Danger: What NOT to Do in Your Swimming Pool - Crystal Pools, Inc. (2024)

Danger: What NOT to Do in Your Swimming Pool - Crystal Pools, Inc. (1)

In a recent post, we focused on 6 super-fun pool activities for kids. But no discussion of pool fun is complete without also addressing pool safety.

When you’re in the middle of a silly game of Noodle Joust, it’s easy for kids to lose sight of proper pool safety. That’s why it’s so important to set strict rules for using the pool—not just for the children, but also for the adults. Avoiding injury and other accidents in the swimming pool is actually pretty easy once you have the right rules in place. As long as you’re constantly reminding your kids of the importance of pool safety, and also supervising when they’re alone in the pool, then you can be sure your pool remains a place of fun, not danger.

Here are 9 things you should NOT do in your swimming pool.

Don’t leave children unattended.
Keep in mind that accidents can happen to swimmers of any age, including teens and even adults. This is why experts argue that nobody should swim alone, regardless of age. If you’re going to have kids of any age in the pool, especially by themselves, make sure there’s an adult to supervise.

Don’t run along the outside of the pool.
Slips and falls are one of the most common causes of pool injuries. Prohibit running around the perimeter and you’ll significantly reduce the risk of an accident.

Don’t allow horseplay.
If that game of Noodle Joust gets a little out of hand, it’s time to call a timeout. Rowdy behavior and any activity involving dunking or throwing people in the water should NOT be allowed.

Don’t use glass.
Drinking glasses are an accident waiting to happen. (That includes wine glasses!) Use plastic containers instead.

Don’t drink and swim.
Let’s face it – most adult pool parties have adult beverages. But you should think twice before entering a pool while inebriated. Alcohol will impair your motor skills, your breathing and your orientation, increasing the risk of an accident.

Don’t bring electrical devices near the pool.
Sounds obvious, but some pool owners still make this mistake! Electrical shock can and does happen. Keep anything electrical—radios, lighting and so on—a safe distance from the pool.

Don’t let your pool get gross.
Keep your pool properly maintained with the appropriate chemicals. A well-maintained pool doesn’t just keep the water clear—it prevents health hazards too.

Don’t leave your pool area open and unsecure.
Not even once. Make sure the pool is fenced in according to local laws, and keep the area locked whenever it’s not in use.

Don’t forget to drink water.
You might not feel thirsty, but that doesn’t mean you’re not dehydrated. Encourage all swimmers to take a break from the pool to drink some water every half hour or so.

Remember: accidents can happen at any time. By practicing (and enforcing) the right rules, you’ll ensure that everyone stays safe while using the pool.

Danger: What NOT to Do in Your Swimming Pool - Crystal Pools, Inc. (2024)


What not to do in a swimming pool? ›

5 Things You Should Never Do In Your Pool
  1. Pee in the Pool. Of course we have to mention this one, as everyone does it, whether they admit to it or not. ...
  2. Enter Without Showering. ...
  3. Bring Glassware into the Pool Area. ...
  4. Take Food Into the Pool. ...
  5. Leave Children Unattended. ...
  6. Swim Alone.

What is not allowed in a swimming pool? ›

1. No alcohol, drugs or tobacco permitted. 2. No glassware of any type in the swimming pool or relaxation area.

What is forbidden in a swimming pool? ›

Rowdy behavior and any activity involving dunking or throwing people in the water should NOT be allowed. Don't use glass. Drinking glasses are an accident waiting to happen. (That includes wine glasses!)

What makes a pool unsafe to swim in? ›

Chlorine mixed with dirt, sweat, pee, and poop creates chemicals that make swimmers' eyes red and sting. When chlorine mixes with dirt, sweat, pee, and poop, it also means there is less chlorine available to kill germs.

Do and don'ts after swimming? ›

Shower immediately after you get out of the pool/sea

Any residual chlorine or salt that might be sitting on your skin needs to be removed, and a shower with a mild body cleanser helps do just that. This also helps restore the skin's pH levels back to normal and cancel the effects of the pool/sea water.

When should you not swim in a pool? ›


A broken bone (water and casts are generally not a good mix, although there are options out there), a deep cut or wound and bad burns (to name a few) are reasons to stay home, rest and recuperate.

Do and don'ts before and after swimming? ›

Remember to take a shower before you enter the pool, as well as after your swimming session. It rids the body of foreign particles and impurities. And while people take a shower before they swim, sometimes, they feel lazy and try to skip one after swimming. This is a gross mistake that you must avoid.

What are the don'ts of water safety? ›

Don't allow children to push playmates, jump on others, "dunk" one another, dive or jump in shallow water. Don't leave objects such as toys that might attract a child in the pool or pool area. Don't use flotation devices as a substitute for supervision. Never prop the gate to a pool area open.

What are swimming rules? ›

Both arms shall be brought forward together over the water and brought backward simultaneously throughout the race. All up and down movements of the legs must be simultaneous. The legs or the feet need to be on the same level, but they shall not alternate in relation to each other.

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.