Bridge sportswear and ready-to-wear has quite a cross to bear.

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There’s no apparel category that is more misunderstood and less clearly defined than bridge, yet it holds a vital spot in many key stores and is home to some of the top brands in the business.

While industry insiders commonly talk about the seemingly straightforward term, there is still confusion today as to what the bridge market really encompasses and who the bridge customer really is. Though it was originally invented in the early Eighties in an effort to logically describe the price point below the designer level and above the better zone, today the term connotes a variety of style sets with corresponding elements of sportswear, ready-to-wear and the overarching moniker of career apparel.

When asked to describe the bridge market, designers and retailers responded with a colorful set of answers ranging from those who called the term obsolete and passe all the way to one designer who dubbed it the “bastard area” of a department store.

“I don’t even know what the term means anymore,” said Robert Burke, vice president and senior fashion director at Bergdorf Goodman. “We don’t use the name bridge internally because we don’t feel it’s applicable.”

According to several fashion executives, the negative connotations and dumpy aura surrounding the sector started in the mid-to-late Nineties, when retail floors were flooded with too much similar merchandise. Executives said secondary lines — a term invented to escape the bridge image — such as Emanuel by Emanuel Ungaro, DKNY and CK Calvin Klein led the bandwagon for Seventh Avenue firms looking to make a profit by increasing volume, which in turn led to too much diversity on the floor and a confused customer.

“About four years ago, [bridge] companies grew really quickly and then ended up with an abundance of merchandise rather than really being merchandised in an interesting way,” said Steve Fabrikant, chief executive officer and designer of his namesake line. “It was sort of how to make a quick buck.”

Fabrikant said it was tempting for businesses to sell as much as they could in the bridge market, in a type of strike-while-the-iron-is-hot mind-set, when a lot of designers started launching diffusion lines — another term invented to escape the bridge image. Fabrikant said a major mistake by these companies was creating bridge-priced items that were just watered-down versions of designer garments, instead of understanding the customer and designing accordingly.

At Oscar by Oscar de la Renta, understanding the lifestyle of the Oscar woman helped build that brand, according to president Maria Viccaro. She also said there was a misconception by the industry in recent years of who the bridge woman was, even though she acknowledged bridge as “just a price point.”

“We underestimated this customer’s sense of style,” said Viccaro. “She doesn’t want to look dowdy. I think it’s the responsibility of the manufacturer to provide some must-have product to buy immediately at full price. I think the manufacturers who were doing bridge had the wrong image.”

Viccaro said the bridge product became unappealing and boring in the late Nineties, even though the bridge customer wanted fashion in her wardrobe and appreciated quality. She explained the difference between bridge and designer customers by comparing them with two models of Mercedes-Benz: “The designer customer is an S500 and the bridge customer is a C-Class, but they’re both a Mercedes.”

The combination of the economy and Sept. 11 has also affected who the bridge woman is today. Executives agreed that the bridge woman has a different set of priorities following the terrorist attacks, especially in regards to spending a lot of money on apparel.

Teri Jon president Bruce Blaustein said tough financial times make women more value conscious, a situation that puts more emphasis on the bridge market, since a woman might think twice before shelling out big bucks for designer-priced clothes.

“Interest rates are low, stock portfolios have gone down, the dot-com crash, it all contributes,” Blaustein said. “A woman still wants to walk into a room and look like she’s wearing a $2,000 dress and not have to spend that type of money. The bridge market is offering that now.”

Richard Tyler, who launched a bridge line called Tyler in April that retails mostly under $300, said offering less pricy clothing just makes sense nowadays. Tyler said he started the line out of a desire to make clothes for a younger and smarter clientele who knows how to be stylish.

“I don’t think [of Tyler] as bridge, but yeah, it is bridge,” Tyler said. “Instead of spending $900 on a pair of pants, spending $150 to $200 just makes more sense.”

