Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (2024)

Many people who enjoy spirits and other alcoholic beverages at home may have their own wine rack, home bar, or beer cave, leading them to wonder about the best practices for storing alcohol.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (1)

It is common to keep alcoholic beverages for a long time, so naturally, they must have long shelf lives. However, you might be wondering, does alcohol expire?

If you encounter expired alcohol, which is very rare, you will know by the taste and sometimes by the coloring. However, you only have to worry about the expiration date with beer or opened bottles of wine or spirits; unopened bottles of spirits, wine, or liquor do not go bad.

Does Liquor Expire?

The short answer is that liquor with an alcohol content of 40% does not have an expiration date. So vodka, rum, tequila, and gin can stay on your shelves for as long as you need them to. Whiskeys and bourbons don’t have expiration dates either.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (2)

However, cream liqueurs do have limited shelf lives because there are perishable ingredients in them, and the alcohol content only ranges between 17% and 27%.

Only let them take up space on your shelves for up to a year.

Why Does Alcohol Go Bad?

Beer tends to go bad faster than any other alcohol because craft beers are often unpasteurized, which can lead to bacterial growth and flavor changes.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (3)

Mass-produced beer can go bad if exposed to high temperatures or direct light for too long. Wine can also turn sour if left in these conditions, just like beer, although if stored properly, it can have a long shelf life.

Alcohol goes bad because of improper storage or not consuming it in time, depending on the processes used to make certain drinks.

Alcohol Shelf Life

Let’s discuss the different storage guidelines for different types of alcohol so that you can avoid expired alcohol, keep your bottles more shelf stable, and enjoy the best flavor possible.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (4)


Because brandy is a spirit with a high alcohol content (35%-40%), it’s a spirit that has an indefinite shelf life. However, once you open a bottle of brandy the alcohol content and flavor profile may change over time.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (5)

Oxidation occurs each time the bottle is open, and it exposes the brandy to oxygen, which decreases the alcohol content. Evaporation can also occur if you keep the brandy somewhere too warm.

This will affect your brandy drinking experience over time. Store brandy in a cool place (room temperature is fine), and keep it tightly sealed. It’s best to finish a bottle of brandy within a few years.


If bourbon remains unopened, it will retain the same flavor qualities and alcohol content it had when it was first bottled and sealed.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (6)

The best way to store bourbon is in a cool dark place, and some even like to keep it in the fridge, which is okay.

Once you open a bottle of bourbon, that’s when atmospheric variables can affect the taste and the strength of the beverage.

That said, bourbon has an incredibly long shelf life, but if you want to enjoy your bourbon at peak strength and flavor, it’s best to enjoy the bottle within a year to two.


An unopened bottle of tequila has an indefinite shelf life as the alcohol content is so high (40%-50%). As long as it’s kept in a cool, dark place upright and out of direct light, an unopened bottle of tequila can remain unchanged for years.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (7)

Once opened, tequila can slowly lose its alcohol content and flavor through evaporation and oxidation, so it’s best to enjoy an open bottle of tequila within six to eight months for peak enjoyment.


Rum is much the same as other liquors like whiskey, tequila, and vodka when it comes to peak enjoyment and how to properly store the liquor.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (8)

Rum needs to be stored upright like other liquors so that the liquid stays away from the cap—this is because the alcohol can corrode the cap and that can seep into the liquid, affecting the taste.

An opened bottle of rum should be enjoyed within six months. You can even place it in a small bottle as you consume more of it to ensure that the rum isn’t sealed inside a larger bottle with a lot of oxygen.


Whiskey famously lasts forever on the shelf, unopened, that is. Many people place their liquor (gin, whiskey, tequila, rum, etc.) in the freezer, as it doesn’t affect the taste. It is a cool, dark place, after all.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (9)

Although whiskey has an indefinite shelf life, the oxidation process will begin as soon as you open the bottle. To best enjoy your whiskey, you should consume your bottle within a year or up to two years.

See also The 5 Strongest Alcohols in the World


Along with the other liquors on this list, store gin upright to prevent the cap from corroding and affecting the flavor.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (10)

Gin should be kept cool and dark, even a freezer would do the trick, although this is up to personal preference of how the alcohol should be served.

