Dark Josie (2024)

Notice: This article uses content directly taken from the Josie Saltzman article at the Vampire Diaries Wiki, and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Dark Josie is the evil version of Josie Saltzman. She made her first appearance in You Can't Save Them All after Josie broke the mora miserium at the end of Kai Parker Screwed Us.

Throughout Legacies[]

Season Two[]

In You Can't Save Them All, Josie is more powerful than ever due to the breaking of the mora miserium. She uses the dark magic to force Jade's humanity back on, and Alaric questions what she has done, realizing that Josie is somehow different. She remarks that she has "fixed" Jade.

Later, when she helps save Lily's life, she realizes that something is missing from her memory, and therefore must mean that someone has been consumed by Malivore. They are next seen at the Salvatore Boarding House and she reveals that the Prison World is made of magic, therefore can be siphoned in order to allow them a way out; she formalizes a plan that allows her family and friends to escape, whilst she remains behind. When it comes to finally performing the spell to allow her family to escape, she is successful in allowing Alaric, Lizzie, Lia, Lily, Jade, and Wendy return to Mystic Falls, but is approached by Sebastian before the spell is finished. Sebastian tells her to tell Lily something a better man would say, and then touches her, becoming the anchor to the spell and allowing her to return home. When she returns home, it appears that the dark magic has been left behind and Josie has returned to her former self.

In There's A Place Where The Lost Things Go, Josie participates in Emma's simulation; in the simulation, she as well as Lily are Lizzie's assistant. After the murders begin, Josie is accused by Jade of ordering the poisoned champagne — a clear attempt on her life — to gauge the interest of the press onto Lizzie; this failed, however, and Emma died within the simulation.

It quickly becomes apparent that Josie is willing to take the blame for the murders to protect Lizzie, but she is eventually murdered herself by the unknown assailant. It is later revealed that Josie has been overcome by the darker version of herself, who tries to kill Lizzie once and for all within the simulation that she has taken control of with the help of Lily. Hope helps Lizzie defeat her, however she does not awaken from the simulation. When she eventually does, she is trapped within the werewolf transition space, but escapes confidently by blowing a hole in the roof and setting a large portion of the school on fire; this is presumably fixed by the students afterwards.

In Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself, she returns to the Salvatore School to plan her birthday party.

Hope and Lizzie later talk but are interrupted by her, who reveals that she and Lizzie will Merge later that night. Hope and Lizzie formulate a plan to deal with her, however this relies on Lizzie winning the Merge. Lizzie believes she cannot win the Merge and leaves the Salvatore School out of fear.

Meanwhile, at the arranged time, Hope arrives to take Lizzie's place and fight with her until MG is able to convince Lizzie to return. The two brawl and she is able to get the upper hand before being interrupted by Lizzie, who saves Hope. Josie and Lizzie begin the Merge and — as she predicted — Lizzie loses and all hope appears lost. Unbeknownst to her, Landon and Hope have formulated a plan-b and were aware that the possibility of Lizzie losing the Merge was high; Hope has placed herself within Josie's subconscious when she was asleep in a bid to find the real Josie.

In Facing Darkness is Kinda My Thing, while inside Josie's subconscious, Hope and Lia are told (by a pig) a story of how Josie cast a sleeping spell on herself in order to protect the world from the darkness within her. Hope and Lia are brought to a table where Josie is lying, but is unable to wake her and the pig jokes that one of them should try kissing her.

Shortly after a battle with the darkness, Josie is revealed to be the pig in disguise. Josie reveals that she thought she could trick the darkness and allow Hope and Lia to get to safety; this failed, however. After a brief conversation with Hope and Lia, the darkness attacks Josie. Josie cowers in a corner, but soon realizes that she can beat the darkness if she fights. She tells the darkness that she was afraid of being powerful because it meant hurting Lizzie, but now she realizes she can be both like her aunt and her family. Josie takes on the darkness head-on and is able to subdue her, before receiving warnings that she will always return.

Meanwhile, Lizzie and Adella extracts the darkness from Josie and Lily and transfers it into the Necromancer to honor his deal with Alaric. After Josie wakes, she transfers her magic into a coin — much like her mother and Bonnie Bennett did previously — until she is ready to use it again.

