I am so excited to be sharing my fist ‘Pickin With Pops” blog post. If you follow along with me on instagram then you may have seen my dad’s segment in stories called Pickin with Pops. My dad is a true picker and really does enjoy learning the history behind the things that he brings home. For his first post, Dad is sharing his tips for dating old coca-cola bottles. Our hope is that this will serve as a bit of a reference for you while you are out ‘shopping’ or it may even help you to date some bottles that you already have! Now, let’s see what my dad has to say!


Have you ever found an old soda bottle and wondered just how old it really was? One aspect of collecting old bottles that I have always enjoyed is age-dating them. When it comes to dating older Coca-Cola bottles issued in the United States, there are several telltale features that I rely upon. First of these is bottle shape: Is the bottle contour shaped, straight sided, or the distinctive Hutchinson patent style? Once this determination has been made, there are a number of other features that can often reveal the manufacture year.

(c. 1916-date)


Coca-Cola bottles with a pinched waist are known as contour or “Hobbleskirt” bottles. All contour bottles have the familiar crown-top lip. (Bottle caps were once known as “crowns.”) Newer contour co*ke bottles from the mid-1960s forward will normally have painted white labeling, as do some others from as early as 1957. The earliest of these will most often have small date marks (also known as date codes) embossed on the waist as two-digit numbers, followed closely by other number-letter-symbol combinations. For example, a bottle marked “74.22 © – 1” would have been manufactured in 1974. Numbers right of the date code, I believe, indicate the machine and/or mold used to make the bottle, and the letter or symbol in the middle represents the glass company that manufactured the bottle. During the 1980s Coca-Cola ended this practice of date-marking its bottles.


With few exceptions, contour Coca-Cola bottles manufactured before the mid-1960s are labeled entirely with embossed lettering. Thus, an embossed co*ke bottle is almost always older than a painted-label one. Contour co*ke bottles first appeared in about 1916, when blown-in-the-mold bottles were being replaced by early machine-made bottles. Contour co*ke bottles with embossed lettering and no painted label will therefore date between 1916 and about 1965. Various distinguishing features may be identified on individual bottles to date with greater precision nearly all bottles from this 50-year period.

By observing the patent statement embossed just beneath the name “Coca-Cola” on the side of any contour co*ke that is not a painted label bottle, one may quickly begin to date that bottle as being from one of the following five broad time periods.

· U.S. Pat. Office, 6-1/2 oz. (Embossed on co*ke bottles issued 1958-1965.)

· U.S. Pat. Office, 6 oz. (Embossed on co*ke bottles issued 1951-1958.)

· Pat. D-105529 (Embossed on co*ke bottles issued 1938-1951.)

· Pat’d Dec. 25, 1923 (Embossed on co*ke bottles issued 1928-1938.)

· Pat’d. Nov. 16, 1915 (Embossed on co*ke bottles issued 1916-1928.)


Having made this determination, one should then look closely for a specific date mark elsewhere on the bottle. You may need a magnifying glass for this step. If a bottle is from one of the first three time periods listed above (1938-1965) there will likely be a small embossed date code found on the waist left or right of a letter or symbol. For instance, the number “42” on a bottle marked either “87 L 42” or “42 L 87” would denote a bottle made in 1942 during WWII. Remember, in this instance the number “87” cannot be the date mark since we know that without a painted label, the bottle in question was made prior to 1966. A quick glance back at the patent statement on the side of this bottle (which should read “Pat. D-105529”) should signify that this co*ke bottle was indeed produced between 1938 and 1951.


In the case of contour co*ke bottles from 1938 and earlier, some will have date marks, and some will not. Some date marks for bottles from the 1930s and late 1920s will appear as embossed two-digit numbers on the waist. In other instances, bottles from the 1930s, as well as some dating back to around 1916, will have date marks found as small two-digit numerals embossed on the heel (the smooth bottom rim at the base of the bottle). It is best to search for these date marks with a magnifying glass and good light as they are easily overlooked and, even when found, seldom easy to decipher.

