Different Ways to contact the Facebook ( Meta ) support via email - (2024)

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30 Gennaio 2022 admin

Different Ways to contact the Facebook ( Meta ) support via email - (1)

If you stumbled upon this page is maybe because you have had any issue with facebook and you need to contact the support.
yes, it is very tricky to get in touch with them.

I will list here the email address I know to get in touch with them :

  • support@fb.com – This is the most general, basic support email. You can contact this email with any issue, but you should make your message as clear and detailed as possible so they can easily figure out where you need to be directed for help.
  • disabled@fb.com – You can use this email to contact Facebook to try to recover disabled or hacked accounts, if you need to reset your password, or if you’re having problems accessing a page.
  • appeals@fb.com – This email can be used to appeal any suspended accounts or blocked/removed content.
  • platformcs@support.facebook.com – You can use this email address to contact Facebook about any financial questions or concerns related to any of your Facebook accounts.
  • abuse@fb.com – You can use this email to report anything on Facebook that goes against the Facebook Community Standards.

i really hope this email will be helpful for y’all!!

EDIT : I have created also this article with some news worth to watch!! https://www.franckreporter.com/?p=4822

Tags: account facebook bloccato, assistenza facebook, come contattare assistenza facebook, come contattare facebook, facebook assistence, facebook email, fb email, how to contact facebook, profilo facebook bloccato, richiedere assistenza facebook

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  1. Please help someone has hacked my account and set up two party authorization I have changed my password but I have no access to the six digit code.

    1. Hi!
      The same exact thing has happened to me, have you managed to get your account back or is there no hope?

    2. Hi, I have also the same issue. Due to a factory reset, i cannot reach the correct authenticator code. I have tried in many ways to reach the Instagram support, or replied to securitty@instagram.com after the support token but they don’t reply. Have you already solved this matter?

      1. maybe with a “t” less on security

  2. I need to file another appeal my reference number is FB-GMQF659y. I don’t understand why you people don’t have an actual email that I can actually send to one person any person as long as it’s a human being. I don’t like the way this appeals thing is all set up on 7722 I got six six days no posting or comments on 7722 I couldn’t take part in group for 29 days and 7722 my group post will be moved to the lower feed for 29 days which makes zero sense because why would you put my comments on the lower feed when I’m not even going to be able to get on there and also I want a badge and I get that also for a month to post wherever but you guys are having me off for a month. Do you think this is actually fair?. Thank you, Jackie Rasmussen. 734-799-7057 also about my appeal, I want to be sure that the people the guy who said this to me which was how about straining the corn out of my sh*t with your teeth but Jimmy Gus Gustav and Kevin Patrick piercing said you at least swallow, now honestly do you expect me to put up with it and have no response? I refuse to be talked to that way with no response at all I got immediately cut off and that was unfair did you people cut them off? No you did not because they were still on there I can’t talk after them and they were still there so I don’t understand this.

  3. All the email address you provided are useless. They do not respond to my request to unlock my account. They are very stubborn.

    1. Maybe is time to boycott everything that comes from Meta.Period

      1. eheh if only would be possible

  4. Good morning ..I need to report my instagram website site sdelic222 not working for couple days ..Hope that somebody can help me with this problem
    Best regards

  5. FB suspended my account for what they say was a post that does not meet their policy standards. But didn’t identify the post. I can’t reach FB on any level as I keep getting a notice that I can’t post anything for 24 hrs. At the same time I started receiving emails from Meta Business stating my ad was approved. Then an email that is a bill for hundreds of dollars. It’s not my account don’t have account with Meta ND never have. I believe I have been hacked and need some help.please

    1. Same with me. They’re not clear. I’ve been restricted twice with three days this month. How lame

      1. this is ridicolous, why they restricted you ?

        1. My Facebook was hack 9/21/22 by duduewa@lookout.com from Chicago ILL
          He change email address and password. when I use my phone it goes to. I am locked and have tried everything I can. If his email not on my Facebook I could change my world . Can you call my number or send me an email how recover my facebook

    2. Did you they resolved your issue? because I’m having the same problem

  6. I haven’t been able too log in to my fb for over 30 days please fix my fb

  7. support email bounces back your emails and no other option to contact anyone

  8. Dear Facebook Team,

    Recently My facebook account has been locked. And when I want to unlock it, then want My Government issued card but I didn’t this. Please give me the Code option (Get code by email or phone number).

    Please give me Get Code option.

