Does Alcohol Expire? The Lowdown on Liquor, Beer, and Wine (2024)

Alcoholic beverages, such as liquor, beer, and wine, are made using different processes and ingredients.

All involve fermentation. In this context, that’s the process by which yeast creates alcohols by consuming sugars (1, 2).

Other factors may affect alcohol’s shelf life. These include fluctuations in temperature, exposure to light, and oxidation (1, 2).


Liquor is considered shelf-stable. This category includes gin, vodka, whiskey, tequila, and rum. These are typically made from a range of grains or plants.

Their base, also called mash, is fermented with yeast before being distilled. Some liquors are distilled several times for a smoother taste. The resulting liquid may then be aged in casks or barrels of various woods for added complexity.

Once the manufacturer bottles the liquor, it stops aging. After opening, it should be consumed within 6–8 months for peak taste, according to industry experts (3).

However, you may not notice a change in taste for up to a year — especially if you have a less discerning palate (3).

Liquor should be stored in a dark, cool place — or even a freezer, though this isn’t necessary. Keep the bottles upright to prevent the liquid from touching the cap, which may cause corrosion that affects flavor and quality.

Proper storage helps prevent evaporation and oxidation, thereby extending shelf life.

It should be noted that liqueurs — sweetened, distilled spirits with added flavors, such as fruit, spices, or herbs — will last up to 6 months after opening. Cream liqueurs should be kept cold, ideally in your fridge, to extend their shelf life (4, 5).


Beer is produced by brewing a cereal grain — usually malted barley — with water and yeast (1, 6, 7).

This mixture is allowed to ferment, producing natural carbonation that gives beer its distinctive fizz (1, 7).

Hops, or flowers of the hop plant, are added at the end of the process. These impart bitter, floral, or citrus notes and aromas. Furthermore, they help stabilize and preserve beer (1).

Sealed beer is shelf-stable for 6–8 months past its use-by date and lasts longer if refrigerated. Generally, beer with an alcohol by volume (ABV) greater than 8% is slightly more shelf-stable than beer with a lower ABV.

Unpasteurized beer also has a shorter shelf life. Pasteurization kills off harmful pathogens with heat to extend the shelf life of a variety of food products, including beer (8).

Whereas mass-produced beers are usually pasteurized, craft beers aren’t. Unpasteurized beers should be consumed within 3 months of bottling for the best flavor. You can normally find the bottling date on the label.

Pasteurized beers can still taste fresh for up to 1 year after being bottled.

Beer should be stored upright in a cool, dark place with a constant temperature, such as your fridge. Drink it within a few hours of opening for peak taste and carbonation.


Like beer and liquor, wine is produced via fermentation. However, it’s always made from grapes rather than grains or other plants. Sometimes, grape stems and seeds are used to deepen the flavor.

Some wines are aged in casks or barrels for months or years to further intensify their taste. While fine wines may improve with age, cheap wines should be consumed within 2 years of bottling.

Organic wines, including those produced without preservatives like sulfites, should be consumed within 3–6 months of purchase (9).

Light and heat affect the quality and flavor of wine. Thus, keep it in a cool, dry environment away from sunlight. Unlike liquor and beer, corked wine should be stored on its side. Properly stored wine can last for several years.

Once opened, wine is exposed to oxygen, expediting the aging process. You should drink most wines within 3–7 days of opening for the best taste. Be sure to cork them and keep in the fridge between pours (3, 10).

Fortified wines have a distilled spirit, such as brandy, added. These and boxed wines can last up to 28 days after opening if properly stored (11, 12).

Sparkling wines have the shortest lifespan and should be consumed within hours of opening for peak carbonation. To extend their shelf life, keep them in the fridge with an airtight wine stopper. You should use up the bottle within 1–3 days (10).


Alcoholic beverages are made differently and thus have varying shelf lives. Liquor lasts the longest, whereas wine and beer are less shelf-stable.

Liquor does not expire to the point of causing sickness. It simply loses flavor — generally a year after being opened.

