains and criminals.


In many scenarios, the player is able to assault another person. However, there is a chance that they will go to jail if they assault someone or they would dodge them. Nothing is gained when the player assaults someone (needs confirmation). Assaulting is also used as an option to respond to a situation or encounter. The player may also assault their siblings by pressing the "Assault/Rumble" button. The game will warn you before you try to assault them.

Less commonly, your character could kill someone by assaulting them. It will say "They died from their injuries" after the description of assault and if caught, your character could face prison time for manslaughter. If a family member dies due to you assaulting them, it will say "They were murdered," as cause of death even though it is not technically murder. It will also happen when your pet is killing another person, for some reason.

Following an update in June 2019, assaulting a spouse after arguing with them will get you charged with domestic violence if they call the police on you.

Dating a minor[]

This happens if the player's age is beyond the age of consent and/or the person they are trying to date is less than the age of consent (it varies by country). The game will warn you before you try to date them.

This crime is no longer possible to commit on both platforms due to the controversy it created.

Same-sex dating[]

In some countries, same-sex dating is illegal. The game will give you a warning before you try to date them.

Same-sex marriage[]

Similar to the crime above, in some countries it is illegal to marry some of the same sex. You may date and be engaged with them but will be unable to marry them due to the law. Both of you can emigrate to a country where it is legal, but if you decide to return to that country, you will immediately be arrested for your relationship.

Felony escapes[]

Sometimes escaped convicts can be captured by police and sent back for felony escape as well as their original crime they committed. Even if your character fails the puzzle and is caught escaping before they could actually do it, it will still add years to the sentence for felony escape.


Following the January 2020 Crime Update, your character may also be convicted of larceny if they are caught stealing a package from a neighbor's porch, by shoplifting at a mall. If they are not caught stealing the package or item at the mall, they may sell the item to the pawnshop. If shoplifting, they may be stopped by a mall cop and cooperate, assault, or try to escape which may or may not get them sentenced, or pickpocketing a random person. they may also get arrested if they steal a stop sign, take their neighbor's car for a "joyride", or collect all the coins out of the water fountain.

Grand Theft Auto[]

You may choose from five cars to steal. You may be successful or be caught and a stranger will confront you or call the police. Stolen cars will behave like normal cars in your character’s assets, though the game will say that they are stolen. The police may eventually track it down and arrest your character. You also may get arrested immediately if you try to take it into the repair shop and the owners see it as stolen, or if you give it to a family member and they turn you in, or if you sell it to a stranger that determines that it is stolen and calls the police (or less commonly, could turn out to be an undercover cop).


Your character may choose between three strangers’ houses to burgle. There will be a minigame that is similar to PacMan. Objects seen can be a teddy bear, a computer, a laptop, a guitar, a diamond, a watch, and a random amount of cash that is unknown until the minigame finishes. You must steal as many items possible without being caught by a dog or homeowner. If successful, you will trade the items stolen to the shop for a random amount of money. If caught by a dog, you may end up fleeing or be noticed by the police. If caught by the homeowner, they may reprimand you and kick out your character, assault you, or turn you into the cops. If you play for too long, the SWAT team will arrive and if you get caught when one of those officers is in the house, you will automatically be caught.


Sometimes when a player has an Encounter with a prostitute or someone working in that industry, they could choose to solicit them but there's a chance the player could get caught for solicitation. Players may also contract an STD from it and infect their lover.

Drug possession[]

There is a 50/50 probability (even then, depending on your character's smarts) that if the player throws a party at their estate, the police will arrive due to the neighbors reporting the noise. There are two choices to pick after that. Either to argue with the police or to apologize for the noise. The former will result in the police searching the house and discovering some of the guests using drugs. The player will be arrested on the spot. While not as common, they still can find drugs after an apology.

In rare cases, when the player finds a bag containing drugs, if the player tries to turn in a bag of drugs to the authorities, they might arrest them while bringing the bag and will charge them for drug possession, this will most likely happen if the player is on the run after escaping jail, killing someone, deserting the military, and/or illegally immigrating to another country, but this could happen even if they are not on the run and get unlucky enough.