When located on the heels of early contour co*ke bottles, these tiny date marks will often be embossed together with letters identifying the name of the glass company that made the bottle. Thus, CHATT 26 indicates a bottle made in 1926 by the Chattanooga Glass Company, whereas ROOT 31 represents a bottle made in 1931 by the Root Glass Company, and LGW 23 signifies one manufactured in 1923 by Laurens Glass Works. Of the 22 co*ke bottles in my collection that date from the period 1928 to 1938, 12 have date marks on the waist, 9 have date marks on the heel, and 1 has no visible date mark. Of the 25 co*kes I have from the period 1916 to 1928, none has a date mark on the waist, 21 have date marks on the heel, and 4 have no visible date mark.


STRAIGHT SIDE co*kE BOTTLES (c.1900-1920)


When it comes to dating straight side Coca-Cola bottles, all of which are from circa 1900 to 1920, the process is frequently more challenging, and the final determination often less certain. But first a few words about straight side co*ke bottles. Prior to the advent of automatic bottle machines in the early 1900s, and before bottle-making technology allowed for the manufacture of contour shaped bottles, soft drink bottlers relied on cylinder shaped bottles made with straight sides in two-piece wooden molds. All of these were crown-top bottles.


Initially these straight sided bottles, which often display seed bubbles in the glass, were made with separate tops “applied” under heat by a glass maker, one bottle at a time. Straight side bottles made with applied tops often exhibit visible stretch marks, evidence that the top was joined as a separate unit to the neck in the process of “finishing” the bottle. Also, the two seam lines that run from base to neck on these early straight-sides do not extend to the top since that uppermost part of the bottle was made and applied separately.


As bottle-makers improved their manufacturing processes, they soon learned to make complete bottles by machine, eliminating the need for applying the top of each bottle separately and by hand. Soon early automatic bottle machines were producing finished bottles much more rapidly, and these bottles may be distinguished from ones with applied tops by noticing that two mold lines run straight up the side of the bottle to the top of the lip.

As for dating straight side Coca-Cola bottles, lack of uniformity in bottle production throughout this era prevents consistent accuracy. In some cases, co*ke straight-sides have date marks on the heel similar to those found on many contour co*kes from 1916 to 1938, as described above. Among the 42 straight side co*ke bottles in my collection, 13 have date marks on the heel. In the absence of such markings, however, collectors are generally left to speculate as to a manufacture date with little reliable evidence to go on.

Some say the location of the name “Coca-Cola” in script on the bottle side is significant. Others rely somewhat on whether the top was applied by hand or machine. Yet by some reports, at least one bottle manufacturer, Laurens Glass Works of Laurens, SC, was still producing co*ke bottles with hand-applied tops as late as 1919, long after others were making their bottles entirely by machine. Thus, many straight side Coca-Cola bottles cannot be dated with certainty, other than to say that they were all made between about 1900 and 1920.


(c. 1890s-1907)

Slightly older, and far more rare, are Hutchinson-style Coca-Cola bottles. These are blown-in-mold, hand finished bottles featuring straight sides, high shoulders, and the patented Hutchinson-style closure. These bottles, when embossed with Coca-Cola labeling, are so scarce that I have never seen an original one. (Beware of reproductions!) Nor do I know whether any of these can be dated, other than perhaps in the case of “Hutch” co*ke bottles with town or bottling company names embossed on them.

By researching the history of the first Coca-Cola bottler in the town named on one of these earliest co*kes, one might be able to date the bottle, more or less, by determining the start date of operation for that town’s first Coca-Cola bottling plant. These Hutchinson-style soda bottles would have been issued, after all, by the first ever Coca-Cola bottling and distribution sellers, which began operation in the middle to late 1890s in places like Birmingham, AL and, some have reported, Chattanooga, TN, when Coca-Cola was first being sold in bottles to a few local segments of the American public


Thanks to my dad for sharing his tips on dating old coca-cola bottles. I must admit, I had NO clue how to date these old co*ke bottles until now. Moving forward, when I find an old coca-cola bottle, I will feel better equipped to determine if it’s old and if it’s worth something. Remember, you can always reference this page too when you are out and about to help you determine the age of any bottle that you may find. Happy hunting to each of you!



How can you tell the date of a vintage co*ke bottle? ›

If a bottle is from one of the first three time periods listed above (1938-1965) there will likely be a small embossed date code found on the waist left or right of a letter or symbol. For instance, the number “42” on a bottle marked either “87 L 42” or “42 L 87” would denote a bottle made in 1942 during WWII.