    Name:Chad Ar Phar


    To your regards

  9. My account hesh been loc and is not getting unlock bechos the ofision of lern more is coming plase of get is tarting so recoust you tube your check sistem and unlock my fasbook account.. name…kumar saheb. Email.. . kartikvai200@gmail.com. No.+918778937816

  10. My account hesh been loc and is not getting unlock bechos the ofision of lern more is coming plase of get is tarting so recoust you tube check your sistem and unlock my fasbook account… kumar saheb. kartikvai200@gmail.com…+918778937816

  11. Plsssss back may Facebook account

  12. Please Facebook unlock my account because has been lock for any reason please
    My email address is david.helena1997@gmail.com
    User name Dawid hth thank you for understanding And contact me as soon as possible

  13. Please to whom is concern my meta account have been suspended severely when I messenger someone then is suspended what is wrong I cannot take this anymore. See to it that it doesn’t occur again please .

    1. My Facebook has been hacked , I have been locked out and I now can’t get back into my account as the hacker changed my email and I couldn’t remember my password . I didn’t have the generator code set up so I set up a new acc and emailed over 4 times to fb to close my old acc and got everyone to report my old acc . This was to no avail as the hacker is trying to sell tickets fraudulently on the selling sites only and so it doesn’t seem he is doing anything wrong on my page , hence when they look into my old acc it looks normal so won’t close it , but I have got pics to prove he’s trying to sell the tickets but where do you send them to ???? . I’ve even emailed the ceo of the company but not heard back .
      Today the hacker has stole my new acc picture and made another acc to try again to sell tickets with my face attatched so I now have 3 accounts. I just want them closed down so he’s stopped .
      You can’t actually get in touch with anyone and you round in circles trying to contact someone who can help . I can’t shut down my old account as I can’t get into it
      Someone please help !!!!

  14. Hi, my face has been hacked and the hacker changed facebook name from Xolile Mkuhlana to Md Esan Ahmed, email and contact number. I now can’t access it. I have sent numerous emails to your support centre without any luck. I asked friends to report the account but till this day the guy still using that account and apparently facebook sees nothing wrong with that account although my pictures are all over the account, and I’m from South Africa I am an African the hacker is from Bangladesh he’s not African. We have been reporting the account but the not doing anything.

  15. My account has been hacked and I need my account back with a code generator

  16. My facebook account locked due to unusual activity and after locking confirm your identity is coming but i don’t have any valid identity proof. So please give me any other option through which we can unlock my account.
    My facebook account details:-
    Full name:- bleron berishaa
    Email:- luisengjelli42@gmail.com
    Phone number:- NA

  17. My account was permanently disabled and they gave me no reason as to why. I’m having an EXTREMELY difficult time getting in contact with Facebook’s support team. I’m also not receiving ANY replies to my emails. It’s so frustrating because I’ve had that account since middle school. There’s friends and photos on that account that can never be replaced. I just want my account back please!!!!

    1. Also my phone number is 817-723-6501 and my email is urkayeisley@yahoo.com

  18. I’m in need of help. My account was hacked and while I have been able to change the password I am not receiving the text code to my phone to authenticate my account. My personnel page is how I get access to my business account facebook.com/brokershawaii. If you don’t want to give me back my personnel page please give my husband acces to admin our business page. His name is Neal Genge. WE can submit ID’s and you can see our picture on the business page. Someone please help us. We will even pay some money to get our account back.

  19. My Facebook account has been locked please unlock my Facebook account.there are email and phone number are added to my account.please send a code to my gmail or phone number.

  20. You should understand that there were many old people in Facebook who don’t care to have password because they often forgot.often they don’t log out.who cares nobody will hack us.it appears that you are the one who hackef.pls open up my accounts.i did nothing.

  21. And now,I can’t create a new one.why?

    1. did u try to change your IP address ? maybe they banned you

  22. MY ACCOUNT HACK PLEASE RECOVAR my fasbook nambar86978
    51101 PASSORD tonmoymondal
    Tanmoy Mondal my account name

  23. plz meta help me.. for my instagram id was locked

  24. please meta help me.. for my instagram id was locked

  25. I can’t get generator code
    Before i did not add my mobile number
    I will attach lot off documents they said note clear
    All people notification i will get va email
    But i can’t open
    Pls help

  26. posted my anniversary pictures and was kicked off for child exploitation? Who is running this stuff? I get hacked regularly, nothing is done for that… but Im blocked with anniversary pictures? Madness.

  27. Instagram not working

    1. sometimes it is better to switch to another kind of connection or check if there is a worldwide glitch

  28. Failled to restore and clean history and serval restor

  29. “Instagram” failed to start serval times. Restore by clearing it’s history?

    I have caught clear

    1. sometimes it is better just to re install or update the app

  30. Please help. My business account was hacked and asked me to verify. When I did someone started posting horrible pictures on my account. I have tried emailing every email possible. Left messages with no response.

