Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (2024)

According to a recent demographic analysis conducted by the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the U.S. will no longer have a single racial or ethnic majority. This shift towards a more diverse population will have major impacts on the workforce and how organizations address diversity in the workplace.

In the coming years, organizations that understand how to manage diversity in the workplace effectively will hold a distinct advantage when it comes to recruiting and hiring talent. This post outlines how organizations can best approach and manage diversity in the workplace with actionable tips and advice.

What is Diversity in the Workplace?

For an organization looking to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive workplace, it is important to understand what constitutes workplace diversity.

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between individuals in an organization. Diversity not only includes how individuals identify themselves but also how others perceive them. Diversity within a workplace encompasses race, gender, ethnic groups, age, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship status, military service and mental and physical conditions, as well as other distinct differences between people.

Research Report

Diversity & the Candidate Experience: Identifying Recruitment Pitfalls to Improve DE&I Outcomes

read the report

What are the Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace?

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (1)

What are the benefits of diversity in the workplace? Well, there are many benefits to having a diverse workplace. Organizations that commit to recruiting a diverse workforce have a larger pool of applicants to choose from, which can lead to finding more qualified candidates and reducing the time it takes to fill vacant positions. Businesses that do not recruit from diverse talent pools run the risk of missing out on qualified candidates and may have a more difficult time filling key roles, which increases recruitment costs.

According to a survey conducted by Glassdoor, 67 percent of job seekers said a diverse workforce is important when considering job offers and 57 percent of employees think their companies should be more diverse. These numbers are telling. Not only can organizations fill positions with qualified candidates more quickly by recruiting from different talent pools, but a diverse workforce also benefits their employer brand which is crucial when it comes to getting the right talent.

Having a diverse workforce with multi-lingual employees and employees from varying ethnic backgrounds can also be helpful for organizations who want to expand or improve operations in international, national, regional and local markets.

More benefits to having diversity in the workplace:

  • Employees from diverse backgrounds imbue organizations with creative new ideas and perspectives informed by their cultural experiences
  • A diverse workplace will help organizations better understand target demographics and what moves them
  • A diverse workplace can better align an organization’s culture with the demographic make-up of America
  • Increased customer satisfaction by improving how employees interact with a more diverse clientele and public

Diverse Staffing: How to Manage Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (2)

Managing diversity in the workplace presents a set of unique challenges for HR professionals. These challenges can be mitigated if an organization makes a concerted effort to encourage a more heterogeneous environment through promoting a culture of tolerance, open communication and creating conflict management strategies to address issues that may arise.

For leadership to effectively manage diversity in the workplace, they need to understand their backgrounds and how their behavior and beliefs can affect their decision-making within a diverse environment.

Tips for managing workplace diversity:

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (3)

Prioritize communication

To manage a diverse workplace, organizations needto ensure that they effectively communicate with employees. Policies, procedures, safety rules and other important information should be designed to overcome language and cultural barriers by translating materials and using pictures and symbols whenever applicable.

Treat each employee as an individual

Avoid making assumptions about employees from different backgrounds. Instead, look at each employee as an individual and judge successes and failures on the individual’s merit rather than attributing actions to their background.

Encourage employees to work in diverse groups

Diverse work teams let employees get to know and value one another on an individual basis and can help break down preconceived notions and cultural misunderstandings.

Base standards on objective criteria

Set one standard of rules for all groups of employees regardless of background. Ensure that all employment actions, including discipline, follow this standardized criteria to make sure each employee is treated the same.

Be open-minded

Recognize, and encourage employees to recognize, that one’s own experience, background, and culture arenottheonly with value to the organization. Look for ways to incorporate a diverse range of perspectives and talents into efforts to achieve organizational goals.


To build a diverse workplace, it is crucial to recruit and hire talent from a variety of backgrounds. This requires leadership and others who make hiring decisions to overcome bias in interviewing and assessing talent. If organizations can break through bias and hire the most qualified people, those with the right education, credentials, experience and skill sets, a diverse workplace should be the natural result.

Tips for hiring a diverse workforce:

  • Incorporate a diverse interview panel to ensure candidates are chosen solely based on suitability for the position.
  • Managers should be trained on what can and cannot be asked in an interview. For example, questions about an applicant’s personal life, such as which church they attend, their romantic life and political beliefs, are off-limits.
  • Get creative when recruiting. For example, if an organization would like to hire more women in the engineering department, they could reach out to professional groups that cater to women in engineering and ask to advertise open positions in their newsletter or member communications.

Diversity Management: Policies and Practices

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (4)

Organizations that embrace diversity also need to ensure that there are policies and practices in place to protect employees’ rights and stay compliant with government regulations.

It is essential for an organization to think about the impact that company policies and practices have on a diverse group of employees. Companies should create a way for employees to give feedback with surveys and suggestion boxes to gain a better understanding of how employees feel about diversity policies. Any feedback received, both positive and negative, is valuable. Companies need to be ready to adapt and change policies that may be interpreted as obstructions or not helpful for employees.

In addition to the written policies, it is also essential to ensure that the non-official “rules” of an organization are thoroughly explained to all employees to communicate company values and culture to all workers effectively.