How do I know if my co*ke bottle is valuable? ›

The straight-sided bottles can vary in value from $25 up to around $400, depending on the condition and the uniqueness. Amber-colored bottles, sold widely in the South and Midwest, tend to be more valuable than the clear or light green or flint straight-sided bottles that were more common in other parts of the country.

How do I identify my Coca-Cola bottle? ›

Most co*ke bottles (although not all) bear a glass manufacturer's mark (logo, emblem, trademark, or initials) somewhere on the bottle, that may help to identify what glass company made it. In general, glass manufacturers' marks are usually seen on the base, but sometimes appear on the side or lower heel of the bottle.

How do you read a co*ke date code? ›

Coca-Cola brand bottles are stamped (typically on the cap) with a sell-by date in MMDDYY format, and stamped (typically on the neck) with a sell-by date in MMMDDYY format. There may be additional codes included with the stamp on the neck that have nothing to do with dating.

What do numbers on the bottom of glass bottles mean? ›

One of the most important markings is the mould code. There are different ways to display the mould code. It can be represented in the form of alphanumeric numbers, digital codes or a dot code. The mould code is used to uniquely identify the glass container.

How can you tell if a glass bottle is vintage? ›

Typical embossed marks include a maker's mark or letters on the bottle's side or base. You may also see mold lines or machine marks. Missing letters, uneven spacing, or other embossing errors provide clues to a bottle's age.

Can you drink 40 year old co*ke? ›

“Even though most sodas have an acidic pH and will not support the growth of disease-causing bacteria, there is no research supporting that a 41-year-old expired co*ke is safe to drink.”

How much is an antique co*ke bottle worth? ›

Regular, vintage co*ke bottles start at around $10, and anniversary models or special editions can sell for about $30, reports Country Living. Despite their age, many bottles are not especially valuable because there were so many made, according to the Coca-Cola Company.

Which old bottles are worth money? ›


Mint condition bottles — those with no damage, chips, discoloration or flaws of any kind — boast the highest values. Bottles in near mint or very good condition have slight wear but are close to perfect and thus worth almost as much as their mint-condition counterparts.

What are the numbers on the bottom of co*ke bottles? ›

In most cases, one- or two-digit numbers are actually mold numbers that indicate the specific bottle mold or section in an automatic bottle machine. If numerous molds were identical, each one received its own number. Base numbers also indicate bottle styles or shapes, manufacturing dates, or factory location codes.

In what years were co*ke bottles Green? ›

Green Coca-Cola Bottles
ArtistAndy Warhol
MediumAcrylic, screenprint, and graphite pencil on canvas
Dimensions210.2 cm × 145.1 cm (82.8 in × 57.1 in)
2 more rows

What size were co*ke bottles in the 60s? ›

It was so distinctive, so successful that for the next 50 years -- until 1955 -- that the only way Coca-Cola was sold was in the 6.5-ounce returnable bottle or in a glass as a fountain drink. In 1955, King-sized co*ke was introduced -- in returnable 10-, 12- and 26-ounce Family Size bottles.

How many ounces were the old co*ke bottles? ›

The Coca-Cola Co. made its trademarked contour glass bottle in 1916. That first bottle was 6.5 ounces. The company has produced a variety of sizes since then.

How do I decode a date code? ›

Read these codes as MMDDYY, where “MM” refers to the month, “DD” refers to the date, and “YY” refers to the year. This is one of the more common codes that you'll see on food items. For example, “121518” would be read as December 15, 2018.

How do you read the 5 digit expiration date? ›

Look on the bottom or sides of the meal and find a string of five numbers in a row. The first two numbers stand for the year, while the last three numbers represent the day of the year. For example, if the code was 11322, you would know that the food was manufactured on the 322 day of 2011, or November 22nd, 2011.

What does date code look like? ›

These codes have two letters and four digits. The letters are the factor location. The first and third numbers are the week of the year it was manufactured, and the second and fourth numbers are the year. A code MM3048 from this era would show a bag made on the 34th week of 2008.

How do you date old bottles? ›

Look for Old Bottle Labels and Embossing

This can provide a lot of information about the bottle's age and original purpose. Even if you only have part of the label, you can do a quick Google search to see if you can learn more. You can also use any embossing to identify an old bottle.

