Do Soccer Players Wear Cups, And Would It Even Help? (2024)

Do soccer players wear cups? It’s a simple question with a simple answer, so maybe the query should be rephrased: Why don’t male soccer players wear cups?

A cup is a piece of protective gear worn while playing certain sports to protect a player with male reproductive organs from injury or pain when receiving contact to the groin area. They are typically hard pieces of plastic, but can also be of the softer, more malleable variety.

Cups are most common in baseball, where the small, hard ball can easily and severely impact one’s family jewels.

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Do Soccer Players Wear Cups?

Soccer players do not typically wear cups. This is made painfully obvious whenever a player goes down injured after receiving contact in the groin area, or a nefarious player attempts to gain an advantage.

While there are players who do wear extra protection down under, the vast majority prefers the freedom of movement not allowed by most protective gear worn in the pants. Kicking a ball in various positions requires the body to be as nimble as possible.

Soccer is a sport of grace, pace and being in the right place. Having an extra piece of plastic in your shorts as you run around the pitch is a sure way to slow you down.

So maybe we should look at the question from another direction.

Why Don’t Soccer Players Wear Cups?

The truth of the matter is, soccer players with male reproductive organs are at risk of serious injury and/or pain while playing the beautiful game. While the risk is relatively low, the possible pain is not.

A ball kicked at 50 mph can leave a welt on any part of the body, let alone the sensitive groin region. A stray hand or elbow can inflict extreme pain, whether intentional or not. And a boot to the wrong ball can result in massive pain and lasting injury.

A cup, even a soft one, could prevent pain and injury in a number of situations.

But for some reason, the only piece of protective gear worn by nearly all male soccer players are shin guards, which are required by the laws of the game.

Why is this? As mentioned above, freedom of movement is a huge necessity in soccer. No sport requires its players to move his or her legs, hips and groin area more than soccer.

But some of it also comes down to the machismo of the sport. No one wants to be the only person protecting his junk on the team, opening himself up to bullying from his peers.

Plus, the mere mention of one’s genitalia is enough to make many in the world cringe.

This article is already more than 400 words in and hasn’t even mentioned the word penis or testicl*s. This is due to the way the sexual organs are so often viewed as a taboo to speak about in the prude world of Anglo Protestants, who helped proliferate the game throughout the world more than a century ago. To go out of ones way to protect these parts could be seen as similarly taboo.

But penises and testicl*s need protection!

Speaking from experience, there isn’t much worse than a testicl* injury — maybe torture or death, but even the latter could be considered a form of relief from the worst of injuries. And severe injury can lead to the loss of the ability to reproduce.

Last year, a player in Spain’s second division had to receive 10 stitches to his penis after he was kicked below the belt (by a teammate, no less). Wouldn’t wearing a cup be better than sowing your penis back together?

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There is a reason so many people go to Google to search: "Do soccer players wear cups?" Every time a player is kicked in the testicl*s or blocks a shot with his groin, the question comes up.

Soccer players with male reproductive organs should remember you only get one life, one healthy body to protect (at least until science advances a little further). It might just be worth wearing a cup.

That said, I would never consider personally wearing a cup myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Do Soccer Players Wear Cups, And Would It Even Help? (2024)


Should soccer players wear a cup? ›

In the same way, all boy athletes need to wear something to protect the groin area when they start playing sports. If your son plays a contact sport – like football, soccer, baseball, basketball or hockey – he should wear a cup made from a hard plastic or metal as soon as he is big enough to fit in one.

Do most soccer players wear cups? ›

Professional soccer players, except for goalies, don't wear cups during a game. However, youth players sometimes wear a cup during youth soccer games to protect themselves. Wearing a cup is permitted in soccer but not required. It is up to the individual if they want to wear one or not.

Do boys need cups for soccer? ›

It is worn inside a jockstrap or compression shorts to protect the groin area during sports or other activities where trauma to the genitals could occur. Soccer is a contact sport where injury is a real possibility for young players. Generally, only boys wear cups.

What do football players wear to protect their balls? ›

Jockstrap, or athletic supporter

The pouch, in some varieties, may be fitted with a pocket to hold an impact resistant cup (protective cup) to protect the testicl*s and penis from injury. Many youth football players, such as the Pop Warner leagues, are often required to wear a protective cup.

Why do male soccer players wear man bras? ›

The "sports bras" worn by men's soccer players are actually GPS tracker vests. Each vest has a tracker in the back that provides a ton of data for coaches, trainers, and players to learn from.

At what age should a boy wear a cup? ›

But once a boy hits age seven, or engages in more vigorous competition, he should wear one. “There are two types -- one providing support for comfort, and one adding a cup for more protection.

Are athletic cups uncomfortable? ›

The athletic cups available were all hard, bulky and uncomfortable, which interfered with Kyler's ability to focus and concentrate on improving his baseball skills.

