Demeter (2024)

Demeter is a main female character in the Olympus Guardian series and a supporting character in the Olympus Guardian movie.


  • 1 In Greek Mythology
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Synopsis
    • 3.1 The Gods of Olympus
    • 3.2 Pandora's Box
    • 3.3 Athena and Arachne
    • 3.4 Cadmus and the Dragon
    • 3.5 Orpheus and Eurydice
    • 3.6 The Love of Hades
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 Gallery

In Greek Mythology[]

Demeter is the second born child of Cronus, Titan God of the Harvest and his sister-wife Rhea, the Titan Goddess of the fertility of the earth, women, generation and motherhood. Demeter and her older sister, Hestia right after their births, were swallowed by Cronus, due to Cronus worrying that one of his kids would overpower him and take his place. The sisters were joined by their younger siblings, Hera, Poseidon and Hades. The five as immortals fully grew inside of their father's stomach. Their youngest brother Zeus, was given birth to in secret and passed to the Nymphs of Crete to be raised in safety on Crete. Rhea tricked Cronus into swallowing a rock instead of their youngest son.

Many years later the siblings were set free from their father's stomach, due to Cronus drinking a special concoction created by Metis, which caused him to vomit his children up, leading them to unit with their youngest brother, Zeus. The six escaped Cronus, triggering the Titan Wars, where Cronus and his allies, fought against his own children and their allies, to win ultimate power. The Olympians (Demeter and her siblings) ended up eventually winning the ten year war, and Cronus and his devotees were imprisoned in Tartarus.

Demeter is best known as one of the 12 Olympians, she was born with powers over vegetation, and is associated with agriculture, the harvest, fertility and sacred law. She is also considered to be an Earth and a Mother Goddess.

In the myths, she was a lover of Zeus, with whom she had Persephone, her favourite child, and also had children with Poseidon, Despoina and Arrion. She later married the Cretan Demi God of the Harvest, Carmanor and they had Euboulos , demi-god of ploughing, Khrysothemis , demi-goddess of the harvest-festival, and Akakallis "the Daffodil' together.


Demeter (1)

Demeter is a tall female deity with fair skin, wide green eyes and long blonde hair worn in an elegant updo. She wears leaves as a hair accessory, a green dress, with a soft green skirt and a dark green belt, she carries a white shawl and wears brown sandals.

In the manhwa, Demeter has pretty similar appearance.

Demeter (2)


The Gods of Olympus[]

Demeter (3)

Zeus created a concoction that will help him free his siblings from Kronos. He handed this to his mother, Rhea, who then poured into a cup and let Kronos drink it. Demeter first appeared after Kronos disgorged her along with her other siblings except Zeus. She first expressed her delight on feeling the air outside Kronos's stomach. She caught a sword when Zeus threw weapons to his siblings to use against Kronos. She and her sisters, however, didn't appear fighting against him.

Pandora's Box[]

After everything that Prometheus did, the gods decided to punish the humans. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create a beautiful and wise woman to bring destruction to the humans. He did and the gods blessed her with traits. Demeter blessed her with a mother's loving instinct.

Athena and Arachne[]

Demeter (4)

Athena and Poseidon were having an argument over who owns the village they were eyeing on. To settle this, Aphrodite suggested that each of the two should give a gift to the village andput it into a vote. The gift with the most votes wins. During the competition, Demeter can be seen raising a board with the olive tree on it alongside Persephone, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hestia. In the weaving competition, she, Athena, Aphrodite, Hera, Zeus, Artemis, and Hades were featured in Athena's work.

Cadmus and the Dragon[]

Zeus asked Hermes to call for only the male gods to discuss how to dispose of Cadmus who was looking for his abducted sister, Europa. However, for some unknown reason, the goddesses also came to the meeting. After Zeus told them the intention of the meeting, Demeter condemned his infidelity and swore to go against his plans along with the other goddesses. When Apollo turned off the light of the sun and Poseidon started casting violent waves against Cadmus, she raised some land beneath the sea to save Cadmus from the waves. The gods were astonished of this. She then laughs at them. After Cadmus met Europa again, the gods and goddesses involved started blackmailing Zeus. Demeter told him that she has to decorate her temple.