Supplying alcohol to minors[]

If the player throws a party, and the police come due to the noise, the player has two options. To argue or to apologize. The former will cause you the police to search your house. There is a chance that there will be underage drinkers (the number is random). Immediately after that the player will be arrested. This is also a 50/50 chance as well, which can be lowered if the character's smarts are up high.


The player gets this crime if they join any jobs in the military, then desert them in the Job section. They can also commit this by going into their military job tab and selecting "Desert the military", which the game will warn about before doing so. The player will not be arrested immediately however, they must get caught in another crime or join any of the military jobs again to be deemed guilty of desertion. A character may also be guilty of desertion if they choose to desert while deployed to do a minefield mission and they get caught.


Following the Fame update, if your character is famous and has children with low smarts, when the children are around 18, a scenario will sometimes pop up regarding your child's ability to get into college. If you select "Bribe a college official", you could go on with it, but you risk getting caught and facing one year in prison for bribery. In July 2019, the crime was altered so it could be possible for non-famous characters to commit the crime. In August 2019, bribery can also be a crime if you bribe the prison guards for protection and they are strict enough to add years to your sentence for bribery. This usually happens if you make too many attempts to bribe them. A failed attempt to bribe the police during arrest may also get the character charged.

Defrauding a Casino[]

When the player decides to go to the casino (where gambling is legal) but eventually blows off their money to the point where they are in debt, if player tries to leave the casino, the casino won't let them leave until they pay. You've got 2 options, to run for it or plead them to forgive your debt. If you try to run for it, you have a good chance of getting caught by the security guards, or in some cases, manage to evade security and escape from debt (however, try reentering and they will remember you and you will immediately be arrested). You can also plead them to forgive your debt, depending on how much luck/debt you have, if they refuse, the casino workers will call the cops on the player and you will be arrested, however, if they decide to take pity and agree, they won't have any more debt but they will be banned for life from the casino. Even if found not guilty after being arrested or escaping from their debt they won't be able to enter that casino they went to anymore.

Violating a restraining order[]

Following an update from June 2019, your character can receive restraining orders from exes. If your character is too clingy or too rude to an ex, they could file a restraining order, making your character be unable to contact them in any way for 3 years. If your character is caught contacting them again, they could be imprisoned for one year for violating a restraining order, and each time they violate a restraining order, another year will be added, which means the second time they violate a restraining order they will serve 2 years in prison, and the third time, 3 years in prison, and so on. Characters who date and have exes in high school can have restraining orders against them and be sent to jail if convicted of violating a restraining order, making this the only crime that a character under 18 can go to jail for. As of August 2019, it is now less likely for juvenile characters to get restraining orders.


If your character gets addicted to drugs or alcohol, it will place their clean record in jeopardy, as the character will drive drunk, and the police will find out and arrest you. (The amount of years you get sentenced to depends on the country your character lives in.)

Bank robbery[]

Your character must choose a bank, a weapon, a disguise, and a getaway. If caught, they will be convicted of armed robbery before they could use their getaway method. If they make it out, it will say that they got away with their chosen getaway and how much they were able to rob.


Your character will do a minor public disturbance crime. Your character may act alone, with a friend, with a lover, with a sibling, or with a random stranger who will accept or reject the idea. If caught by security, they could get convicted.

Thankfully, getting caught will get you about a year or so in either Juvie or Jail, depending on whether your character is over 18.

Reckless endangerment[]

These are any delinquent acts that could potentially harm others or put them in a dangerous situation. If caught, your character faces 4 years in prison if found guilty.

Disorderly conduct[]

These are any delinquent acts that annoy, disturb the peace, or cause a public disturbance. If caught, your character faces 4 years in prison if found guilty.

Criminal mischief[]

These are any delinquent acts that damage or interfere with another's property. If caught, your character faces 4 years in prison if found guilty.


These are any delinquent acts that break copyright laws, such as selling pirated copies of films. If caught, your character faces 4 years in prison if found guilty.


If your character tries to sell a piece of jewelry that was bought from a fake jewelry store, they can be convicted of fraud if the person they try to sell it to identifies it as a fake and calls the cops.