For Tyler, the bridge women he designs for is young and could pull in a salary ranging from $50,000 to $200,000. At a recent Richard Tyler Couture trunk show at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, he said there were a lot of mothers that had been clients for over 10 years and were shopping with their daughters or daughters-in-law. He said both women liked the younger line and the elders snatched up items to pair with older Richard Tyler pieces from their closets, confirming his theory that the bridge market encompasses a wide range of women.

The clientele at Kors Michael Kors — the bridge line launched in 1996 — appeals to a woman who appreciates the quality, style and luxury that the line offers. According to Jeanine Elias, vice president of sales and merchandising at Kors, the bridge customer is not determined by age. Instead, she said Kors appeals to a wide audience that appreciates the quality of the line. She also stressed that Kors doesn’t talk down to the consumer.

“First there is a woman who buys mainly collection and a few pieces of bridge for her casual weekend clothes,” Elias said in reference to three general types of Kors customers. “Second, we have a customer who buys mainly bridge clothes as her base wardrobe and a few pieces of collection for special occasions. Lastly, there is a customer for whom bridge is still a bit of a reach — she mostly buys lower-priced clothes and will look to bridge for a few more expensive pieces each season.”

However, a younger woman is how Joan Kaner, senior vice president and fashion director at Neiman Marcus, described a new breed of bridge shoppers. While middle-aged career women used to make up the majority of the bridge population, Kaner said younger career women are vying for a piece of the market, since they don’t have a place to shop for stylish work clothes.

“There is a young woman who is going into her first job as a recent college graduate and needs clothing,” Kaner said. “Little cropped tops and low-slung trousers aren’t going to make it in the business world. I think they realized they were missing that audience.”

Kaner also said that bridge lines, like other sectors in the fashion industry, started to represent a lifestyle. Elements of weekend wear, eveningwear and corporate attire in a woman’s wardrobe started to appear under one label. This resulted in companies updating their labels and offering more fashion with a younger attitude.

“I think everyone’s emphasis today is on the young woman,” said Kaner. “I think a lot of people want to be young and stylish and bridge used to be more serious, like investment interview suits. But then [vendors] realized she wanted something with a little more fashion.”

Even though fast fashion isn’t the objective for bridge, Kaner said the sector could benefit from shorter lead times to turn a trend sparked from the street. However, bridge executives said they didn’t want to take the emphasis on trends too far, out of fear they would end up looking like a contemporary line.

Still, companies such as Ellen Tracy, Chaiken, Elie Tahari and Anne Klein have all flaunted a younger attitude in efforts to level the bridge playing field.

Anne Klein recently revamped its image by hiring Charles Nolan to redesign the collection and by opening a slick SoHo boutique. Starting this fall, Anne Klein will be carried at Bergdorf’s, which Burke said would not have happened in the past.

“We never would have bought it the way it was before,” Burke said. “It’s not the Anne Klein it used to be. It’s very much an example of what the new bridge is.”

Burke also said the store offers lines that fit into the bridge price range, but defy the old stereotype of a career-oriented shopper, such as Catherine Malandrino, Katayone Adeli, Elie Tahari and Theory.

Chaiken is another bridge-priced line that shed its working girl image by trading in suited looks for eclectic item-driven styles, as creative director Jeff Mahshie puts his stamp on the clothes.

“I think bridge connotes more career clothes,” said Mahshie. “We know our customer to be a 30-year-old career girl, but she can also be young or older because we do a lot of mothers and daughters.”

While Mahshie said he doesn’t consider Chaiken as a bridge resource, he understands it’s sold there from a price standpoint.

When describing its bridge clientele, Saks Fifth Avenue takes a more general approach. According to Jaqui Lividini, senior vice president of fashion merchandising and communication, bridge was originally a price point, but the term is taking on new meanings today. She said the bridge shopper has evolved from a career-oriented woman to a lifestyle-driven sector that seeks appropriate clothes for all elements of a woman’s life.

