Diversified Portfolios 101: Unlocking the Potential of Investing in ETFs (2024)

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have evolved significantly since their inception, offering investors a range of strategies from passive to active management. Active ETFs, in particular, have become a game-changer in portfolio management, providing the potential for enhanced returns through concentrated bets and access to high-growth market segments. This article, 'Diversified Portfolios 101: Unlocking the Potential of Investing in ETFs,' delves into the world of active ETFs, exploring their role in modern portfolios, the mechanics of investing in them, and future trends that investors should watch.

Key Takeaways

  • Active ETFs enable investors to make concentrated investments, potentially leading to enhanced returns compared to passive strategies.
  • Innovations in ETFs have allowed for strategic diversification, including sector-specific and international exposure, through active management.
  • Understanding the management, liquidity, and fee structure of active ETFs is crucial for investors to navigate the investment landscape effectively.
  • Active ETFs are increasingly prevalent in high-growth areas such as emerging markets, thematic investing, and sustainable and impact investing.
  • The future of active ETFs looks promising with continuous innovation, offering investors new opportunities to tailor their investment strategies.

The Evolution of Exchange-Traded Funds: From Passive to Active Strategies

The Emergence of Active ETFs

As we delve into the world of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), we've witnessed a significant shift from traditional passive strategies to more dynamic active management. Active ETFs have become a cornerstone in achieving portfolio performance, offering strategic allocation in equity markets and the ability to adapt to ever-changing market dynamics. These funds are designed to capitalize on selective asset exposure and employ active strategies to pursue enhanced returns.

Active ETFs have been particularly effective in areas such as emerging markets and small-cap stocks, where active management can uncover high-potential opportunities that may be overlooked by passive index funds. Moreover, the rise of active ETFs has been fueled by their promise of lower costs, tax efficiencies, and the potential for better returns compared to traditional investment vehicles.

Active ETFs represent a new garden of investment opportunities, allowing investors to harness sector inefficiencies and leverage options for alpha generation.

Investment managers are increasingly recognizing the timeliness of active ETF strategies, with competition in the space heating up. As independent financial advisors at Finanz2Go, we guide expats in Germany on how to integrate these innovative investment tools into their portfolios, ensuring a diversified and responsive investment approach.

Comparative Analysis: Active vs. Passive ETFs

In our quest to guide clients towards maximizing their portfolios with ETFs, we at Finanz2Go have observed a pivotal trend: the rise of active ETFs alongside traditional passive ones. Active ETFs offer a dynamic approach to investing, where fund managers actively select securities, aiming to outperform the market. Passive ETFs, on the other hand, track a specific index and mirror its performance.

Active ETFs are not a monolith; they vary significantly in strategy and focus. Some seek to capitalize on market inefficiencies, while others may target specific sectors or themes. Passive ETFs provide a cost-effective, transparent, and tax-efficient way to gain market exposure, but they are bound by the indices they track, limiting their flexibility.

We emphasize the importance of a risk-reward balance and the inclusion of sector-specific ETFs for potentially enhanced returns.

When considering active versus passive ETFs, investors should weigh several factors:

  • Management style: Active ETFs are managed by professionals who make investment decisions, while passive ETFs follow an index.
  • Cost: Active ETFs typically have higher fees due to active management, whereas passive ETFs are more cost-efficient.
  • Performance: Active ETFs aim to beat the market, but not all succeed; passive ETFs seek to replicate market performance.
  • Tax efficiency: Both types of ETFs offer tax advantages, but the trading activity in active ETFs can lead to more frequent capital gains distributions.

By understanding these distinctions, investors can make informed decisions that align with their investment goals and risk tolerance.

The Role of Active ETFs in Modern Portfolio Theory

In our practice at Finanz2Go, we've observed a significant shift in the investment landscape, one that aligns with the principles of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT). Active ETFs have become a cornerstone in the construction of diversified portfolios, offering a dynamic approach to asset allocation. Unlike their passive counterparts, active ETFs are managed with the intent to outperform the market, not just match it.

Active ETFs are redefining the application of MPT by providing investors with the tools to potentially enhance returns while still adhering to the diversification and risk management tenets of the theory. Here's how they fit into the MPT framework:

  • Risk Management: By actively managing holdings, ETFs can adapt to market changes, potentially reducing volatility.
  • Diversification: Active ETFs can offer exposure to a variety of asset classes, sectors, and strategies within a single investment.
  • Return Optimization: Managers of active ETFs seek to capitalize on market inefficiencies to generate alpha, or excess returns.
The integration of active ETFs into MPT is not just about chasing higher returns; it's about achieving a more responsive and tailored investment experience.