Season Three[]

In You Can't Run From Who You Are,

Dark Josie (2024)


How do they get the darkness out of Josie? ›

Josie takes on the darkness head-on and is able to subdue her, before receiving warnings that she will always return. Meanwhile, Lizzie and Adella extracts the darkness from Josie and Lily and transfers it into the Necromancer to honor his deal with Alaric.

Why does Josie turn into Dark Josie? ›

However, Josie only turns into Dark Jo when she uses too much black magic with not enough self-control or when experiencing strong negative emotions or when her life is in danger.

Is Dark Josie stronger than Tribrid Hope? ›

Unless talking about Hollow Hope, Josie Destroys Hope in a legit battle. The only time Hope was anywhere near Dark Josie in power is when she had the Hollow. let's not forget that Hope performed two powerful feats to make her a powerful witch, since the last two seasons, she had Inadu's powers.

Is Dark Josie a witch? ›

Josie and her twin sister Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) are part of the Gemini coven, a very powerful group of witches. They've been around for more than 2,000 years and are siphons, meaning they have no magic of their own. They have to absorb magic from another magical being.

Does Dark Josie come back in Season 4? ›

Why Josie Won't Be Back On Legacies. Legacies season 4 has reached its end, and Josie has not reentered the picture yet — nor will she ever. Kaylee Bryant's exit wasn't handled well by the show, and while the season 4 finale didn't provide much closure, Josie won't be back on Legacies because the show has been canceled ...

What happens when Josie turns 22? ›

Long story short, the twins discovered that when they turn 22, they will have to partake in the Merge, which is essentially a fight-to-the-death for witches. (The stronger witch absorbs the powers of the other.)

What species is Dark Josie? ›

Dark Josie, the Dark Gemini Twin Species: Siphoner ❤️ Health- 350 🌀 Magic- 1000 This is the form of Josie Saltzman after becoming consumed by dark magic. This dark magic gives her access to 4 spells that no other witch has access to.

Why did Penelope dump Josie? ›

Not much is known about her early history, except at some point after her arrival to the Salvatore Boarding School, she dated Josie. Partially due to Josie focusing too much of her attention on Lizzie and too little on her own self interest, they eventually broke up.

How fast is Hope Mikaelson? ›

Super Speed: Hope's intensified quickness, agility, reflexes, and endurance makes her much faster than immortals, Original vampires, non-Original vampires, werewolves, evolved werewolves, non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrids, supernatural hunters and humans, she is slightly faster than her father, the Original Hybrid, ...

Is a hybrid stronger than a tribrid? ›

Super Strength: The Original Tribrid is much stronger than Immortals, Supernatural Hunters, non-original vampires, werewolves, non-original hybrids, and humans. They even possess enough strength to overpower an Original Vampire.

Who is the strongest vampire in Legacies? ›

Hope is Legacies' strongest vampire type, a tribrid, and The Vampire Diaries' Mikael is the oldest and toughest Original Vampire Hunter, raising the question of who would win in a fight.

Can Lizzie and Josie become Tribrids? ›

Thanks to their (rarely-mentioned) status as Siphoners, both supporting stars could become Tribrids if bitten by a werewolf. Lizzie & Josie are Siphoners, a rare offshoot of witches that were viewed as abominations due to their potential to become witch-vampire hybrids through being turned.

Does Josie become a hybrid? ›

Josie was originally born as a siphoner, a witch with no power of her own, meaning that she could only practice magic by siphoning it from another source. However, after becoming a vampire, she retained her siphoning abilities, allowing her to function as a witch-vampire hybrid.

Is Sarah Salvatore a witch? ›

As a result of her unique heritage, she is the world's seventh werewolf-witch-vampire hybrid. She inherited her werewolf gene and witch legacy from her mother, while her vampire legacy came from both her father and mother.

Is Lily Salvatore a witch? ›

Lily is a witch-hybrid, having inherited her witch gene from her mother, Alex. One of the Hollow's acolytes reiterates this sentiment when he states that Lily and her siblings might be the greatest witches the world may ever know.

Why does Josie leave? ›

Josie believes that there's still good in Hope, but she can't help her as long as she stays in a toxic environment like the Salvatore School. Unfortunately, saying goodbye to Mystic Falls also meant saying goodbye to her girlfriend.

Does Cleo get her powers back in Legacies? ›

Cleo (Omono Okojie) seemed to have gotten her groove back with help from Kaleb (Chris Lee). Jed (Ben Levin) lost his werewolf powers after coming back to life, so he and Ben (Zane Philliips) left to live a new life together.

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