Beer that goes bad — or flat — won’t make you sick but may upset your stomach. You should throw out beer if there’s no carbonation or white foam (head) after you pour it. You may also notice a change in taste or sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

Fine wine generally improves with age, but most wines aren’t fine and should be consumed within a few years.

If wine tastes vinegary or nutty, it has likely gone bad. It may also look brown or darker than expected. Drinking expired wine might be unpleasant but isn’t considered dangerous.

Spoiled wine, whether red or white, generally turns into vinegar. Vinegar is highly acidic, which protects it against bacterial growth that might otherwise harm your health (13).

Of course, overindulging in alcohol — no matter the type or expiration status — may lead to unpleasant side effects, such as headache, nausea, and liver damage over the long term. Make sure to drink it in moderation — up to one drink daily for women and two for men (14, 15).


Expired alcohol doesn’t make you sick. If you drink liquor after it’s been open for more than a year, you generally only risk a duller taste. Flat beer typically tastes off and may upset your stomach, whereas spoiled wine usually tastes vinegary or nutty but isn’t harmful.

Alcoholic drinks are produced using different ingredients and processes. As a result, their shelf lives vary. Storage also plays a role.

Liquor is considered the most shelf-stable, while many factors determine how long beer and wine last.

Consuming alcohol past its expiration date is not generally considered dangerous.

That said, overindulging in alcohol, whatever its age, can lead to unpleasant and potentially dangerous side effects. Whatever alcohol you drink, be sure to do so in moderation.

Does Alcohol Expire? The Lowdown on Liquor, Beer, and Wine (2024)


Does alcohol expire wine? ›

If stored properly, a bottle of fine wine can last up to 20 years. You should drink less expensive wines within two years after bottling. You should drink organic wines within three to six months after purchase as most do not contain sulfites used for preservation.

Can you drink alcohol after it expires? ›

Is It OK To Drink Expired Alcohol? Drinking expired alcohol isn't considered dangerous, but it's not advised to do so. Be sure to check the alcohol expiration date on your bottles to ensure that you're consuming the alcohol before the past due date.

Why does alcohol not expire? ›

Because they are distilled, they won't expire. You may notice that if a bottle remains unopened for a long time that it may become cloudy, but the taste or alcohol content will not change.

Does liqueur expire? ›

Most opened (and well-sealed) liqueurs should last for six months to a year (or even longer), depending on the alcohol content and preservatives. Once you notice sugar crystallizing on the bottom, discoloration, curdling, or other changes, throw the bottle away.

Does beer expire? ›

Short answer, no. Beer isn't like milk. With age, it doesn't actually expire or become unsafe to drink. Old beer's taste, however, will absolutely change.

Does wine expire? ›

How Long Does Wine Typically Last? When stored properly and kept unopened, white wines can often outlive their recommended drinking window by 1-2 years, red wines by 2-3 years, and cooking wines by 3-5 years. Fine wine — as you may have guessed — can typically be consumed for decades.

Can you drink out of date beer 2 years? ›

A typical lager will be drinkable 6 – 24 months after its best before date, if it's been kept in the fridge.

Can we drink expired beer? ›

Yes—but its flavor will degrade over time. Beer is a perishable product that stales when it's exposed to light, oxygen, and heat, which degrade the organic compounds that make beer smell and taste great. But even when its flavor is declining, it can be perfectly safe to drink.

What liquor does not expire? ›

Spirits above 40-per-cent abv (80 proof) don't expire. Anything that's been distilled, such as gin, vodka, rum, tequila or whisky, stops aging once it's been bottled. Most brands are best enjoyed in the first year.

What alcohol does not go out of date? ›

Most primary (also called "base") liquors like whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, tequila, and vodka, have an almost infinite shelf life if left unopened. That's because they don't have much sugar and, unopened, aren't at risk of any oxidation.

Does unopened whiskey expire? ›

Some alcohol, like wine, gets better in the bottle over time, but this isn't true for all types of booze, including whiskey. Unopened whiskey can last indefinitely, but a bottle that has been opened will eventually expire due to oxidation.