As we continue to navigate the evolving financial markets, the role of active ETFs in MPT will likely expand. Their ability to adapt to market conditions and investor needs positions them as a valuable component of a well-rounded investment strategy.

Strategic Portfolio Diversification with Active ETFs

Sector-Specific Active ETFs and Market Efficiency

In our quest to guide expatriates in Germany through the intricacies of ETF investing, we recognize the pivotal role of sector-specific active ETFs in achieving market efficiency. These instruments allow investors to capitalize on the expertise of seasoned fund managers who actively seek to exploit market inefficiencies within particular sectors. By focusing on specific industries, active ETFs can offer a strategic edge over traditional passive index funds.

Active ETFs are not just about outperforming the market; they're about finding the right balance between risk and return. As we delve into our ETF investing guide, we emphasize the importance of diversification, risk assessment, and strategic planning. It's crucial to align ETF selection with individual goals, avoid the temptation to chase past performance, and consider the impact of expense ratios on returns.

We advise our clients to carefully select their brokers and explore the various ETF options available, ensuring that each decision aligns with their unique investment strategy.

In conclusion, sector-specific active ETFs are a testament to the evolving landscape of investment opportunities. They serve as a beacon for investors seeking to navigate the complexities of the market while striving for enhanced returns.

International Exposure through Active ETFs

As we navigate the global investment landscape, we at Finanz2Go recognize the importance of international diversification. Active ETFs offer a dynamic approach to accessing global markets, allowing investors to capitalize on opportunities beyond their domestic borders. With active management, these ETFs can adapt to changing market conditions, providing a strategic edge in international investing.

For those wondering how to invest in Germany, active ETFs present a viable option. They enable exposure to European markets, including German equities, without the need for intricate knowledge of local markets. Here's a brief overview of the benefits:

  • Tailored Exposure: Active ETFs can target specific sectors or themes within the international arena.
  • Professional Management: Leveraging the expertise of seasoned fund managers.
  • Flexibility: Ability to quickly adjust holdings in response to market shifts.
Finanz2Go offers investment planning with structured portfolios, optimal cost structure, and holistic strategies. Independent financial advice in Germany. Book an appointment for personalized solutions.

It's essential to consider the role of active ETFs within a diversified portfolio. They can serve as a tool for risk management and potential return enhancement when integrated thoughtfully. As independent financial advisors, we are committed to guiding our clients through the intricacies of international investing with a focus on active ETFs.

Incorporating Active ETFs in a Balanced Portfolio

In our practice at Finanz2Go, we've observed that a balanced portfolio is not just a matter of asset allocation, but also the strategic use of investment vehicles. Active ETFs offer a dynamic approach to portfolio management, allowing for tactical adjustments in response to market conditions. By incorporating active ETFs, investors can benefit from the expertise of seasoned fund managers who actively seek to outperform the market.

Active ETFs can serve as a complement to passive investments, providing a balance between the pursuit of higher returns and the management of risk. Here's how we recommend integrating active ETFs into a diversified portfolio:

  • Identify your investment goals and risk tolerance.
  • Allocate a portion of your portfolio to active ETFs, focusing on areas where active management has the potential to add value, such as fixed income or specific market sectors.
  • Continuously monitor and rebalance your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your investment objectives and market dynamics.
It's essential to maintain a diversified investment plan that leverages the strengths of both active and passive strategies. Active ETFs can play a pivotal role in achieving this balance, enhancing the potential for improved portfolio performance.

Remember, the key to a successful investment strategy is not just diversification, but also the appropriate use of each investment tool at your disposal. Active ETFs, with their ability to adapt and capitalize on market inefficiencies, are an invaluable asset in this regard.

The Mechanics of Active ETF Investing

Understanding Active ETF Management

As we delve into the world of Investing in ETFs, it's crucial to understand the nuances of active ETF management. Unlike their passive counterparts, active ETFs are managed by dedicated professionals who strive to outperform the market. Diversification is key in sustainable portfolios, and active ETFs offer a dynamic approach to achieving this. They allow for tactical asset allocation, geographic and sector diversification, which are essential for a consistent journey to investment goals.

