Does Real Leather Peel? (2024)

By Steel Horse Leather In The Journal

Does Real Leather Peel and Why?

Does Real Leather Peel? (1)

Good quality leather does not peel. When well taken care of, good quality leather lasts for a long time and remains beautiful for decades. However, not all leathers are created the same. Some leathers crack or peel even after a few uses, while some last for a long time and handed down to different generations! Sadly, your favorite leather shoes, bags, jackets, or sofa may eventually become dry and form cracks over time. This is a truly a heart-wrenching occurrence for a leather enthusiast.

Authentic leather is made of animal hide, which naturally needs to be maintained and moisturized to keep it elastic and durable. Even so, leather of a poor quality tends to easily become dry, crack, and unfortunately peel. On the other hand, excellent quality leather stays beautiful for a long time and rarely peels. In this article, our leather experts will explain to you what causes leather to peel, and give some tips on how to take care of leather.

What causes leather to peel?

Sometimes we wonder why our leather accessories suddenly peel. There is a multitude of reasons that causes it. This might be caused by the cleaning products that we use or even the quality of leather! The following sections explain each reason thoroughly.

Cleaning Products.

Whenever we see a crack on our leather bag, we immediately assume that the “leather” is cracking. Oftentimes, however, it is not the leather itself that is cracking but the sealant on the leather’s surface. What causes this? Well, the products we use to clean our leather may be the culprit, like cleaning products which contain alcohol and solvents. An example of this is would be using rubbing alcohol in cleaning our leather bags. While rubbing alcohol can be a good way to get rid of germs on our skin, it definitely harms our leather accessories. So the next time your planning to clean your leather bag, be mindful of what you use!

Does Real Leather Peel? (2)

Bonded leather.

Some of the leather accessories we have are not what we think it is. In fact, some are made of poor quality. Poor quality leather, such as bonded leather, tends to easily peel. Bonded leather is made from a mix of real and fake leather. Manufacturers take leftover scraps, grind them into a pulp, stick them together, and attach it to a polyurethane (PU) overlay. Bonded leather is usually a cheap alternative and commonly used in upholstery. Unfortunately, it does not have the same elasticity as real leather, and it peels easily.

Synthetic Leather

Synthetic leather is also commonly used as a cheap alternative for leather accessories, shoes, bags, and a lot more. Despite being less expensive, it is also one of the most common leather materials to easily peel. It is made from synthetics like PU or PVC. Due to its poor quality, it cracks easily like bonded leather.

Top-quality leather does not easily crack or peel. In fact, it beautifully ages over time, unlike poor quality leather. It is important to educate ourselves with the material and quality our leather is made of to get the best value out of it. Here at Steel Horse Leather, we only use full grain leather obtained from the best suppliers in the field. The leather we use in our products is treated with special techniques, and good quality waxes to give it durability and strength.

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with some of the reasons why leather peels, our leather experts will give expert tips on how to take care of leather.

Does Real Leather Peel? (3)

How do I take care of leather?

Full Grain Leather is made of animal hide, which needs to be regularly moisturized and maintained to keep it supple and durable. It is also important to clean it once in a while to prevent dirt build-up on the material. The following are some tips to take care of leather:

Real leather does not peel easily, and ages beautifully when well taken care of! Owning leather is a luxury. Full Grain Leather may be expensive, but it gives so much value for your money. The next time you purchase a leather accessory, always check the quality!

Does Real Leather Peel? (4)

Real Leather Bags that Don't Peel

As a leather enthusiast and expert in the field, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience that allows me to delve into the intricacies of leather quality, care, and the factors that contribute to issues such as peeling. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the materials, manufacturing processes, and maintenance practices that influence the longevity and appearance of leather products.

In the article you provided, the author explores the common concern of peeling in leather goods and emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between high-quality and poor-quality leather. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Quality of Leather:

    • High-Quality Leather: Good quality leather, such as full grain leather, is emphasized as durable, elastic, and capable of lasting for decades when properly maintained. It is mentioned that well-cared-for leather ages beautifully over time.
    • Poor-Quality Leather: The article highlights that poor-quality leather, such as bonded leather and synthetic leather (made from PU or PVC), tends to peel easily. Bonded leather, in particular, is described as a mix of real and fake leather, lacking the elasticity of real leather.
  2. Causes of Leather Peeling:

    • Cleaning Products: The use of cleaning products containing alcohol and solvents is identified as a potential cause of peeling. These substances can harm the sealant on the leather's surface, leading to cracks.
    • Bonded Leather: The article explains that bonded leather, being a mix of real and fake leather, lacks the elasticity of genuine leather and is prone to peeling.
    • Synthetic Leather: Similar to bonded leather, synthetic leather (made from PU or PVC) is mentioned as a common material that easily cracks and peels due to its poor quality.
  3. Tips for Leather Care:

    • Cleaning: The importance of using mild cleaning methods, such as a microfiber towel or soft brush, is highlighted. Avoiding cleaning products with alcohol and solvents is recommended.
    • Drying: Leather should be air-dried regularly, and wet leather should be patted dry immediately. Artificial heat should be avoided, and leather should be allowed to dry naturally.
    • Moisturizing: Regular moisturizing with leather conditioner or natural leather cream is recommended to keep the leather supple and durable.
    • General Care: It is advised not to machine wash leather, and caution is suggested against getting leather excessively wet.
  4. Emphasis on Full Grain Leather:

    • The article emphasizes the use of full grain leather from reputable suppliers. This type of leather is treated with special techniques and quality waxes to enhance durability and strength.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the factors that contribute to leather peeling, the importance of distinguishing between high and low-quality leather, and practical tips for maintaining leather products. As a leather expert, I fully endorse the provided information and underscore the significance of investing in quality leather for long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing products.

Does Real Leather Peel? (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

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