Why do soccer players wear that bra? ›

Why are they wearing sports bras?!?!” look like sports bras, but in fact they're athletic vests designed to hold GPS trackers. Those vests need to be skintight so the pod that actually acquires the data – which is slipped into the back of the vest – can monitor players' performance. Hence, the sports bra look.

Do soccer players wear man bras? ›

Male soccer players don't wear sports bras. The clothing that they wear around their chest that looks like a sports bra is not actually a bra but an athletic vest fitted with a GPS tracker. The technology incorporated within this vest tracks a soccer player's vital stats throughout a game.

Do men wear sports bras? ›

Additionally, some male athletes – more specifically runners – may choose to wear a sports bra under their shirts in order to prevent a common medical condition called jogger's nipple, also known as nipple chafing. This condition is caused by excessive rubbing of wet sweat-soaked material over one's nipples.

What age is a cup for? ›

Experts advise transitioning to cups by age 1. Between 6-9 months is an ideal time to let babies experiment with cup drinking so they're able to use sippy cups by their first birthday. A simple rule of thumb is to choose sippy cups with relatively short straws or valves.

What age can a child use a cup? ›

Babies can start learning to drink from a cup from around 6 months. Start with only a small amount of liquid in the cup. Encourage babies to use open cups from early on.

What sports Protect Your Balls? ›

Always wear an athletic cup when playing sports where testicular trauma is a risk. Most protective cups are made out of hard plastic to protect the testicl*s. Cups should be worn whenever there is a risk of testicular trauma from hitting or kicking, including when participating in the following sports: Football.

Do football players shave their legs? ›

Runners and football players are also known to shave for performance and comfort. One of the big reasons is because hair can cause overheating especially if you have a big coat. Plus, performance wear is usually best worn when shaved because it can better contour the body.

How come football players don t wear cups? ›

The way the pants are designed (tight to the body, almost as a second layer of skin), a cup is uncomfortable to wear throughout an entire practice or game. For this reason, football players often do not wear cups as they get older.

Why do footballers wear underpants? ›

“Footballers usually wear slips – or underpants – and maybe skins – skin-tight long shorts – to keep their hamstrings and groin muscles warm but Danny had nothing on.

Why do soccer players come out with a child? ›

There are various reasons why players walk in with children. These include promoting children rights campaigns, bringing the element of innocence to the game, fulfilling children dreams or making profit of it, and reminding players that children are looking up to them.

What is a cup for boys? ›

A protective cup is a hard shell that is inserted into a jock strap or compression shorts to protect the male reproductive system while playing physical sports.

Do Little League players need to wear a cup? ›

If your son is a catcher, it is mandatory he wear a protection cup. Giving your Little Leaguers time to practice with the gear they'll be using in their games will get them comfortable and ready to play.

Is there a female version of an athletic cup? ›

lobloo Aeroslim Female Patented Athletic Pelvic Cup for Standup Sports as Kick-, Thai Boxing, Karate, Hockey, Baseball.

Does wearing a cup hurt? ›

Wearing a menstrual cup doesn't cause pain in itself. Many menstrual cup users say they don't even feel their cup when it's in. They've mastered how to insert and remove their cup to the extent they sometimes report forgetting they're on their period altogether!

Why does it hurt to insert a cup? ›

menstrual cup pain during wear

One reason for this may be because you have inserted your cup at the wrong angle: it is important to insert it horizontally towards your tailbone, rather than upwards. Inserting at the wrong angle can cause your cup to sit in an awkward position and lead to discomfort.

Why do soccer players cut their socks? ›

Players generally cut holes in their socks in order to reduce pressure on the calf muscles, which are often restricted by the form-fitting, snug nature of the garment.

Do female footballers wear breast protection? ›

Breast protection has been shown to increase the confidence and enjoyment of women playing football, particularly at non-elite levels. Lightweight breast protection is undetectable under soccer uniforms and also provides the function of a supportive sports bra for about the same cost.

Why do soccer players take off their shirts after a goal? ›

Some players use the tradition of taking off their jerseys for their private purposes. Some jerseys even reveal a body with an advertising message or a personal greeting. Religious views were also demonstrated time to time. With a general prohibition to take off the jersey, one tries therefore to stop such messages.

Why do soccer players chew gum? ›

Gum chewing during sports has been largely believed to increase brain activity, as the act of chewing actually improves various bodily functions. Information from sensory organs generated by the movement of chewing is transmitted to the nerves, resulting in enhanced activity in the brain cortex.

Why are soccer players so dramatic? ›

The main reason they get so dramatic is that they want to “draw a call” from the referee. The idea is that if they act dramatic, then maybe the ref will call a foul to give them possession and/or give their opponent a yellow or red card.

Why do footballers wear crop tops? ›

Instead, footballers wear the clothing to hold a GPS tracker which monitors several factors of the players physical performance and health. The device is similar to the kinds found in a Fitbit or Apple watch, but the vests can monitor 32 different categories including speed, distance run, heart rate and acceleration.