Active ETF management involves a hands-on approach, where fund managers make regular investment decisions based on market analysis, economic forecasts, and company performance. This proactive strategy can be particularly advantageous during volatile market conditions, as managers can quickly adapt to changing scenarios.

Active ETFs provide investors with the opportunity to capitalize on short-term market movements while maintaining a focus on long-term investment strategies.

To illustrate the active management process, consider the following steps:

  1. Market Research: Fund managers conduct in-depth market research to identify potential investment opportunities.
  2. Portfolio Construction: Based on the research, managers build a diversified portfolio that aligns with the fund's investment objectives.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: The portfolio is regularly monitored and adjusted in response to market developments.
  4. Risk Management: Managers implement strategies to mitigate risk and protect the portfolio's value.

Assessing the True Liquidity of Active ETFs

When we at Finanz2Go consider adding active ETFs to our clients' portfolios, we pay close attention to the liquidity of these funds. Liquidity is paramount when it comes to active ETFs, as it affects the ease with which these funds can be bought or sold in the market without impacting their price significantly. Unlike their passive counterparts, active ETFs may not always mirror an index, which can lead to discrepancies in trading volumes and bid-ask spreads.

To accurately assess liquidity, we look beyond the average daily trading volume. We examine the underlying assets' liquidity, the market participants, and the creation/redemption process of ETF shares. Here's a simplified checklist we use:

  • Review the average daily volume and trading activity.
  • Analyze the bid-ask spread over a period to gauge market depth.
  • Investigate the liquidity of the underlying assets.
  • Understand the fund's creation/redemption mechanism and its impact on liquidity.
By focusing on these factors, we ensure that the active ETFs we recommend are not only aligned with our clients' investment strategies but also maintain the flexibility required for effective portfolio management.

In the end, our goal is to provide personalized investment strategies that cater to individual goals and market dynamics, ensuring long-term growth and risk mitigation through asset allocation and diversification.

Navigating ETF Fees and Distributions

When we guide our clients through the intricacies of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), a critical aspect we emphasize is the understanding of fees and distributions. Brokerage houses may charge a commission for ETF trades, which can be a significant expense over time. These fees are typically around $20 per trade, and while they may seem small on a per-transaction basis, they can accumulate to a substantial amount.

In addition to trade commissions, investors must be aware of management fees and distribution policies. Management fees, often referred to as the expense ratio, are charged by the fund manager for the operation of the fund. Distribution policies vary by ETF and can affect the timing and amount of returns investors receive.

It is essential for investors to review their monthly expenses and identify opportunities to reduce costs, including those associated with ETF investments.

To effectively manage these costs, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Compare the expense ratios and commission fees of various ETFs before investing.
  2. Consider the frequency of trades to minimize commission costs.
  3. Stay informed about the distribution schedules and tax implications of your ETF investments.

Active ETFs and the Pursuit of Enhanced Returns

Active ETFs in High-Growth Market Segments

In our pursuit of diversified portfolios, we've observed that Active ETFs dominate high-growth pockets of the market, particularly in large-cap growth stocks. These funds have shown a propensity for delivering exceptional returns, especially when other sectors have not performed as well. For instance, the T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth ETF (TCHP) saw a remarkable rise last year, indicative of the potential within active ETFs.

Active ETFs offer a strategic advantage by allowing investors to make concentrated bets in specific market segments. This can lead to enhanced returns, as active management capitalizes on sector inefficiencies and growth opportunities. It's important to note, however, that with the potential for higher returns comes increased risk, and active ETFs should be integrated thoughtfully within a balanced portfolio.

Active ETFs continue to gather assets at a fevered pace, driven by their lower costs, tax efficiencies, and the potential for better returns compared to traditional investment structures.

When considering active ETFs for high-growth segments, investors should weigh the benefits of concentration against the risks of reduced diversification. By doing so, one can strategically position their portfolio to potentially capitalize on the growth while managing exposure to volatility.

Dividend-Focused Active ETFs for Income Investors

In the current economic landscape, where rising inflation and interest rates challenge traditional income-generating investments, we at Finanz2Go recognize the importance of adapting strategies. Active high dividend ETFs have emerged as a compelling option for investors seeking to boost income during uncertain times. These funds leverage active management to construct portfolios that aim for optimal yield while being mindful of risk.