Orpheus and Eurydice[]

During the wine festival at Dionysus's temple, Demeter was one of the guests present and was watching the wine drinking contest with Psyche, Eros, and Dionysus. She then compliments that it was the best festival she's been in to which Psyche agrees. Dionysus thanks her for letting the humans have a big harvest. When Orpheus and Eurydice entered, she stated that even the vegetation was happy to see them. She later says that his music is the best and that he should be blessed for his talent as she raised a goblet of wine.

After Eurydice's death, Orpheus was playing a sad song by a dying tree. Demeter and Dionysus heard him. She remarked that his sadness is passed on through his music and all living things feel the same way. Her words were interrupted by Lovely, Eros' clone, who was curious on how to go down to the underworld to convince Hades to return Eurydice. Demeter doubts this but suggests that Orpheus would go down instead.

The Love of Hades[]

Demeter (5)

Demeter brings her daughter, Persephone to Olympus to show her to the other gods. Many of them tried to woo Persephone, making Aphrodite and her lover Ares quite jealous. Seeing Demeter watch Persephone as Apollo played for her, Aphrodite suggested that she should hide Persephone somewhere far from the "players."

After returning to get Persephone near a lake, Demeter discovered that her daughter was missing. She was alarmed but became angry after seeing one of Zeus's tracker bolts in the area. He then swore to Styx that he didn't take her and promised to help if any evidence about Persephone's whereabouts is uncovered. Demeter then decided to ask the plants and trees if they saw her daughter. However, none of them answered that they've seen her. Out of anger that none of the numerous trees and plants saw where her daughter went, all vegetation started wilting. This also affected Inachos's river. After noticing Demeter sitting by a dead tree, he gave her a tip that Hades kidnapped Persephone. She then went to Zeus and told him about this which led him to send Hermes to the underworld to take back Persephone.

When it was discovered that Persephone couldn't return because she ate four pomegranate seeds, Zeus tried to make a deal with Hades. The deal was letting each pomegranate seed she ate amount for a month's stay in the underworld. Demeter was fine with this but Hades declined it, causing Zeus to be angry. It made them worried that Hades might raise an army and turn his back on Olympus. Aphrodite suggested to just give Persephone away to Hades but Demeter angrily declines it. Hermes then suggested to take advantage of the vow Hades made to Persephone about taking her back. After finding a witness, Hades agreed with Zeus's deal and crowns Persephone as the queen of the underworld. Demeter was still against this pairing but Aphrodite gives up because she experienced the same with Eros, calming Demeter down and making some of the gods laugh.


  • In the mythology, Demeter is said to be a "cougar" because she usually has relationships with younger man compared to her age, typically Iasion.
  • Among Gaia's descendants, Demeter is the one who resembles her most in every aspect such as appearance, personality and power.


Demeter (6)

Demeter with her symbol

Demeter (7)

Demeter in ANIGANA website

Demeter (8)

Demeter with her hanbok style

Demeter (9)

Demeter with her daughter, Persephone.

Demeter (2024)


Demeter? ›

Demeter (Attic Greek: Δημήτηρ, Dēmḗtēr; Doric: Δαμάτηρ, Dāmā́tēr) is the goddess of the harvest and agriculture in ancient Greek religion and myth, one of the Twelve Olympians. The elder sister of Zeus, Demeter presided over grains and the fertility of the earth.

What is the goddess Demeter known for? ›

Demeter was the Ancient Greek goddess of the harvest. She was a very important goddess to Ancient Greek people, who farmed a lot of their food. Demeter had a kind and beautiful daughter, called Persephone, who she loved very much. Persephone, like her mum, loved nature.

Who are the husbands of Demeter? ›

Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, fertility, and the earth. She never married, but had two children by her brother, Zeus. She bore him a daughter, Persephone, and a son, Iacchus. She also had a love affair with Iasion, a Titan.

How did Zeus get Demeter pregnant? ›


ZEUS The king of the gods and Demeter mated in the form of intertwining serpents. From this union the goddess Persephone was born.

