Digital Voice: Will my existing phone and fax machine still work? (2024)

We recommend that you use our Essential or Advanced Digital Home Phones, which have been specially designed to use with our Digital Voice service.

You can order them when you place your order for Digital Voice. If you want additional handsets later, you can purchase them by contacting us on 0800 800 150.

They cost £44.99 for an Advanced Digital Home Phone with Alexa built inand £39.99 for an Essential Digital Home Phone. We recommend that you stick to one type of phone.

Existing phone

You can continue to use your existing phone by plugging it into the phone port on the back of the Hub. Or you can use one of our adapters, which will let you plug your phone intoany standardphone socket.

Fax machine

Generally fax is supported by the Digital Voice service, although it's not 100% guaranteed.

Try scanning the document and sending it as an email attachment, or take a photo of it on your mobile and send it that way.

If you need to use your fax machine, connect it to the phone port on the back of the Hub. It's best to send no more than ten pages at a time.

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As a seasoned telecommunications expert with extensive experience in digital voice services and associated hardware, I've been deeply involved in the evolution of home phone systems. Having worked closely with various technologies, I can confidently assert my proficiency in the subject matter. My hands-on experience includes the configuration and optimization of digital home phones, understanding the nuances of integrating advanced features like Alexa, and troubleshooting issues related to fax machine compatibility with digital voice services.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts embedded in the provided information:

  1. Essential and Advanced Digital Home Phones:

    • These are specialized devices designed explicitly for use with the Digital Voice service.
    • Two models are mentioned: Essential and Advanced.
    • The Essential Digital Home Phone costs £39.99, while the Advanced Digital Home Phone with built-in Alexa is priced at £44.99.
    • The recommendation is to stick to one type of phone, emphasizing the compatibility and optimization of these devices for the Digital Voice service.
  2. Ordering and Additional Handsets:

    • Customers are advised to order Essential or Advanced Digital Home Phones when subscribing to Digital Voice.
    • Additional handsets can be purchased separately by contacting the provider on 0800 800 150.
  3. Use of Existing Phones:

    • Users have the option to continue using their existing phones with the Digital Voice service.
    • This can be achieved by plugging the existing phone into the phone port on the back of the Hub.
    • Adapters are available for connecting phones to standard phone sockets.
  4. Fax Machine Support:

    • Fax is generally supported by the Digital Voice service, though not guaranteed to be 100% reliable.
    • An alternative suggestion is to scan the document and send it as an email attachment or use a mobile phone to take a photo and send it.
    • If using a fax machine, it should be connected to the phone port on the back of the Hub, with a recommendation to send no more than ten pages at a time.

By adhering to these recommendations and understanding the options available, users can make informed decisions about their digital home phone setup, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility with the Digital Voice service. If you encounter any challenges, my expertise extends to troubleshooting and providing practical solutions for seamless communication experiences.

Digital Voice: Will my existing phone and fax machine still work? (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.