After you open a bottle of gin, to enjoy it at its best, consume it within two years.


Like our other distilled spirits mentioned here, vodka is a champion of the shelf. An unopened bottle of vodka can grace a shelf or pantry forever if you let it, but it’s best to enjoy this clear spirit either at room temperature, chilled from the freezer, or in a co*cktail.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (11)

Vodka should be stored upright and can be kept in the freezer if chilled vodka is your preference. For the strongest alcohol content and the best flavor, consume vodka within two years of opening.


Fine wines tend to ripen and become more delicious over time; after all, it does seem that there is truth to some things that cost more are expensive for a reason.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (12)

After opening a fine wine, continue to store it in a cool, dark place, away from sunlight. Light can break down the chemical processes that made it delicious in the first place.

In contrast, cheap wine needs to be consumed within two years of the bottle date. Organic wines only last a few months to half a year after bottling because they lack preservatives.

Most wines need to be enjoyed within a week of being opened. Unlike spirits and liquor, wine bottles should be stored horizontally. Don’t worry about dusty bottles; this does not affect the wine, unlike light and warmth.


Beer should be consumed within a year after purchase, which means about half a year to eight months past its sell-by date. Beer keeps even longer if stored in the refrigerator.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (13)

Beer has a shorter shelf life than any other beverage on this list, and it should be consumed once opened (bottle or can).

Craft beer has a shelf life that is even shorter than mass-produced big-batch beers, so drink craft beers no later than three months after they were bottled so that the flavor is still preserved and you can enjoy a carbonated beverage rather than a flat beer.

See also Does Joe Rogan Drink Alcohol?


Because liqueurs contain perishable ingredients like added sugars, cream, or fruits and herbs, these do not have a long shelf life compared to hard liquors.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (14)

It is best to store your cream liqueurs upright in the refrigerator after opening, and they should be consumed within six months of opening. Liqueurs without cream don’t need to be refrigerated, but it does help in extending shelf life.


Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (15)

Cordials are much the same as fruit and cream liqueurs in terms of shelf life and storage. Because these beverages do not have a high alcohol content and they have a high sugar content, it’s best to consume them within a year and a half of opening.


Here is some more useful information to clarify a few things.

How To Know If a Bottle Goes Bad?

Beer is expired if there is no carbonation when you pour it, hence no head of foam at the top. Flat beer also tastes terrible—it can have little to no flavor or a sour taste.

If a bottle of wine has gone bad, the taste will be off, and it can taste sour. It can also appear cloudy where it was clear before.

What Happens if You Drink Expired Alcohol?

Not much will happen to you other than a possible upset stomach. The worst thing about expired alcohol is the taste—you will know that when you take that first sip, your favorite drink has changed into something else.

How To Store Spirits?

When storing spirits, place them in a cool, dark place like a support or a liquor cabinet. This will ensure that the flavor and power of the liquor stays the same as the day it was bottled, even if the bottles remain unopened for a decade.

Store liquor upright, and after opening, you can also store the bottles in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life, mostly to preserve certain flavor qualities.

Final Thoughts

So, does alcohol expire? That depends entirely on the use by date, type of alcohol, and storage conditions. However, hard liquor and spirits are almost guaranteed to last for as long as it takes to drink them.

Beer can be delicate, especially small-batch beers, and wine needs certain conditions met for proper storage.

Please drink responsibly, be fully accountable with your alcohol consumption, and show others respect.

Does Alcohol Expire? - MyBartender (2024)


Does the expiration date on alcohol matter? ›

Unopened liquor of all kinds will generally keep indefinitely if stored properly. Store out of direct sunlight, tightly sealed, in a stable room-temperature environment. Once opened, distilled spirits like whiskey and gin won't expire or become unsafe to consume, but they may start to taste “off” after 1–3 years.

Can you drink alcohol out of date? ›

Drinking expired alcohol won't necessarily make you sick but it will lead to weak or oddly flavored drinks. There are some instances, like with liqueurs, where bacteria or mold may grow in the bottle which can lead to an upset stomach. Spoiled liquor may develop a vinegary smell and sour flavor.