  31. I believe I was hacked on my fb bc it’s saying I used vulgar language and I don’t use any bad things. I was knocked of or permanently it was closed. I was at work yesterday when I believe all this happened and when I’m working 12 hour shifts I cannot be on my phone. I have to lock it up in a office safe everyone does. I take care of the elderly and don’t have time to be on my phone for anything. If a regency arises My family has to call direct to the office and they get me the message. I have had issues in the past where I was hacked bc they used bad words on my fb . Please contact me asap. Bc I didn’t do this.
    Thank you Debbie Bickel

  32. Hello, my facebook account has been hacked. The burglar who killed my account shared some very ugly photos on my wall. The account has been blocked. I had to report the matter to the Police. In the e-mail I received with a link to cancel the suspension, unfortunately the link does not work and I cannot appeal. Help, what can I do to restore my FB account? I wrote emails but no reply.

    1. for sure you have to report it to the police enforcement

  33. My Facebook was hacked and they changed my email and password so I no longer have access to it, I made a new Facebook and it had been working fine I had to change my password in all, well now on my new Facebook my messenger isn’t working I can make calls but can’t send messages, I receive messages also. Can you help me resolve this problem I don’t know what has happened, I haven’t accepted any random request or talk to hardly anyone to be Hacked, do I need to change my email being that they have my email, they don’t have my new password? Please help me

  34. Hello! Recently my account has been temporary locked saying that there was detected suspicious activity. I’ve tried getting the confirmation code via email but I never got it. I searched on the help center and it said that i should go trough Facebook verification which I did but I still did not get the email. I’ve also tried reaching out to them but no response. Could anyone help me?

    1. did you click on any particular link before you get hacked ?

      1. i did but it was a safe site and did nut get hacked. they just locked my account and i don t get the email. it s not only this email. i ve tried a lot of times changing my password but again i did not get the email. i tought i maybe blocked them or something but the gmail blocklist is empty.

        1. and did u have the 2 factors authentications ON ?

  35. no i didn t but the problem isn t really the account right now cause it s locked. the problem is that i can t log back in it caus i don t get the email.

    1. of course they changed the email connected to your account..with no 2 factors authentication it is very easy to lose the account…so sad!!

      1. i see! thank you so much for your help!

  36. My account was disabled and no idea why. It wont let me appeal and it says I have 30 days to do so. I have emailed and emailed every email I can find and cant get nothing for anyone. I need help fixing this. This is for my business and it’s getting close the the holidays where small businesses thrive the best. Please help with this as soon as possible.

  37. My account was disabled and no idea why. It wont let me appeal and it says I have 30 days to do so. I have emailed and emailed every email I can find and cant get nothing for anyone. I need help fixing this. This is for my business and it’s getting close the the holidays where small businesses thrive the best. Please help with this as soon as possible.

    1. 30 days to appeal or 30 day of stop ?

      1. My FB was hacked n taken over by”Chris Coumo” and when I try to get in.. it wants a picture of my id.. when I send that.. they decline me cause my ID does not say Chris Coumo.. so how did Chris Coumo take over my account without proper I’d. so sick of scammers winning.. FB should be ashamed.. letting scammers take over n llocking out legit people…

        1. so they asked a pic of your id before you get hacked ? really ?

      2. Sir or ma’am my Facebook account has been disabled since Aug 01 . I wasn’t able to appeal after 30 days nor was able to rest my account after the 30 days disable. I sent my government ID to verify my identity, what must I do to restore my account back?

  38. Meta is not a good service ever why CEO Mark allowing this company, its better back to original system. We want the old Facebook system its easy to recover the account.

    1. eheh..not a single person take a decision in a multi billion dollar company

  39. I can’t access my Facebook page. There it shows that a code will come to my mail. But I don’t use this mail now. I can’t access that mail. I gave a mobile number for Facebook account recovery. A code was then sent and confirmed. Mobile number is +8801839115117 But now there is another mobile number shows.

    1. did you have the 2 factors authentication on ?

  40. Please I need help on my Facebook account was disable

    1. did you tried to contact them ? what they asked ?

  41. I need help on my disable Facebook account

    1. unfortunately i cannot do nothing directly

  42. Hello Dear
    facebook team
    My Facebook account has been locked.
    Im recover my Facebook account.
    Please sar give me email ore nambar option.
    I cannot able confirm my identi i provide my some details please verify it and provide me get a code by email or nambar option.
    Name; Md amir
    Email: backfreefirecall99@gmail.com
    Password : mdshawn098765
    Date of birth : 4/11/2007
    This is my very important my Facebook account.
    So i request you to kindly give me any others option to unlock this account.

    1. you wont resolve it writing here your data. try to protect it

  43. I just tried the first email address listed above for support because I think they have a tech glitch which is causing all of these disabled ad accounts over the past few days. I’m experiencing it too with one client. The email was kicked back though as undeliveerable.