Does liquor alcohol expire? ›

Liquor does not expire to the point of causing sickness. It simply loses flavor — generally a year after being opened. Beer that goes bad — or flat — won't make you sick but may upset your stomach.

Does unopened liquor get better with age? ›

Unlike wines, distilled spirits do not improve with age once they are in the bottle. As long as they are not opened, your whiskey, brandy, rum, and the like will not change and they will certainly not mature further while they wait on the shelf.

How long does bottled water last? ›

The recommended shelf life is two years. The U.S. Food and Drug administration which regulates bottled water does not require a shelf life be listed but due to degradation of plastic over time, especially in heat we recommend two years for still water and one year for sparkling water.

Does hard cider expire? ›

Hard Cider Has a Shelf Life

Shelf limits can be up to two years, but according to Angry Orchard, one of the most popular cider brands, their cider has a shelf life for up to 12 months. Though alcohol technically does not 'go bad,' the flavor profile of the alcohol will change the longer the alcohol sits there.

Does beer get stronger with age? ›

No. It does not. The only thing that will really increase ABV in your beer is an increase in sugar. But that does not mean you should not age your beer.

Can you drink 50 year old wine? ›

The best wines can be stored for more than 100 years, but most great wines will reach their peak before they turn 50 years old.

Can we drink 10 years old wine? ›

White wine: 1–2 years past the printed expiration date. Red wine: 2–3 years past the printed expiration date. Cooking wine: 3–5 years past the printed expiration date. Fine wine: 10–20 years, stored properly in a wine cellar.

How do you store wine for 20 years? ›

6 Essential Tips on How to Store Wine for Years
  1. Pay Attention to Temperature. ...
  2. Maintain the Right Humidity. ...
  3. Keep the Light Out. ...
  4. Allow Clean Airflow. ...
  5. Turn the Bottle Sideways. ...
  6. Avoid Movement and Vibrations.
Sep 8, 2020

How long does unopened beer last? ›

Leaving unopened beer at room temperature will ensure it's at its best for four to six months on average. After that, the quality will begin to degrade. For refrigerated beers, stored unopened, you have six to eight months of peak taste to take advantage of before the quality begins to slowly decrease.

Can you drink 6 months expired beer? ›

The short answer is that yes, beer expires. But saying the beer expires is a bit misleading, it doesn't actually become unsafe to drink, it just starts to taste unappealing or flat.

Does unopened beer go bad in the fridge? ›

How long does unopened beer last in the fridge? Properly stored, unopened beer will generally stay at best quality for about 6 to 8 months in the refrigerator, although it will usually remain safe to use after that.

How long does bottled beer last? ›

Kept in a dark and cold area, like a fridge, bottled beer will last up to 6 months. Stored warm, bottled beer can spoil in as quickly as 3 months. Keeping beer bottles away from light prevents the development of skunky off-flavors.

What alcoholic beverage has the longest shelf life? ›

10 drinks with long shelf-life
  • Vodka: Indefinite, but it will lose it taste after 10 years.
  • Whiskey/ Bourbon: Indefinite if unopened, 6 – 24 months opened.
  • Rum: Indefinite if unopened, starts to lose flavor when opened.
  • Cognac: Indefinite, but will lose flavor after 10 years.
  • Tequila: Indefinite if unopened.

Does alcohol raise blood pressure? ›

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Having more than three drinks in one sitting temporarily raises blood pressure. Repeated binge drinking can lead to long-term increases in blood pressure.

Can you drink 50 year old whiskey? ›

50-year-old whisky is almost the holy grail in spirits terms. Very few casks of whisky will reach 50 years old and still be drinkable, representing a tiny, tiny fraction of a percent.

Can I drink 20 year old whiskey? ›

20 year old whisky is a fine thing; old enough to have picked up some real complexity and depth, and plentiful enough to be affordable. It's the perfect sweet spot, particularly for independent bottlers who offer a fantastic selection at this age bracket.

Can I drink 10 year old opened whiskey? ›

Drinking a whisky that was opened years ago will not make you unwell. It is down to what your taste preference is more than anything else. If a whisky noticeably no longer tastes as good as it once did, then it's probably time to dispose of the bottle.