Does 40% alcohol expire? ›

That said, if you store hard liquor at moderate temperature away from direct light, it lasts indefinitely. At 30% to 40%, liquor is not a hospitable environment for bacteria. And if it's not opened, you'll deal with virtually no oxidation.

How do you know if alcohol is still good? ›

Liquor does not expire to the point of causing sickness. It simply loses flavor — generally a year after being opened. Beer that goes bad — or flat — won't make you sick but may upset your stomach. You should throw out beer if there's no carbonation or white foam (head) after you pour it.

Is expired 70 alcohol still good? ›

Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol past its expiration date? Expired rubbing alcohol will likely have a lower percentage of isopropanol compared to rubbing alcohol that hasn't expired. Although it probably still contains some isopropanol, it may not be totally effective at killing germs and bacteria.

Can I drink 10 year old Baileys? ›

If it's unopened, it's fine. If it's been opened, it must be refrigerated. But do not consume an opened bottle of 5 year old Cream liquer. Bailey's says its product has a shelf life of two years.

Does Jack Daniel's expire? ›

While whiskey doesn't necessarily expire, it does start to lose flavor and elements after it is opened. An unopened bottle of whiskey will last indefinitely if stored in proper condition. After opening a bottle of whiskey, you have as long as two years or as few as six months or less to drink it before it goes bad.

What alcohol gets better with age? ›

Pot distilled spirits, on the other hand, retain more innate funk and character through the distilling process, and generally benefit from some aging—think Scotch, brandy, mezcal. There are exceptions, of course. (Bourbon is column distilled but very effectively aged.)

Does tequila expire? ›

An unopened bottle of tequila has an indefinite shelf life, which means it won't ever really expire. But once that bottle is opened, it will remain at peak quality for 1 year. After that, it's likely to decline in smell, flavor and appearance.

Can vodka go bad? ›

How Long Will My Vodka Last? An unopened bottle of unflavored vodka has a shelf-life of decades. After opening, it will still be good for 10 to 20 years. For flavored vodkas, the shelf-life spans from six months to 2 years.

Does whiskey expire? ›

Whiskey is meant to be enjoyed over time, but once you open a bottle, the clock starts ticking. Most scientists believe that if your bottle is at least half full, it can last one to two years, but if it's almost empty, with a quarter or less whiskey left, it'll expire in about six months. Why is this?

Does Kahlua go bad? ›

For Kahlúa Original, we recommend a shelf life of 4 years. Actually, the product will be good for many more years, but the coffee impact fades over time so it won't give you the full flavor impact. Also, if you were to receive an old bottle of Kahlúa, you have to make sure it has never been opened or tampered with.

What happens if you drink expired whiskey? ›

No, old alcohol can't make you sick.

When alcohol molecules are broken down and degraded by sunlight and air, their colors change and their tastes dull. But the only thing alcohol past its alcohol expiration date will make you is unimpressed, not sick.

What happens if I drink expired beer? ›

Yes, beer does expire.

However, this doesn't mean that the beer becomes unsafe to drink. If you take a sip of expired beer, you'll likely experience unpleasant tastes and aromas. You won't get sick. If you're willing to stomach numerous beer faults in the name of consuming alcohol, you're free to do so.

How long is unopened whiskey good for? ›

Whisky lasts indefinitely. So even if you have an unopened bottle from the '70s, it can still be opened and consumed a decade from now. It may slightly change its taste over time, but it won't spoil. Some whisky houses put a “best by” on the bottle, but that's usually just for formality.

Can you drink out of date beer 2 years? ›

At room temperature, beer lasts about 5 to 9 months beyond the expiration date listed on the label. In a refrigerator, beer can last up to an additional two or three years. This applies to bottled beer, cans, growlers, you name it.

Is drinking expired tequila bad? ›

No, tequila will not go bad but over time tequila may lose its quality and flavor. Before you panic, note that this only happens when stored improperly or opened and exposed to air for an extended period of time.

Can you drink unopened out of date Baileys? ›

Baileys Original lasts 2 years from the day of bottling, opened or unopened when stored at the optimum temperature (0 to 25°C/32 to 77°F).

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