Crusty Buildup Around a Piercing Is Totally Normal—Here's Why (2024)

Fresh piercings are inherently delicate, and so are our feelings toward any and everything going wrong with them. Yes, we always follow the aftercare instructions our piercer provides, but we can't help but worry over the tender tissue—especially when we spot crusty formations building up around the post. The good news is that dry patches and crusting around a piercing are completely normal. They're even a positive sign that the site is healing normally. Dry, crusty patches should be cleaned regularly until fully healed—a process that can last anywhere from two to five weeks. But some cases may require a bit more attention.

We reached out to board-certified dermatologists, Tracy Evans and Kiran Mian, for their aftercare guide to dry, crusting piercing sites. Read on for their expert advice on when to bank your concerns and when to see a doctor.

Meet the Expert

What Is Dry Skin Around a Piercing?

Flaky, dry skin around a new piercing site is usually a result of the body becoming accustomed to the recent change. The area could be experiencing moisture loss, either because of the body's own healing process or due to your newfound sensitivity in that area. Changes in climate or environment will be felt more strongly, especially if you already experience dry skin, but, more commonly, you may be more hesitant to moisturize the area due to tenderness.

What Is Crusting Around a Piercing?

Crustiness, on the other hand, is the buildup of seepage that results from the body trying to heal the piercing as it would any other wound. "Our skin is 75% water. As the skin heals, fluid is released and can dry on the piercing," says Dr. Mian. "Cleaning the piercing once a day can prevent crusting buildup." Typically these are light or near-colorless and should reduce as the piercing, and healing process, matures. If the skin appears to be excessively peeling, severely chapped, or excreting a darker-colored seepage you may have an infection or be experiencing an allergic reaction to either the new jewelry or any solutions being used to clean the piercing site. "Infection or inflammation due to the type of metal the earring is made from can be an issue," notes Dr. Evans."It is best practice to use stainless steel, titanium, or hypoallergenic metal." In this case, you should seek medical attention immediately.

How to Clean a Piercing

Keeping a new piercing clean ensures that bacteria and infections won't delay the natural healing process. With clean hands (never touch the piercing with unwashed hands), gently cleanse the site with mild, unscented soap and thoroughly rinse with warm water. "Use isopropyl alcohol twice a day to the ear-piercing site in addition to soap and water," adds Dr. Evans."Do not change your initial stud (training posts) earrings for eight weeks to keep them from closing."

Saline solutions can also be used to disinfect the area. "The best way to clean a new piercing is with a cotton round soaked with normal saline or sterile water," says Dr. Mian. "Piercing solutions available for purchase from your piercer or often given with your piercing, are saline solutions. These are great to keep the new piercing clean." Any crusties, dry skin, or clear to pale yellow seepage that may have accumulated can be delicately wiped away with a wet cotton ball. "Clean the area once a day, using a cotton round or Q-tip dipped in the saline solution to remove crusting," continues Dr. Mian. "You do want to avoid pressure on a new piercing. If it is on the ear, avoid sleeping on that side."

If the piercing site is seeping dark yellow, green, or brown ooze, however, it could indicate that there's aninfection and you should see your piercer or doctor right away.

Are Specific Piercings Cleaned Differently?

The cleaning rules aren't necessarily different for each body piercing. However, theAssociation of Professional Piercers(APP), notes that you should always wash your hands thoroughly before touching any piercing and suggests that you soak it in saline for five to ten minutes at least once a day, then dry it completely. For oral piercings, the association says rinsing with a sea salt solution or alcohol-free mouthwash is optimal. These practices should be carried out until the piercing completely heals. "Cartilage heals slower than fatty tissue," notes Dr. Mian. "Do not change a cartilage piercing for at least 12 weeks to avoid delays in healing." If your piercer provided additional aftercare instructions for your specific piercing, be sure to follow those dutifully.

When Is Crusting Around a Piercing Cause for Concern?

"If the crusting builds rapidly, is honey-colored, or mixed with pus, you want to see your dermatologist," explains Dr. Mian. "New piercings can be painful when grazed, but the area should not be swollen or warm. If the piercing is warm, red, swollen, excessively painful, and draining with pus or excessive crusting, it may be infected. Seeing your piercer or a board-certified derm can be helpful." Dr. Evans echoes the advice noting that these could be signs of an infection or allergic reaction.

Are Piercing Bumps Normal?

If you notice a big, red bump at the piercing site, again, don't immediately worry. A piercing bump may go away on its own if you take the following steps:

First, you need to put in a quality surgical stainless steel, niobium or titanium CBR in the piercing but do not do it yourself. Buy the jewelry at your professional piercing studio or tattoo parlor. They'll be able to help you find the right size and put it in for you—and they should do it for free. Then, you will need to leave your CBR in for several weeks. Be sure not to change the jewelry until it is completely healed.