How can I tell how old a bottle is? ›

The embossed maker's mark or letters on the side of a bottle or on the base of a bottle will help to reveal a bottle's age. Marks or letters on collectible milk bottles and Coca Cola bottles are commonly indicators of age and origin.

What does 1 in a triangle mean on a bottle? ›

The "1" inside a triangle indicates PETE or PET, which is Polyethylene Terephthalate. This material is commonly used in soft drinks, beer, and water bottles. It's also found in ovenable food trays, salad dressing and vegetable oil containers, and mouthwash bottles.

What are the numbers on the bottom of old bottles? ›

The number (within a triangle with rounded corners) found on the bottom of plastic bottles is a code indicating the type of plastic the bottle is made from, and pertains to the subject of recycling) .

What are the markings on the bottom of old bottles? ›

Pontil Marks or Scars

The bases of early (first half of the 19th century) mouth-blown bottles usually have some type of pontil mark or scar. The presence (or absence) of pontil marks or scars and the specific type of mark, can be very useful in the dating of 19th century bottles.

What color vintage glass is most valuable? ›

Pink glass is most valuable, followed by blue and green. Rare colors such as tangerine and lavender are also worth more than common colors like yellow and amber. If you stumble upon an extremely rare piece like the red ruby Aladdin Beehive Lamp, expect to pay $800 or more!

What happens if you drink 20 year old soda? ›

Carbonated soft drinks or sodas are not perishable, and are safe past the date stamped on the container. Eventually flavor and carbonation will decrease.

Does co*ke have a age limit? ›

What age can a child have co*ke? The age for children to drink coca cola is not regulated, but it is recommended that children do not drink it until they are older than two years old.

What happens if you drink 30 year old co*ke? ›

The “expiry date” is just a “sell by” date. Soft drinks don't go bad. Their flavour changes, not for the better, but they're mostly water, sugar and artificial chemicals. Over time, they may lose their carbonation, but they won't hurt you.

How to sell old co*ke bottles? ›

If you are willing to photograph and ship your items, eBay is still far and away the best place to sell such collectibles. Even though many people are selling many Coca Cola items on eBay, it's still your best bet.

What are most valuable Coca-Cola items? ›

Yet, very few of these prototype bottles are known to exist, and one recently went to auction. This Roots Company prototype bottle from 1915 is thought to be the only one of its kind that's survived and sold for $105,000, making it one of the most valuable co*ke products ever sold.

What Coca-Cola bottles are worth the most? ›

10 of the Most Valuable co*ke Bottle Designs to Collect
  1. 1 – Coca-Cola Hutch Bottle (100+ y/o) ...
  2. 2 – Bangladesh 1975 Bottle. ...
  3. 3 – 1940s NFL Collectors co*ke Bottle. ...
  4. 4 – 1900-1920 Vintage co*ke Bottle. ...
  5. 5 – Tuskegee Alabama Coca-Cola Bottle. ...
  6. 6 – 1982 Japanese Root co*ke Bottle. ...
  7. 7 – A Rare Bottling Error! ...
  8. 8 – 1980 Georgia co*ke Bottle.
May 11, 2022

What are the oldest Coca-Cola bottles? ›

Coca Cola, the first bottle (1899) was produced in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Model "Hutchinson" with metal cap. Coca-Cola, contour bottle prototype (1915) never made it to production: its middle diameter was larger than its base, making it unstable on conveyor belts.

Are old Aunt Jemima bottles worth anything? ›

The answer is no.

What does the date on a Coca-Cola bottle mean? ›

All of our products have a "Best taste date," which is very different from an expiration date often found on perishable items such as dairy and meat products. Our "Best taste date" is a self-imposed indicator that has been listed on the underside of our cans, shoulders of bottles and sides of paperboard wraps.

What does 1 mean on the bottom of a bottle? ›

1: PET or PETE (Polyethylene terephthalate)

There's a good chance you've held something made of this plastic type today. PET or PETE is what's used to make bottles for soda, water and other drinks. It's also used to make cooking oil containers, plastic peanut butter jars and containers for other popular food items.