What is the Roman name for Demeter? ›

Demeter or Ceres

Demeter – and her Roman counterpart Ceres – was the goddess of agriculture and the harvest and is often depicted with crops such as barley and wheat, or a cornucopia of produce. Demeter also presided over the fertility of the earth and the natural cycle of life and death.

Why is Demeter so powerful? ›

Demeter was the goddess of agriculture and fertility, responsible for the growth of crops and the seasons. Her powers were closely tied to the earth and the natural world. She was also known for her strong maternal instincts, as evidenced by her quest to retrieve her daughter Persephone from the underworld.

What is the main symbol of Demeter? ›

Demeter is represented by three main symbols, which are usually visible in physical depictions of her: wheat ears, the winged serpent, and the Cornucopia. These images may also feature her being pulled by a chariot drawn by two serpents and holding torches.

Who was Demeter's lover? ›

In addition to Zeus, Demeter had a lover, Iasion (a Cretan), to whom she bore Plutus (Wealth; i.e., abundant produce of the soil).

Why does Demeter hate Hades? ›

Together the two goddesses went to Helios, the sun god, who witnessed everything that happened on earth thanks to his lofty position. Helios then revealed to Demeter that Hades had snatched a screaming Persephone to make her his wife with the permission of Zeus, the girl's father. Demeter then filled with anger.

Did Poseidon and Demeter have a child? ›

In the myth, Poseidon saw Demeter and desired her. To avoid him, she took her archaic form of a mare, but he took the form of a stallion and mated with her. From this union Demeter bore a daughter, Despoina, and a fabulous horse, Arion.

Who got Persephone pregnant? ›

Astraeus warns her that Persephone will be ravished and impregnated by a serpent. Demeter then hides Persephone in a cave; but Zeus, in the form of a serpent, enters the cave and rapes Persephone. Persephone becomes pregnant and gives birth to Zagreus.

Did Persephone and Hades have a child? ›

Persephone subsequently gave birth to a son, named Zagreus or Dionysos. She lived at mount Nysa until Hades brought her forcibly to the Underworld and married her. Most sources state that Hades and Persephone never had children.

Did Zeus marry his sister? ›

Hḗrā; Ἥρη, Hḗrē in Ionic and Homeric Greek) is the goddess of marriage, women, and family, and the protector of women during childbirth. In Greek mythology, she is queen of the twelve Olympians and Mount Olympus, sister and wife of Zeus, and daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea.

Why did Hades kidnap Persephone? ›

Persephone was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Persephone was picking flowers one day when Hades saw her. He was so captivated by her beauty that he took her by force to the underworld. Demeter, goddess of the harvest and fertility searched for her daughter when Persephone went missing.

Did Persephone love Hades? ›

After she was tricked into eating a pomegranate seed, she was bound to the Underworld for half the year and lived above with her mother the other half. Yet he showered her with gifts, love and praise, and after a while, she found she began to like Hades.

Is Demeter a guy or a girl? ›

Demeter is often depicted in art as a mature woman, and her myths illustrate her as a maternal and generous goddess. Her attributes are a plentiful cornucopia, sheaves of wheat, and a torch.

What special powers does Demeter have? ›

Demeter is the goddess of the Earth and Harvest. She has the ability to transform things into plants, and the ability to manipulate plants, and the Earth and Weather Manipulation; the power to psionicly control the weather in a wide range of distances.

Who is the Greek god of beauty? ›

Aphrodite (/ˌæfrəˈdaɪtiː/, AF-rə-DY-tee) is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation, and as her syncretized Roman goddess counterpart Venus, desire, sex, fertility, prosperity, and victory.

Why is Demeter a hero? ›

Type of Hero

Demeter helped her siblings in the Titanomachy, the war between the gods and Titans for control of the world. Once the gods defeated their Titan forebears Demeter was established as the new earth mother and maintained temperate climates for plant life and by extension farming.

How does Demeter claim her children? ›

Children of Hephaestus are claimed with a red fiery hammer over their heads. Children of Aphrodite are claimed with a glowing pink aura. Children of Demeter are claimed with sickles and wheat appearing over their head.

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.