Dividend-focused active ETFs offer a unique angle by combining the benefits of ETFs with the discerning approach of active management. This synergy allows for a more dynamic response to market changes and the potential to tap into underexploited areas of the market. For instance, the Altrius Global Dividend ETF provides exposure to international dividend-paying stocks with a sustainability focus, exemplifying the innovative nature of these investment vehicles.

  • Sector-Specific Dividend ETFs: Target particular industry sectors.
  • Global Dividend ETFs: Offer international exposure and diversification.
  • Sustainable Dividend ETFs: Focus on companies with strong ESG practices.
By incorporating active ETFs into a balanced portfolio, investors can achieve a more nuanced approach to income generation, aligning with their risk tolerance and income versus returns preferences.

The landscape of dividend investing is evolving, with active ETFs at the forefront. As we navigate this terrain, it is crucial to stay informed and consider the diverse options available, such as the recently introduced active ETFs that provide fresh perspectives on dividend investing.

Thematic Active ETFs: Trends and Longevity

As we delve into the world of thematic active ETFs, we observe a landscape rich with opportunities for targeted investment strategies. Thematic ETFs have become a compelling choice for investors looking to capitalize on specific trends or sectors. At the end of December 2023, there were 288 thematic ETFs totaling $86.6 billion in assets under management (AUM), demonstrating a robust growth trajectory.

The allure of thematic ETFs lies in their ability to provide investors with focused exposure to emerging trends and industries. These funds are designed to capture the growth of niche markets, from technological innovations to social changes, offering a way to invest in the future. However, the question of longevity remains. Will these thematic investments stand the test of time, or are they merely a passing trend?

  • Market Trends: Thematic ETFs track the performance of a particular theme or trend.
  • Growth Potential: They offer the possibility of enhanced returns by investing in rapidly evolving sectors.
  • Diversification: While they provide targeted exposure, they can also contribute to portfolio diversification.
The key to success with thematic ETFs is not just in selecting the right theme, but also in timing the investment to align with market cycles and investor sentiment.

In conclusion, thematic active ETFs present an innovative way for investors to engage with the market. Their continued growth and the increasing assets under management suggest that they are more than just a fleeting phenomenon. As independent financial advisors, we at Finanz2Go recognize the potential of these instruments in crafting diversified portfolios that are responsive to both current trends and future possibilities.

Future Trends and Innovations in Active ETFs

The Rise of Thematic and Sector-Specific Active ETFs

As we navigate the evolving landscape of investment opportunities, we've witnessed a significant shift towards thematic and sector-specific active ETFs. These funds offer investors a way to capitalize on specific trends or sectors with the potential for higher returns. Thematic ETFs have surged in popularity, allowing for targeted investment in areas like technology, healthcare, or renewable energy.

Active ETFs have become a new garden of investment opportunities, providing a blend of expert management and sector specialization. For instance, funds that focus on high-growth market segments or those harnessing sector inefficiencies have shown to outperform their benchmarks. Below is a list of reasons why investors are increasingly drawn to these ETFs:

  • Access to niche markets
  • Potential for above-average returns
  • Flexibility to adapt to market changes
We believe that incorporating these ETFs into a diversified portfolio can offer a strategic advantage, enhancing the potential for both growth and stability.

It's important to note that while thematic and sector-specific ETFs can offer attractive growth prospects, they also come with a higher degree of risk. Therefore, we advocate for a balanced approach, considering both the potential rewards and risks associated with these investment vehicles.

Active ETFs in Emerging Markets and Small-Cap Investing

In our quest to demystify how to invest in stocks, we recognize the burgeoning potential of active ETFs in emerging markets and small-cap investing. Emerging markets offer a fertile ground for active management, where the ability to navigate the complexities of local economies can lead to outsized returns. Similarly, the obscurity of small-cap stocks makes them ripe for the discerning strategies of active ETFs, which can uncover undervalued companies poised for growth.

Active ETFs enable us to tap into these opportunities with a level of expertise and agility that is challenging to replicate as individual investors. Here's how we can integrate them into our portfolios:

  • Identify active ETFs with a proven track record in emerging markets or small-cap sectors.
  • Assess the management team's experience and their approach to selecting investments.
  • Allocate a portion of our portfolio to these active ETFs, balancing them with other diversified assets.
By incorporating active ETFs into our investment strategy, we not only aim to enhance returns but also add a layer of professional management to our portfolios. This approach aligns with our goal of teaching expats in Germany how to invest money effectively.