“She’s not defined by a lifestyle,” Lividini said. “The bridge customer is every customer.”

What Is Bridge?

NEW YORK — Bridge means different things to different people. Here’s a sampling of how some key executives define the category:

“Basically, everyone knows that bridge is just a price point.”

— Maria Viccaro, president, Oscar by Oscar de la Renta

“I think bridge connotes more career and suit looks.”

— Jeff Mahshie, creative director, Chaiken

“For a while it was very career. Now it’s much more varied and lifestyle driven.”

— Dana Buchman

“I don’t even know what bridge is anymore.”

— Robert Burke, senior fashion director, Bergdorf Goodman

“The term bridge doesn’t mean anything anymore. We make beautiful, luxurious and elegant clothes that become reduced when people say, `Oh, Lafayette, they’re just a bridge resource.”‘

— Aileen Dresner, executive vice president, Lafayette 148 New York

“Bridge is that area just below designer, not quite known as gold range. It’s our opening price point.”

— Joan Kaner, fashion director, Neiman Marcus

“I’m not sure that I know how to define bridge. It’s broken up and segmented.”

— Howard Bloom, president, Chetta B

“With bridge now, it’s more fashion. It’s more of a designer’s point of view.”

— Richard Tyler

“In many cases, it’s a department. Bridge tends to be more career oriented.”

— Steve Fabrikant

“The specifications are much different than they used to be for the bridge woman. She’s the retired woman in Palm Beach or a lawyer’s wife or the lawyer herself.”

— Bruce Blaustein, president, Teri John

“The bridge customer is every customer. It’s evolving from something that was just a price point into something that is lifestyle.”

— Jaqui Lividini, senior vice president of fashion merchandising and communication, Saks Fifth Avenue

Bridge Breakdown

Average age: 35-54

Salary: $50,000-$70,000

Household income: $100,000+

Average clothing size: 12

Average number of items bought at one time: 3

Percent of bridge customers that have graduated from college: 64

Percent that are full-time workers: 68

Percent that have children: 50

Percent of bridge women that will buy designer clothing: 7

Source: NPDFashionworld



What are five factors to consider when designing a bridge? ›

In summary, the pedestrian bridge design process includes seven important considerations: trail width, site conditions, geotechnical analysis, abutment plan, permitting, safety and durability.

What is the theory of bridge? ›

In graph theory, a bridge, isthmus, cut-edge, or cut arc is an edge of a graph whose deletion increases the graph's number of connected components. Equivalently, an edge is a bridge if and only if it is not contained in any cycle. For a connected graph, a bridge can uniquely determine a cut.

What are the basic principles of bridge design? ›

The prototypical bridge is quite simple—two supports holding up a beam—yet the engineering problems that must be overcome even in this simple form are inherent in every bridge: the supports must be strong enough to hold the structure up, and the span between supports must be strong enough to carry the loads.

What 6 factors should be considered when building a bridge? ›

They will consider several factors during this step.
  • Foundation type.
  • Substructure type.
  • Superstructure type.
  • Bearing type.
  • Deck type.
  • Bridge rail type.
Feb 1, 2022

What are the 4 main components of a bridge? ›

FOllowings are the main parts of a bridge:
  • Deck.
  • Abutment.
  • Pile.
  • Pier.
  • Girder.
  • Rail Track.

What are the four 4 of the loads to be considered in bridge design? ›

The bridge engineer must take into account a wide variety of loads which vary based on: 1- Duration (permanent or temporary) 2- Direction (vertical, longitudinal, etc.) 3- Deformation (concrete creep, thermal expansion, etc.) 4- Effect (shear, bending, torsion, etc.)