What alcohol tastes better with age? ›

Pot distilled spirits, on the other hand, retain more innate funk and character through the distilling process, and generally benefit from some aging—think Scotch, brandy, mezcal. There are exceptions, of course.

What is the world's oldest wine? ›

Found in 1867 in the tomb of Roman soldier, the Speyer wine bottle is believed to be the oldest wine in existence. This wine is on display in the Pfalz Historical Museum in Speyer, Germany, where it attracts attention for its age, appearance and overall uniqueness.

Does Old alcohol get weaker? ›

The shelf life is indefinite. What is this? However, once a bottle of liquor is opened, the oxygen will interact slowly over time so that it may eventually lose its flavor or become weaker as some of the alcohol evaporates. To minimize this effect, keep liquor in the tightest, smallest sized bottle that you have.

Is it OK to drink expired wine? ›

Although a person can drink a small amount of spoiled wine without fearing the consequences, they should avoid drinking large amounts of it. Typically, wine spoilage occurs due to oxidation, meaning that the wine may turn to vinegar. Although it may taste unpleasant, it is unlikely to cause harm.

How long can you drink wine after it expires? ›

White wine: 1–2 years past the printed expiration date. Red wine: 2–3 years past the printed expiration date. Cooking wine: 3–5 years past the printed expiration date. Fine wine: 10–20 years, stored properly in a wine cellar.

Can you drink wine after expiration date? ›

Since a sealed bottle of wine doesn't come in contact with excess oxygen, bacteria, and heat, it has a longer shelf life than an opened bottle of wine. You can consume these wines past their printed expiration date as long as they smell and taste okay.

Can you drink 2 year old opened wine? ›

Yes. Drinking old opened wine is not harmful as no dangerous bacteria are present. Even if the wine appears to have mold, you won't get ill from drinking it (unlike with spoiled food, for example.) However, the flavor and aroma of spoiled wine or corked wine (cork taint) won't be pleasant and can taste weird.

Can old unopened wine make you sick? ›

Can old wine make you sick? No, not really. There's nothing too horrific lurking in poorly aged wine that would have you running to the emergency room. However, the liquid that could come out of that bottle may make you feel sick from the color and smell alone.

Does whiskey expire? ›

Whiskey is meant to be enjoyed over time, but once you open a bottle, the clock starts ticking. Most scientists believe that if your bottle is at least half full, it can last one to two years, but if it's almost empty, with a quarter or less whiskey left, it'll expire in about six months.

How long can unopened wine last unrefrigerated? ›

Bottled red wine will last for two to three years at room temperature and one to three weeks in the refrigerator after opening. Boxed wine will last up to a year unopened and up to thirty days after opening.

How long does whiskey last unopened? ›

An unopened bottle of whiskey will last indefinitely if stored in proper condition. After opening a bottle of whiskey, you have as long as two years or as few as six months or less to drink it before it goes bad.

What can I do with old unopened wine? ›

What to Do with Old Unopened Wine. Disposing old unopened wine down the sink is an excellent idea if you run warm water down the drain while dumping your wine. This will make sure that the wine's acidic properties will be diluted while it is going through your pipes. After the wine is dumped, recycle the bottle!

Should you refrigerate red wine? ›

Just as you store open white wine in the refrigerator, you should refrigerate red wine after opening. Beware that more subtle red wines, like Pinot Noir, can start turning "flat" or taste less fruit-driven after a few days in the refrigerator.

What is the oldest bottle of wine? ›

Oldest Wine in Existence Today: 325-350 AD Speyer Wine Bottle. Found in 1867 in the tomb of Roman soldier, the Speyer wine bottle is believed to be the oldest wine in existence.

What happens if you don't refrigerate wine after opening? ›

Some wines will become more expressive with that initial exposure, but after a while, all wines will fade. Oxygen will eventually cause any fresh fruit flavors to disappear and aromatics to flatten out. Drinking a wine that's faded due to oxidation won't make you sick, it will just taste unpleasant.

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