Aggravated twerking[]

These are any delinquent acts that involve twerking, meaning the crashing of an ongoing party. If caught, your character may face life in prison if found guilty. Prior to the January 2020 Crime update, fellow prison inmates can be in for aggravated twerking.

Breaking and Entering[]

If your character got caught breaking a neighbor's house to play a new video game system while wasn't here, you'll get imprisoned.

Train Robbery[]

Your character may choose a train and a time to rob it. The train may not show up and foil your character's plan. There are three random trains and 5 set times: sunrise, high noon, 4:20PM, sunset, and midnight. These trains run on actual real-life time so if your character tries to rob the train when it is not the time in real life, the train will not come. Your character can only do this once successfully and after that, they will be unable to even at the right time. As of February 2020, the trains may only be robbed if the time is exact; "Time Cheating" by manually altering the time on your device will no longer work, doing so will kill your character by having them run over by the train, and it will permanently make you unable to commit the crime, as the first message that pops up happens again. There is no fix to this. This does not include changing the time zone and waiting a shorter amount of time. The Going Anywhere achievement can be unlocked by robbing a midnight train and the secret ribbon Bandit can be unlocked by a successful train robbery. Sunrise is at 6:00AM, High Noon is at 12:00PM, Sunset is at 6:00PM and midnight is at 12:00AM


Your character may steal money from their workplace and the amount they would like to take. They must have a full-time job to commit this crime. They may also embezzle from the military if they are in it. They are 5 amounts: A teeny bit, A little, A decent amount, A lot, and An awful lot. Human Recourses could fire you if you get caught too many times.

Running from the police[]

In the new update in July 2020, your character may choose to run from the police after getting caught committing another crime, but may or may not be caught running off. Should they get caught, they could face a higher sentence because they ran from the police. The police may beat up your character for doing so, but they can get sued for assault. This is not very likely to be an option as the character has a 90% chance of getting caught anyway.


If you run as a politician and get caught accepting the bribe, you might get imprisoned for at least 25 years. You can be impeached as a politician.

Match Fixing[]

If you are in professional sports player and caught accepting the match fixing bribe, you will get imprisoned and get banned from all sports worldwide.

Inciting a Riot[]

When you cause a riot and get caught, there is a chance you will be charged with Inciting a Riot which will add even more years to your sentence, or the guards will argue at you if you have a death sentence, or transfer you to a maximum security prison if you are in a medium or minimum security prison.


When a player joins an organized crime syndicate/Mafia, They have the option to extort a local business in order to gain income for the Family. The player has four options if the owner of the business refuses to hand over the money: Leave them alone, shake them down, whack them out (kills, no income), or scare them. If the owner of the place is scared enough, the owner could offer another amount of money. The player now has a new option to accept the offer, or shake/whack them out anyways. Shaking down will result in the owner experiencing severe injuries, while whacking them out will result in the death of the owner. If the owner has low fear, and if the player tries to shake them out, they might refuse to give up the money, or call the cops on you. If the cops are called, you could face 5-10 years of prison.


This is a follow-up crime that is only possible if the player gets caught committing another crime while in the Mafia, or if the authorities launch a sting operation into the family from an undercover rat.

Illegal Emigration[]

If you have a criminal record, there is a good chance the country where you requested emigration will deny your request. You can choose to emigrate illegally, and you may either be caught sneaking into the country or successfully emigrate illegally. If you were caught, you will be deported back to the country you were born in, and if you are on the run, you will immediately be captured by authorities in your original country. But even if you do manage to avoid being caught immediately, the police of that country will eventually find out and arrest you anyway. If you are convicted of the crime, you will immediately be deported once your sentence is over.

Drug Trafficking[]

If the player finds drugs while walking, they have the option to sell it, but this has a high chance of the police catching you and arresting you for drug trafficking. This sentence may also be put to order when the player accepts money from an acquaintance to take a backpack/duffel bag/suitcase etc to [country]. They will likely get caught for drug trafficking, since the backpack/duffel bag/suitcase usually contains drugs.

Disobeying an Officer[]

If the player is asked to deploy to [country], they will have two options; to go with them or to refuse to go with them. If you choose to go with them, you'll receive a minesweeper game. If you choose to refuse to go with them, the commanding officer will argue with you and you might be forced to go anyway or receive a dishonorable charge. You have a chance to go to prison if the cops are called.

