Difference between Batch Processing and Real Time Processing System - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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    Prerequisite – Types of Operating Systems 1. Batch Processing : Batch Processing system is an efficient way of processing large volumes of data. where a group of transactions is collected over a period of time. Data is collected, entered, processed and then the batch results are produced. The main function of a batch processing system is to automatically keep executing the jobs in a batch. This is the important task of a batch processing system i.e. performed by the ‘Batch Monitor’ resided in the low end of main memory. 2. Real Time Processing : Real Time Processing systems are very fast and quick respondent systems. These systems are used in an environment where a large number of events (generally external) must be accepted and processed in a short time. Real time processing requires quick transaction and characterized by supplying immediate response. For example, defense application systems like as RADAR, etc.
    Following are the differences between Batch processing system and Real Time Processing System.

    SR.NO.Batch Processing SystemReal Time Processing System
    1In batch processing processor only needs to busy when work is assigned to it.In real time processing processor needs to very responsive and active all the time.
    2Jobs with similar requirements are batched together and run through the computer as a group.In this system, events mostly external to computer system are accepted and processed within certain deadlines.
    3Completion time is not critical in batch processing.Time to complete the task is very critical in real-time
    4It provides most economical and simplest processing method for business applications.Complex and costly processing requires unique hardware and software to handle complex operating system programs.
    5Normal computer specification can also work with batch processing.Real-time processing needs high computer architecture and high hardware specification.
    6In this processing there is no time limit.It has to handle a process within the specified time limit otherwise the system fails.
    7It is measurement oriented.It is action or event oriented.
    8In this system sorting is performed before processing.No sorting is required.
    9In this system data is collected for defined period of time and is processed in batches.Supports random data input at random time.
    10Examples of batch processing are transactions of credit cards, generation of bills, processing of input and output in the operating system etc.Examples of real-time processing are bank ATM transactions, customer services, radar system, weather forecasts, temperature measurement etc.
    11Process large volumes of data in batches, typically overnight or on a schedule.Process data as it arrives, in real-time or near-real-time.
    12Higher latency, as data is processed in batches after a delay.Lower latency, as data is processed immediately or with minimal delay.
    13Lower cost per unit of data, as processing is done in batches.Higher cost per unit of data, as processing must be done in real-time or near-real-time.
    14Ideal for tasks such as nightly data backups, report generation, and large-scale data analysis.Ideal for tasks such as fraud detection, sensor data analysis, and real-time monitoring.

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    Last Updated : 05 May, 2023

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    Difference between Batch Processing and Real Time Processing System - GeeksforGeeks (2024)
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