As we look to the future, we anticipate a continued rise in the sophistication and variety of active ETFs, especially in these dynamic segments of the market. The integration of such instruments is a testament to our commitment to providing comprehensive guidance on stock market investing.

The Integration of Active ETFs in Sustainable and Impact Investing

As we at Finanz2Go guide expatriates in Germany through the intricacies of investing, we recognize the growing importance of Sustainable Investing. Active ETFs have become pivotal in this realm, offering a dynamic approach to incorporating sustainability and impact considerations into investment portfolios. With the rise of ESG ETFs that apply sustainability filters, such as those listed on Börse Frankfurt, investors now have access to a diverse array of options to align their investments with their values.

The integration of active ETFs in sustainable and impact investing is not just about ethical alignment; it's also about financial prudence. Active management allows for the nimbleness required to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of sustainability criteria and regulatory changes. Here's a snapshot of the current market offerings:

  • As of 2022, 600 ETFs and 60 Active ETFs focus on sustainability.
  • The trend for sustainable ETFs is on the rise, indicating a robust market demand.
The strategic inclusion of active ETFs in a portfolio enhances the potential for targeted impact without compromising on returns.

While the market for sustainable active ETFs is burgeoning, we must remain vigilant in assessing the true impact and performance of these funds. It is essential to look beyond the labels and understand the underlying investment strategies to ensure they truly contribute to sustainable development goals.

As the investment landscape evolves, staying ahead with Active ETFs is crucial for savvy investors. Our latest article, 'Future Trends and Innovations in Active ETFs,' delves into the cutting-edge strategies that are shaping the market. Don't miss out on the insights that could redefine your portfolio. Visit our website to explore our holistic investment strategies, optimal cost structures, and innovative investment technology. Take the first step towards an optimally structured portfolio by booking an appointment with us today!


In the realm of investing, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have emerged as a versatile and potent tool for portfolio diversification and strategic asset allocation. The evolution of active ETFs has further enriched the investment landscape, offering opportunities to capitalize on market inefficiencies and sector-specific growth. As we have explored throughout this article, active ETFs are revolutionizing the way investors approach portfolio concentration, international equities, and thematic investing. They provide a balance between the traditional benefits of ETFs—such as lower costs, tax efficiencies, and liquidity—and the advantages of active management, including the potential for enhanced returns and access to niche markets. Whether seeking to bolster dividend income, invest in emerging markets, or navigate the complexities of fixed income securities, active ETFs present a compelling option for both novice and seasoned investors. As the financial markets continue to evolve, the strategic incorporation of active ETFs into a diversified portfolio could be a key to unlocking investment potential and achieving financial goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are active ETFs and how do they differ from passive ETFs?

Active ETFs are exchange-traded funds managed by portfolio managers who actively make investment decisions to outperform a benchmark index, whereas passive ETFs aim to replicate the performance of an index without frequent trading.

How can active ETFs contribute to a diversified portfolio?

Active ETFs can enhance portfolio diversification by allowing investors to make concentrated bets in specific sectors, themes, or international markets, potentially leading to enhanced returns.

What should investors understand about the liquidity of active ETFs?

Investors should assess the true liquidity of active ETFs by looking beyond trading volume and considering the liquidity of the underlying assets, as well as the creation and redemption process of the ETF shares.

What role do active ETFs play in dividend investing?

Active ETFs can play a significant role in dividend investing by selectively targeting companies with high dividend potential or stable income streams, providing investors with options for income generation.

How do active ETFs fit into the efficient market hypothesis?

Active ETFs challenge the efficient market hypothesis by seeking to exploit market inefficiencies through active management, aiming to achieve returns that surpass those of the broader market.

What are some future trends in active ETFs that investors should watch?

Future trends in active ETFs include the rise of thematic and sector-specific funds, increased focus on emerging markets and small-cap investing, and the integration of sustainable and impact investing strategies.

Diversified Portfolios 101: Unlocking the Potential of Investing in ETFs (2024)


Are ETFs a good way to diversify portfolio? ›

Both ETFs and mutual funds offer investors the benefit of diversification. Still, ETFs may be the better choice if you want to reduce costs or increase flexibility in your portfolio.