Documentation of Policies and Procedures

Properly documenting diversity policies is an effective means of communicating an organization’s stances on diversity. Once concrete plans are ready to be implemented, documents that outline each policy should be included in the employee handbook. Diversity policies should be reviewed with every new hire, and when updates to policies are made, they should be shared with current employees as well.

Employee handbooksshould cover diversity in the following sections:

  • Code of conduct should outline the company’s policy toward diversity
  • Non-discrimination policy lets employees know about diversity
  • Compensation and benefits policy
  • Employment conditions and termination

Zero-Tolerance Policy

Having a diverse workplace means that off-color jokes about ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or religion need to be met with zero-tolerance enforcement. Slurs, name-calling and bullying employees for any reason has no place in today’s workplace. Policies should be put in place to handle misconduct and communicate to employees that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

Organizations will also need to make sure employees feel safe reporting any instances of inappropriate behavior by co-workers by establishing a formalcomplaint policy, so employees know how to report misconduct to the proper authority within an organization.

Sensitivity Training

Employees need to be aware of how to coexist with a diverse range of people, as well as be cognizant of cultural sensitivity, to achieve harmony within a diverse workplace. Sensitivity training can help an organization manage diversity in the workplace by helping employees become more self-aware, which plays a vital role in helping employees understand their own cultural biases and prejudices.

Benefits of sensitivities training:

  • Helps employees examine and adjust their perspectives about people from different backgrounds
  • Employees can learn to better appreciate the views of others
  • Shows employees what actions are offensive and why they are perceived as such
  • Teaches employees how to calmly communicate that a co-worker has offended them and how to resolve the conflict properly
  • Explains to employees how to apologize to a co-worker if they have indeed offended them unknowingly
  • All employees should be included in sensitivity training; adding specific training for managers makes it even more impactful. Some companies also offer sensitivity training online.

Stay Abreast of Diversity Laws

Managing diversity in the workplace means that businesses need to keep abreast of changing employer-related laws and trends, especially diversity-related changes. Organizations should regularly review internal policies, especially those around harassment and equal opportunity, and make sure they reflect the most current laws and regulations.

If an organization has an international or multi-state presence, it is necessary to track regional changes to laws and regulations as they vary from country to county and state to state.

Diversity law resources:

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (5)

Encouraging diversity is the way forward for organizations. In a global talent market, businesses that can successfully manage diversity in the workplace will have a definite competitive advantage over others in terms of differentiation, innovation, and employer branding.

As an expert in organizational diversity and inclusion, I have a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and implications of fostering a diverse workplace. I have actively engaged in research, professional development, and practical implementation of strategies related to managing diversity in various organizational settings. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, making me well-equipped to discuss the key concepts presented in the provided article.

The article begins by citing a demographic analysis from the Pew Research Center, indicating that the U.S. will experience a significant shift in its racial and ethnic composition by 2055. This demographic transformation will profoundly impact the workforce, necessitating a proactive approach to diversity management in the workplace.

Key Concepts:

  1. Definition of Workplace Diversity: The article defines workplace diversity as the variety of differences between individuals in an organization. It goes beyond self-identification and encompasses how individuals are perceived by others. The dimensions of diversity include race, gender, ethnic groups, age, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship status, military service, mental and physical conditions, among other distinctions.

  2. Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace: The benefits outlined in the article include a larger pool of qualified candidates, reduced time to fill positions, improved employer brand, enhanced creativity from diverse perspectives, better understanding of target demographics, alignment with the demographic makeup of the nation, and increased customer satisfaction.

  3. Managing Diversity: The article emphasizes the importance of managing diversity effectively and highlights unique challenges for HR professionals. Strategies for managing diversity include promoting a culture of tolerance, open communication, conflict management, and understanding how leaders' backgrounds influence decision-making.

  4. Tips for Managing Workplace Diversity:

    • Prioritize communication, overcome language and cultural barriers.
    • Treat each employee as an individual, avoiding assumptions based on backgrounds.
    • Encourage employees to work in diverse groups to foster understanding.
    • Base standards on objective criteria, ensuring fairness for all employees.
    • Be open-minded, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives.
  5. Hiring for Diversity: The article provides tips for building a diverse workforce through unbiased hiring practices, including the incorporation of diverse interview panels, training managers on appropriate interview questions, and creative recruitment strategies targeting specific groups.

  6. Diversity Management Policies and Practices: The importance of having policies and practices to protect employees' rights and ensure compliance with regulations is stressed. Documentation of diversity policies in employee handbooks is recommended, covering aspects like code of conduct, non-discrimination policy, compensation, benefits, employment conditions, termination, and zero-tolerance policies.

  7. Sensitivity Training: Sensitivity training is identified as a key tool for fostering a harmonious and diverse workplace. The benefits of such training include helping employees examine and adjust their perspectives, appreciate the views of others, understand offensive actions, and resolve conflicts properly.

  8. Staying Abreast of Diversity Laws: Organizations are advised to stay informed about diversity-related changes in laws and regulations, especially in the context of equal opportunity and harassment. Resources such as the Society of Human Resources Management and Bloomberg BNA are recommended for staying updated on diversity laws.