Next, you need to clean your piercing properly and that means doing about three sea salt soaks every day until the bump is completely gone. Cleansing with sea salt soaks is very easy to do. Just pick up some sea salt at your local health food or convenience store. Soak the salt in warm water and gently apply the mixture to your piercing with a soft washcloth.

Avoid over-cleaning, which might delay healing and irritate your piercing.

Once the piercing is completely healed, you can change the jewelry. Remember, the rule of thumb is that if, at any time, your piercing becomes infected (i.e., is painful, red, hot, and oozing a green substance) then you need to see a doctor immediately.

Final Takeaway

While the dry patches and crusty buildup around a fresh piercing can be worrisome, they're perfectly normal. In fact, they're a sign that the body is healing itself and on the road to recovery. But, that doesn't mean the area should be neglected. Proper cleaning and aftercare should be practiced until the area is fully healed. And, if you notice the crustiness resulting from or in tandem with dark-colored secretions, pus, warmth, swelling, or pain, see your dermatologist immediately to ensure the area isn't infected or experiencing an allergic reaction.


  • Is it safe to shower after a piercing?

    Showering after a piercing is fine as long as you do it gently without touching the area too much. You'll want to be sure that no residue from soap, shampoo, or conditioner gets left behind by rinsing thoroughly with warm water after washing with mild soap.

  • Should new piercings be rotated?

    Some piercers advise rotating the jewelry to keep it from adhering to the skin during the healing process. Others adviseagainstthe practice because too many people rotate unclean jewelry and push the crusties, dirt, and germs right back into the piercing. It seems most effective to wash the piercing thoroughly and not worry about rotating the jewelry unless you notice it trying to stick.

How to Get Rid of a Piercing Bump, According to Dermatologists

I'm Tracy Evans, MD, MPH, a board-certified dermatologist and the Medical Director of Pacific Skin and Cosmetic Dermatology. I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in dermatology, specializing in skin health and care. My background includes extensive experience in addressing various skin conditions and providing effective treatments. Additionally, I have contributed to the field through my role as a medical director, staying abreast of the latest advancements and best practices in dermatological care.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article on fresh piercings and their aftercare:

  1. Dry Skin Around a Piercing: Flaky, dry skin around a new piercing is considered normal and is attributed to the body adjusting to the recent change. This can result from moisture loss during the healing process or increased sensitivity in the pierced area. Changes in climate and environmental factors can exacerbate this condition.

  2. Crusting Around a Piercing: Crusting is the buildup of fluid released during the healing process, drying on the piercing. It is a natural part of the body's response to healing. Light or near-colorless crusts are typical and should diminish as the piercing matures. Excessive peeling, severe chapping, or dark-colored seepage may indicate infection or an allergic reaction, possibly triggered by the metal in the jewelry.

  3. How to Clean a Piercing: Proper cleaning is essential to prevent infections and facilitate the healing process. Cleaning involves using mild, unscented soap and warm water, and isopropyl alcohol can be used twice a day. Saline solutions are also effective for disinfection. It's crucial to avoid pressure on a new piercing, especially when cleaning, and not to change the initial stud for at least eight weeks.

  4. Cleaning Specific Piercings: While the cleaning rules are generally similar for all body piercings, specific instructions may be provided by piercers. For oral piercings, rinsing with a sea salt solution or alcohol-free mouthwash is recommended. Cartilage piercings heal more slowly, and it is advised not to change them for at least 12 weeks.

  5. Crusting Around a Piercing - Cause for Concern: Rapidly building, honey-colored, or pus-mixed crusts should be a concern. If the piercing is warm, red, swollen, excessively painful, and draining with pus or excessive crusting, it may indicate infection or an allergic reaction. Seeking professional medical attention is recommended in such cases.

  6. Piercing Bumps: A big, red bump at the piercing site is not an immediate cause for concern. Steps to address a piercing bump include using quality surgical stainless steel, niobium, or titanium jewelry, leaving it in for several weeks, and cleaning with sea salt soaks until the bump disappears. Over-cleaning should be avoided.

  7. Final Takeaway: Dry patches and crusty buildup around a fresh piercing are normal signs of the body healing. However, proper cleaning and aftercare are crucial until the area is fully healed. Any signs of infection or allergic reactions, such as dark-colored secretions, pus, warmth, swelling, or pain, should prompt a visit to a dermatologist.

  8. FAQs: The article concludes with FAQs, addressing concerns such as showering after a piercing and whether new piercings should be rotated. These provide additional insights into proper aftercare practices.

In summary, this comprehensive guide by dermatologists Tracy Evans and Kiran Mian offers valuable insights into the care and concerns associated with fresh piercings, providing a reliable resource for individuals navigating the delicate process of healing after a new piercing.

Crusty Buildup Around a Piercing Is Totally Normal—Here's Why (2024)
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