What does bridge mean in philosophy? ›

Bridges symbolize change and flexibility. Bridges symbolize change and flexibility! They show us this simple philosophy: When you are on one side, you can easily move to the other side! (Mehmet Murat)

What is the bridge paradox? ›

Buridan's Bridge (also known as Sophism 17) is described by Jean Buridan, one of the most famous and influential philosophers of the Late Middle Ages, in his book Sophismata. It is a self-referential paradox that involves a proposition pronounced about an event that might or might not happen in the future.

What is a bridge in layman's terms? ›

A bridge is a structure that is built over a railway, river, or road so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other.

What is the first thing to consider when designing a bridge? ›

Location: First and foremost, one needs to consider location. The site must be the best place in the area for a bridge, and the team should scope out the area to find the optimal bridge location.

What makes a bridge design successful? ›

A common question people often ask is, “What makes a bridge strong?” The strength of a bridge is its essence, and the top priority of any bridge is safety. A pedestrian bridge must be strong enough to support people, cyclists, animals, and light vehicles, with multiple degrees of certainty.

What are 3 things that a bridge must overcome? ›

Bridges must be able to withstand several types of forces. The two most common to model bridges are compression and tension, pushing and pulling respectively. The other two are torsion (twisting) and shear.

What is the most important thing about building a bridge? ›

Durability, long life are most important characteristics of a bridge | Roads and Bridges.

What is the most important part of a bridge? ›

The main part of a bridge is its superstructure. The superstructure bears the weight of the load as it passes through the bridge. It comprises the deck slab, girders, truss, etc. The specific components vary based on the type of bridge and its materials such as concrete or steel.

What are the 3 main parts of a bridge? ›

Parts Of A Bridge
  • Pile - A concrete post that is driven into the ground to act as a leg or support for the new bridge. ...
  • Cap - The cap sits on top of a group of piles and will help disperse pressure to the piles below.
  • Bent - This is the combination of the cap and the pile.

What are the 5 main bridge types? ›

Five main types of Bridges
  • Beam Bridges.
  • Integral Beam Bridges.
  • Cantilever Bridges.
  • Arch Bridges.
  • Cable-Stayed Bridges.
Mar 22, 2023

What are the 4 basic loads? ›

Types of loads acting on a structure are:

Wind loads. Snow loads. Earthquake loads. Special loads.

What are the 4 types of structural loads? ›

Structural loads can be broadly classified into four groups: dead loads, live loads, impact loads, and environmental loads.

What is the psychological meaning of bridge? ›

n. a method used in multimodal therapy in which the therapist first focuses on the client's preferred aspect of treatment (e.g., cognitions) before moving to another aspect (e.g., sensations) that the therapist believes may be more salient.

What does bridge mean in psychology? ›

Findings and results: The Bridge conveys multifaceted meanings: Connectedness, orienting towards, crossings over, the danger of falling down, the possible assimilation of the trauma by recognition and tolerance of the opposites which may be followed by a transformation in the psyche.

What does bridge relationship mean? ›

When you enter into a rebound relationship, you end up being a bridge between old and new. Instead of them having to stand on their own two feet, they stand on you. Rebounding invites delay and pain into your life.

What is the famous bridge problem? ›

The Königsberg bridge problem was an old puzzle concerning the possibility of finding a path over every one of seven bridges that span a forked river flowing past an island—but without crossing any bridge twice. Euler argued that no such path exists.

What is the classic bridge problem? ›

The Königsberg bridge problem asks if the seven bridges of the city of Königsberg (left figure; Kraitchik 1942), formerly in Germany but now known as Kaliningrad and part of Russia, over the river Preger can all be traversed in a single trip without doubling back, with the additional requirement that the trip ends in ...

Is the 7 bridge problem possible? ›

Therefore 3(for A) + 2(for B) + 2(for C) + 2(for D) = 9, but Euler already stated that there must only be eight occurrences for the seven bridges. This is a contradiction! Therefore, it is impossible to travel the bridges in the city of Königsberg once and only once.