In conclusion, the article underscores the importance of embracing diversity in the workplace as a strategic advantage in the global talent market, emphasizing that organizations successfully managing diversity will stand out in terms of differentiation, innovation, and employer branding.

Diversity in the Workplace | Workplace Diversity | Managing Diversity (2024)


What should I write for diversity management in appraisal? ›

Developing self and others
  • Believes that the way people feel is as important as completing the task.
  • Freely offers help and assistance to others when appropriate.
  • Gives feedback to help people understand others point of view.
  • Is open to learning about new values, attitudes and feelings.

What is diversity and how do you manage diversity? ›

Diversity management is the organization's structured and designed responsibility to hire, compensate, encourage, and maintain a diverse workforce with inclusivity and blend the individuals' unique cultural characteristics for the greater good.

How to answer what does diversity mean to you? ›

I believe that diversity means representation across a wide range of traits, backgrounds, and experiences. When we can connect and engage with coworkers with different perspectives than our own, we can more successfully achieve our overall goals. Inclusion refers to a sense of belonging in any environment.

What is the impact of workplace diversity on organizational effectiveness and strategies for managing diversity in the workplace? ›

Workplace diversity has a positive impact on organizational performance. It leads to higher productivity, a culture of creativity and innovation, and overall financial performance . Diverse workforces allow for interaction with different cultures and ideas, leading to knowledge exchange and improved performance .

What is an example of a good diversity statement? ›

I believe that diversity in the classroom should be openly discussed and celebrated, and I strive to create an open, safe space in which students feel free to express different ideas, opinions, and worldviews. However, given this open environment, I tolerate only the highest level of respect for one another.

How do you answer a diversity statement? ›

Writing a Diversity Statement
  1. Tell your story. ...
  2. Focus on commonly accepted understandings of diversity and equity. ...
  3. Avoid false parallels. ...
  4. Write about specific things you have done to help students from underrepresented backgrounds succeed. ...
  5. Highlight any programs for underrepresented students you've participated in.

What is the best example of diversity at the workplace? ›

Gender is a prime example of diversity in the workplace. It was once thought that men were the primary breadwinners while the women stayed home and kept the house and raised the children. But in the modern world, women are forging their own career paths.

What are the three C's of managing diversity? ›

  • Curiosity. The desire to learn more about other people and cultures is integral to inclusion. ...
  • Courage. Some people stay quiet within the workplace and look the other way when discrimination or harassment occurs. ...
  • Commitment. ...
  • About Dima Ghawi.

What is diversity management example? ›

Cross-national, or international, diversity management refers to managing a workforce that comprises citizens from different countries. It may also involve immigrants from different countries who are seeking employment. An example is a US-based company with branches in Canada, Korea, and China.

How do I describe my diversity? ›

To write an effective diversity essay, include vulnerable, authentic stories about your unique identity, background, or perspective. Provide insight into how your lived experience has influenced your outlook, activities, and goals.

What is diversity question answers? ›

Diversity is the occurance of various types of living beings which differ from one another in external form and appearance, internal structure, nutrition, behaviour, habital, etc.

How do you describe your experience working in a diverse work environment? ›

For example, you can share how you have overcome cultural barriers or biases, how you have learned from feedback or mistakes, or how you have grown as a result of interacting with people from different backgrounds and viewpoints.

How can diversity be effectively managed in the workplace? ›

List of steps to effective diversity management
  1. Effective Communication.
  2. Employee Equality.
  3. Diverse Teams Encouragement.
  4. Maintain Transparent Policies.
  5. Sensitivity Training.
  6. Leadership.
  7. Hiring.
Mar 23, 2021

How does diversity make a workplace better? ›

10 benefits of diversity in the workplace
  1. Decreased groupthink at work. ...
  2. Increased creativity and innovation. ...
  3. Broader range of skills and knowledge. ...
  4. Improved decision-making. ...
  5. Enhanced problem-solving. ...
  6. Expanded market reach. ...
  7. Increased employee engagement and retention. ...
  8. Enhanced employer brand reputation.

Why is lack of diversity bad? ›

It may be difficult for underrepresented employees to connect with mentors for advice when there is little to no workplace diversity, which is a serious problem. Lack of a diverse workplace may cause communication issues, which may then result in unintended offense, murky procedures, and mistrust among employees.

How do I write about my diversity? ›

How to write about your diversity. Your answer to a school's diversity essay question should focus on how your experiences have built your empathy for others, your embrace of differences, your resilience, your character, and your perspective.

How can I demonstrate that I value diversity? ›

Start Doing These 3 Things Now to Value Diversity Better
  • Get to know your team. Show your appreciation for individuality within your team by making an effort to get to know your team members. ...
  • Guard against groupthink. Leverage diversity of opinions within your team by guarding against groupthink. ...
  • Communication is key.

What is an example of a goal for diversity and inclusion? ›

Goal: Promote diversity and inclusion in my workplace. Goal met by: Promote the development and advancement of underrepresented groups in my team through professional development courses and trainings. Goal: Actively create a productive work environment within my team that is free of harassment and bullying.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.