How do you read bottle codes? ›

Code: YYDDD A 0000 • YY = year: 20 = 2020, 21 = 2021, etc. DDD = day of year (aka Julian Date'): 001 = first day of year, 265 = 265th day of year, etc. Code: MM/DD/YY • MM = month: 01 = Jan, 02 = Feb, 11 = Nov, etc. DD = day of month: 01 = first day of month, 30 = 30th day of month, etc.

Where is the best place to find old bottles? ›

Most bottles are found in places that are associated with finding old glass. This includes former trash dumps, old privies (or outhouses), construction sites, and waterfront areas. Any area that served as a dump site for a long period of time is a bottle digger's paradise.

Why do antique bottles turn purple? ›

Solarization of Glass

It is a photochemical phenomenon that is not yet perfectly understood. It is generally accepted that the ultra-violet light initiates an electron exchange between the manganese and iron ions. This changes the manganese compound into a form that causes the glass to turn purple.

How old is the oldest bottle? ›

But a century is nothing to the Speyer wine bottle, also known as the Römerwein aus Speyer. Its murky contents have sat undisturbed inside clear glass for 1,693 years. The 1.5 liter bottle has handles shaped like dolphins and was buried in the tomb of a Roman nobleman and noblewoman near today's city of Speyer.

Are the dates on co*ke bottles expiration dates? ›

Information. Carbonated soft drinks or sodas are not perishable, and are safe past the date stamped on the container. Eventually flavor and carbonation will decrease. For best quality, consume unopened diet sodas within 3 months after the date expires; regular sodas within 9 months.

How can you tell if a bottle is vintage? ›

Look for these old bottles with the characteristic crown top. The embossed maker's mark or letters on the side of a bottle or on the base of a bottle will help to reveal a bottle's age. Marks or letters on collectible milk bottles and Coca Cola bottles are commonly indicators of age and origin.

What do the dates on co*ke bottles mean? ›

All of our products have a "Best taste date," which is very different from an expiration date often found on perishable items such as dairy and meat products. Our "Best taste date" is a self-imposed indicator that has been listed on the underside of our cans, shoulders of bottles and sides of paperboard wraps.

What does numbers mean on Coca-Cola bottle? ›

0. A triangle with a number (1 to 7) inside it, stamped onto a plastic container or bottle is a Plastic Identification Code. This will tell you what type of plastic that container was made from.

What is the date on bottles for? ›

There are two types of dates that might be found on a plastic bottle. On the one hand, you have the date of bottling for a product: what FDA terms a “closed” date. On the other hand, expiration dates fall under a different category termed “open” dating.

Which old bottles are worth the most? ›

Most Valuable Antique Bottles, Ranked
  1. Prototype co*ke Bottle. Value: $250,000.
  2. Modified co*ke Bottle. Value: $108,000. ...
  3. co*ke Display Bottle. Value: $84,000. ...
  4. co*ke Christmas Bottle. ...
  5. 5. California Grapine Bottle. ...
  6. Crockett's Amygdalin Hair Lotion by R.H. Hall. ...
  7. Mobiloil A Motor Oil Bottles With Rack. ...
  8. Allens Red Tame Cherry Bottle. ...
Jan 31, 2023

How are most vintage bottles found? ›

Collectible bottles can be found at rummage sales, at flea markets, or even in the ground. Glass bottles do not degrade over time, so the bottles that were buried in landfills or thrown down privy holes with the rest of the household garbage years ago are still down there.

Is 20 years old considered vintage? ›

Vintage simply means old.

The meaning of the word “vintage” is simply “of age,” making it more difficult to set a specific age requirement. However, many say vintage items are at least 20 years old. So, generally speaking, something can be considered vintage if it is between 20 and 99 years old.

How do you read the numbers on the bottom of a bottle? ›

In most cases, one- or two-digit numbers are actually mold numbers that indicate the specific bottle mold or section in an automatic bottle machine. If numerous molds were identical, each one received its own number. Base numbers also indicate bottle styles or shapes, manufacturing dates, or factory location codes.

What is the most valuable Coca-Cola collectible? ›

Yet, very few of these prototype bottles are known to exist, and one recently went to auction. This Roots Company prototype bottle from 1915 is thought to be the only one of its kind that's survived and sold for $105,000, making it one of the most valuable co*ke products ever sold.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.