Domestic Violence[]

If you decide to assault a lover or family member, you could get imprisoned if they call the police on you.

Securities Fraud[]

Following the CEO update, your character will recieve annual reports about the products being sold. You may approve the numbers or reject them and cook the books. If you choose the latter option your business result will be shown to have a better listing than it actually has but you may or may not get caught for securities fraud. However, unlike other crimes, instead of being arrested by the police, your character will immediately be charged for the crime if caught but not be guilty until proven.

Attacking a Peace Officer[]

If you encounter a prison ward in prison and decide to attack it, your sentence could be extended for attacking a peace officer.

Harboring a Fugitive[]

This can only happen if you're in the mafia, and are given a task of harboring a fugitive by a higher-up. If caught, you could be imprisoned.

Contempt to Court[]

If you have Hook-Up with someone few years ago. Your ex-fling will try to arrange a test with you if you have been suspected to be the biological father. You can agree, refuse, ghost your fling or accept responsibility. If you refuse, your fling will fill you a test order and you have been forced to do that, if you refuse again, you will be arrested and sent to jail, and even if you have been convicted not guilty of contempt to court, your fling will saw that you have disrespect her order and you will have a empty relationship. You have chances to get filled a test order in the next years.

Ghost your fling will not fill a test order but you will have a empty relationship. By the way, your fling can fill a test order in the next years, and if you refuse, you will be arrested.

False accusation[]

There is a random chance that you will be falsely accused for a crime you did not commit and become wrongfully arrested as a result of not committed any of the crimes, there is a chance that you will still end up in prison from losing a trial anyways, but the Police Department can be sued for doing this.


If the player gets caught in a crime, the police will try to arrest them,

Choices are you can choose to run from them which rarely lets you get away with it depending on their professionalism. Cooperating with them is an instant arrest. Bribing with them will have them let you go if the crime isn't severe enough and the amount of money is large, give them money but they arrest you anyway, or simply not working at all, and will also add Bribery to the crime, That option is not available to anyone with royal statuses. Insulting is an option but you will definitely get arrested. Exerting your royal power will let the police let you go depending how royal the player is, if the player has high respect they will let them go, otherwise they will laugh and arrest the player.

Sometimes the police may beat up your character during arrest, but you can sue them for doing this.

After arrest, some jobs or education(?) will not be available to them anymore because of their criminal record. If they got out of jail by escaping, there is a chance that the police will find and arrest them. This will also happen if they try to enlist in the military, call the police in situations that have the option, gets caught illegally immigrating to a new country, or argues when the police arrives to a party for noise complaints.

Witnessing crimes[]

Randomly, the player gets prompted about someone committing a crime. The player can choose to ignore them, intervene, or call the police. If the player intervenes, they have a chance to get assaulted by the person committing the crime. After that, they can call the police on them, fight back, or run away. Assaulting may get the player in jail, but intervene then calling the police has a high chance to work. Calling the police on the first turn might fail as the police may come too late or they may nag at you for "wasting their time". Ignoring will allow the player the walk away without anything bad happening to them. Sometimes, when you call the police or try to intervene, the person might assault you. If it is successful, the person will stop doing it, but this is rare. Your assailant can be sued following the Lawsuit update and has a higher chance of winning the suit if your character didn't say or do anything nasty to provoke them, but just called the police.


Crime (1)

Crime (2)

Preparing a Train Robbery.

Crime (3)

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of the virtual world of BitLife and its crime features, I can provide insights into various aspects of the game's criminal activities. The information you provided covers a wide range of crimes and their consequences in BitLife, including the types of crimes, ways to commit them, and the potential outcomes for players.

In BitLife, players can engage in a variety of criminal activities, from murder and assault to more complex crimes like embezzlement, drug trafficking, and even organized crime. The consequences of these actions vary, including potential imprisonment, legal repercussions, and impact on the character's life within the game.

If you have specific questions or if there's a particular aspect of BitLife's crime system you'd like more information on, feel free to ask!

Crime (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.