What is bridge in our life? ›

Bridges are used for shipping raw materials and goods. You can move them to different factories, warehouses, suppliers, distributors, stores and many more. Bridges can be used for travel purposes too.

What does bridge mean in job? ›

You might have a bridge job just before or during retirement. Not everyone enjoys full-time retirement, but they also don't want to continue in their old career. Bridge jobs let retirees slowly shift to full-time retirement life by letting them work fewer hours or in a different, often less stressful career.

What does bridge mean in law? ›

(1) The term “bridge contract” means— (A) an extension to an existing contract beyond the period of performance to avoid a lapse in service caused by a delay in awarding a subsequent contract; or (B) a new short-term contract awarded on a sole-source basis to avoid a lapse in service caused by a delay in awarding a ...

What is the main purpose of having a bridge? ›

Bridges have a special place in transportation infrastructure due its direct relationship with other places. These structures have the purpose to carry on the traffic loads of the highway, crossing any obstacle and perform an effective communication between two destinations.

What are the two main to be used to construct a bridge? ›

Some of the main materials found on a bridge are steel, concrete, stone and asphalt. Other materials include iron, timber, aluminum, rubber and other joint materials.

What is the strongest structure of a bridge? ›

Look at a steel or wooden bridge and often you will see triangle shapes making up most of the bridge's support structure. These are called truss bridges. Triangles are structurally the strongest shape because they allow weight to be evenly spread throughout a structure, allowing it to support heavy loads.

What is the strongest part of a bridge? ›

With the bridge#s designs researched and tested, it was determined that the truss is the strongest bridge, with arch the second, and span/beam dramatically weaker than the other two.

What is the strongest type of bridge design? ›

Even though the truss bridge design has been around for literally centuries it is widely regarded as the strongest type of bridge.

What is the most important part of the design process when designing a bridge? ›

One of the most important steps in the design process is to understand the problem. Otherwise, the hard work of the design might turn out to be a waste.

What factors can cause a bridge to fail? ›

Design error, construction mistakes, hydraulic, collision and overload are the top 5 leading causes of bridge failures. It is critical for bridges to have sufficient redundancy and capacity protection measures to reduce the probability of bridge failure due to extreme loads.

What is needed to make a bridge strong? ›

The long string of triangles that you see in a bridge is called a truss. Trusses help a bridge spread out the weight that it has to carry.

What is the functional requirements of a bridge? ›

The specific functional requirements and constraints of bridge designs include clearance and construction schedule. The most important additional design objectives are: structural safety, serviceability, economy, and elegance.

How do engineers decide what bridge to build? ›

Engineers consider several factors when deciding on bridge designs, including location (cold climates) and the different kinds of loads it will carry – people, cars, trucks, or trains. Engineers also consider the distance the bridge must span.

What are the key structural components of bridge construction? ›

Components Parts of a Bridge – Concrete and Steel Bridges Parts and Details
  • Piers.
  • Abutments.
  • Wing Walls and Returns.
  • Parapets and Handrails/ Guard Rails or Curbs.
  • Foundation of Bridges.
Sep 5, 2017

What is extremely important when building a bridge? ›

Durability, long life are most important characteristics of a bridge.

What is the most common bridge design? ›

Beam Bridges

The most popular bridge in existence is the multiple beam bridge. Most span approximately 40-100 feet and consist of steel or prestressed concrete beams that are supported by abutments or piers. The beams can have a variety of shapes such as I-sections, T-sections, or box sections.

What is the purpose of a bridge? ›

Bridges have a special place in transportation infrastructure due its direct relationship with other places. These structures have the purpose to carry on the traffic loads of the highway, crossing any obstacle and perform an effective communication between two destinations.

How do you design a bridge structure? ›

For designing safe bridge structures, the engineering design process includes the following steps: 1) developing a complete understanding of the problem, 2) determining potential bridge loads, 3) combining these loads to determine the highest potential load, and 4) computing mathematical relationships to determine the ...

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.