How do I stop my nipples from showing through my sports bra? ›

The best option here is to try a sports bra with a little padding or with a thicker fabric. If it's high support coverage you're after, then the Nike Alpha is a great shout.

Is it OK to wear sports bras every day? ›

COMFORT: Sports Bras Help You Avoid Discomfort

Not only great for exercise. Many sports bras are wonderfully comfortable to wear every day if you make the best choice in style, size and impact level. A fantastic benefit is that sports bras are made from moisture-wicking, breathable fabric.

What is the average bra cup for a 13 year old? ›

32A / 32B

Is a cup normal for a 12 year old? ›

The Answer: While there can be some variations in size, the average bra size for a 12-year old girl is usually between A and small B. The number can be different because it depends on the body structure of your child. Average cup size is usually A-B.

What cup is normal for a 13 year old? ›

The rate of breast development varies greatly from person to person, but case studies from New Kids Centre cite the following as a reliable guide for the average boob size of growing teens: 13 year olds: B cup.

When should kids stop using 360 cups? ›

The AAP recommends teaching children to start drinking from regular cups between 12 and 15 months. Once children master this, you might want to use regular cups at meals and straw cups for water on the go.

What age are kids? ›

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as, "A human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.” This is ratified by 192 of 194 member countries.

Can a minor use menstrual cup? ›

Can a 13-year-old wear a menstrual cup? There are no age limits to using a cup. The only thing you need is your period. To find the right-size cup, all you need to know is how heavy your flow is and if you have a low or high cervix.

Do professional ball players wear cups? ›

Based on interviews with active and former players, in the major leagues this is how it works: all catchers wear cups, many pitchers and infielders forgo them and virtually all outfielders play without cups.

What should you not wear for soccer? ›

This means rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, Fitbits, toe rings, nose rings — whatever your player is wearing besides cleats, socks, shin guards, shorts, and a jersey, is probably not allowed. That said, there is leeway for things like beaded hair that can't easily be undone. But that's an exception, not the rule.

What are soccer players not allowed to wear? ›

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous. All items of jewellery (necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, leather bands, rubber bands, etc.) are forbidden and must be removed. Using tape to cover jewellery is not permitted.

Do players still wear cups? ›

Football is an impact sport with helmets, shoulder pads, hands, and feet flying all around the field. Football players don't wear cups. The cup can interfere with running strides, and many players believe it slows them down.

Do athletic cups hurt? ›

Even professional athletes, with the high priced athletic cups, still get hit in the groin, and it is often very painful. And sometimes it's worse. Some sports, MMA in particular, have a history of occasional, but serious groin injuries.

Why do football players no longer wear cups? ›

It's a comfort thing and a macho thing, he says. The cups are too bulky and obtrusive for today's player.

What age should you stop soccer? ›

There is no specific and outlined age to stop playing sports, you can continue until your body tells you it's too hard. The recommended age to continue playing sports up to is at least 18. That being said, children and adults stop playing sports at different ages for various reasons.

What should a soccer player not eat? ›

Players should avoid refined carbohydrates including white bread, cakes, candy, cookies, pies, high sugar cereals, sodas, and juices.

Is it safe to play soccer with glasses? ›

For the most part, you should not wear glasses for contact sports. For sports such as rugby, soccer and hockey, there are simply too many opportunities for the glasses to come off and break.

Why can't girls wear earrings in soccer? ›

Essentially, anything hard and with the potential of harming the player or others on the field is not allowed due to safety precautions. For instance, if a player wearing earrings were to be hit with a ball in the ear during a game, then that player could potentially have the earrings torn out.

Are tattoos allowed in soccer? ›

In a directive — issued by members of the U.S. Soccer Board in the early hours of Friday — players with tattoos will no longer be recruited for the country's youth and senior teams starting at the Under-17 levels.

Why do footballers pull their shorts up? ›

The official is simply checking to make sure the color of the player's undershorts (if he's wearing any) match the color of his regular shorts.

Do all footballers wear bras? ›

Why do footballers wear bras? The bras are not used for the same purposes as a woman may wear one for - to support her breasts and reduce pressure on her shoulders, back and neck. Instead, footballers wear the clothing to hold a GPS tracker which monitors several factors of the players physical performance and health.

Why do players wear bras? ›

With these athletes in the top shape of their lives, the reason for them sporting bras is not what you may have believed! Male footballers are wearing the item of clothing to hold a GPS tracker close to their chests, with Adama Traore of Wolves most notable for doing this.

How does a man wear a cup? ›

Insert the cup into the pocket in the front of the jock strap, narrow end down. Move it around and adjust it so that it encases your genitals snugly but comfortably. Secure the elastic, Velcro or snap closure to hold the cup in place and keep it from slipping around and pinching you.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.