Dichotomy - Poem Analysis (2024)

A dichotomy is a literary technique that separates two things into contrasting and contradictory parts. These two opposing sides or groups complement one another while at the same time drawing attention to one another’s differences. This is a great way, and a fairly simple way, for writers to create conflict in their narratives. Without conflict, of one kind or another, stories fall flat. This might be a conflict between humankind and nature, human versus human, human versus society, or one of the several other forms. The most common type of dichotomy in literature is good and evil. One character or group will exhibit opposite character traits to the other character or group. They are necessarily opposed to one another.

Dichotomy pronunciation: die-CAHT-oh-me

Dichotomy - Poem Analysis (1)

Explore Dichotomy

  • 1 Definition and Explanation of Dichotomy
  • 2 Examples of Dichotomy in Literature
  • 3 Why Do Writers Use Dichotomy?
  • 4 Dichotomy Synonyms
  • 5 Related Literary Devices
  • 6 Other Resources

Definition and Explanation of Dichotomy

A dichotomy emphasizes the differences between characters, groups, ideas, states of being, and more. It can be quite obvious, such as rich or poor, or it might be less easy to spot, like religious and non-religious. Some other common examples of dichotomies in literature are heaven and hell (related to good and evil), male and female, real and imaginary, and optimistic and pessimistic. Although these are the most common types of dichotomies, they only represent broad categories. There are endless possible conflicts a writer could imbue their story with, some of which are quite different from those listed here.

Examples of Dichotomy in Literature

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

There are several interesting dichotomies in Heart of Darkness. These include perceived savagery versus civilization, light versus dark, and more. The first of these is the most important as it is around the difference between the “civilized” imperialistic powers and the native peoples that they’re attempting to oppress and control, that the novel hinges. It becomes clearer the farther along with one move in the story that what was initially perceived as civilized is actually quite different. This novella provides readers with great insight into the way that dichotomies can be used to create a powerful message.

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens tells the story of two cities during the French Revolution, Paris, and London. These two settings create an initial, clear dichotomy that is added onto as the places are compared and contrasted. Here are a few lines from the opening of the novel that set the tone for what’s to come:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair […]

This passage continues one for a few more lines, with the novel finally coming to the rest of the most important dichotomies of rich and poor, and light and dark. The darker elements of the novel are connected to the rich while the poor are portrayed as the heroes of the story, trying to tear down an old world to build a new one.

Beowulf by Anonymous

The most famous of the few remaining pieces of Anglo-Saxon literature is Beowulf, the story of good versus evil. Beowulf, a brave and daring hero, faces off against three monsters, focusing on Grendel, a descendent of Cain. The writer created a dichotomy by depicting the two quite differently. Grendel is pure evil, killing for personal gain and selfish reasons why Beowulf has all the character traits of a hero. He fights for the common good, in order to help others, and exhibits bravery and a strong moral compass.

In addition to the clear dichotomy between Grendel and Beowulf, there are also examples in which the technique is used in regard to imagery. For instance, light and dark. Grendel only attacks the mead hall at night where he can move in the cover of darkness.

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

The Color Purple is another wonderful example of how dichotomies can be used to the writer’s, and reader’s, advantage. The protagonist of the novel, Celie, struggles with a dichotomy between how she feels and how she has to act to survive as a Black woman in a white society ruled by men. On the outside, she has to display a passiveness that’s expected of a woman in her world while on the inside she’s filled with anger. She has to deal with a lifetime of abuse, of all kinds, while trying to survive in her modern world, raise her children, and figure out how to deal with her faith.

Why Do Writers Use Dichotomy?

Writers use dichotomies to present contrasts between ways of living, thinking, and acting. These help writers create conflicts in their stories, whether it’s an internal conflict, such as in The Color Purple, or a more obvious external conflict such as is depicted in Beowulf. When the good is emphasized by the bad, and vice versa, each element becomes clearer. It’s impossible to ignore Beowulf’s heroism when it is contrasted with Grendel’s darkness.

Dichotomy Synonyms

Juxtaposition, two-sided, opposites, separation, chasm, difference, disjunction, contrast, division, contradiction, split.

Related Literary Devices

  • Juxtaposition: a literary technique that places two unlike things next to one another.
  • Imagery: the elements of a poem that engage a reader’s senses. These are the important sights, sounds, feelings, and smells.
  • Conflict: a plot device used by writers when two opposing sides come up against each other.
  • Antagonist: a character who is considered to be the rival of the protagonist.
  • Protagonist: the main character of a story, generally considered to be the hero or the force for good.
  • Hyperbole: an intentionally exaggerated description, comparison, or exclamation meant to make a specific impact on a reader.
  • Exposition: the important background information that a writer includes in a story.
  • Epic Poetry: a long narrative poem that tells the story of heroic deeds, normally accomplished by more-than-human characters.

Other Resources

I am an expert in literature with a deep understanding of various literary techniques and devices. My knowledge extends to a wide range of literary works, allowing me to analyze and explain the intricate elements that contribute to the effectiveness of storytelling. I have explored the nuances of dichotomy in literature, a compelling technique that involves the separation of contrasting and contradictory elements to create conflict and highlight differences.

Dichotomy, as a literary device, emphasizes the distinctions between characters, groups, ideas, states of being, and more. It plays a crucial role in storytelling by introducing conflicts that propel narratives forward. The evidence of this technique's prevalence can be found in numerous works of literature, and I can draw on specific examples to illustrate its application.

In Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness," for instance, the dichotomy between perceived savagery and civilization, light and dark, serves as a powerful lens through which the narrative unfolds. The contrast between the "civilized" imperialistic powers and the native peoples they seek to oppress creates a compelling dynamic that shapes the story.

Charles Dickens, in "A Tale of Two Cities," employs dichotomy to vividly portray the disparities between Paris and London during the French Revolution. The opening lines of the novel establish a clear dichotomy, setting the tone for the exploration of opposing forces such as wisdom and foolishness, light and darkness, and rich and poor.

The Anglo-Saxon epic "Beowulf" showcases a dichotomy between good and evil. The protagonist, Beowulf, embodies heroic traits and fights for the common good, while the antagonist, Grendel, represents pure evil. This clear distinction between the characters contributes to the narrative's impact.

In Alice Walker's "The Color Purple," the protagonist Celie grapples with a dichotomy between societal expectations and her internal emotions. This conflict adds depth to the character, highlighting the tension between appearance and reality.

Writers utilize dichotomies to present contrasts in ways of living, thinking, and acting. Whether it's an internal conflict, as seen in "The Color Purple," or an external conflict, as depicted in "Beowulf," the juxtaposition of opposing elements serves to enhance the narrative. By emphasizing the good against the bad and vice versa, writers make each element clearer, creating a dynamic tension that captivates readers.

Dichotomy synonyms include juxtaposition, two-sided, opposites, separation, chasm, difference, disjunction, contrast, division, contradiction, and split. Additionally, related literary devices such as juxtaposition, imagery, conflict, antagonist, protagonist, hyperbole, exposition, and epic poetry contribute to the richness of storytelling.

For further exploration of dichotomy, one can refer to additional resources such as watching discussions on dichotomy in specific works like "Breaking Bad" or listening to discussions on the meaning and examples of dichotomy. These resources provide valuable insights into the diverse applications of this literary technique across different mediums.

Dichotomy - Poem Analysis (2024)
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