What is the 70 30 ETF strategy? ›

This investment strategy seeks total return through exposure to a diversified portfolio of primarily equity, and to a lesser extent, fixed income asset classes with a target allocation of 70% equities and 30% fixed income. Target allocations can vary +/-5%.

Should you have ETFs in your portfolio? ›

Using ETFs to cover the major market sectors, you can quickly and easily assemble a low-cost, broadly diversified index portfolio. With just two or three ETFs, you can create a portfolio that covers nearly the entire equity market and a large portion of the fixed-income market.

What is the downside of ETFs? ›

For instance, some ETFs may come with fees, others might stray from the value of the underlying asset, ETFs are not always optimized for taxes, and of course — like any investment — ETFs also come with risk.

What is the best ETF to invest $1000 in? ›

Vanguard S&P 500 ETF

ETFs are convenient and effective, to say the least. If you're interested in investing in an ETF and have $1,000 that you can spare to invest -- meaning you already have an emergency fund saved and have paid down any high-interest debt -- the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO 0.14%) is a great option.

What is the 3 5 10 rule for ETF? ›

Specifically, a fund is prohibited from: acquiring more than 3% of a registered investment company's shares (the “3% Limit”); investing more than 5% of its assets in a single registered investment company (the “5% Limit”); or. investing more than 10% of its assets in registered investment companies (the “10% Limit”).

What is the 30 day rule on ETFs? ›

Q: How does the wash sale rule work? If you sell a security at a loss and buy the same or a substantially identical security within 30 calendar days before or after the sale, you won't be able to take a loss for that security on your current-year tax return.

What is the rule of 40 in ETF? ›

What is the Rule of 40? The Rule of 40 states that, at scale, the combined value of revenue growth rate and profit margin should exceed 40% for healthy SaaS companies. The Rule of 40 – popularized by Brad Feld – states that an SaaS company's revenue growth rate plus profit margin should be equal to or exceed 40%.

What is the number 1 ETF to buy? ›

Top U.S. market-cap index ETFs
Fund (ticker)YTD performanceExpense ratio
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO)7.7 percent0.03 percent
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)7.6 percent0.095 percent
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)7.7 percent0.03 percent
Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)5.8 percent0.20 percent

What is the biggest risk in ETF? ›

The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk.

Which ETF gives the highest return? ›

100 Highest 5 Year ETF Returns
SymbolName5-Year Return
FNGOMicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs44.18%
TECLDirexion Daily Technology Bull 3X Shares34.02%
SMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF31.57%
ROMProShares Ultra Technology28.62%
93 more rows

What is a lazy portfolio? ›

A Classic Lazy Portfolio contains the main traditional asset classes, with the aim to achieve above-average returns while taking a below-average risk. A Modern/Alternative Lazy Portfolio can use particular assets/strategies, with the aim of obtaining an extra return.

How long should you hold ETFs? ›

Holding an ETF for longer than a year may get you a more favorable capital gains tax rate when you sell your investment.

How many ETFs should I have in a portfolio? ›

"You can get broad-based diversification with one ETF, commonly referred to as diversified ETFs, or you can build a portfolio of five to 10 ETFs that would offer good diversification," he says. The choice you make on the above depends on your investment goals and risk appetite, like any investment.

What percentage of my portfolio should be in ETFs? ›

"A newer investor with a modest portfolio may like the ease at which to acquire ETFs (trades like an equity) and the low-cost aspect of the investment. ETFs can provide an easy way to be diversified and as such, the investor may want to have 75% or more of the portfolio in ETFs."

What is the primary disadvantage of an ETF? ›

ETF trading risk

Spreads can vary over time as well, being small one day and wide the next. What's worse, an ETF's liquidity can be superficial: The ETF may trade one penny wide for the first 100 shares, but to sell 10,000 shares quickly, you might have to pay a quarter spread.

Is it smart to only invest in ETFs? ›

ETFs make a great pick for many investors who are starting out as well as for those who simply don't want to do all the legwork required to own individual stocks. Though it's possible to find the big winners among individual stocks, you have strong odds of doing well consistently with ETFs.

Is investing in an S&P 500 index is a good way to diversify your portfolio? ›

Choosing your investments

Investing in an S&P 500 fund can instantly diversify your portfolio and is generally considered less risky.

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