    1. you have to try with advertising support chat

  44. Someone hacked my account all I got is the code but no code generator code I need help

    1. I can give you the code if you need it I need help

      1. you have to avoid to write your personal data here

  45. Please help me I mistakenly open new Facebook account with the same number and password with my old Facebook account notice can’t access my old account please help me I need my old account back.

    1. unfortunately i cannot help you

  46. Faisal, your account has been locked
    We’ve seen unusual activity on your account. This may mean that someone has used your account without your knowledge.

    Account locked on September 10, 2022
    To protect you, your profile is not visible to people on Facebook and you can’t use your account.
    What can I do?
    Try coming back on a phone or computer that you’ve used to log in to Facebook before.
    Plz send me a email verification option

  47. My private account was hacked a month ago. FB did not complete the verification despite sending the request. Earlier, I could not send the proof, because it redirected to the main page of the profile with the information that the request was sent. Now I can’t send it either, because 30 days have passed since the account was blocked. Help!

  48. I got suspended for 24 hours from posting. I challenged the suspension they replied by banning me from posting for 48 hours and lowering my post status for 9 days this was on September 15 2022 they said they might look at my concerns by October 1 but they do review all complaints. I thought my complaint was legitimate I was responding to DeSantis sending illegals to Martha’s Vineyard all I said was “send many many many more over run them like they have allowed border towns to be over run” I was not inciting violence or anything else I was expressing out rage how the southern states are over run and it is time the elites get a small taste of what’s truly happening. They call themselves sanctuary states and cities but when people are sent there they cry foul. Any ways F F B and meta media

  49. I had an old account that got hacked into and what I mean by hacked it was hacked I lost it was hacked I lost everything I lost my email I couldn’t sign in with my password they won’t help me because there’s no one that will help you live and I am disabled 100% mentally

  50. someone hacked my facebook and i had to make new one with a new with new email and fb shut me down

  51. plese tell me how i can get facebook back after i was hacked

  52. i would love if facebook con contact me directly

    1. don’t think it is gonna happens

  53. Please my Facebook account has been disabled I want you people to please help me and restore my Facebook account my username is Christopher chiemela

    1. you have to stay in touch with fb support

      1. How? I send messages everyday. None of the emails work. Someone hacked in. I actually changed the password afterwards but I am blocked as a dangerous person and while I was at work some one was trying again to get in but no replies from Facebook.

  54. My email was remove from my account and I need to add it back

  55. Please my Facebook account cannot be access whenever i try logging into my account

  56. Hello,
    I was hacked, disabled and they somehow got into my email to get the codes. I only have 27 more days to restore my 20 years of building memories as well as my 2 business accounts that are linked. I tried to reach anyone at Facebook and Meta simply referred me to the useless help center. I reported this as a cyber attack but so far I have had no responses. What can I do please? How can I get
    a response?

  57. Someone has taken over my accounts. Changed the emails and passwords. I am locked out. Can’t get in to close or anything!! PLEASE HELP!!!

  58. my account lock pillage unlock

  59. Hi My FB was hacked on 22/9/2022. i have disagreed.

    Till now no action is taken. please help me . My fb is very important as my wats app also cannot use.

    Rita, you disagreed with the decision
    ON 24 SEPTEMBER 2022
    Check back here for the result.
    Your account is not visible to people on Facebook and you can’t use it.
    What happens next
    We’ll take another look at your account. We have fewer people available to review information due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This means that we may be unable to review your account.
    If we find that your account does follow our Community Standards, you’ll be able to use Facebook again.
    If we find that your account doesn’t follow our Community Standards, it will be permanently disabled, and you won’t be able to disagree again.

  60. Can you help me what I should do!! I got a message that my account was deactivated (both instagram and facebook) because I didn’t follow the standard restrictions. But I haven’t posted anything. What to do??

  61. My face book was be DuDuaw@lookout.com from Chicago IL jane

  62. Facebook locked how to unlock my account please help me

  63. My fb account blocked I don’t know why
    My account name not match with my govt. I’d proof bcoz I use here My nick name so my ID rejected again and again
    Can you provide code on my email

  64. Please help me someone hacked my account and set up two authorisation i have changed my password but i don’t have access to the six digits

  65. My personal account has been deactivated for 30 days for Username Ann Marie
    I have a business page that I had verified that was also up for deactivation. This is the second time my page has been deactivated without warning
    I believe this is hacking issue or a issue on facebook.
    My last personal
    Account Ann Lockhart was completely deactivated and my state ID rejected to prove my identity.

  66. I’m being punished for a word you said was hate but it was googled and has other meanings while Grown Folks and Kevin Gates Allowed to say profanity and show nude on their posts but I get restricted. SMH

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Different Ways to contact the Facebook ( Meta ) support via email - (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.